EASTMAN S O N ' 3Sfe - I (Dyei'u Uii.I Cleaners) Ltd

EASTMAN S O N ' 3Sfe - I (Dyei'u Uii.I Cleaners) Ltd

. I ?]"> ;.v: ' "J -\ IH e; ’ By Annointment to HIS M.^JERTY THK KING. HHJR MA,TESTY THM QUEEN. ’ i ’ IS-P'AY, HBU MAJESTY QUEEN ALEXANDRA. EASTMAN S O N ' 3Sfe - I (Dyei'u uii.i Cleaners) Ltd. I The LoneJon Dyers & Cleanetjs. B I 1 MEN'S OVERCOATS i CLEANED AND’: PROPERLY PRESSED. : AE©EST i CijidU L A.'I'ION L A B C r E S ' A P E B l 'EST ESi'AB LISHED PuiC:lia3 ; Sussex Gardens. ' Terminus Road, Eastbourne. - i of Park Mad-ial' S ath YEAR ioi|: f^MBUpATION. o*> 3 0 5 7 « ' D?t R. BECKETT, Offices. 4, Tejron Branches. : I TeU 1161. a s t b o u r n e e d n e s d a y b t ItEC^STEimD) t’,T THE (J.PO i ** G a z e t t e :” pEfiEPHosB K o . 987 |<t\Yo lini E , W S ±> . 22, 1915, AS A NEtySPAPEK■wt O itB ' P e n n y |e olfferin? in ^■1- lii r|ttilsl|;ing D ef a:‘t INESS AN: ENTS, DilCAtKW. EDI : A i l O N . Pr e a c h e r s FOR T H E w e e k . T^lefibbnb 1 of G n. iT e l . A 2 A . A 2A . A 8 T B O U K± C O LjU EG E JO UTH STREET , CIlUEOU (CoUNTESa | m ■SepteJiiber 1 Pth, at 60, T c r - GRANVILLE MOUSE,4 • o r UuXTINGnOM’a). , | 5 0 i n , ; i d l i i tlio Liv’^e of J I. ^y. Eros liney. HAVE A V lS ir i QA OD iCK K«|)AD. M B A D l MlliistcB O U EN A S p I R F L L A o 6 k s e t s VOTJ PAID BUNDxVY. SEPTEM BER 2G. 7 0 in .' ONSHIREt E .a Sla^eAo Met Isure. — ' ' '■ ,1 li- M/IRRIAGES. Beaidentiai Frlparatory awsipko «bloB QlrlV XBB OOBB HARVEST FESTIVAL. 11,3. and 6.30. .. -ifEW ET'I'.i-Oii'lthp 21st, at tlJ r ' BcUdoL • f I 1 Preacher— ^ 1 1 ,ii(]dloiirs in < sens fi£' E V E I ^ Y N H E DGES, i p . ~ (P » risfc liirch^ .Eastlwiirie, by the Hey. D A b4i.i^ KE EBY. P. HAMS. M^A* IteV. <l.| WESTBURY JOWEsl M.A. pel": y4r4 IVV. A . ^^m ehtson, Th diuns, eldes; ecu Principal^—MB9. C. H. do l»i UO’i'Stfi and X v>;/- 'i ' 5, trinity C^mbors, lEASTBOURNE, ‘of M r. uidjklrs; E. FenfoW, of 1 1 , G rceb- MRS NBLSON [POLBY. B .^ ! (Lend.), latejol ;B SCHOOL la FirtBT.QRADRI SCHOOL 5 0 in s t r e e t . I, ;o'fetherine, fourth dniightir THE BpijSiEHOLD DpAPER^, the Ladies' ColleEei Clbelteii|t»!m ajssisted b;^ - for th© sons o ', entiomen. Boys ate pr«* T - '- t- ---------- ^------------ — -------•------ 4 h TEIihpHONK 1532. ' •■;’ ' ■'M r.'an) R . M eif'ett. of 11, O ah- |ell<iuaUned 8 w b pated for the U nf^^itibs,sitiee. the Army, Nayy, Ij^MMANUEL CHURCH, HYDE ROAIX, feur^toii ^d. "O T Stboitna e ^ - ana Civil Servlo ^ ^Profe«||on8, ’ and Con|* i ia d uc Kplland f r , k o B,: lilindk ' . ' ' 1 House_____________ beautlfi