PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID TULLAHOMA TN Vol. 67, No. 18 Arnold AFB, Tenn. PERMIT NO. 29 September 21, 2020 586 FLTS testing software management program for aircraft By Jill Pickett AEDC Public Affairs HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. – The Arnold Engineering Develop- ment Complex 586th Flight Test Squadron at Holloman Air Force Base is conducting a test program to evaluate po- tential for the platform Kuber- netes to be used in operational aircraft. Kubernetes, according to kubernetes.io, is an “open- source system for automat- ing deployment, scaling and management of containerized Kubernetes is being implemented on the instrumentation system of T-38 aircraft for a flight test by the Arnold Engineering See 586 FLTS, page 4 Development Complex 586th Flight Test Squadron, Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. (U.S. Air Force photo) AEDC Flight Systems Branch provides data critical to weapon systems development By Jill Pickett formation to U.S. Government, AEDC Public Affairs U.S. industry and international partners. The Flight Systems Branch, “We are at the leading edge or TSTW, within the Arnold of testing and evaluating weap- Engineering Development on systems critical to our force Complex Test Operations Di- modernization and meeting the vision, provides aerodynamic needs of the National Defense ground-test capabilities vital to Strategy,” said Lt. Col. John the advancement of U.S. mili- McShane, chief of the Flight tary weapons systems. Systems Branch. Bringing together the efforts “Because international stra- of personnel across multiple tegic competition is now the branches, TSTW operates six primary concern of U.S. na- wind tunnels at subsonic, su- Ashley Dement, an electrical technician lead, works on a rake used to characterize the flow of tional security, the develop- the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 16-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel, March 24, at personic and hypersonic speeds See , page 4 Arnold Air Force Base. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jill Pickett) to deliver decision-quality in- FLIGHT Holloman HSTT rainfield undergoes improvements By Marshall Polk rainfield test customers with Hypersonic Test and Evalution more options and also increase Investment Portfolio the operational efficiency at the track. HOLLOMAN AIR Bryan Sinkovec, the pro- FORCE BASE, N.M. – Mis- gram manager for the rainfield siles and other high-speed effort at the 846 TS, describes weapons systems are required the upgrade as a “giant technol- to fly through a variety of ogy leap forward for the sled weather situations. One type track.” of weather that is an impor- Prior to this project, the tant concern for system design rainfield was set up by manual- is rain. When testers need to ly adjusting valves and reading understand how missile hard- pressure gauges along thou- ware will perform in the rain sands of feet of test track. The they often turn to the Holloman initial setup could often take High-Speed Test Track. Run by days of running water to get the the 846th Test Squadron (846 system correctly set up. TS) at Holloman AFB, N.M., “We are now able to instant- the test track uses a rocket-pro- ly adjust the operating param- pelled sled to fly test hardware eters from a single computer at high speeds through an artifi- in the control room,” Sinkovec cial rainfield. said. “Both our setup time and A recent project funded by total water usage should be the Test Resource Management The rainfield at the Holloman High Speed Test Track at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. runs Center (TRMC) will provide See HOLLOMAN, page 5 prior to test. The rainfield was recently upgraded.(U.S. Air Force photo) Inspector General – Deer management on Arnold Area students take to the Breaking free of the AFB supported historic state skies as part of Fly to Learn inspection status quo restocking efforts course this summer …Page 2 …Page 3 …Page 10 2 • September 21, 2020 Arnold Air Force Inspector General – Breaking Base free of the inspection status quo By Vince Chapman of choice.” Without would only become tually done correctly. missions. Moreover, AEDC Inspector provocation, these in- animated if they dis- The overall view of this means the ability to General spectors could recite covered something had these inspections was adapt quickly and have Col. Jeffrey Geraghty Commander regulations that most been done incorrectly, terrible. I understand the authority to balance Many will recall had never heard of, let or not at all, then we how those negative ex- risk when necessary. A Jason Austin the Inspector General alone followed. They would often witness periences could still be fundamental responsi- Chief, (IG) inspections of the did this with as much this “cat that ate the lingering in the minds bility of the Office of Public Affairs past. You know, the ease and accuracy as canary” smirk light up of AEDC’s Airmen. Inspector