• i. => National Circulation Over 470fl00; Denver Catholic Register, 21,280 CATHOLIC HIGHS TO GRADUATE 0VfR_400 Youth Question Douiinates D. C. C. W. MeotIngFirst tin Soeh Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1940— Permission to Reprpduce, Excepting Figure Is Reached; Co-Operation With C. C. D. on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Joint Rite June 2 WEEK CLOSE TO TURNING Provided in Resoiutions POINT IN HISTORY Never has the race o f history proceeded at a swifter pace than DENVER CATHOLIC Last Year’s Class of 335 Exceeded by 67; it has within the past week. Cham­ Adopted at Convention berlain resigned as prime minister Colorfal Service Planned in o f Great Britain following the con­ quest o f a large part o f Norway by the Nazis, but this news faded Mrs. S. J. O’DaV and Mrs. L A. Higgins Are Ciiy Auditorium into insignificance with the sud­ den thrust o f the Hiller blitxkrieg Re-Eleelad President, Vice President; F ^ C ^ S T E R For the first time in ^heir history six Catholic high into Holland, Belgium, and Luxem­ schools of Denver will graduate more than 400 young men and burg, and the greatest battle o f The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have the war, with the Nazis on their Other Officers Chosen Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, women this year. .At the joint commencement exercises June way towards Paris. Holland, in less Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. 2 in the City auditorium 402 will receive diplomas. Last year than a week’s fighting, lost 100,- (By John Truxaw) the figure was 335. 000 men and gave up the battle Youth, its problems and welfare, dominated the discus VOL. XXXV. No. 39. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940. $2 PER YEAR except in one small sector. .Its A colorful ceremony, employing some changes from navy went over to the Allies, but sions and addresses of the 14th annual diocesan convention previous commencements, is planned, according to the Rev. its great shipyards fell into Nazi of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women held Wednesday A ntl'll/TI A/f/T'V O’ Rocky Mountain Sodality union, hpld at Regi* col- Hubert Newell, diocesan superintendent of schools. The all- hands. Belgium put up a good and Thursday, May 15 and 16, at the Shirley-Savoy hotel, r\nnuui rviuy Sunday, had a* it* central figures, left to right, high school orchestra, directed by resistance, but widespread ruin below— Jack'Teeling, Regis high school, who gave a panegyric on the humility of Mary; Mary Janet Rich­ Leo Libonati, will furnish the Denver. Resolutions adopted by the body at the close of the ardson, Mt, St. Gertrude’s academy, Boulder, who read an original poem, “ Regina Pacis;” June Lqnsville, spread through the country, in­ session Thursday signified the intention of the women to co music. The a cappella choir of 300 cluding the great Catholic univer­ St. Joseph’s high school, queen; Frank Grebenc, Annunciation high scJtool, the queen’s escort; Peggy members, directed by the Rev. Dr, operate with the Confraternity of Jane Keown, Pancratia Hall, maid o f honor, and J. Fred Doyle, Miss Keown’s escort. Story on page 9. F .L TO sity city o f Louvain; one o f the tricts few students of high school Thomas Doran of the Cathedral chief victims o f the last World war. Christian Doctrine in its youth pro. staff, will sing. The choristers will grams and to assist in every other age receive any religious training Switzerland was in momentary outside the homb. be gowned in blue. danger o f invasion by the German way to relieve the spiritual and The graduates will be seated troops. France and England are material problems of modern For reasons of expense and dis­ TO across the stage as in format tances, the Bishop explained, it both in .grave peril, for their equip­ youth. years. The valedictorian’s address ment, particularly in the air, is At the final business session of would be impossible to enroll all the will be delivered by William Jones seemingly inferior to Hitler’s and the convention Thursday After­ Catholic children of the diocese in of the Cathedral high school. Al­ their leadership, so far, has been noon, the following officers were Catholic schools, even with the bert J. Hepp of Annunciation high worse than mediocre. France has chosen to lead the Denver D. C. greatest co-operation of parents will be the student master of cere­ C. W. for the year 1940-41: and children. The ideal of the been actually penetrated; England monies. is in danger. (Thursday showed Mrs. S. J. O’Day, Denver, re­ American Hierarchy, “ Every Cath­ In addition to Bishop Urban