by sitneted in. iu cWn gronn^s. mdrofal Life« C. B A S S E T BA K BI l-O n the 13tt ^:^-B:dUE|NE GoodQood Tennis f w n r t ' andi^JEjlaytOj REV. WALt F r SEARLE. ;t vSt. Sia^O T t *9 C hurch, t ppor. Recreation am OymnosiuniilB „ . , inhere ere special irm ^ and Navjy Claeseeli BOOKING OFFICE: e can fix cleapf: l^^don, by the R ti R ev. Lovq For prospeotus anr nformation as^to recent (Of South Africa).' Special ad. taBes tor knaioj ai idi ' MModeria o d e r r sncoesses. appUoatl ‘ Cjuld bo ma||da to thii 1, Cja^V EN D ISH PIfA C B .(O pposU ^ Pier) f.N ^rkiug* lesisfad b y 'th e R ev. They are o^eHilig fea,rgainp in 11 la th e e ter L ansngna<<d>-7.v------ - • ^ ■ " HefitdmMtST.j'; Will Preach Next SU^DA Y. ^ C&hhi- . o: ‘ L e j to n sto a e , E ssox, - AHB ItUKNINa. - ' f r Prospectus afid Sefsrenees B(>pUoaAiO]l|. Pbyaloal drlU'la l>mpii1Uory for the whoi> MorniDg'at'11.0, and Evening a) 6.50; I, I oil th e b ride, C n;)taii] [C harles C coper J " ^amplek and Gddmjents in THE EASTBOURNB AND COUNTRY R u s s e l l L IB .F.IA ;.; tliird so n , if Jo h ii R u n sell, ■ A i S r . i n s t J ^E ., lan^ M rs, R ussell, of E exiiam BLUE MOTOR [COACHES stboutM X o d g e , 'astbourne, to K u ly O w bn, ie dest i !aM Y HEMSTITCHED. EMBROIDERED. AKD LACE Ae A r NOON R o a d , I /' iENTRAL WESLEYAN GHUBCHi li CLOVELLY ttfElfPLESTONE. E v £ a r ArTteUKOok a t 2.30. y j \ PEVKNSIST'UOAI>. I'lASTBOUnNI5. i u g f h t t of iM r, and M r^. A lfred C>\vcu MEJ.DS. EASTI^p'Oi^^ t fiker, D unstans, E xbrilgo. Q|EA CLOTHS. ■ hUGHESS. -SIDEBOA#, A N D T L AY CLOTHS. 8TAVELEZ EOAD ,MEAId s. EASTliOURNB. 0)KYOUR SEATS in theiBluo Cars—No Extra SUNDAY. SBPTUMBEB 26. 1915. : _OR<fJAN. — At ;St, Tho,nias's CHOOL for the daughtei^ Gentlemen. ■1 No. 118.); Jharge—at 1, CAVENDISH-PLACE lopposito m q ^ I T H - , S Specially riooinmended bbt i Counteeriiof (Tell B ^ Preacher ■ j C h u r c h ; Edinburgh, o i Se >tcmber 8, 1915, __ ___ _______ anf tbe^F:'ier). >• . ’ J ■ Carnarvon. Hif bolero Gaetle. H: Wrougbtbn. gCHOOL FOE ^ ^81 (Preparatbry for full List of Motor Coach Drives and also ik.O-j-REV. ISAAC SHIM M IN.I b y t h o 1 lev., ilbw ard 3'* Cplclough, Oddments jTu;rkish, ifiuckaback, e t c . T o v r e l s Woolley Park W anta^* the, ^ev. r .T s . thi^ff)* ' tj Ask f e e :?y itenant W. D, j Sniitli, 1- .X., Dally___ List of Special Cheap DrlvRB. or Blankets, £ ' Eng-rLi. WniiamB, H.A (HeadtnMber Eastbourne UBS. F. H. BEOWN^ _d MissTAIT-BElD*B.A 8pe< lial terms for Drives for Convalescent Soldiors. ubject—“ Tho Value of Meditation.