·' _.........,.. ,_~ _..._ -- .. ~~J -,... • --- ,·r- - - -· ---- __ ____ If I : . ·:RO,ULATION CE.NSUS OF PAKISTAN 1961 -:VILLAGE STATISTICS ··:oHITR I ..... STATE . ' ·'· 1 ' ' r • ' . ') 1 . I • OFFICE OF THE CENSUS COMMISSIONER ·MINISTRY OF HOME AND KASHMIR AFFAIRS HOM~ AFFAIRS DIVISION KARACH(. I • ' ., ~ • I 'l. I . ...z.: .. - ·- - ·-- .............. - •• ' INTRODUCTION The village is th e basic unit of revenue the ent ire tribes, so that the danger administration and the need for basic statistics or inflation of the strength of a for village is quite obvious as all planning particular tribe was eliminated. depends on such statistics. They are a lso Si nce estima ted population was coll ected indispensable for carrying out sample surveys tribe-wise a nd not vi llage-wise it has been over limited areas and form the basis of con­ shown in the main summary table only. tinuous collection of statistics on different aspects of rural fife and economy. Th-:: The plan of presenta tion for each village was taken as the basic unit of enumera­ vi llage is the serial number, its name in tion if its population was 600 ·or it was a English and Urd u, total population by males continuous coll ection of about 150 houses on and females and its tribe-wise population. an average. Where the village approximatd Local details regarding Colleges, Schools, to this size, it ·was constituted into a Block. Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Railway- Sta­ A la rge number of villages had to be split up cions, Police Stations, Rest Houses, Union into a number of Blocks, but the boundaries Counci l Offices, H ospitals, Dispensaries, Elec­ of Census Block did not go beyond the limits tricity. Tube-wells, Historical Monuments of a revenue estate. and L::vy Posts, etc. have been indicated by The Village Statistics for Agencies/St:t!es appropriat:: .>ymbols against c3ch village. give a statistical analysis of the tribes and this A list of these symbols is appended. will be for the population enumerated on the These details have been obtained from the Tribal Individual Schedule only as the popu­ Political Agent concerned. The data 'has lation enumerated on Standard and Family been presented by tehsils within each Agency/ Schedule will not give the tribes. The Vill age State. statistics contained in this Parr have been The tribal village statistics were compiled compiled from block-wise figures conrnined in' th ~ H and Sorting Centre, Peshawar under in the summaries prepared by the Census the supervision of Mr. A. U. Saleem, Assis­ Supervisors and Charge Superintendents. tant Director of Census, lnchargc Hand In so me parts of the Triba l Areas census Sorting Centre, Peshawar. After compila­ schedule could not be used a nd the popula­ tion the li st w.ts sent to the Provi ncial Direc­ tion of the various tribes residing there was torate of Cens us as the Hand Sorting Centre estimated by the respecti ve Political Agents. was