2014-2015 Accounts Payable

2014-2015 Accounts Payable

Richardson Independent School District 2014‐2015 Payment Register Operating, Child Nutrition and Debt Service Funds Vendor_Name Check_Date Object Description Total 1 EDI SOURCE INC 13‐Apr‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 5,535.00 1 EDI SOURCE INC Total 5,535.00 1859 HISTORIC HOTELS 27‐Oct‐14 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 378.23 6‐Apr‐15 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 577.80 6‐Apr‐15 Travel and Subsistence Students 577.80 1859 HISTORIC HOTELS Total 1,533.83 3401 HOTELLIERS LP 11‐May‐15 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 135.16 11‐May‐15 Travel and Subsistence Students 135.16 3401 HOTELLIERS LP Total 270.32 4IMPRINT INC 18‐Aug‐14 General Supplies 4,984.03 8‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 508.10 18‐May‐15 General Supplies 893.80 1‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 442.14 15‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 249.58 4IMPRINT INC Total 7,077.65 A & W BEARINGS & SUPPLY CO INC 21‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 200.93 11‐Aug‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 37.04 25‐Aug‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 145.96 2‐Sep‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 224.90 8‐Sep‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 47.98 15‐Sep‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 31.44 29‐Sep‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 54.85 20‐Oct‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 26.00 3‐Nov‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 58.76 18‐Nov‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 31.12 8‐Dec‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 232.34 12‐Jan‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 100.39 20‐Jan‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 100.46 9‐Feb‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 36.00 16‐Feb‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 28.35 16‐Mar‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 64.54 23‐Mar‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 107.43 6‐Apr‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 28.12 20‐Apr‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 47.42 27‐Apr‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 986.67 4‐May‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 27.05 11‐May‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 64.69 18‐May‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 40.78 26‐May‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 58.65 1‐Jun‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 54.18 8‐Jun‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 47.12 A & W BEARINGS & SUPPLY CO INC Total 2,883.17 A LA CARTE CATERING & CAKES INC 4‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 291.04 A LA CARTE CATERING & CAKES INC Total 291.04 A SIGN OF QUALITY 29‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 99.00 8‐Dec‐14 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 165.00 16‐Dec‐14 General Supplies 362.00 30‐Mar‐15 General Supplies 207.00 1‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 67.00 A SIGN OF QUALITY Total 900.00 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, INC. 4‐Aug‐14 General Supplies 713.16 13‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 308.81 20‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 40.72 12‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 338.86 26‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 33.02 16‐Feb‐15 General Supplies 1,095.34 25‐Feb‐15 General Supplies 101.87 13‐Apr‐15 Reading Materials 101.88 18‐May‐15 General Supplies 54.00 8‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 2,201.92 A. DAIGGER & COMPANY, INC. Total 4,989.58 A‐1 BOUNCE HOUSE RENTALS 20‐Apr‐15 Rentals Operating Leases 525.00 A‐1 BOUNCE HOUSE RENTALS Total 525.00 A‐1 GRASS COMPANY 16‐Jul‐14 General Supplies 3,075.00 21‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 922.50 8‐Sep‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 847.50 A‐1 GRASS COMPANY Total 4,845.00 A‐1 PROMOTIONS 18‐Aug‐14 General Supplies 115.00 A‐1 PROMOTIONS Total 115.00 AAA NURSERY, SAND & STONE INC 16‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 1,000.00 11‐Aug‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 21,273.00 16‐Feb‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 126.00 AAA NURSERY, SAND & STONE INC Total 22,399.00 A‐APPLIANCE INC 18‐May‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 285.00 A‐APPLIANCE INC Total 285.00 AARON A GRAHAM 5‐Jan‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 166.50 AARON A GRAHAM Total 166.50 Aaron Ward 6‐Oct‐14 Mileage Intra District 44.05 3‐Nov‐14 Mileage Intra District 42.82 Aaron Ward Total 86.87 Abbott, Patricia S 28‐Jul‐14 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 559.14 16‐Feb‐15 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 217.21 1 Abbott, Patricia S Total 776.35 ABC DOORS OF DALLAS INC 21‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 3,120.84 8‐Sep‐14 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 513.00 25‐Feb‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 182.50 ABC DOORS OF DALLAS INC Total 3,816.34 ABC HOTEL & RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC 22‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 2,101.80 12‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 84.00 12‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 46.50 27‐Apr‐15 General Supplies 706.56 ABC HOTEL & RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC Total 2,938.86 ABDO PUBLISHING COMPANY 8‐Dec‐14 Reading Materials 1,040.48 20‐Jan‐15 Reading