BOOST BUCHANAN ■'. i . ;a.. * w:**'. ...................... - . IT’SjGOOD PRACTICE. TRY-IT., * *• 1'. A t least;: It doesn't cost .anything ■ A 'fi SIXTY-FIRST YEAR BUCHAXAX, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2S, 192S. NUMBER 25. Now H ere’s t h e FIFTY RESIDENTS OF Proposition A SUCCESSFUL PORK AND PINEAPPLE TO THE IRATE SUBSCRIBERS Bi Hinv.s Bll METROPOLIS PICNIC HER! Welcome' b t’other to our place, Total Business o f $230,000 Come and tell it to our face. I. O. O. F. Assoc. Many Residents of Other Reported for Year Here’s Qne Banker For we love your warlike sons' Arranges Program Emling Mav 31. Who’s Not Afraid Cities Flock Back Ancl the bricks you bring along, For County Picnic For Reunion And there's not a bit o f doubt DIRECTORS RE-ELECTED To Take Chances That the dump needs, cleaning out. Arrangements for the picnic to TOTAL OF .175 PRESENT Proof to the contrary of the be staged under the auspices of New Accounting' System To As a bunch yott'rs hard to- beat - i popular belief that bankers will Society Votes The Summer the Berrien. County I. O. O. 1. Be Installed By You’re the boys that make the not take a chance was furnished Association were perfected at a Howland Picnic Here Regular sheet. meeting of the county executive i Tuesday by Charles Pears, vice Annual Alfair When we feel inclined to shirk committee which was held at Ber­ A total of $230,000 in busi­ president of the First National You're the lads that make us rien Springs Wednesday evening. Bank and D. S. Scoffern, former Over fifty residents of the third work ness was transacted by the St. Joe The following program was president of the Niles City Bank, city of the world responded to the Bike to' see yon now and then,— adopted; Valley Shipping Association at its and. president of the Buchanan. Bless you, neighbor, come again! stores in Buchanan and Niles dur­ fabled drawing power of the li:Q0 a. m. Indoor bascbail. First National Bank, who were 12:00 Dinner. ing- the fiscal year ending May 31, airplane passengers that afternoon waters of McCoy Creek, and trek­ For we always toe the mark 1:00 Band Concert. 192S, with a net profit to the 100 in company with the former’s sqn, ked back to the old home town When we hear your six gun bark 2:00 p. m. Baseball game be­ stockholders of between 4 percent ! Dick Pears, from the Niles Air- And it's safe we play no tricks. and 5 percent, according to the for a Dleasant evening with old. tween the Niles Michigan Central ; ways to Chicago. neighbors and fellow members of While you keep us dodging bricks. team and the Benton Harbor treasurer's report which was read ! Dick Pears left Minneola, N. Y. Come and: tell us of our "crime,— the Chicago Buchanan Society Naval Reserves. at the annual meeting held at the on the previous day, driving a Only,--please -one at a time! Buchanan headquarters Saturday Saturday. 4:00 p. m.. Four 4 round boxing j cabin monoplane for delivery to Some foreboding had been felt bouts, one 6 round boxing bout. night. \ Chicago. He stopped at Niles and HIS BAITED BREATH Johnny Reilly, one of the best The returns might have been through the day by the local much larger hacl not the associa­ j drove to Buchanan for dinner at management on account of a With bated breath' the fisher known comic actors in the United j the home of his parents. Charles threat of rain. However, when States will furnish entertainment tion been conducted on the prin­ Pears accompanied him back to stands; ciple of serving the stockholders the hour of opening, 5:30 p. in* Determined to the death! during the entire afternoon. Niles for the Chicago flight. Mr. Harry Post of Buchanan rep­ through securing better prices for i Pears returned that night by train. arrived, the guests of the day be­ But not a doggoned fish he lands. products and cheaper prices for gan to stream in, not only from His bait is in his breath! resented this district on the com­ mittee. their purchases, according to the Chicago, hut from a number of accepted policy of the most suc­ cities in southern Michigan1 and THE SOUTH BEND BUS cessful co-operatives of the pres­ Northern Indiana and from other ent day. S IS I WEEDS IN CORN .states. until the seating capacity I met a pretty damsel on the bus It was voted at the meeting' to at the tables was exhausted, and to South Bend town— set aside $20,000 to be divided at a considerable number were W e met as I was going up and she the end of the present fiscal year. GET LONG START obliged to remain for a second was coming down. May 31. 