E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1995 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was lent job. Again, one more time, our the Lavalas apparently with hired as- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- uniform forces have earned the respect sassins, vigilante squads, and possibly pore [Mr. HASTINGS of Washington]. and gratitude of the American people, even commandos operating under a f each and every one of us. I hope, frank- shadow government of Rene Preval. ly, that those folks who are down in Mr. Speaker, this is a very serious DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Haiti on that long mission are now business. People are getting killed and TEMPORE scheduled for some R&R; they cer- it is very anti-democratic business and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tainly earned it. we have just sacrificed a lot of tax- fore the House the following commu- Mr. Speaker, I cannot help contrast- payers' money putting our armed serv- nication from the Speaker: ing this with the harsh images of ices in harm's way to try to nourish de- WASHINGTON, DC, Madam Bertin, mother of four, orga- mocracy in that country. April 3, 1995. nizer of a democratic opposition move- In today's Washington Post, Robert I hereby designate the Honorable RICHARD ment, savagely slaughtered in her car Novak outlined some particularly dis- ``DOC'' HASTINGS to act as Speaker pro tem- just before President Clinton's visit in turbing items. We were told there is a pore on this day. what was clearly a political assassina- hit list now of 30 people, 2 of whom NEWT GINGRICH, tion, and a very brutal one, a murder have already been assassinated. We Speaker of the House of Representatives. our Pentagon has said is unquestion- also know there is a second list, which f ably linked to high level Aristide offi- seems to overlap the first, of people cials. Just one event, it stands out as a who are not permitted to leave Haiti. MORNING BUSINESS representation of things that are still In other words, there are people in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- in the making in Haiti regrettably: The Haiti bent on vengeance who are going ant to the order of the House of Janu- vengeance that abides in some mem- to run a canned backyard hunt. They ary 4, 1995, the Chair will now recog- bers of Haitian society and the still are not going to let him get away, they nize Members from lists submitted by dangerous mission we have asked the are going to run him down and kill the majority and minority leaders for thousands of American troops we still him. morning hour debates. The Chair will have there as part of the U.N. mission. In fact, the roughest seas may lay alternate recognition between the par- I understand we have scheduled to have ahead as the wave of election cycles, ties, with each party limited to not to 2,500 American troops staying there the June to December period, arrive. exceed 30 minutes, and each Member until February of next year, possibly On the eve of the President's visit, except the majority and minority lead- even some talk of them staying beyond Human Rights Watch issued a report er limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. that. In the meantime we still have that points to the risks: ``Political ten- The Chair recognizes the gentleman more than 2,500 there as they withdraw sions are increasing and far from hav- from Florida [Mr. GOSS] for 5 minutes. and we assess the situation. ing brought stability, the U.S. led force f Mr. Speaker, Samuel Berger, our dep- can point only to a fragile security uty national security adviser, main- that impending parliamentary and A THIRST FOR VENGEANCE tains the real problem in Haiti these presidential elections may rupture.'' The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under days is crime and it is, ``at a level prob- Indeed, that is the fear. the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- ably less than most cities around the Mr. Speaker, the new U.N. mission uary 4, 1995, the gentleman from Flor- world and in the United States.'' I am commander, who is U.S. General ida [Mr. GOSS] is recognized during not sure that is a satisfactory standard Kinzer, has already said he will be un- morning business for 5 minutes. and I am not sure that is a satisfactory able to answer the call for security for Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, this weekend explanation, because we are not talk- candidates and polling booths because, Presidents Clinton and Aristide cele- ing about simple crime. What we are as he noted, ``I don't have enough sol- brated the very welcome end of the talking about seems to be a very delib- diers to do that.'' United States mission in Haiti in a erate campaign of vengeance against What is the mission of the United Na- very beautiful ceremony with warm the non-Lavalas members of the Hai- tions force in Haiti today? Good ques- congratulations, white doves and all. It tian political class at a time when they tion. Generally it is to maintain order. was a wonderful photo opportunity and are gearing up for parliamentary elec- Do they have the resources? Another a good moment, especially, a good time tions and Presidential elections and it good question we know that plan to to thank our troops who did an excel- is a campaign that is being waged by spread fewer troops and less equipment b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 4033 H 4034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 3, 1995 than the U.S. operation had in perma- other triumph for women's sports, plaintiff in a title IX case involving nent deployments around the country- when the young women of Brown Uni- women's hockey. Their budget, which side. versity continued their streak of court- was being eliminated, was equal to the We know that their rules of engage- room victories against the university budget for the men's hockey teams's ment will be more restrictive, includ- for the school's refusal to recognize its sticks. ing the facts that the troops are no responsibilities under title IX to pro- Many schools are making the transi- longer authorized to use all necessary vide equal opportunity to men and tion to the increasing interest of means. We know little more than that. women in school, both in the classroom women in sports, but some are not. I have asked the administration what and on the field. As the House begins to look at the rules of engagement will be and I I had the privilege of hearing the tes- progress under title IX, there may be a am eagerly awaiting a response, but if timony of these women at a hearing be- silver lining in a new crop of freshman recent events are any indication, we do fore my subcommittee in the last Con- Members, who came here this year. I know one thing: The mission for our gress. They had been lured to the uni- have found that an understanding of troops in Haiti is not going to get any versity with the promise of an oppor- title IX and college sports is very much easier or any safer. tunity to compete in gymnastics only generational. Parents with daughters Mr. Speaker, I understand that Gen- to find out that their sport and wom- who have grown up in the past 20 years eral Kinzer has now available a SWAT en's volleyball were being eliminated have watched these young ladies ex- team to go out and do some things that to save $77,000 a year. press interest in sports far greater go well beyond what is a traditional They sued, and Brown vigorously de- numbers than in the past. They have U.N. peacekeeping effort. A second fended. According to one published re- encouraged their daughters to play thing we are going to need, besides an port, Brown paid $100,000 to expert wit- sports, such as soccer, basketball, gym- explanation of what troops are there nesses at the trial, so apparently the nastics, track, and swimming. and where they are to go and what the issue was not saving $77,000. Despite They want these young women to rules of engagement are as a report the fact that the students have won at have the same opportunities as their from the White House, we are going to every stage of the process, Brown will sons. I am hopeful that these young need an explanation of just exactly continue to appeal. Members of Congress will view this what are the national security inter- Title IX issues are likely to resurface issue in a personal way, not an ideo- ests for the United States in Haiti in this Congress. Although the law has logical way. today to justify spending $2.5 billion been hampered through lack of en- I once again commend the Connecti- over these some 2 years of trying to forcement in the eighties, it still re- cut Huskies on their well-deserved nourish democracy there and just ex- mains one of the success stories of re- championship in an undefeated season, actly what justified putting over 20,000 cent years.
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