**. Queen M aiy/’ onl f son of the Into Serviettes, i Lace O uttains, :B edspreads. Shsets College), Eenpeth Praxer; £ bq.» M.D., bhd luoipale). ^ I: Tour! aff Cars, soatihg three or four persons. ; \V illi.'in I Smith; uava' stores officer, and 1 i • i*,r T “ present Parent i. i ,30'. Subject—“ God’s Children.”/ it^ a|-er^i larg- ck ith, to (jiveudolen, second daughter Cortifloated English and For . Histreesei Asatsted by a larsi resident Staff o f^rai’ned 50 Miles' (Day of'Eight Hours), 30/-w M re.iS n and best Londm MaBters. Spt,-. 4lities.^Lan* Cdrtl&oatea Euglu ‘ an4 Foreisrn PTIST FORmARD MISSION, :jo f th e Ij, :o John Richrrd ^forgiui. Esq., of suagee and Misio. No ralluras in the Oxf^d nti and ;|Bombu>] nud! Mrs. Moi-ga i, of Grauyille FIRST DELtvJERY OF FURS ll’OR A p Locals. R.A.H and IR.C.M.,1'’^ ’' 1 Drawing B d C r e s t , 3 jqstbonrue. : , Society Exam s in 1907. T h e hi| sst placet * Beterenoea are kindly I permitted, j amons« liUNDAY.BEPTEM lfER 26. a tllla u S 6.3ft ns many others, to tbe bllo.^ing Eastbohrne real l-'reacher- j^uotatf^ W E E M -: DLER—On Thursday, Sepi om - EaHbourne in the Senior Oxfbr n 1908. [OTOK GOACH |Moi*ning aud'E vening. : 5^ t V iher 16t a t !the Con;gregf f tio n a l C h u rc h , exams, option: 1. Lovely poelticb, Tenibit dents :—^h e Rev F 8.% illiamB. M.A. (Heat Bemnants ^nd Oddrients in'DRESS and BiliOpSE Lawns, Hockey Field. 8peoial. hpm|e care. Master of East! rn o 1 College), the .Bev MR. FRANlC LE GRYS., ntities. ipovensol road, B erthn [V, t lli 3 daughter Charles Crowden. *D. Gate Headmaster o: M r. tine rs.lW r^ , i ), A> onduV e-roac, to Materials in Wool and Cotton. THE MISBES DAWSON. it oipalSn'f Eastbpurno College land, Mrs. Crowden. 6ii (Of London). , P r i v a t e , b e rt «r, Sadln*................ 2^1 .T.,. Aj,S.C..‘ - s o u pMBRELI •indeay Lindsay-H g. Bart.. Lady’[Lindsay TBIPS. P d g h l GpSDclGosDc Services. SanseyiBymnft (potto^ S l e e t 5 / 1 1 pn __j ,f... j_ ^adlei), of i,dy i WUlingdoh, Henrji Wjomon’B Bible] Class Sunday Afternoon^ a t 3| - e - ’ ’ i ll t l i V 1 e and Ikfrs. jyjATHBMATJ OS AND PHYSWi Hbgsr,ogg» 'LordLord and e u t l ^ g a ] (B y s p e c ia l li<(ense,). BOI^OI M.D, F.K iC .S. O. H. C am eron i i e | s , 5 f E ill L'liZne 2/11 perpr, jyioneyt Modey! [Es®. 1879.] W ai>di*ob8s I T ^ l% \ M R.' D.P.H., Oam^l^and Mr# ^OLDEN WFDD^NG. MR. G. W . BULMANs B'^Si ^ , leron, E. Frost 1 H.D.. O., O'Brler pH yENSEY HOAD CONGEEG AIXONAL Hai*d{nff, sq * M R.O.P4 L .# C .P ., F.

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