![Arxiv:1706.09241V1 [Cond-Mat.Mtrl-Sci] 28 Jun 2017 Based Electrolyte Supercapacitors Remain Somewhat Sim- Confinement Might Have a Drastic Influence on the Sol- Ilar](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Confinement Effects on an Electron Transfer Reaction in Nanoporous Carbon Electrodes Zhujie Li1;2;3, Guillaume Jeanmairet2;3, Trinidad M´endez-Morales1;2;3, Mario Burbano1;3, Matthieu Haefele1, Mathieu Salanne1;2;3 1Maison de la Simulation, CEA, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, UVSQ, Universit´eParis-Saclay, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France 2Sorbonne Universit´es,UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, Laboratoire PHENIX, F-75005 Paris, France and 3R´eseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique´ de l'Energie´ (RS2E), FR CNRS 3459, France∗ Nanoconfinement generally leads to drastic effect on the physical and chemical properties of ionic liquids. Here we investigate how the electrochemical reactivity in such media may be impacted inside nanoporous carbon electrodes. To this end, we study a simple electron transfer reaction using molecular dynamics simulations. The electrodes are held at constant electric potential by allowing the atomic charges on the carbon atoms to fluctuate. We show that the Fe3+=Fe2+ couple dissolved in an ionic liquid exhibits a deviation with respect to Marcus theory. This behavior is rationalized by the stabilization of a solvation state of the Fe3+ cation in the disordered nanoporous electrode that is not observed in the bulk. The simulation results are fitted with a recently proposed two solvation state model, which allows us to estimate the effect of such a deviation on the kinetics of electron transfer inside nanoporous electrodes. Nanoconfinement effects strongly impact on many liq- a supercapacitor16. Among the various questions raised uid properties, such as transport, diffusion coefficients, by this study, the most important ones are: How is the phase transitions, and solvation structures1{4. They are electron transfer rate affected by confinement? Does the particularly important for supercapacitors, which have charging of such a supercapacitor remain dominated by emerged as a complimentary energy storage solution to the ionic diffusion? batteries5. This is due to the fact that supercapacitors From the theoretical point of view, electron transfer display faster charging times, and consequently higher reactions in solution are usually studied in the frame- power deliveries than batteries, while attaining longer life work of Marcus theory, which aims at accounting for the cycles. However, the energy density of batteries is higher. influence of solvent fluctuations on the rate of electron In supercapacitors energy storage is realized through the transfer17. Marcus theory has been widely used to inter- adsorption of ions at the surface of two oppositely po- pret experiments and simulations with an undeniable suc- larized electrodes, forming a so-called electrical double cess. However, some systems exhibiting a deviation from layer6. Nanoconfinement has been observed to have a Marcus linear behavior have been reported18,19. Several significant influence on the performance of supercapac- extensions to the theory were proposed to account for itors, as has been demonstrated by experiments7,8 and them20,21. A reason why Marcus theory might fail arises simulations9{12, where it was shown that the use of ma- from the fact that one of its key assumptions is that the terials with sub nanometric pores as electrodes greatly fluctuations of the solvent around the reactant and the increase the capacitance of these devices. product are similar. Yet, if the solvation states of the Within the realm of electrochemical applications, room two species are structurally different, this hypothesis can temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) have attracted a con- be wrong as evidenced by the use of density functional siderable attention13,14. In principle, the properties of theory-based Molecular Dynamics simulations of aqueous RTILs are tunable due to the wide variety of cations and copper and silver ions19,21. In experiments as well, intro- anions from which they can be prepared. Because RTILs ducing asymmetry in Marcus theory22 was necessary to are solely made of charged species, it would have been ex- fit the voltammetric data of various RTILs23. Finally, in pected that using them to replace standard electrolytes the case of interfacial systems several studies have under- would increase the performance of supercapacitors. Yet, lined the importance of field penetration into the metal the interfacial capacitance of RTILs and acetonitrile- and of solvent spatial correlations.24,25 arXiv:1706.09241v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 28 Jun 2017 based electrolyte supercapacitors remain somewhat sim- Confinement might have a drastic influence on the sol- ilar. This rather disappointing observation has been at- vation shell of the adsorbed species26,27. Thus, it is tributed to the more important correlations between ions worth investigating this effect on the electron transfer in RTILs, which is due to the absence of