NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: Motherwell Local Area Partnership Subject: Anti Social Task Force Update Report From: Head of Housing and Social Work Services ~ Date: 12 December 2007 Ref: KM/02 The purpose of this report is to update members of the Motherwell Local Area Partnership regarding the work of the Anti Social Task Force (ASTF) in the Motherwell area. The report will also provide statistical information relating to operational activities across North Lanarkshire. 2. ASTF and Local Area Initiatives The six LAPS are - the North Area (including Cumbernauld, Kilsyth and the surrounding villages); Coatbridge and district; Airdrie and district; Wishaw and district; Bellshill and district, and Motherwell and district. The ASTF works with numerous partner organisations and agencies addressing local issues in ‘Hot Spot’ areas and ASTF Staff regularly take park in meetings and initiatives to address local concerns. Within the Motherwell Area, ASTF has been involved in the following activitieshitiatives: 2.1 Forgewood The Forgewood Management Group continues to meet and discuss any issues or concerns affecting Forgewood and establish the way forward through a partnership approach. These meetings have proven to be extremely useful in allowing the ASTF and partner agencies to be aware of problems at an early stage, allowing a co-ordinated approach to tackle issues swiftly and effectively. Three individuals have been reported to legal regarding this area. Legal will monitor these cases. 2.2 Jerviston Six Pro - Active referrals have been forwarded by Police to ASTF. The referrals are in regard to youth problems within Linksview Road. These referrals are being worked on at present and in conjunction with CCTV evidence have resulted in 4 Warnings being issued against tenancies. The warnings were delivered personally by an investigator from the ASTF accompanied by the Community Police Officer for the area. Explanations were given to the tenants regarding the reason for the warnings being issued. The tenants in all cases were the parents of the individuals involved. Residents in Linksview have made comment on a general improvement in this area. The CCTV provided in Jerviston and in particular Linksview Road will be utilised to address Anti- 71 Social Behaviour. The Police and the ASTF will work in partnership to ensure all incidents in Jerviston receive attention. The ongoing feud between a hard core family has continued. Assaults took place on 20121 October 2007 in Clapperhow Road and on llthNovember within Motherwell Town centre. Arrests were made by Police and an individual has been remanded pending trial. Two other individuals have received terms of imprisonment since the last meeting. Legal continue to work on a case submitted for ASBO in respect of a hard core offender 2.3 Motherwell South East & Ravenscraig (Glencairn Tower Initiative.) This initiative has been ongoing over the last two years. The initiative commenced as a result of a high level of complaints regarding anti social behaviour it is a joint approach between the AHO the Anti Social Task Force and the Police to ensure a quick response and action taken at the earliest stage. At a meeting with the Caretakers on 16/11/07 they advised that complaints to them had decreased of late. On 1311 1/07 there was a murder of a resident within Glencain Tower. The level of Police activity and enquiries within would impact on level of complaints of anti social behaviour. Information gained regarding two tenancies alleged to be involved in Drug dealing has been forwarded to the Police. A 2 year ASBO was granted against an individual responsible for making malicious, threatening and disturbing telephone calls to Area Housing Offices, NLC Call Centre, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service. 2.4 Muirhouse Twelve proactive disclosures have been received from the Police regarding disorder within Muirhouse and especially in the vicinity of the shops on Muirhouse Road. Four investigators have been tasked with these cases. An action plan has been prepared and interviews are underway. 