DOCUMENT RESUME ED 427 111 UD 032 754 TITLE A Directory of Nonprofit Organizations of Color in Minnesota. Third Edition. INSTITUTION Minnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Center for Urban and Regional Affairs. REPORT NO CURA-97-2 PUB DATE 1997-02-00 NOTE 206p. AVAILABLE FROM Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 330 HHH Center, 301 19th Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55455; Tel: 612-625-7501. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indians; Asian Americans; Blacks; Cultural Awareness; Directories; Ethnic Groups; Hispanic Americans; *Minority Groups; *Nonprofit Organizations IDENTIFIERS Chicanos; Latinos; *Minnesota ABSTRACT This directory lists more than 700 not-for-profit associations, organizations, and mutual assistance and fraternal groups of color in the state of Minnesota. Organizations listed are controlled by people of color or serve one or more communities of color. The directory includes religious organizations and tribal governments, but not for-profit organizations or state offices. Each listing is placed within one of five categories: African American, American Indian (Native American), Asian American, Chicano/Latino, and Multicultural. For each organization, the directory lists name and address, other contact information, and a brief description of what the organization does. An index by main activity is also provided. (SLD) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** KS _ .a..........a,IL 111:1111111 III A Directory of Nonprofit Organizations U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and improvement of Color in EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minnesota 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY -37 W TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 / THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 'MUMA Directory of Nonprofit Organizations g of Color in Minnesota Additions Add to page: 41 (American Indian) American Indian Family Center 579 Wells Street St. Paul MN 55101 Lavonne Lee 6121774-1888 Initiative provides health services The American Indian Family Center, a programof the Saint Paul/Ramsey County Children's school, and activities that for children, information on child development.opporrunides to improve children's readiness in strengthen each family's ability to maintainsupportive and nurturing ties. Main activity: Human Services Add to page: 86 (Asian American) Korean Buddhist Temple (Sam Bul Ski) 8301 West River Road Brooklyn Park MN 55444 6121561-7014 This temple serves the spiritual needs of the KoreanBuddhist Community. Population served: Korean Main activity: Religion relate/spiritual development Add to page: 156 (Multicultural) Women's International Self-relianceEnterprise 4100 3rd Ave. S. Minneapolis MN 55409 Kathleen Moore 612/348-8159 and developing resources WISE is a center where immigrant women support oneanother in becoming self-reliant by gathering health care, child care. and to meet basic needs: a sate environment,adequate housing. education and job training, good transportation. Main activity: Mutual/membership benetit S40411110, .4 Directory of Nonprofit Organizations t of Color in Minnesota 4w800: . ...... Changes Page I Organization: :IChanges: .. ....... ..... .....: No. 1 ------ Mayberry; new phone: 6121671-1719 5 American Express !New contact: Kheruba Bommersbach and Monica Financial Advisers :land 671-1965; new fax: 671-4538 !Black Employee :. !Network -:. il'iew contact: Helen Bassett: new address: Minneapolis (notRobbinsdale) , 8 ;Catalyst. A Program : Ifor Women I ------------ .. ...4. IiNew address: P.O. Box 8555. Minneapolis, MN55409 . 13 iGreates Friendship . .... ..... !Baptist Church .. S.. Minneapolis, MN 55408; new phone: 823-9908 27 :Prince Hall Masonic 1New address: 3832 4th Ave. , .Tmeple :, MN 55407-1630; new phone: ! 28 !Project Africa. Inc. 1New address: 1304 E. Lake St.. #200. Minneapolis, 1721-3032 ......... ...., 1 36 United Deliverance 1New contact: Grace Mack: new phone: 529-0812 ..._ Temple .. iNative American I!New address: 6895 Scandia Trail. Forest Lake. MN 55025 55 i 1 Health Management 1Drop: "Alliance for '; add new email: [email protected] ' 63 1Philippine Study : . !Group of Minnesota i . ....... - ----,- , 80 1Hmong Minnesota I!Chanee: Her to Herr: new phone: 778-8937: new fax: 778-2413 !Pacific Assn. .. : 1 Change: Katsun IO Kap Sun : 85 iKorean American : ;Women's Assn. :. 