Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficeannual18061807edin So I b mmfeW»i; I Under the Patronage of EGBERT TROTTER ESQ, OF CASTLELAW, PoJtnuiter-General of Scotland. U POST-OFFICE ':' ANNUAL DIRECTORY. FROM WHITSUNDAY 1806, to WHITSUNDAY iso:; CONTAINING AN LPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT OV THE NOBLEMEN, PRIV^'^TE GENTI FMRm MERCHANTS, 'tRADERS. AND OTHERS, IV THE CITY AND SUBURBS OF <ZBDmburg[) anD Hcytft, WITH THtIR RESIDENCE. EDINBURGH: PMN-TED BY j. sTARK, NETHERBOV. ISOo. r 2 EDINBURGH DIRECTORY. Abe RCROMBIE, David writer, 6, Brouglii;>r» . place Abercrombie, John surgeon, 8, Nicolson* street Abercrombie, Miss of Glassau, 17, George' square Abernethy and Walker, printers, old Bank close Adair, Thomas esq. W. S. 37, St Andrew' souare Adair, Miss 46, south Hanover street Adam, Dr Alexander of the high school, 39, Geo. sq. Adam, Alexander of the General Post-office, Buc- cieuch place Adam, David painrer, Leith wynd Adam, John and James lint manufacturers, Fortsburgh Adam, Jchn tin-smith, south St David' street Adam, Rev. Robert, 16, James' square Adams and C .mpany, wine merchants. Muse lane Adams, Andrew taihir, 2, east Register street Adams, Andrew tailor, St Ann's street Adam?, Mrs midwife, Advocates close A- 4 ADA—AIT Adamson. A. of Mercury office, Wadrop's court Adamson, James writer, 18, north Hanover street Adamson, John writer, i, Thistle street Adamson, Mrs furnished lodgings, 5, e. Richmond st. Addington, Mrs Archibald's land, head of West bow Addison, J. grocer, east Richmond street Addison, Thomas esq. 3, south St David' street Addison, Miss 9, Charles' street Adie, Alex, optician,—house 11, Lothian street Adie, Campbell esq. W. S, 4, James' street Adie, Matthew fishhook maker, near College wynd, Cowpate Admiralty office, Parliament close Affleck, Geo. musician, Lady Lawson' wynd Affleck, Mrs furnished lodgings, Blair's cl. Castle-hi!i Agnew, Lady 10, Buccleuch place Aikman, A. shoemaker, head of Lawnmarket Aikman, Andrew esq. i, Buccleuch street Aikman, George merchant, Luckenbooths Aikman, John preacher, 4, Society Aikoian, M. wigmaker, head of Lawnmarket Aikman, Thomas tailor, low Calton Aikma.-i, Mrs 6, Charles' street Ainsiie, A. and company, saddlers, 3, Princes street Ainslie, Alex. esq. merchant, 14, Nicolson' street Ainsiie, Captain Juhn Baxter's buildings Ainsiie, John surveyor, 28, Nicolson' street Ainsiie, Robert esq. ,W. S. 9, north Castle street Ainshe, Thomas esq. 53, George' street, south side Ainsiie, Mrs bookseller, 42, south Hanover street Ainsiie, Mrs grocer, Calton Aird, James shoemaker, 3, south Richmond street Aird, John boot and shoemaker to the Prince ol V7a!es, 88, South bridge Aitchifon, Alexander middle of West bow Aitchison, David shocniaker, Leith wynd . AIT- -ALE 5 Aitchison, John builder, CahonhiU Aitchison, John baktr, east Register street Aitchison, Thomas Fleshmarket clo?e Aitchison, Wiiiram jeweller, 91, South bridge-^houstf- Lawnmarket Aitchison, E. and M. milliners, Fleshniaiket close Aitken and Company, dress-makers, 20, North bridge Aitken, Alexander measurer, St. Mary wynd Aitken, Alexander teacher. Bull's close, Canongate Aitken, William chandler, ig, North bridge Aitken, Daniel caiver, and gilder, mid entry to James' court, Lawnmarket Aitken, James Glasgow carrier, Grassmarket Aitken, James g?ocer, foot of Canongate Aitken, James east end Corn-maiket Aitken, John Water of Leith Aitken, John tailor, head of St Mary wynd Aitken, Robert painter, Jack's close, Canongate Aitken, R. and W. curriers, middle of Pleasance Aitken, William tailor, head of Canongate Aitken, William smith and farrier, Pleasance Aitken, Mrs furnished lodgings, 23, Nicolson' street Aitken, Mrs ditto, Bailie Fyfe's close Aitktn, Mrs stone-ware house, Grassmarket Aitken, Miss milliner. Trotter's cloi.e, Bow-head ' Aitkenhead, Robert cap-maker, Fountain well Alexander, David shoemakei, back of Weigh-house Alexander, David painter, east Lochetid's close, Ca- nongate Alexander, Forrest merchant, Pleasance Alexander, David writer, jiotth RichnKind street- Alexander, James spirit dealer, opposite Linen hall, Canongate Alexander, John extractor, Fountain biidge A 3 6 ALE -ALL Alexander, Robert grocer, Crosscauseway Alexander, Thomas druggist, Grassmarker, south side Alexander, William writer, Aitken's land, foot ot Cowgate Alexander, Wm. innkeeper and stabler, St Mary wynd Alexander, Mrs furnished lodgings, 33, Nicolson' St. Alexander, Mrs di to, 2, Bristo street Alexander, Mrs ditto, 18, Rose street Alexander, Miss south ChaTlotte street Alison, Robeit bookbinder' Parliament dose Alison, Mrs New street, Canongate . Allan, Alex, instrument maker. Baron Grant's close Allan, Alexander and Company, bankers and mer- chants, High street Allan, Alexander esq.