2.5 Newarthill Strathclyde Police identified 5 male persons who were responsible for significant Anti Social Behaviour within the area inclusive of thefts, shoplifting, assaults, disorder and drug misuse. Community Police Officers met with the Anti Social Task Force and the Police liaison officers. They have made several enquiries within the community Legal have prepared Initial writs in respect of two of the offenders. The writs have been lodged at Hamilton Sheriff Court. A third case at Legal is being monitored. The remaining two disclosures were in respect of two individuals who had been imprisoned. Both have been recently released and enquiries are ongoing. 2.6 North Motherwell No major issues in this area at this time. Anti Social Task Force progressing any complaints received. 72 2.7 Craigneuk An initiative is ongoing in the Craigneuk area to tackle a number of offenders who were involved in group disorder mobbing and rioting, gang fighting, street drinking, possession of offensive weapons, crimes of violence and vandalism. They formed a gang known either as "The Craigneuk Young Team" of the "Evil Young Neuk". In April 2007 the first Anti Social Behaviour Order was granted against a member of the Craigneuk young team. The order achieved national interest as it imposed several prohibitions inclusive of a disassociation clause which prevented the individual from being part of a group of 3 or more persons. The granting of this order has had a knock on effect on the other gang members and problems involving this group have reduced considerably. Cases have been prepared and submitted to legal in respect of 9 other individuals. These cases are held at Legal pending updates from Strathclyde Police. The Police, Anti Social Task Force and the Area Housing Office hold monthly meetings where information is shared and situation monitored. 2.8 Youth Offender Forums The Youth Offender Forum for the Motherwell Area has been ongoing for the past 18 months. At this forum community partners inclusive of Police, Social Work, Children's reporter, Active Steps and Anti Social Task Force Officers discuss youth offenders who give cause for concern. The agencies discuss the appropriate co-ordinated approach in respect of the individuals concerned. Any of the agencies can nominate/identify an offender and discuss why interventions or actions are desired. This forum is held every 6 weeks. 3 individuals from the Motherwell area are subject to multi agency discussions. 3. ASTF Statistical Report for Motherwell and Area District Partnership. 3.1 Attached to this report are 4 appendices which display ASTF statistical information. Appendix 1 - Statistical Report of Complaints received from September 07 - October 07. Appendix 2 - Statistical Report of actions taken from September 07 - October 07. Appendix 3 - Statistical Report on mediation cases April 07 - October 07. Appendix 4 - Statistical Report on support cases April 07 - October 07. 4. Recommendations 4.1 It is recommended that the LAP note the report Mary Castles Executive Director Housing and Social Work Services 28.1 1.07 73 Total Complaint Type September - October 2007 14 1 12 NOISE GANG 0 RACIAL 0 HARASSMENT c CHILDREN 0 6 MVIOLENCE VANDALISM 4 0 DRUGS OTHER 4 2 P 0 16 17 18 IBNOISE 3 12 11 1 I I 3 2 3 2 2 1 10 DRUGS 1 IB OTHER 1 2 Ward Total Actions September - October 2007 H 1st Warning Final Warnin! 0 NOP OASBO lnt HASBO R Interim ASBC R Eviction 0 Post NOP UBN HABA 0 SSST H Criminal 4sRn I. I. 1st Warninn IR Final Warnina IONOP % 73 rn z E IH Eviction X Iu I;,N0 Post NOP IMABA U SSST r Ward MOTHERWELL AREA SUMMARY YEAR 07 - 08 WaujJ6 - Motherwell West Total m JUL 1 1 AUG 1 1 2 SEP 1 1 OCT 0 Ward 17 - Motherwell North Tot MOTHERWELL AREA SUMMARY ,YiN; ,07 - 08 Non Meeting Shuttle Improvement Participation Withdrawal Withdrawal Outcome Ward Name Successful Reported Enquiry Party B Party A Party B 18 Motherwell SE & Revenscraig 10 + 10 Ward 18 -a Motherwell SE & Ravenscraig To 1 0 1 2 0 4 4 Motherwell Area Total 3 1 1 2 5 1 0 1 0 2 16 7 16 Total Monthly Cases APR 5 MAY 4 JUN 0 JUL 2 AUG 2 SEP 1 OCT 1 NOV 1 DEC 0 JAN 0 FEB 0 MAR 0 Motherwell Total 16 MOTHERWELL AREA SUMMARY YEAR 07 - 08 MOTHERWELL AREA SUMMARY YEAR 07 - 08 REFERRAL SOURCE SUPPORT ACCEPTED OUTCOMES ACHIEVED AGENCIES REFERRED TO MotherwellArea Total 6 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 10 1 11 2 8 9 3 0 Total Monthly Cases APR 5 MAY 0 JUN 0 JUL 1 AUG 0 SEP 1 OCT 4 NOV 0 DEC 0 JAN 0 FEB 0 MAR 0 Motherwell Total 11 .
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