Daniel Schorr adThen he passedA it on—and Secret all hell broke loose named as the man who gave it to them, By Philip Hilts Schorr denied it, and then, amid the grow- ing ire of congressmen, Kissinger, and oth- ers, Schorr admitted it. he telephone would not leave him Schorr and CBS thought that Schorr alone. He had just hung up and might be able to go on with his work—cov- T taken a few steps away from his ering the committee, and the report. desk to shake hands with his visitor. Be- He could not, obviously, report on hind him the telephone was ringing al- his own part in the story, the leak of the re- ready. He answered, spoke, and hung up. port. But he could continue to cover the Two sentences later the phone announced misdeeds of the CIA and FBI. He had, af- another intruder. ter all, contributed several important It was a Tuesday, Daniel Schorr's last scoops in the unraveling of the story. full day as a working television reporter be- But the pitch and volume of the noise fore his suspension and he was at the cen- around Schott kept growing. In this one, ter of a dark, spreading whirlwind of that- Schorr had caused great displeasure among ter and contention. When the first gusts of CBS executives in New York. One con- the trouble blew up and rattled CBS's tree, gressman was leading an attempt to have Schorr continued working. In fact, he was Schorr cited for contempt of Congress, and called in to do some extra weekend work there were sympathetic murmurings from especially to make the point that he was on others. President Ford was so riled he of- the job as always. fered the House some FBI agents to begin But reports said that Schorr was the man their assault. Henry Kissinger held a bit- who leaked a sort-of-secret document on ter, emotional news conference: He con- the misdeeds of the CIA and the FBI. The demned leaks and a new version of Mc- document was the report of the House In- telligence Committee and most of its con. Even the New York Times had run an tents was already made public by stories in editorial condemning Scborr. (Later, the New York Times and by Schorr on Times managing editor A. M. Rosenthal CBS. called Schorr and let him know the senti- The document itself was almost pub- ments of the piece flabbergasted him and lished by the committee, as is the usual were not widely believed at the Times.) practice. But the House of Representatives But the Times editorial was ammunition got tangled in an unusual knot of politics that could be used against Schorr, and and protocol with the White House, and other editorials condemning Schorr began no one seemed able to untie it. The House to appear. voted on January 29 to keep the report The telephone, which Schorr Ince most from the public, until and unless the messy journalists used as an instrument of his kink could be unwound by getting White will, was now turned against him—the House approval for publication. To this hunter was the hunted. knot of Gordius's, Daniel Schorr took his But for Daniel Schorr, it is not the first sword. The Village Voice printed a copy of time, or the second, or the third, or the the sort-of-secret report, and Schorr was fourth ....Schorr calls them flaps, and he has been at the center of many. Schorr Philip Hilts is author of Evening Stars, a works hard at becoming the center of at. book on television's anchormen that will ilitisnation by Vint Lawrence tendon, and he has a knack for setting off be published in the fall alarms everywhere he goes. In many senses his career illustrates both the highest that there was a "process of gravitation vis- mild Schott was raised in the achievements and the grimmest gaffes of ible here in Germarly." Correction of the Bronx, in an atmosphere in which journalism on national television. error did little to cool the furor, sounding Draw hustle was as necessary and Schorr says he sometimes feels lace Joe strange and half-hearted as it did. natural as breathing. But Schorr's family Btf splk, the Lri Abner character who sparks Schorr's present difficulties with his was afflicted even more than most His fa- catastrophe: "I'm just going my way, get- own company were summed up by one ther died when Schorr was five years old, ting a story, but I keep looking behind me knowledgeable CBS reporter: "It is very and his mother worked as a seamstress to and buildings are falling down." complicated. It seems that someone way support the family.Schorr's younger broth- • In 1959 there was a special press con- up in the CBS hierarchy thought very er fell into a series of illnesses—including ference called by President Eisenhower's poorly of what Dan did with the Village pneumonia, diphtheria, scarlet fever, press secretary to personally denounce Dan Voice. But to extricate that from all the and polio — which drained the family. Schorr and his reporting "It's as low a rest he did on the CIA for CBS is very diffi- Brother Alvin survived, partly with the form of reporting as I know of . utterly cult On top of that, no matter whether help of young Daniel who went our to hus- irresponsible." Schorr had reported that you like the Village Voice thing or not, tle for odd jobs before he was ten years old. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles what Schorr is heading into with Congress Schorr reflects for a moment on how would soon resign. The President's press is going to set precedents for a long time those years forged his character. secretary not only denied the story and de- and a lot of other people Somebody's un- "I grew up one generation after 'Hester nounced Schorr publicly, he angrily called doubtedly up there saying, 'He's a son of a Street.' Have you seen the picture? 'Hester Schorr's boss to try to bring more pre>sure. bitch but we've got to protect him If we Street' is a movie about Jewish imtni- Seven days after the denial, Dulles re- could figure out a way of defending the greats, and how they come and settle signed. cause without defending him, that would on the Lower East Side. and the fierce • In 1957 while CBS' Moscow corre- be lovely!' " struggle to crawl up and make your way in spondent, Schorr ignored censors'red pen- As the winter day grayed into afternoon American society. Turning your back on cils, read forbidden passages on the air any- Schorr left his tiny CBS office, and its jan- the old culture.. way, and had his plug pulled again and gling telephones, to go on assignment "I am second-generation Russian Jewish again. He was arrested once, had his film Half a block away from the CBS building, imtnig' rant My mother was scraping for confiscated, and was attacked in the Soviet he climbed onto the cracked red leather the survival of her family. There was eth- newspapers. Finally, he was expelled from seat of his old Mercedes; the car's gray nic tension already there in the Bronx, the Moscow press corps and not allowed to paint long ago oxidized to a whitish color. with the Italians and the Irish. I grew up cover the Soviet Union. When back in the The drive to the CIA in Langley took with a sense that you had to make your United States, he found he was a hero to twenty minutes. For Schorr it was a famil- own way without help Nothing is on a the right wing for his defiance. iar assignment. When he arrived at the planer. You've got no money and live on a • There were many run-ins with the CIA, gate the guard waved hello. Though narrow margin of survivaL And you gotta Richard Nixon White House, including the Schorr did not know it, it would be the last go out and do it. moment in a press conference when Nixon CIA assignment of this phase of his CBS ca- "Unfortunately for me, and I can't help called Schorr a liar. And Nixon ordered an reer—and perhaps his last eves. it, it sounds a little like What Makes FBI investigation of Schorr after a story de- Sammy Run? I guess the only difference is tailing the falsity of a Nixon claim to sup- • • • you have to do it without totally losing port parochial schools. Schorr also made your dignity, as Sammy did Can you main- the top twenty on Nixon's enemies 1ism, and "Why do you keep getting into these tain some sense of standards? . But I beside his name was the notation, "A real things?" Schorr was asked, "There are a lot will not deny what I came from and bow it media enemy." of good reporters at CBS, lace Bruce Mor- has shaped me . ." * Schorr egged former CIA director ton. Morton is .a good reporter, but he He did odd jobs, he sold the Saturday Richard Helms into calling him "killer" never runs into these things ... Evening Post and delivered the Bronx several times, "son of a bitch" twice, and "c- "True," said Schorr. Horne News, he was a salesman for a print- -" once, in a stream of epithets shouted "Well, why your ing company at twelve years old.
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