www.tooeletranscript.com TUESDAY Tooele duo wins national contest for videotaping turkey hunt. See A11 TOOELETRANSCRIPT BULLETIN May 16, 2006 SERVING TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 VOL. 112 NO. 102 50 cents Too much water creates dilemma in G-ville Chronic Flooding unlikely, but wildfires loom graffiti as temperatures rise by Mark Watson suspect STAFF WRITER Irrigation water is plentiful in Grantsville - for now. “The reservoir started run- nabbed ning over on April 7 and is still running over,” said Grantsville by Jesse Fruhwirth Watermaster Lynn Taylor. “We STAFF WRITER need about $8 to $10 million Police believe they have caught to build another reservoir.” Tooele’s most notorious graffiti It is a welcomed dilemma to offender. The suspect has been have so much water, but the arrested and felony charges have waste frustrates Taylor. been filed against him and two “Now until June we are in other individuals. Officials said the a use-or-lose phase. People tagger is responsible for more of should not over-water, the present graffiti in Tooele than but if they can use it they any other offender. should do it now,” he said. Police have attributed the very The Grantsville Irrigation visible tag, “NSN,” to 22-year-old Company is holding a meet- Charles Yeaman. Two other individ- ing on May 24 to discuss the uals have been charged as accom- water situation. plices: Shane Todachiny, 30, and Taylor has worked as the Shannon Ruybal, 18. All three indi- watermaster for 20 years. viduals are from Tooele. “About 50 percent of those Police Sgt. Todd Hewitt said NSN years the reservoir has over- tags are Tooele’s most obnoxiously flowed,” Taylor said. It was visible graffiti. built soon after major flood- “This is probably the largest graf- ing in 1983 when heavy winter fiti arrest,” Hewitt said. “As far as and spring snow storms fol- how much property was damaged, lowed by high temperatures it is definitely the largest.” created trouble throughout Hewitt said detectives have the state. blamed Yeaman for over 16 occur- A flood-control ditch was rences of the NSN tag on a whole also built during that time variety of buildings throughout the which continues to relieve city. The estimates of damages tied Grantsville City’s residents to the NSN tag are still being tal- from wayward runoff in the lied. spring. A pressurized irriga- “We don’t have a full estimate,” tion system was installed in Photography / Troy Boman Hewitt said. “It exceeds $1,000. We 1986. Grantsville Reservoir is still filled to the brim after reaching its peak on April 7 and shareholders will have plenty of water to use during May. won’t know until it all gets cleared Meanwhile, Tooele City The wet spring has also created plenty of fuel for wildfires this summer. Stansbury Park Kodey Clements (below left) installed a Wildland Fire up and until these people get us leaders are keeping a close Danger sign (below right) in Rush Valley Monday evening for an Eagle Scout project. restitution amounts.” watch on Settlement Canyon He said there are some copycat Reservoir. “Last year was the taggers using the NSN tag, but, “We first time in a long time that know which ones Charles Yeaman we’ve had to run any water did,” Hewitt said. through those pipes near 700 “There are some copycat NSNs South. It looks like that may right now. We have suspects, but not happen this year,” said it’s just a matter of catching them,” Tooele City Public Works he said. Director Cary Campbell. County prosecutor Gary Searle Last year problems result- said he intends to request jail time ed from a historically-high for the crimes and will seek full amount of rain on Memorial restitution. Day plus the failure of a “It’s a felony because the damage runoff pipe which is seldom is estimated to be $2000,” Searle used. said. “But if it exceeds $5,000 then Earlier this year Tooele we will up the charges.” City, Settlement Irrigation The higher limit would boost Company and Tooele County the charges from a third to second- pooled money to repair the degree felony. All three individu- run-off pipe. So if the flood- als are charged with third-degree prevention system is needed felonies for criminal mischief it should be able to handle because the damages are in excess the flow without needing to of $1,000. send water down 700 South Searle said that graffiti perpetra- like last year. tors will “not just get a slap on the wrist.” SEE WATER ON A6 Searle said several years ago some graffiti offenders were slapped with around $15,000 in res- titution. Lessons from the past Hewitt said police discovered Grantsville