M ■ .„Y_. B o l a e . I d Idaho 4 2 Air Force 8 J 7 0 6 Arizona St. 3 7 Georgia 31 Ohio S t.. 1 0 / •' til Utah St. 14 Stanford 14 San Jose 28 Utah j 14 A u l W r n 17 . Purdue':, 7 T a i n p a , 6 8 W ashington ' 61 Notre Dame 10 lowd St. ^ 31 Oregon 2 2 ' Oregon St. 28 I d a h o S i . _JL 4JCLA— ^ . -^20 V Georgia JCech- __7—:-----IVUssouri——----- ^1-9l 2 2 Wash. St. 16 0(1c^re clouds D ptails^ P»6<* Magic Valley^slRome Newijffape^r w6 i767‘, n o . 185 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1970 TWENTY CENTS Talent hunt p a n e l p i c k e d BOISE (UPI) - Governor- Andrus said the committee In a letter sent to each com- -elect Cec-il-R mittee member, Andrus enclos- ed the formation of a "talent Hansberger, president of the ed a list of the "more impor­ search” committee Saturday to Boise Cascade Corporation, and tan t” positions open for appoint­ find qualified people to serve in Robert W. MacFarlane, Idaho ment for the next two months. the Andrus administration. president of the^AFt-eiO. He asked-that committcc-mem- Andrus said some 50 Idaho t)ers not contact individuals con- residents ,representing business, cerping appointments since "I farm, professional, labor and wouldJike to review the recom­ /% n d ru s other Idaho groups will serve on mendations of all committee the committee to submit names members |Defore any contacts of possible appointees. are made with them." p i c k s 2 The comrhittee will meet Nov. 23 at the Rodeway Inn in Boise. During its meeting, he said, the BOISE ( U P I)—Two appouit- Memtiers will pay their own committee will break into ments were m ade {•'nday by travel and lodging expenses; ac­ groups following a luncheon to Democratic Governor-elect Ce­ cording to Andrus. discuss qualifications needed to cil Andrus—a special assistant He said committee members hold certain positions. He said and a press secretary. are from every area of the state short, private interviews with Appointed as press secretary in order to assure all persons him or one of his staff memt>ers was John D. Hough, 24, I>es¥- will have an equal opportunity may also be arranged during iston, the former news director to work in state government. afternoon hours. ef-KtSW-tetovtsron---------------- AhdrUs siiid d t t f l H g 'dafh~ He' also requesteil mi'irtbers Named special assistant was paign he had promised to find send suggestions for "outstand­ Roy E. Haney. 25, Boise, a the "best man for the job...not ing men and women" within the graduate of the University of the best job for the man. We week if committee members are Idaho. rpeant what we said." unable to attend the meeting. Shoshone youth heM ^irdB ath By M EIBA THORNE The body also had been prehended for questioning, late Tlmes-News Correspondent bludgeoned about the head. Friday afternoon in • a Twin SHOSHONE - An 18-year-old Sheriff Thomas ( WIdl Conner Falls business establishment Shoshone youth, Danny said the woman apparently died and then turned over lo I.incoln Williams, is being held in after being beaten about the County officers. Lincoln County jail on suspicion head with a rock. County Investigation revealed the —ol-mur<ier-in^o4cath4Lrjday ot Coroner R. G. Neher said -woman" was last seen Trfivc a neighbor, Mrs. Melba Gray, Saturday he had received about midnight Thursday, when 33, mother of six children. preliminary autopsy reports but she purchased gasoline a^ a Lincoln County Prosecuting could not release findings for Shoshone self-service station. Attorney Howard Adkins said fear of hampering the in­ She was preparing to leave late Saturday no formal com­ vestigation. He said a full early Friday for Twin Falls to plaint has yet been drawn up autopsy report will be available m eet other relatives for a trip to naming the youth on~a m urder in about 10 days after California BANDS PM Y E D , a farmatlon of Air Force Roper (second bvm right, lower) read the charge. laboratory tests are completed. name of the auto winner, chosen by Tmdy A son, James, 15, discovered jets screamed overhead, spectators perched bn "We want to give this matter The autopsy was performed in Stokes, Jerome (lower right).4>hotor by Dan Mrs, Gray was missing^from bollards and jammed the stre^ for the windup full consideration," he said, Twin Falls Friday afte(jioon. Johnson.