Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 The oJ hnsonian 3-5-1943 The ohnsoniJ an March 5, 1943 Winthrop University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s Recommended Citation Winthrop University, "The oJ hnsonian March 5, 1943" (1943). The Johnsonian 1940-1949. 58. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1940s/58 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The oJ hnsonian at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oJ hnsonian 1940-1949 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NOTE: This isiut, whtdultd M IV\ con* out on Friday, canto II H T 1 NEXT WEEK: Bslltt a March 5 data iin«. AU aioriM I livslllPm Russe Monday Nieht. i Bo Q p.r|. »ta,»oth. »d ura • • • »T4 @ h==V>Sv • ...T.M. Rankin in As- " I riw v^Mfwlllan . THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF WINTHROP COLLEGE VOLUME XX HOCK HILL, SOOTH CAROLINA. MARCH 5, 1943 ,, it UMBER 17 Bond Queen Candidates In Fashion Parade ******* Mystery - Comedy Theme Of Annual Junior Follies Production Song, Dance, Novel Act To Be Given Featured As Highlights On April 3 Of Show In Auditorium Director Reid Says Beardsley Opens Show With Bicycle Stunt Committees Headed As Contestants In Johnsonian Drive Model And Tryouts Started loutse Sum*g*s iGsive -#4*/ttertyameati/M Afs/iy HMTNOHCN AtoryfiweOftHiam Latest Styles In Public Mass Introducttior "Take It Off", written by Paced by the intense drive in behalf of Faye Beardsley, Beverly Turner of Greenville, sponsored by the White Cycle company, the campaign to elect is the play selected recently a campus War Bond Queen will get into high gear following for *43 Follies to be presented the presentation of 42 candidates in a novel style show in the April 3, according to Alice auditorium tonight. Reid of Laurens, chairman of • Before the cxpected one thou- Junior Follies. In contrast to sand spectators, Faye, * in appro- last year's Follies, the play Moss Reads priate cycling garb, will come roll- has a modern setting and ing out on the stage on the latest of theme. victory bicycles, accompanied by a court of eight. This feature will Entr'actes will be writtten and <M*>* W/nvc# £ou/s£ //*0£>#0 FfiA/vccs Htf#t)*£ef/Vfr/z/A'6f# <//9iV£-Mf*T Suggestions be preceded by a surprising intro- directed by Alice Turner of Holly duction by Faith Townsend, por- Hill, Elizabeth Bethea of Latta, and > traying an eighteenth century 1 aiitk. '» . Mft"* "'"'IHB -—~N. Martha Bee Anderson of Hampton. To Faculty beauty on wheels. Heading key committees for the Cake, Fletcher, Wr ht The rest of the contestants are junior class production are Libby to be presented in a number of styl- Stroud, make-up; Mary Stark Elected as Committee ish themes, centered around a col- Suggs, properties; Doris Stevenson, To Study Cut System lege girl's wardrobe, and every- costumes for choruses; Mary S. In perhaps one of its long- thing from shorts to suits, and Moseley, costumes for the cast; t est sessions in years, the Fac- chapeaux to shoes will be modeled Margaret Manning and Arnette ulty Monday night heard a in simplicity and style showing Herbert, music; F.llen Richardson, y statement from the public re- carefully, moderately priced, and choruses; Katherine Konduros, *-jz — K/*Gt#*9 __J '' •-•i*- rroiAtes WAC/AM4 Gmey Gtxre* *o7w&**xerr P*rr/Sosr/en lations committee, listened to tastefully selected clothes for every lighting. the student point of view on occasion. Also, Nancy Herbert, tickets; campus tone from student In addition to the style show, Doris Theodore, programs; Jane members of the public rela other highlights of the program in- Chamness, scenery; Carol Wil- tions committee, and elected i clude music by Juanita Ginn and liams, posters; Martha Bee Ander- | committee of faculty mem- Marjorie Brown at the piano, and son, publicity; and Dorothy Bethea, bers to help in a study of the popular songs by Elizabeth "Tiz" business manager. cut system. Shealy. Reporting on the activities of the The faculty committee for Jun- public relations group, which is a The program tonight will be the ior Follies includes Dean Kate half-way mark in the victory drive committee, Ray A. Furr, for the sale of bonds and stamps, Gler.n Hardin, Dr. Donnis Martin, chairman, asked for faculty sug- Miss Florence Mims, and Dr. which began last week and will gestions for better interpreting Hampton Jarrell. continue until March 15. As The Winthrop to the public. The public Tryouts for the cast of "Take It Johnsonian went to press today, al- relations committee, an advisory Off" began Monday afternoon. ready over $6,000 had been sold committee to the president, is now (Continued on page 6) composed of faculty members, stu ! dents, a member of the board of Late Bulletins trustees, an