Volume 71, Number 16 WEATHER REDUX: Realize dropping odds in pre- Friday, cip prob. Down from 40% in the morn to 20 in the eve. C.f. - September 19,1975 cloudiness, cp. cit. Duke University The Chronicle Durham, North Carolina FBI apprehends Hearst in San Francisco house By Wallace Turner The Harrises and Hearst were taken before the U.S. IQ 1975 NYT News Strvirr. magistrate here Thursday afternoon. Hearst was charged SAN FRANCISCO — Patricia Hearst, the wealthy kid­ with bank robbery. Bail was set at $500,000 in cash or napping victim who turned self-proclaimed revolu­ corporate surety, and her hearing was continued until 3 tionary and was accused of being a bank robber, was cap­ p.m. Friday. tured here Thursday afternoon by the Federal Bureau of The Harrises were charged on two counts of possession Investigation. of illegal firearms and possession of automatic weapons. The 19-month drama of the 21-year-old granddaughter Their hearings were continued to 2 p.m. Friday. Bail was of the legendary newspaper owner William Randolph set at $500,000 each. Hearst, involved holdups, a reported kidnapping and the Yoshimura was remanded to the custody of the deaths of six of her alleged associates in a Los Angeles Alameda County authorities. She was taken to Oakland, gun battle and fire. But it ended quietly Thursday when where she faces charges on an indictment brought three she told FBI agents, "Don't shoot. I'll go with you." years ago. It is based on an arms cache found in a garage Seized with Hearst in the lower-middle-class Mission that she rented. district was Wendy Yoshimura, 32, who had apparently Kidnapping Case joined Hearst after she had gone into hiding. The arrests climaxed a bizarre criminal case that began An hour earlier, FBI agents arrested William and Emily on the night of Feb. 4, 1974, when Hearst, a newspaper Harris, members of the self-styled Symbionese Liberation heiress, was dragged screaming from her apartment in Army that kidnapped Hearst and apparently converted Tanya (Patricia Hearst) in a famous AprU, 1974 Berkeley where she lived with her lover Stephen Weed her to ifs beliefs. photograph. (UPI photo) while both attended the University of California. As the weeks passed, she made tape recordings for her captors in which she gradually shifted from kidnap vic­ More Duke Forest homesites tim to member of the SLA, and finally allegedly took part on April 15,1974, in a bank robbery here. From that time, the FBI had sought her as a fugitive. Charles Bates, the agent in charge of the FBI here, an­ may be built by West campus nounced the arrests at a news conference Thursday after­ noon. He said that William and Emily Harris were arrest­ By Edward Fudman tional eleven lots for faculty ministration sometime this proposed by-law would ed at 1:15 p.m. PDT on the street near a house that had The development of more homesites could be availa­ fall. The announcement of make official the tacit re­ been under surveillance for "several days." The implica­ faculty homesites in the ble within six to eight possible new homesites cognition of the student tions in Bates's statements were that some sort of tip had Duke Forest is under active months. evoked no response from body's right to organize and caused the FBI to watch that neighborhood. consideration by the ad­ The area being con­ the Academic Council to make recommendations No struggle ministration, according to sidered for development is members. to the University president. Richard Palmer, chairman west of Highway 751 op­ No opposition Although there was no At about 2:25 p.m., Bates said, "when continuing that of the Academic Council's posite Wrightwood Ave., The Council later passed strong opposition to the by­ investigation in that general area, we became aware of Homesites Committee. about one-fourth mile south a motion saying that it had law among council mem­ Patty Hearst and Wendy Yoshimura." They were inside a Palmer, an associate pro­ of Duke University Rd. "no substantive opposition" bers, questions arose as to house nearby, and were taken without resistance. fessor of chemistry, said at Palmer emphasized that to the proposed student by­ the use of the singular noun Yoshimura, who is 32, was born in a United States con­ yesterday's meeting of the the plan was tentative, and law, which will be present­ "government" in the by-law centration camp for Japanese-Americans. She had been Academic Council that if said he expected a final de­ ed to the Board of Trustees and whether it could (Continued on page 6) plans proceed, an addi­ cision to be made by the ad­ at their next meeting. The possibly be interpretated as necessitating only one stu­ dent government for both Money earmarked for freelances undergraduates and graduate students. A