General is to ones where the inspec- one could normally re- their faces. After the Following that vein, unite itself appropri- tor breezed in with the cite the alphabet. Out- gracious peppering of I would like to bring ately with the strategic standard clipboard, wardly, they showed deficiencies, everyone things into focus by of- vision and goals of the Richard Tighe which was inevitably General Manager, all the candor and zest suddenly had more cu- fering a brief look under Wing and be perfectly National Aerospace their “primary weapon of dried cement. They riosity of what was ac- the lens of today, where aligned with what the Solutions trust and transparency commander needs from High Mach Staff: coexist by means of the an inspection stand- evolving IG inspection point. Kathy Jacobsen, system. As AEDC pursues NAS Executive Editor In 2013, the Air the mission excellence Jill Pickett Force completely over- the nation demands NAS Editor hauled its compliance from us, the Office of High Mach is published by inspections and created Inspector General is Lakeway Publishers, Inc. a pri- the Air Force Inspec- committed to doing our vate firm in no way connected tion System (AFIS), part in making AEDC with the U.S. Air Force, Arnold which is still in use “Second to None.” Air Force Base, Arnold Engi- neering Development Complex today. Fortunately, in- First, our inspection (AEDC) or National Aerospace spection success is no regimen must remain Solutions (NAS), under exclu- longer based on the fair and objective. Our sive written contract with NAS number of deficiencies. inspections will al- at Arnold AFB, Tenn., 37389. Everything advertised in The IG inspectors now ways remain indepen- this publication will be made focus on numerous data dent, and the IG won’t available for purchase, use points to report on ef- ever play the “gotcha” or patronage without regard ficiency, effectiveness game. Instead, we to race, color, religion, sex, and readiness. Major will report with equal national origin, age, marital sta- tus, physical handicap, political Graded Areas include: prominence, what we affiliation or any other non- Managing Resources, believe is good, and merit factor of the purchaser, Leading People, Im- what we believe is not user or patron. proving the Unit and so good. Secondly, we The High Mach office is located at 100 Kindel Drive, Executing the Mission. will be transparent and Suite A236, Arnold AFB, Tenn. So far, acceptance of maximize opportuni- 37389-1236. Editorial content risk at the appropri- ties to communicate is edited and prepared by NAS. ate level, has served as whenever possible. We Deadline for copy is Wednes- day at close of business one the greatest contribu- will continually team week before publication. tor of AFIS’s success. with Subject Matter This commercial enterprise By virtue of becoming Experts across AEDC newspaper is an allowable so small over time, the to seek their expertise NAS contractor publication for personnel at Arnold AFB. Air Force unintention- and inputs. By using a The content of High Mach ally allowed decision team with diverse skills does not necessarily reflect the authority to migrate to and experiences, we views of the Air Force, Arnold higher levels than nec- undoubtedly produce AFB, AEDC or NAS. The ap- essary. Because of this, better results. We will pearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute today’s AFIS places also communicate at endorsement of the products more control and re- the appropriate levels or services advertised by the sponsibility at the low- the inspections we have Department of Defense, the er levels through their planned and how we Department of the Air Force, Arnold AFB, AEDC, NAS or own internal Self-As- plan to execute them. Lakeway Publishers, Inc. sessment Programs. In addition, the IG will For general information Commanders need keep leaders well-in- about High Mach, call (931) inspections which can formed of any noticed 454-5655 or visit www. be tailored to meet impacts that could po- arnold.af.mil. their specific mission tentially impede opera- Use High Mach to mar- ket your products and requirements and sup- tions. services. Contact Joe at port the development In short, AEDC’s Of- 931-455-4545 or jmartin@ of skills needed to fice of Inspector Gener- tullahomanews.com perform their mission al will continue to work tasks. To clarify, there hand-in-hand with the are parts of the Air professionals of AEDC, Force which are heav- in order to make AEDC ily compliance based superior in every way and should be, for ex- possible. Under AFIS, ample: tasks associated the holistic transforma- with the stewardship of tion of the inspection nuclear missiles. These process is unending. As Core Values tasks are standardized, we fearlessly grasp op- • Integrity first checklist oriented and portunities to improve, • Service before self leave no room for vari- we are breaking free • Excellence in all ances.
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