Materials 1,707.60 9‐Feb‐15 Reading Materials 1,512.20 30‐Mar‐15 Reading Materials 1,604.85 4‐May‐15 Reading Materials 1,759.45 ABDO PUBLISHING COMPANY Total 7,624.58 ABRON YOUNG 13‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 135.00 27‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 140.00 ABRON YOUNG Total 275.00 ACCENTO THE LANGUAGE CO 25‐Feb‐15 General Supplies 121.32 ACCENTO THE LANGUAGE CO Total 121.32 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC 10‐Nov‐14 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 420.00 8‐Dec‐14 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 579.25 2‐Feb‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 510.00 25‐Feb‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 525.00 23‐Mar‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 390.00 18‐May‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 608.21 22‐Jun‐15 Contracted Maintenance and Repair 617.73 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC Total 3,650.19 ACCUCUT LLC 16‐Jul‐14 General Supplies 1,190.00 10‐Nov‐14 General Supplies 55.00 4‐May‐15 General Supplies 90.00 ACCUCUT LLC Total 1,335.00 ACCURATE LABEL DESIGNS 29‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 78.95 18‐May‐15 General Supplies 248.95 ACCURATE LABEL DESIGNS Total 327.90 ACE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES INC 8‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 48.97 29‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 82.78 3‐Mar‐15 General Supplies 72.85 16‐Mar‐15 General Supplies 29.49 1‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 147.47 ACE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES INC Total 381.56 ACE MART RESTAURANT SUPPLY 16‐Jul‐14 General Supplies 1,473.18 28‐Jul‐14 General Supplies 143.82 25‐Aug‐14 General Supplies 1,243.26 15‐Sep‐14 General Supplies 66.10 15‐Sep‐14 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 123.40 22‐Sep‐14 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 105.88 6‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 69.95 13‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 512.43 27‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 349.70 3‐Nov‐14 General Supplies 3,238.83 10‐Nov‐14 General Supplies 255.45 1‐Dec‐14 General Supplies 10.00 16‐Dec‐14 General Supplies 550.57 5‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 69.95 12‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 424.08 20‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 79.95 20‐Jan‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 287.34 26‐Jan‐15 General Supplies 204.90 23‐Mar‐15 General Supplies 139.95 6‐Apr‐15 General Supplies 4,199.65 13‐Apr‐15 General Supplies 37.90 13‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 24.68 20‐Apr‐15 General Supplies 919.10 11‐May‐15 General Supplies 53.80 18‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 48.65 1‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 304.14 22‐Jun‐15 General Supplies 419.20 22‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 151.82 ACE MART RESTAURANT SUPPLY Total 15,507.68 ACP INTERNATIONAL 27‐Oct‐14 General Supplies 209.70 25‐Feb‐15 General Supplies 293.20 ACP INTERNATIONAL Total 502.90 ACT INC 4‐Aug‐14 Miscellaneous Operating Costs 250.00 16‐Dec‐14 General Supplies 250.00 4‐May‐15 General Supplies 335.00 22‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 106,656.50 ACT INC Total 107,491.50 ACTION CLEANING SYSTEMS, INC 13‐Apr‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 213.65 ACTION CLEANING SYSTEMS, INC Total 213.65 ACTION LOCK‐DOC 28‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 92.00 3‐Nov‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 600.00 9‐Feb‐15 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 766.00 ACTION LOCK‐DOC Total 1,458.00 ADAM CHRISTIAN STUCKI 20‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 27‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 2 4‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 11‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 18‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 26‐May‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 1‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 8‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 15‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 256.00 ADAM CHRISTIAN STUCKI Total 2,304.00 ADAM JAMES PERRY 22‐Sep‐14 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 105.00 6‐Oct‐14 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 90.00 20‐Oct‐14 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 105.00 27‐Oct‐14 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 120.00 3‐Nov‐14 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 225.00 2‐Feb‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 217.50 9‐Feb‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 112.50 25‐Feb‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 210.00 3‐Mar‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 90.00 30‐Mar‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 120.00 6‐Apr‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 165.00 1‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 90.00 8‐Jun‐15 Miscellaneous Contracted Services 90.00 ADAM JAMES PERRY Total 1,740.00 ADAM MEIERHOFER 18‐Aug‐14 Travel and Subsistence Non‐Employees 261.00 ADAM MEIERHOFER Total 261.00 Adam Pratt 12‐Jan‐15 Mileage Intra District 310.46 13‐Apr‐15 Travel and Subsistence Employee Only 400.00 Adam Pratt Total 710.46 Adams, Elaine D 15‐Jun‐15 Mileage Intra District 75.66 Adams, Elaine D Total 75.66 ADI INC 16‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 1,410.00 21‐Jul‐14 Supplies for Maintenance and or Operations 275.94 28‐Jul‐14

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