wound up. The list was then sent to the The following points were kept in view while Political Agent concerned for verification and a rriving at these estimates:- completi on of local details. After the veri­ (a) The estimated population of each fication th~s :: statistics were further checked, major tribe was divided into main adjusted and co nsolidated, before thei r pub­ section and sub-section with sex­ lication, in my office. wise break up. A summary giving the tehsil-wise total (/>) The estimates of population were population and distribution of tribes of each checked in a Jirga of the Elders of Agency/State has been given in th:: begi nning. MUHAMMAD SHARfF SHEIKH. T.K .. P.C.S. (Reid. ), Deputy Director of Census, Wesr Pakistan, Lahore. JJI- 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE The symbols to denote local details are:- (1) College or University J--;y.:3 J ~ ld c::l 5" (2) Prim ary School J_,S::.. <SJ~'.;! J_,S:. J1~ (3) Middle School J.,S::'~ J l.:. (4) High School ~i l>-_ns ( 5) Post Office (6) Telegraph Office fi( }!' (7) Dispensary <S.r~~ (8) Hospital JI~ (9) Oak/ Inspection Bungalow or Circuit House ~~ 1... S"U @4 ( 10) Union Council or Committee ~ ... ) 4 J-i_,) 0::i.J~ 11,,.. ( 11) Po lice out-post or Thana ~ i 4J 4 S~ i.r:lJ~ u b-:J ( 12) Railway Station 0.;:..:! ... \ L..J.l:!; ( 13) Historical Monuments or site ~.>.1 ) .lT ?~ J~ ' ( 14) Tube Well ....,....,,: d ./ ( IS) Electricity J~! L. P. ( 16) Levy Post ..!.. -y!, <S _,,) CHITRAL STATE III-1 2 VILLAGE STATISTICS- CHITRAL STATE Summary Table by Tehsi ls and Tribes Name of Tribe Tehsil Bashgali - - ---------------------K_o_h_ _ __,\_ Badakhshi Chitral State 96,118 945 889 2 2 Total Enumerat ed 96, 118 945 889 3 Chitral 18.513 27 111 3 4 4 Mulkoh 24,788 5 Turkoh 11 ,809 5 6 Mastuj 21 ,541 10 6 7 Lat koh 12.975 7 8 D rosh 6.492 908 778 8 9 Total Estimated 9 11l-J 3 VILLAGE STATISTICS - CHITRAL ST-ATE Summary Table by Tehsils and Tribes Name of Tribe Total Population Gu jar Ka lash Pathan Others Tribes not -- recorded 2,910 i,258 2,802 . 6,9l2 213 1, 13,057 2 2,910 2,258 2,802 6,922 21 3 1,13,057 2 3 522 1.498 1,588 393 213 22.865 3 4 24.788 4 5 11 .809 5 6 38 27 21,616 6 7 3 39 13.0i 7 7 8 2,388 722 1.2 11 6.463 18.962 8 9 9 111-1 4 VILLAGE STATISTICS - CHITRAL TEHSIL Population 1961 ci z Name of the village and .,. local details -- -1 'i:., .1 -Both------ Sexes 1 Male Female V> - ---- ----- - -- - ---- ---. - - - --- 11,276 L:...C: II~ 22,865 * 11,589 Chit ral Te hsil _,J•• ~ .J •.• 447 437 Chamarkan /. ,§--r~ 884 397 306 2 2 Golian ~J_,( 703 I ,195 590 605 3 3 Zameen j"-.. ... J~ ':Y l y-S 587 305 282 4 4 Kajobala /. 1 538 238 300 s s Dhonbroz JJ.,! Li_,.«>.) 2,045 974 1,071 6 6 A wen Lly.!1 322 176 146 7 7 Mauloodah • .) _,J _,.. 1.493 750 743 8 8 Joghor .I. ))iY:· 566 278 288 9 9 Barozgol J./ JJ.;! 1.593 796 797 10 10 Bambrect ..:...d.J-:-... ~ 215 201 II I I Hone •::: =t Lly" 416 ,n 12 . H arde L_.)v' 448 227 221 12 ft ; ~'· 13 Lis ht .!,..:~j 248 129 119 13 Burn us -:D .... 