1929, as a patronage divi­ table. And we both lit in a? corner—it dend among the 100 members who Contracts City After the picnic supper had was such a pleasant day owned shares May 31, 192$. Each IN RAINY SPELL been concluded, the company was And: her chin hung o'er my shoul­ owner of a share on May 3.1 of CHARLES KEMP Construction Let CANDIDATES OUT summoned, to the auditorium, der in a friendly sort of way.-— l FEW FARMERS REPORT THAT where the program and business Not at all a bad: position if the this year is to be paid his share of the $20,000 in proportion to his ; Friday Night l HESSIAN FLY GRUB IS meeting were held. lady be but young. BURIED HERE ; WITH PETITIONS I CUTTING WHEAT Harry Brown, in behalf of the And Ihe smiled on me so sweetly trade during the year. Arthur Howland of the depart­ Buis are to be received for the local committee called the meet­ as. she said., "I hit my tongue.” ment o f economics, Michigan State construction of nnnding sewer, and "Rain. rain, rain and the green ing to order and introduced the And she so*td. “I have a favor to YESTERDAY weeds growing' in the corn" would president of the society, Miss request in this connection,— College, is working with the as­ paving projects until U’ p. n:. to­ •FOR NOMINATIONseem to be a fair summary of the sociation this week assisting' in the morrow (Friday 1, at which time Mary Reynolds of Chicago, who Take your foot from, out my pock­ 35 Boys to Paddle Canoes t FORMER OFFICIAL OF THE CONTESTS SLATED FOR weather and crop situation at Bu­ took charge. et, you are mashing my com­ installation of a new system of the bids will be closed, and the chanan this week, with prospects From St. Joseph to accounting which will enable the ROUSELLE CO- DIES council will hold a meeting start­ COUNTY OFFICERS AT Appropriate addresses of wel­ plexion.” MONDAY. JUNE 25 PRIMARIES of raiiS today, after a ten day per­ come and response were made by So he that reads this story may South Bend management to make a proper ing at 7:30 p. m. to let the con­ iod of excess moisture which end­ division of this dividend. The tract. The competition is likely to Claude Glover as village president be moved to reason thus: The funeral-of Charles Malcolm ed Tuesday. and by Miss Reynolds in behalf of Be careful whom, vou sit bv on FITTING UP NEW CAMP system will go into effect July l. be spirited, according to village | Nominating- vetitio' s for aspir- Farmers have been extending Kemp, 53. was held at 2:30 p. m. the Chicago guests. The At the business session, the fol­ officers, a number of bids having ■ ants to election to places on the themselves during the past two lowing three directors were elect­ yesterday Iron; the Child's Fun­ been already received. The con­ Republican and Democratic Atty. A. A. Worthington was South Summer Session to Open Up eral Home. Mrs. Rea Belvel read­ days in attempting to catch up Bend ed for a three year term to suc­ tract for the installation of new county tickets at the primaries, their back cultivation and in rush­ next called on for the address of ceed themselves: Russell File, ing the Christian Science service, the evening, responding with a Bus, July 9; Instruction water services on Portage Street Sept. 4 have been circulated about ing the haying which has been de­ In Handicraft Niles; Clifford Hollenbeck, Ber­ and burial was made in Oak Ridge. will be let at the same time. Buchanan for the past ten days, sparkling talk in his best vein, in cemetery. j layed almost two weeks. The 'Twas an off day for the cowboys rien Springs: J. G. Boyle of Bu­ indicating particularly keen com­ small amount of hay which was which he recounted a number of at Frontier in 01' Cheyenne,- - Berrien and Cass County boy chanan. The hold-over members Charles Malcolm Kemp was Local I, Q, O. F. Go petition for the offices of county down when the rains started is Buchanan memories, including For ponies had ’em bunkoed and scouts will follow; In the footsteps of .the board are Dean Clark, born In the. Province of Quebec,"j clerk, county prosecuting -attorney now practically spoiled. the visit ■ of Richmond Pearson had dumped, 'em to a man. - ' of'DaSalle this summer, or more Glen Hasiett, Albert Houswerth, Canada, October, 1S74.
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