similar dispute arose in Inside Today's the Undergraduate Faculty Chronicle Latent Image gets gift Council's discussion of the by-law last week. The By Marcia Retchin thousand such applications were made," University counsel has pre­ Black Studies series windup (p. 3) states Diaz. "We received the full $2,000 Latent Image, Duke University's annual viously said that this word­ Tar Heel funding feud fbllowup (p. 4) that we requested." photography magazine, has been awarded ing does allow multiple The latest of The Dead glorified (p. 7) a $2,000 grant by the Arts Councils of The 1976 edition of Latent Image is governments. Special football season section (pgs. 12-16) North Carolina. According to Ana Diaz, tenatively scheduled for March distribu­ Waiting list editor of this year's edition, the money is tion. It will include "the best photography There are currently 25 solely for the purpose of bringing outside Duke has to offer," says Diaz. Advisor and people on the waiting list photographers' works into the book. Production Manager of the Duke Press, for the faculty homesites. "We want to broaden the scope of the John Menapace, along with several assis­ (Continued on page 4) book as it now stands," comments Diaz, a tants, will determine which works qualify junior in the School of Engineering, whose for publication. Diaz mentions that interests include not only photography, anybody associated with the Duke com­ but also bio-mechanics. "This grant will munity is free to submit portfolios con­ enable us to show Duke photographers' taining a minimum of four prints. works outside of the campus and other "Outside work is being solicited through North Carolina photographers' works in­ arts councils and photographic societies side the campus." in the state," she adds. Need grant Initial proposal Diaz, associate editor of the 1975 book, The idea for a photography publication applied for Ihe grant last spring when she at Duke was conceived in 1969 when the realized that the Latent Image would need Archive devoted an issue to this art. The more money than that provided by the 1970 Archive included 30 pages of photo­ Publications Board, if it was lo include graphy, but pictures were poorly outside work. The Publications Hoard's reproduced. A proposal was made for a policy is to finance only work dont1 by Ihe separate publication Io increase ihe pro- Duke community. rainence of photography at Duke. Latent Diaz first submitted a request to the Image became a reality in 1971. receiving - A if-!?/ <. Durham Arts Council, who then relayed it notice in the Village Voice and the Chancellor John Blackburn explains to the Academic Council how the new to the North Carolina Arts Councils. "One- (Continued on page 41 hospital is being financed. (Photo by Janet Wolf) Page Two The Chronicle Friday, September 19, 1975 SPECTRUM« evening 5:30 on terraced field behind IM MEMBERS: There will be a short meeting Mnrv Ouke Biddle Bu •171 Sands I :ding(MSlB|. 1 deadline will soon be upon you. Bring TODAY building. on Sunday. Sepl. 21 al 9 p.m. in 231 DUKE LAW FORUM presei Duke Uni ilogy Department your poetry, prose, and artwork to 307 Social Science. II is essential that you be Fri. night at 6 in 136 Soc. Sci. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Tim i Gellhom. chief counsel lo the Rockrfeller presents Dr. Slevan Arnold. Departmen! Union Tower, send It by campus mail, or INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN Believe Series. Dr. Bruce Payne. The Commission on the CIA at 3:1(1 p.m., in of Zoology. The University of Chicago. mail it to 4865 D.S. FELLOWSHIP wilt have an excellent Instiiute of Policy Sciences. 7:30 p.m. The NORTH CAROLINA LACROSSE CLUB: the Moot Courtroom ol lhe Law School. 4:15 p.m. Room 111, Biological Sciences. DART PLAYERS — Triangle Dart slide presentation by a leam from Raleigh Baptist Student Cenler. Alexander Ave. If you are interested in playing lacrosse All interested persons are weicome. The Evolution of Feeding Ecology in League alarting 2nd season. who worked with leprosy patients in (or a first rale club during the fell snd Western Garter Snakes" Hey! The D.U.U. Drama Commiltee is Organizational meeting Oct. 2 8 p.m. — Bolivia this summer. Everyone is spring, cell Dave Miller al 504-3214. Our, Community 11 will meet for an informal having a lillle party al 6:30 p.m. in Ml The Cave — 4MV, W. Franklin. Chapel next practice is al 12 noon on Sepl. 21 on GENERAL supper and discussion of lhe ELEMENTS Hill. Call Bruce Gebhardl at 1006 or Bob IheAstrolurialUNC COMMUNITY II will meel lor an OF WORSHIP. All new members may even bring Ricardo!! Naw at 2015 form informal supper and discussion ol the welcome — come to the Episcopal Center.
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