J. Frank L. Siener, director of St. the Allies in more hopeful shape). elected president; Mrs. L. A. Hig­ olic student in a Catholic school,’’ Vehr, Monsignori, and other promi­ Our own nation has been thrown gins, Denver, re-elected first vice he pointed out, is only an ideal to Anthony’s Neighborhood house on nent members of the clergy, invita­ the North Side, has been named into a frenzy o f plans for heavy president; Mrs. Joseph B. Farley, be worked towards, but one im­ tions have been issued to Mrs. Infe possible of complete achievement. director of Camp Santa Maria for spending, with the realization that Pueblo, second vice president; Mrs. Johnson Lewis, state superintend­ only enormous armament can save Robert Riordan, Salida, third vice Bishop Vehr asked the women of the 1940 season which opens June ent of public instruction; Charles 8, according to the Rev. Elmer J. us from the militaristic genius o f president; Mrs. Thomas Kerrigan, the D.C.C.W. to assist in the pro­ E. Greene, superintendent of Den­ Hitler. Mussolini has seemed ready Denver, treasurer; Miss Clara gram for the religious training of Kolka, supervisor of preparations ver public schools; Govenaor Ralph for the camp and assistant direc­ to enter the war on* Hitler’ s side Courtney, Denver, recording secre­ public high school student^ upon L. Carr, Mayor Benjamin Staple- one day and to be inclined to hold tary; Mrs. W. K. Sutherland, which the priests of the diocese tor of the Denver Catholic Chari­ Pueblo, financial secretary; Mrs. A. ton, and Stephen Knight, president ties. Mr. Siener is the first na­ o ff a little while longer the next. are now working. of the Denver public school board. J. Quinlivan, Denver, correspond­ tive of Denver to be selected to But the fact that the United States The importance of this work the The guests will be seated on a ing secretary, and Mrs. A. C. Car- direct , the camp activities, and is government has warned all its citi­ Bishop indicated by saying that 50 platform at the south end of the zens to get out o f Italy and the roll, auditor. Other officers are per cent of American children are well qualified to handle the 500 appointive. stage. underprivileged youngsters who Balkans at once and is seeing that affiliated with no religion. “ With Names of candidates for gradu­ The problem of the Catholic stu­ will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ships are provided to evacuate a 50 per-cent neo-paganized group ation are as follows: dent in the public high school was John L. Dower in the 12 weeks’ them is the most ominous sign to in this country, in a few years we CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL presented by the Most Rev. Bishop camping season. date. In short, the week has seen shall be faced with a real prob­ Raymond Baumgard, Robert the world actually close to a turning Urban J. Vehr in his address at lem. Our generation is still feeling Blodgett, Frank H. Brzoticky, Mr. and Mrs. Dower have spon­ point in civilization. The world is the first funcheon of the convention the salutary effect* of the last gen­ sored the camp annually for the Wednesday, May 16, attended by Charles Campbell, Robert Conway, paying for its anarchy in religion, eration’s religion. When we shall rom COLOmiDD Opera Stage Settings Joseph Cotton, Martin Custy, Al­ past decade at the site of the old its scoffing at morality, its loss o f 163 delegates. After being intro be removed from God by one gen­ first night stage coach stopover duced by Mrs. L. A. Higgins, presi fred DiManna, Charles DiManna, a sense o f justice. The false gods eration, America’s problem will be Carl Fiore, John Joseph Flynn, on the route to Leadville. The main it has created have started to eat dent of the Denver deanery. Bishop acute.’’ dormitory building at the camp is Vehr pplained the difficulty of the Robert Freudenstein, Gerald Good­ it.— Monsignor Smith. Bishop Vehr expressed his grati­ Excite Great Interest win, Jack Gunnison, Robert the famous Cassells hotel, which, problem which is to receive much fication at the work done by the PffiSl-SmilNTS Hamblin; together with the many acres of RED INFLUENCE DANGER attention in the coming year. In members of the D.C.C.W. in the forest and mountain land, has been TO UNIONISM the city of Denver approximately Gerald Harris, Edwin Hill, past year. The convention, he So massive and so detailed was intricate and is regular stage Henry Hurlburt, Henry Johns, Ed­ converted into a show spot in the We would not think of going no 50 per cent of the (latholic high said, was better attended and the equipment.
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