99 IPreah Vihear Dance1Add: -(ACRMF)- after Group ;Group (ACRMF) 1 872-4866; change 105 'Tibetan American !New address: 2520 Park Ave.. Minneapolis, MN 55404: new phone: iimain activity: Human Services ; Foundation of : : Minnesota .. Women's Assoc. of .qNew address: 506 Kenny Road. St. Paul, MN 55101. New email:[email protected]. 112 _ Hmone and Lao :::Correct: Kayine to KaYing. : 114 Asociacion de :New address: 899 Amble Road. Shorewood. MN 55126 : , : Bolivianos en ..:. :. Minnesota :: 115 Centro Cultural 1New contact: Tyrone Guzman Chicano. Inc. .. 117 [CreArte :.; New contact: Armando Gutierrez ...--.:-......=.-:.-..-:.=.....d address: 610 W. 28th t 123 La lglesia Todos LosiChange name to: La Iglesia Todos Los Santos/Lutheran Church; new fax: 872-4651. Change . Santos/Lutheran 1Street. Minneapolis, MN 55408: new phone: 872-4045; new the spiritual..." , Church 1program description to read: "Todos Los Santos Lutheran Church serves 1and add: "Hotline to the pastor: 622-5383." 5 BESTCOPYAVAILABLE raw- Directory of Nonprofit Organizations ,s . 1..- of Color in Minnesota Deletions Organizations deleted from the NPOC97 database: [Page No. Organization: 111 Faith Temple Church 12 1Grace C.M.E. Mission 14 Holv Ghost Temple Church of God in Christ 19 :Minnesota Chapter of Black Social Workers 24 Nidra King Center 36 Twin Cities Chapter of Blacks in Government 53 Minnesota Honor 157 Ojibwas for Justice [59 :Red School House 169 Cambodian Community Mutual Assistance [69 Cambodian Dance Group 70 Cantonese Cultural Center 170 Cantonese Language School and Culturai Center [83 Indian Music Society 96 National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam 97 Orissa Society of Midwest 1101 :;Society of Hmong Americans Quest for Advancement and Success [103 iiTaiwanese Assn. - Minnesota Chapter 1129 :Todos Los Santos Lutheran Church (this was a duplicate) 1129 :IVenezuelan Assn. 1145 JMulti-Cultural Initiatives Alliance Comments to: cuRA Last Modified: November 1997 Page URL: http://www.umn.eduiCURA Office: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs Page Coordinator: Louise Duncan, cmail A Directory of Nonprofit Organizations of Color in Minnesota Third Edition February 1997 7 A publication of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 330 H1-1H Center, 301 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. The content of this report is the responsibility of the author and is not necessarily endorsed by CURA. This publication is available in alternative formatsupon request. Please call Judith Weir at 612/625-7501. 1997 Publication No. CURA 97-2 This report is not copyrighted. Permission is granted forrepro- duction of all or part of the material, except that acquired with permission from other sources. Acknowledgement would, however, be appreciated and CURA would like to receivetwo copies of any material thus reproduced. Cover art by Pat Rouse The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion,na- tional origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. II Printed with agribased inkson recycled mi. paper with 20% post-consumer waste. 8 Table of Contents v Acknowledgements 1 Introduction 3 A rican American/African 39American Indian 63 Asian American 113 Chicano/Latino 131 Multicultural 157Index by Organization 165Main Activity Areas 167Index by Main Activity 177Mailing Labels BEST COPY AVAILABLE 111 Acknowledgements Many people contributed to this Directory of Nonprofit Organizations of Color in Minnesota. Since the secondedition of the directory was published over three years ago, hundreds of people have called CURA to update informationabout these organizations, to add new organizations, and, in some cases, to tell us that an organization no longer exists.In compiling this edition of over seven hundred entries, hundreds of people took the time to correct and complete theinfor- mation offered here about their organizations. Others have called to offer suggestions and comments about thelanguage and categories used in the directory. All this time and effort, each comment and call, have made thedirectory more accurate and complete. At CURA, Byron Dueck spent many, many hours in checking and rechecking the information to be includedin each listing. Chris McKee edited numerous drafts of the directory and provided oversight on the project. Louise Duncan provided her extensive database and electronic publishing skills.Will Craig offered useful suggestions about databases and web functionality. Another word of
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