police underpaid? key evidence after searching Todachiny’s home. help new Tooele mayor by Mary Ruth Hammond beginning wage of police officers officers.” “On Friday the 12th, we served STAFF WRITER and sheriff deputies throughout Johnson added that in years a search warrant at the home of by Mark Watson tion in November, Dunlavy was Each day as a Grantsville the nation is also more than what past, several Grantsville police- Shane Todachiny,” Hewitt said. STAFF WRITER sworn in as mayor. He’s been Police officer puts on his or her Grantsville officers receive. men have left the department for Police found “photographs, proper- Nearly four decades of work- in office six months. Prior to uniform and badge, they know Salaries for Grantsville main- higher pay. ty that was adorned with NSN and ing for the city and a keen mem- that he worked 23 years as the there is a chance they won’t be tenance workers are also below Gustin told the council that stencils that were NSN stencils.” ory of what worked and did city recorder. He has worked 38 coming home. average, according to Gustin. some maintenance workers Hewitt said police were granted not work in the past is helping years for the city. While it’s certainly not every During the city’s annual bud- have applied for work at the the warrant on “information we Tooele Mayor Patrick Dunlavy. “Having worked so long for day that a Grantsville officer get preliminary meeting held Wal-Mart Distribution Center in received, and our own observa- “First of all, let me tell you. the city is really an advantage. puts his or her life on the line, Wednesday, Grantsville Police west Grantsville because wages tions.” He’s doing a great job,” said Knowing the city so well has the potential of doing so is a Chief Dan Johnson told the city there are higher than those paid The arrest comes on the heels Councilman John Hansen. “He saved me a lot of time. It really definite reality. council that a couple of his offi- by the city. of the City of Tooele reasserting has served under so many may- helps me in dealing with the citi- But according to a recent sur- cers have considered transferring Chief Johnson, whose annual itself in the area of graffiti removal. ors in the past that he knows zens because I’m able to under- vey undertaken by Sue Gustin, to other cities because of the low salary is $57,398 a year, said he In April, the Tooele City Council what to do and what not to do. stand issues from both sides,” Grantsville City’s treasurer and pay they receive in Grantsville. seriously considered applying changed its laws regarding graf- We’ve had mayors who made the mayor said. human resource officer, our local “Right now, I have a pretty as chief of Alpine because the fiti abatement. Rewards for giving good decisions and those who City leaders can become inun- officers are among the lowest loyal group of officers,” Johnson pay for that city’s top officer is information have become easier to have made some bad mistakes. dated with an onslaught of con- paid in the nation. added. “Even so, they have to $77,000. get and businesses are now required That’s his big advantage. He’s cerns from a variety of citizens What’s more, according to make enough money to support Johnson has been a police to remove graffiti within 15 days of not going to make those mis- with a variety of problems. research on the Internet by the their families. I’m afraid that if officer for 23 years, has worked is appearance. takes.” Tooele Transcript-Bulletin, a we don’t get a pay increase, we SEE BUDGET ON A2 Soon after winning the elec- SEE DUNLAVY ON A5 large percentage of the median or will lose some of our current SEE NSN ON A6 WEATHER OPEN FORUM A4 PUZZLES B2, B6 INSIDE Mostly clear tonight. Lows OBITUARIES A8 TV LISTINGS B4 New hairdo sends student home; around 60. Mostly sunny sparks protest against policy Wednesday. Highs in the low 90s. SPORTS A12 DOINGS B5 See A2 Complete Forecast: A2 HOMETOWN B1 CLASSIFIEDS B7 A2 TUESDAY May 16, 2006 ETCETERA ... School’s ‘unnatural’ hair policy protested Corrections Valley Weather Forecast Local Weather by Jesse Fruhwirth are crafted with the cooperation of An typographical error result- STAFF WRITER the community. ed in a mistake in a Transcript- Wed 89/57 A junior high student recently “Each school writes their hand- Bulletin story Thursday about 5/17 missed a week of classes due to book and the Community Council the amount of mustard agent at Mostly sunny skies. Near record high temperatures. High 89F. his new hair style. The student’s approves it,” he said.
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