- her home at 3 a. m. when h^ W i n d u p . Saturday of the three-day celebration "and have 48 hours not counting Sheriff Conner and Shoshone dedicating Twin Falls downtown mall. John week-end time in which to file Police Chief Bill Anderson, ivho went to wake her for the trip. the complaint." headed the investigation with Because her packed bags and Adkiiis added the complaint assistance Tfofn the“Twin Falls coat were still in the house, he was prepared Saturday and will detective mobile lab staff, said became alarmed and called be signed, probably Monday. the woman may have died in friends. When it is signed, the youth can her car, which was found mired Saturday, members of the Blazes sear T.F. mall open be brought before Probate in mud near where the body was Shoshone Chamber of Com­ Judge C. M. Wilson. found. merce organized a group of TWIN FAL1,S - U ttle Trudy Trudy drew one ticket from He was bom so^ith of Kimberly Mrs. Gray's body was They said it appeared the volunteers to help raise funds Stok^ of Jerome reached into a nearly 400,000 In the mixer. 88 years ago. discovered early Friday body had lieen dragged from the for children of the victim. They California huge cement m ixer Saturday as John Roper of the downtown Earlier Saturday, bands from morning-onj>B--yatlfoad—tFack^4>leed-spettere<i-vehiclc-to the —in—Haijey r ith - a tensp-crawd of about 300 cQOjcsUnating. committee read Magic Valley high schools — about-V^mites-eftsl ofShoshone—railroad tfaclcs: relatives. The woman's body BERNARDINO;—Galtf;-----Ofn»in-«mGcm«as-a47.,000: I Florence-Jr.__setenaded_ f UPI)—Three Southern Califor after it had been run over by a nothing items were found was taken to Hailey for funefal acre blaze in the San Bernardi­ folks who had long been had won the hew car. visitors throughout the business nla countjes continued to be train. Investigating officers strewn about the area. Un­ services scheduled Tuesday, no mountains that was fanned awaiting the flnal event in the Florence, prcsidiant"Df—In­ district. ' plagued Saturday by a renew«d said Saturday the woman .un­ dergarments were in the small M>Ton D. Johnson, cham ber by scorching, high- velocity mall opening celebration. dependent Meal -Company, and series of deadly brush and doubtedly was dead when sedan registered to the victim. official, said persons wishing,to S ^ta Ana "devil winds'’ and a long-time community and forest fires that had seared placed on the track. One arm Sheriff Conner said a Gooding assist may send donations for raged out of control for the business leader in the Twin more than 54,000 acres of and leg of her nude t>ody had law firm will represent the the Gray children to the second day. Today’s' winds Falls area, was not present at valuable watershed. averaged near 60 miles an hour beensev -WAS—ap;. Shoshone Chamber. the drawing. -He was to l)e with more of the same notified when he could be Clim bers expected Sunday._____ _____ F ootb all -r«ad)«d.------------------ --------------- More th airn ,^ men'concOT- Florence could not be reached Syria rTs~ trated their efforts lo save for comment after the advance homes, resort cahinS and a team dies cerefnohy.“ variety of other structures as Dinnng the brief ceremony YOSEMITE NATIONAL dem and the (lames burned on three Saturday noon, the U. S. Air PARK, Calif. (UPI) - El fronts.' Fire spokesmen said the in crash Force added a fitting, if noisy. Capitan's two mountaineers 1,000 acres an hour. The major HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (UPI) ro ar^ Uirough the sky oyer the a few more feet Saturday m i s t e r “hot spots” were located near —A chartered airplane bringing business district, toward the conquest of the 3,400- Running Springs in the moun­ the Marshall UniversityYootball Gift certificatts were also foot stone monolith’s last un- DAMASCUS, Syria (U P I)- tains, the Del ^ s a area of the team home -from a game in awarded to senior citizens who climbed route. Syria's new military overlords city of San Bernardino and a North Carolina crashed anJ had-been seliscted fcr their The cliinb By Warren H ^ in , who seized power in a bloodless third area near Lakeview Point -burned Saturday night about a “longevity” ^uring an bld-old- 46, and Dean Caldwell, 27, coup Friday night_. warned in the mountains. mile from Uie Tri-State Airport. timers’ fete Thursd^. "Hiey ^eady a 23Kiay monument to Saturday they would install a ■niirty-two homes were lost in State police said it appeared Included Lora Doss, who hSS" endurance land determination, “nation^ front” government the tiny conununity of Smiley there were no survivors. lived in Twin Falls for 66 years, was turning into a race against unless the civilian faction of the Park in the Bear fire.
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