1 FOR . THE BEST Urrhuirian * Weekly by the swam of North Carolina State Vol. 8, No. 32 STATE COLLEGE STATIONgl-BALEIGH, N. C., MAY 26, 1928 Single Copy, 10c I i ’ I ALBRIGHT TAKES EIGNS OF OFFICE i l N Deakmen Win Baseball itle by Defeating Carolina 4-2 I MANGUM LEADS CLASS ' Public Installation New lllE KEY NAI|0NAl.Gridiron and Diamond We wish to apologize to Mr. Z. B. Mangum, valedictori’an'of Officers Closes Seventh this year's graduating class. 7 0N0ll fRAlfllNlll Athletic Championships ' ,. whose picture was to occupy this space had not the engraver laid down on us. Yea_r_§tudent Government Mr. Mangum is graduating SlABlISJES HERE At Feet of. StateBillege with an average grade of 90.66 1 per cent on his studies. He Major Early Made Hon- will receive his degree for his 1 irst Chapter To Be [Carolina Defeated 2 to 4 [Alpha Phi Gamma, work in the textile school of Aged Watchman of orary Member Stu- State College, which he has at— ‘ Awarded in State of By Local Baseball tended for four years. Man- dent Body ’ Honor ioumalism, gum is a native of Birmingham, ”admits—”.4‘ North Carolina College Refuses to f Squad Alabama—Ed. Now [fled llere ns. BROOKS GIVES MOTTO: E INSTALLED BY MEN Be Pal_s_l_Vith Bull jGAME HOT CONTEST 0F “KEEP OUR CITY PURE” Since the installation Tuesday FROM CHAPTER AT U.S.C. Darkness. a rough ditch bank, the l RIVAL TEAM TWIRLERS night in the library of the North LEISURE CLASS NEEDS glare of a flashlight, a wire fence, a Carolina Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi ,jDuke's Defeat of the Other Student Officials Enter Gamma. national honorary journalis- 'milar in Purpose to Rotary charging bull, and George W. Banks. University Office — Incoming President tic fraternity, State College has the~ ONCE MET 1N SCHOOLS Clubs Recognizes Scholar- 70-odd-year-old night watchman at Clinches Position of State Col- distinction of having the oni’y chap- State College, all combined close lege Team Asoka for Close Coiiperation ter in this section of the country of ship, Leadership, Character, around midnight Wednesday to give -—»7Visitors Take With Those in Charge. the only organization of that nature SAYS my BROWNE and Other Assets of Students. the individual most concerned the Lead in Third — Woodworth that admits both men and women most exciting timc he probably ever Takes Charge of Hitting. V. Exhorting all the student body interested in journalism who are The curricula in most of our schools iBlue Key honor fraternity, recog- had in his life. American citizens. The nearest pre- were planned to meet the needs of zing outstanding qualities in char- “After all the time I've lived. I of State College to do their best viously established chapter is located aristocracy, the leisure class, accord- u-r, scholarship, student activities. don‘t want to die by a beast." Mr. A second championship in ath- to aid the officers, since the duty in Ohio. ' ing to Professor T. E. Browne, speak- 1 Idel'SlllD, and service, has granted Banks told 'l‘. T. Wellons, superin- letics this year was brought of all is of equal importance, Alpha Phi Gamma was founded at ing on “The Story of Vocational Ed- t State College a charter for the tendent of buildings, Thursday morn- home to State College Monday, W. P. Albright, agriculture, Ada, Ohio, in 1921, for the purpose ucation" last Friday night at the st chapter in North Carolina, to be ing when he Rurned in his records. when a 4-to-2 victory over the Greensboro, publicly took the of general betterment and advance- final Phi Kappa Phi lecture in the installed tonight at a formal banquet And then Mr. Wellons heard the story University Of North Carolina steering wheel from C. S. Tucker, ment in the field of journalism, and Y. M. C. A. This lecture was origi- ali the Meremont Tea Shoppe. of the happenings during the night, clinched for the local team top Amherst, Va., retiring president, its associate endeavors, and has here- nally scheduled for some time ago, 'lThc local Order of the Red and something in the watchman‘s manner place on the diamond schedule, in bringing to a close last Wed- tofore been confined mainly to the but on account of the Easter holidays . formed for the purpose in having told him at once of unusual as well as central section of the country. it was postponed. the gridiron honors nesday the seventh year of stu- A policy of'expansion selected State eral that is upheld by the national happenings since sunset. which the Wolfpack carried off dent government rule at this in- College as the beginning point and “After a period when men were ‘Iiety, and expecting to bring the The large bull that happens to be' last fall.