alumna, and a repre- sentative of the general public. Committee Tell Additional Students' Views Heard But perhaps the most significant part of the nearly three-hour ses- Cadet News sion was the report of the student Will Study From the most recent bulle- committee, read by Maria Moss, , tin by the Army Air Forces president of the Student Govern CMMKttfE ment association. Asked by the Nominees Flying Command, Fort Worth, GIAAQU)4/ Kurd E/e NtctfoLSoH Texas, College officials learned VtHKi agenda committee to express the Board Elects Sub- something new this week 'student point of view" on how to Group To Report about the schedule to be adopt- improve campus tone, the commit- tee prepared and explained five of Names For Successor ed for cadets of "The 41st" To Dr. Phelps (yet to come). six points of view summarized as follows: (1) Students want more in- Groups of aircrew students en- The Winthrop board of formation, (2) Students want more trustees will hear a report tering college training at the same consideration as young women ra- time will be called a "Training from its sub-committee for ther than as "little girls," (3) Stu- recommending names for con- Pool." The regularly scheduled five dents want rules against smoking months period is to be divided in- sideration as president of the changed, (4) Students want more College at a meeting set for to 21 "instructional weeks." responsibility in their legislative There will be an "initial tran- 4»ME f*TOKf?44 C*M/ZcHiik OHHROU. OeXorf/y •S/nm/ Tuesday, March 16, on the ftWZTM SiJ/CTE group, the Senate, and <5> Students campus. An earlier report had sition period", in which superior would like to sec less departmental students will be transferred to incorrectly stated the meeting friction. would be held March 9. "Classification Centers", only af- Students Enter Discussion The sub-committee was elected ter a brief stay at the College. Point by point Maria Moss re- by the board at its Columbia meet- From the scores of the "Education- sponded, along with her commit- ing Monday and consists of J. A. al Classification Test" along with tee, to questions and observations Spruill of Cheraw as chairman, educational histories, the College from the floor. Attending with Ma- Mrs. Louise V. Earle of Sumter, W. will determine existing deficien-1 ria Moss were Virginia Black, Alice B. Davis of Liberty, and Mrs. Hor- cios, and courses of instruction will (Continued on page 6) !Continued on page six) be arranged to correct individual! deficiencies. | FWHCES SjiOfifJ Air cadets will have "block dE^nerre <DOHES ATEA,t <Uo>jNSofJ 4eiE>j Ballet Russe Will Perform On schedules" also. There are five pos- sible course combinations, (a) mathematics, physics, and physics Monday Evening, March 8 laboratory, (b) mathematics, geog- Expect Over 1,000 At Styie Show To See 42 Queens On March 8, the world's 5st famous ballet company, the raphy, history, and English, (c)' Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, will make its third appearance at Winthrop. physics, English, and physics Jab-1 Grace Ashe for Senior class and dormitory. Printery. oratory, (d) physics history, and Smart Shop. Carolyn Nicholson for R. C. Cola Among some of the leading per- politan Opera House, New York, in Jane Coker for Junior class. Dot Smith for Masquers. Company. sonalities of the Ballet Russe to 1942. Tiie theme is basic—how to physics laboratory, (e) physics, Jimmie Crofford for Sophomore geography, and physics laboratory. Jewell Clark for Marshall Oil Jane Whitner for Town Girls as- Marian Holmes for Friedheims. dance here Monday evening will be get a suitable man, and the setting class. Company. Saturdays and Sundays will be sociation. Mary Heath Owens for The Sen- Alexander Danilova, Mia Slavon is the Saturday afternoon rodeo. used as the Detachment Command Martha Leonard for Breazeale Faith Townsend for Physical Harriet Quattlebaum for Phi U, ate. Mlada Mladova, Frederic "The Magic Swan" is of an entirely dormitory. er shall require. Except for physi- Education club. Jane Hart for Zeta Alpha. Louise Schwartz for the Art club. Franklin, Roland Guerard, and different tone; it deals with a cal training, flight training, and Catherine Eve Nicholson for Holly Self for Pi Gamma Mu. Amc Jacobs for the Freshman James Starbuck. mythical stcry of "Prince Sieg- Brownie Studio. Doris Bomar for Forceps and class. The program consists of three military training, it is recommend Churchill Carroll for Carroll Scalpel. fried", his love of the "Swan ed that these two days be left Pinky Bethea for The Johnson- Beverage Company. Wanda Lee Meintzer for the ballets, "Carnaval", by Robert Queen", and the interference of available for ceremonies, iccrea- ian.
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