electrostatic rate28. We report here a molecular dynamics study of screening by the solvent15. the Fe3+/Fe2+ electron transfer reaction which has al- An alternative could be to take advantage of the tun- ready been proposed in previous redox supercapacitor ability of RTILs to develop new storage concepts. Re- concepts29,30. The experimental studies involve complex cently, Mourad et al. reported a large enhancement of the species, so that we focus on a simplified system in order energy stored due to simultaneous capacitive and Faradic to gain a first insight on electron transfer reactions in processes when biredox RTILs are used as electrolytes in carbon nanopores. In particular, our study corresponds to infinite dilution since it is known that inorganic salts have low solubilities in imidazolium-based RTILs31. The studied ionic liquid is the 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Eη = (1 − η)E0 + ηE1 (2) tetrafluoroborate (EMIM-BF ), which is put in contact 4 A direct consequence of the linear assumption of Marcus with model carbide-derived carbon (CDC) nanoporous 40 electrodes. We show that the free energy profiles for the theory is that Eη should vary linearly with η . To test this, we carried out simulations with different values of electron transfer reaction strongly deviate from Marcus the coupling parameter η = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.8, 0.9 theory due to the presence of two solvation states for the and 1.0. It is clear for 2b that the Marcus picture is Fe3+ species. violated, since the corresponding vertical energy gaps do We build on previous work by using a simulation not follow the expected linear variation. cell similar to the one we used to investigate the ori- As pointed out in the introduction, discrepancy with gin of increased capacitance in nanoporous carbon-based Marcus theory often originates from strong changes in the supercapacitors10. We employ a coarse-grained model of solvation shell between the reduced and oxidized states. the EMIM-BF with, respectively, 3 and 1 interaction 4 To investigate if that is indeed the case here, we examine sites for the cation and the anion33, to which we add one the coordination number of the iron cation along the sim- iron ion and the appropriate number of chloride counter ulations. The radius of the first solvation shell is taken ions. We keep the electric potential inside the electrodes equal to the first minimum of the Fe-BF− radial distri- constant and equal to 0 V by using the procedure de- 4 bution function in the absence of electrodes (3.8 A).˚ We veloped by Sprik et al.34, which allows the charge on observe that the coordination number (CN) of the Fe3+ the electrode to adjust in response to the local electric cation fluctuates between values of 4 and 6 during the potential due to the electrolyte ions. Each electrode is simulation. This is clearly an effect of the confinement represented by a model of CDC containing 3821 carbon since the cation remains close to the carbon electrode, atoms35. To address the effect of the local environment and the corresponding CN is 4 in the pure RTIL. In con- experienced by the redox species we ran several simula- trast, the Fe2+ cation has a CN that remains equal to 4 tions in which the initial position of the iron ion is set during the whole simulations, as shown in Supplementary in different pores of the disordered carbon material. In Figure S1. order to study the following redox half-reaction: The distances between Fe3+ and the six nearest anions Fe2+ ! Fe3+ + e− along a representative trajectory are displayed in 3a; the other simulations display similar variations. The alterna- we performed simulations of the reduced species Fe2+ tion between two coordination environments is confirmed and of the oxidized one Fe3+. It has been shown by by the fact that during some parts of the simulations Warshel36,37 that a relevant reaction coordinate to study we detected that 4 anions are closely coordinated to the 3+ electron transfer reaction is the vertical energy gap ∆E, Fe with a Fe-BF4 distance of 2.8 A,˚ the two remain- which is defined as ing anions being located further away from the iron with a distance greater than 4 A,˚ while in other parts the 6 anions are coordinated with Fe3+ with metal-ligand N N N ˚ ∆E(fR g) = E1(fR g) − E0(fR g); (1) distances fluctuating between 2.6 and 3.8 A. 3c and 3d show representative snapshots of the two coordination where E1 and E0 are the instantaneous potential ener- states which appear to be tetrahedral and octahedral, gies of a system with either the reduced or the oxidized respectively. The corresponding fluctuations of the ver- state of the redox-active species for a given microscopic tical energy gap are shown on 3b. Sudden changes occur configuration fRN g. We recall here that in the linear concommitently with the jumps in CN in 3a, which shows response assumption in Marcus theory17,38, the distribu- that the confinement effect on the solvation of Fe3+ is at tion of the order parameter is Gaussian39 and, in par- the origin of the departure from Marcus theory discussed ticular, the shape of the distribution of ∆E obtained by above.
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