175 93 82 14 14 /.. 'LJ- !fl .r. IS Li greet Cl_,-S::::-1 370 184 186 IS Alooch 62 32· 30 16 16 '-JJI..:_ 17 Sankor Ba roz jj_;. )~ 169 89 80 17 18 18 Achant Bala Hisar )t...=. 'Y ~ ~~i 16 7 9 120 19 19 Bazar )j\! 338 218 SI I 20 20 Mangola .u )(:,,. 1,033 522 188 21 21 Moola Nad i 1.5..1i 'Y_,.. 358 170 22 Kajo Pain LJ'i4 y-S 225 123 102 22 127 114 23 23 Baluch /,. ~ 241 125 24 24 Mori Lit .!...! i.SJJ-- 244 119 25 Danka Sakanda • ..1iS::... t5:J5 158 n 81 25 26 26 Barooz ).JJ-! 625 31 5 3 10 100 27 27 Zargran Deh o.) ul./J) 182 82 28 Hoon Lly> 36 19 17 28 *Includes 213 persons who were recorded on s:andard individual schedules. 1ll-l5 VILLAGE. STATISTICS - CHITR~ L TEHSIL Name of Tribe - - ------ Koh Badakhshi - ---- Ba~h gali Gu jar Kalash Pathan Others --- -- 18,513 27 Ill 522 1,498 1,588 859 393 15 2 450 253 3 1,0i9 2 16 100 4 537 3 50 5 538 4 6 1,294 5 11 1 116 122 10 7 317 392 6 5 8 1,454 7 39 9 566 8 10 1.010 9 580 II 3 10 370 27 18 12 448 II 13 248 12 14 175 13 15 368 14 2 16 28 15 34 17 169 16 18 15 17 18 19 320 18 20 993 19 21 40 20 358 22 225 21 23 241 22 24 244 23 25 158 24 26 625 25 27 170 26 9 28 36 3 27 28 ----- ------- 1 111-16 VILLAGE STATISTICS - CHITRAL TEHSIL-Conca. Population 1961 ci z Name of the village and local details .. Both Sexes Male Female ·;:.. V1 ------ - -- - - --- - - - -- - ---- ·- 17 13 4 29 29 Nasoor JJ-=i 87 30 ;:.l) 187 100 30 Ragh ._ 128 132 31 ....J U L....,)v' 260 31 Marday Pain ~- , 172 110 62 32 32 Naughour /. ~ )J~jj 399 214 185 33 33 Ka.-i /. s ) > 34 630 320 310 34 Maroor Ghuch J:.'- ).JV"' 35 814 422 392 35 Bar· ba r .r.'f. 36 90!> 429 477 36 Kaghazi /.. ·,'),:!> ~ t>~'-C' HO 146 194 37 37 Haran Kot .!.. _,) 0i_r.:> 38 JI ··,. ''609 296 313 38 Chit.-al ../' ... 39 .. J 199 110 89 39 Pis ti u-., 40 500 246 254 40 Hoor Kushanda • ..ut..::.) ))''• 41 596 ·321 275 41 Tarang Bazar )j4 ~'i} 295 42 ,n. • ..UL:.>.).) 599 304 42 Darnkhnanda ;~ ..,.. 666 347 319 43 43 Ra mpur Jk'IJ 211 108 103 44 44 Shiakhootak ~'-i_,;.. 1 ~ 490 276 2 14 45 45 Seen t ~ *Include 213 persons ( 140 males and 73 females) who are recorded on Standard Individual Schedule and for which name of tribe was not recorded. c: ,,; 111-1 7 VILLAGE STATISTICS - CHITRAL TEHSIL-Contd. Nam? of Tribe - --- ---· - Koh Badakhshi Bashgali G u jar Kalas h Pa than i Others _I- 29 17 29 30 72 115 30 31 248 12 31 32 166 6 32 33 399 33 34 630 34 3S 299 Sl5 35 36 898 8 36 37 77 263 37 38 271 2 123 38 39 187 12 39 40 500 40 41 SSS 3 38 41 42 283 316 42 43 263 73 281 49 43 44 211 44 45 -4 90 -IS 111-1 8 VILLAGE STATISTICS - MU.LKOH TEHSIL ~~-...~~~~~.,....~~~~~~...,........,...~~~~~~~~""'."'":---~~~~~-:--~f~N:a-m~e ::r--- 0 ___Populatio _n 19_6_1 __ ·- __T_ r_ib_e_ z Name of the village and _ __ local details Both Sexes Male Female \ Koh 12,442 24,788 Mulko h Tehsif J~,.': y;.L, 24,788 12,346 # /~- .
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