— house Hjll-side Allan, David silk mercer, 78, South bridge Allan, David plumber, 33, Nicolson' street Allan, Francis sen. cabinet-maker and upholsterer, 23, South bridge,—house above Allan, F. jun. cabinet-maker and upholsterer, Green- side place Allan, Geo. broker, foot of the Cowgate Allan, George teacher of music, head of Leith wynd Allan, Henry Hesher,—house, Fleshmarket close Allan, James and Company, merchftotS} bead of Lib- berton's wynd Allan, Janaes grocer, 26, mid Rose street Allan, James innkeeper, 6, Drummond street AlUn, John turner. Potter-row Allan, John spirit-dealer, head of Reid's cl. Canongate Allan, Robeit and Son, bankers. Royal Exchange Allan, Robert printer oi the Caledonian Mercury,— office, old Fishmarket close —house 29, Q^ueea' street Allan, Robert fisrnisfaed lodgings, j, James's square — ALL—AND 7 Allan, Thomas esq. banker Exchange,— house, west side Chailo:te sqnaie Allan, William haberdasher, 7, South bridge,—house Hope siieet Allan, Mrs furnished lodgings, 5', Horse wynd Allan, Mrs ditto, 20, Charles' street Allan, Mrs Scott's close, Cowgate Allan, Mrs David Dickson's close Alester, Wm. writer, 2, south Castle street Alison, James shoemaker, west Rose street Alston Major, 6, Dublin street Alston, Miss 6, Charles* stieet Alves, Mrs 55, Princes street Alwood, Miss boarding school, 23, York place Amos and Jamieson, porter-dealers, Niddry street, house ab)ve Anderson and Livingstone, haberdashers, 105, South bridge Anderson and Grant, ironmongers. Exchange Anderson, Adam tin-plate worker, 51, South bridge, —house Hay street Anderson, Alexander dealer in paintings, old Assem- bly close Anderson, Alexander depute secretary to the forces, ^6, Princes street Anderson, Archibald es*j. 4, Buccleuch place Anderson, Charles merchant,— house west end Mer- chant street Anderson, Charles writer, 13, Terrace Anderson, David of the Customs, i, Buccleuch place Anderson, David furnished lodgings, ditto Anderson, David spirit dealer, foot of Bell's wynd Anderson, David tailar, 3, St Aon street Ancers«n, Dirid g'uccr, Bowhead Aoderson, David upholsterer, Libbeiton's wynd — 8 AND—AND Anderson, George haberdasher, 28, South bridge, house south Gray's close Anderson, Henry spirit dealer, Bristo street Anderson, James surgeon, Milne' square Anderson, James justiciary clerk, —house Geddes* cir Anderson, James grocer, west Rose street Anderson, James cabinet maker, ditto Anderson, James grocer, 35, nortii Hanover street- Anderson, James stationer, 2 North bridge Anderson, James esq. 11, west Richmond street Anderson, James spirit dealer, Buccieuch street Anderson, James brewer. Borough loch Anderson, James of the Excise, GifFord park Anderson, James spirit-dealer, Brown's square Anderson, James manufacturer, Bristo rtreet Anderson, James lint dresser, Niddry street Anderson, James tailor, Bishop' close, High street Anderson, John cabinet-maker and dealer in furniture, foot of Stevenlaw's close Anderson, John excise-officer, Stockbridge Anderson, John merchant, 11, Lothian street Anderson, John wigmaker, Canongate head Anderson, John furnished lodgings, 6, north Rich- mond street Anderson, John esq. W. S. 28. George' street Anderson, J"hn messenger, Advocates close Anderson, John merchant, British linen bank close, Netherbow iin furnished lodgings, high Anderson, J' 16, Terrace Anderson, John furnished lodgings, 20, Castle street Anderson, John bookseller, Royal Exchange Anderson, Nathan spirit and porter-dealer, j 6, George' V street Anderson, Peter esq. W. S. 71, Prince street Anderson; P».sv. P».&bt;rt Brown' square AND—AND Anderson, Dr. Robert Heriot's bridge, Gra^smarket Anderson, Robert esq. 4, Buccleucli place Anderson, Robert writer, 46, mid Rose street Anderson, Robert stabler, mid Rose street Anderson, Robert and company, merchants, 30, St Andrew' square Anderson, Robert ironmonger. West-bow and Adam' square,— house Merchant street Anderson, Samuel esq. banker, 45, Geo. st. s. side Anderson, Thomas spirit-dealer, Castle-hill Anderson, William writer. Car rubber's close Anderson, William cabinetmaker, foot Leith wynd Anderson, William mason, 4, Charles' street Anderson, William j^rocer, Canal street Anderson, William writer, i, James' place Anderson, William flesher, Canal street Anderson, William grocer, 7, north Richmond street Anderson, Mrs furnished lodgings, 20, Thistle street Anderson, Mrs 5, Merchant street Anderson, Mrs Galloway' entry, foot of Canongate Anderson, Mrs furnished lodgings, ist stair above Bro- die's close, Lawnmarket Anderson, Mrs calendering and glazing, 12, Charles* street Anderson, Mrs midwife, Dr Hamilton's ward. Park place Anderson, Mrs 12, south Frederick street Arderscn, Mrs we't entry James' court Anderson, Mrs Donaldson's
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