‘ Although the defeat stitution. a jump from the Great Lakes to the trained for professions we then lie Key to this institution, will be a subject for agricultural students on Carolina suffered at the hands of It had been planned to have the Atlantic coast was made to establish passed into a period when organized a orbed by the larger organization. the campus decided Wednesday night- Duke University last week put exercises in Pullen Hall of a most education of the advanced stage was Witty-three active and about twelve that he was tired of being cooped up, the State formal, impressive nature, but it was in this section of the country a chap- designed for the gentlemen of the chapters in final stages of installa- and, as becoming to a gentleman in College team on top, found advisable to wait until next ter of the organization. day who did not have to work for a tion make up the body of Blue Key. his station of life. refused longer to this victory proved without a Eligibility requirements for the living," said Professor Browne. It was founded at the University of stay within his confines on Ag Hill. doubt that it was the supreme spring to establish a ritual of public fraternity are those of scholarship, team of the big five. installation of the student govern- a reasonable amount of work and en- “The industrial revolution with its Florida, at Gainesville, by Major Bert While Mr. Banks was punching his ment officers and council and house deavor in journalistic lines, citizen- tremendous influx of mechanical de- C. Riley, October, 1924, and in Feb- clock in the agricultural barns, the The game was a pitchers‘ battle members. ship of the United States. and general vices developed a demand for skilled ruary of the next year became an or- Bull Durham advertisement model from beginning to end, with Larry A. B. Holden, business administra- good standing. Sophomores, juniors, workers. Men and women began to ganization of nation-wide scope. was sporting about the lower end of Allgood the victor. Although West- tion, Wilmington, vice-president; H. and seniors of class rank in college think in terms of education for the The order was founded to attain the pasture where the horses seemed moreland struck out thirteen men, G. Love, science and business, Bur- are open to admission into the order worker, commissions were appointed through organized effort among stu- to be considerably annoyed at the he allowed nine hits, while Allgo'od lington, treasurer, and J. B. Chopiin, upon fulfillment of the requirements. to study the conditions of workers dent leaders in American colleges and presence of one of another race and' allowed only five. Both men were in agriculture, Winston-Salem, secre- Activities may be in any branch of with reference to their eifectiveness universities perpetuation and inten- kind. fine' form. tary, other ofiicers for next year, oc- either the editorial or the business on the job and the conditions under siflcatibn of the belief in God; spread The bull. on the other hand, de- Carolina TakesLead cupiedseats on the rostrum where side of newspaper work or of maga- which they labored. Legislators in of American ideals through the sired the company of the equine ani- It looked like Carolina's game until Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of the col- zine or yearbook activities. Washington began to consider the world; codperation with the faculty mals so much that he pursued one of State came across in the fourth with lege; E. L. Cloyd, dean of students, The key of the organization is sim- educational needs of workers. As for the study of student problems; their number for several minutes in two runs to tie the score. Another in and the. retiring president, C. S. Tuck- ilar in size and shape to a Phi Beta the result of the report ‘of the fa- and proper recognition of all-round order to get better acquainted with the fifth and one in the seventh put er, and vice-president, Fred C. Davis, Kappa insignia, but has the Greek mous Country Life Commission seVo men and students with the outstand- him. The visitor fairly took the State in the lead. The Carolina bat- of this year's student organization, letters Alpha, Phi, and Gamma placed eral bills were introduced into Con- ing qualities already named. horse's breath away by his speedy ters were unable to hit in the pinches also set. gress providing federal aid for the In organization and purpose B1118 advances until the former sought and in the center of the face and running education of rural people," comment- Key is similar to the Rotary clubs, company in the other end of the field.
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