![Senate the Senate Met at 9:30 A.M., and Was SCHEDULE with the Democratic Leadership, When Called to Order by the President Pro Mr](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 No. 114 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m., and was SCHEDULE with the Democratic leadership, when called to order by the President pro Mr. LOTT. Today the Senate will re- we will definitely have votes on Mon- tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. sume consideration of the Harkin days or Fridays or if there will not be amendment No. 1057 to the Agriculture any votes on a particular Monday or PRAYER appropriations bill. Under the previous Friday. But if we are going to be able The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John order, there will be 20 minutes for de- to complete our work by a reasonable Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: bate on the amendment equally divided time this fall and then go back to our constituencies in our respective States, Bless the Lord, O my soul: between Senator COCHRAN and Senator and all that is within me, HARKIN. Following the use or yielding we are going to have to work on some bless his holy name. back of time, a vote will occur on or in Mondays and Fridays. Bless the Lord, O my soul, relation to the Harkin amendment at I yield the floor, Madam President. and forget not all his benefits. approximately 9:50 a.m. f —Psalm 103:1. Following the disposition of the Har- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Gracious God, You have given us kin amendment and passage of the Ag- souls so we could know You and receive riculture appropriations bill, the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Your spirit of wisdom, guidance, and ate will resume consideration of S. HUTCHISON). Under the previous order, power. We thank You for the repeated 1061, the Labor-HHS appropriations the leadership time is reserved. reminders from the psalmist not to ne- bill. f glect the spiritual health of our souls, I remind Senators that this issue, of and Jesus’ warning to us of the danger course, was considered in July. The AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- of gaining the whole world and losing Harkin amendment was defeated at MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- our own souls. that time, I believe, by a vote of 52 to ISTRATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS Lord, we confess that we don’t think 48. I urge my colleagues to again vote ACT, 1998 very much about the condition of our against the Harkin amendment and to, souls, nor do we always listen atten- of course, support passage of the Agri- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under tively to Your voice speaking to us culture appropriations bill. I believe the previous order, the Senate will now through our souls. It is easy to lose our Senator COCHRAN in July outlined resume consideration of H.R. 2160, assurance of abundant, eternal life in clearly what is involved in this issue, which the clerk will report. the intensity of the pressures and the and I think obviously he has stated the The assistant legislative clerk read demands of daily life. We become bur- position that we should support which as follows. dened by the responsibilities when we is to defeat this Harkin amendment. A bill (H.R. 2160) making appropriations lose the blessing of our relationship Members can expect a number of for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food with You. The danger is that we polish amendments to be offered today and and Drug Administration, and Related Agen- our personalities and we shrink our votes will occur throughout the day on cies Programs for the fiscal year ending Sep- souls. Labor-HHS. We hope to be able to com- tember 30, 1998, and for other purposes. As we begin this day, we honestly plete action in short order on the bill. The Senate resumed consideration of confess to You our deep inner need for We may not be able to do it tonight, the bill. a fresh inflow of Your spirit into our but we will stay with the Labor-HHS Pending: souls so that all the faculties You have appropriations bill until it is com- Harkin amendment No. 1057, to provide given us will be used to glorify You and pleted, either today or, if necessary, to- funding for activities of the Food and Drug not ourselves. Through our Lord and morrow. We will notify Members when Administration relating to the prevention of tobacco use by youth. Saviour. Amen. votes can be expected. In addition, the Senate will recess at The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Har- f 12:30 until 2:15 for the weekly policy kin amendment No. 1057 is pending on luncheons to meet. As announced ear- which there shall be 20 minutes of de- lier, Members can expect votes each bate equally divided. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY day this week, including the very real Mr. HARKIN addressed the Chair. LEADER possibility of at least one vote, maybe The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The more, on Friday of this week. ator from Iowa. able majority leader, Senator LOTT of As the Senate continues the session Mr. HARKIN. First, I ask unanimous Mississippi, is recognized. through September and October, we consent that Ms. Lori Turpin, a Mr. LOTT. Thank you, Mr. President. will notify Members, after consultation detailee in the office of Senator ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S8677 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:55 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S03SE7.REC S03SE7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S8678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 3, 1997 INOUYE, be granted floor privileges dur- the rights of Senators that could be to come from an increased assessment on to- ing deliberations on S. 1061. swept away in the name of expediency, bacco companies. Now it will come from an- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without rules that could be eviscerated as mere other source—an offsetting cut in a minor objection, it is so ordered. trifling inconveniences. Agriculture Department program. The ques- Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I This procedural argument made by tion is whether those, including a number of leading Democrats, who voted no on the ear- yield myself 3 minutes, after which the distinguished chairman is both lier grounds, will now vote aye. They should. time I will then yield to Senator dangerous and bogus. Let’s get to the The rest of the session is likely to include CHAFEE, the majority cosponsor of this real issue here. The issue is whether or a lot of fights like this, mostly over second- amendment. not kids under the age of 18 should be and third-tier issues and small amounts. The I also ask unanimous consent that able to buy tobacco and whether we same Senate agriculture appropriations bill, Senator BINGAMAN be added as a co- ought to fund efforts to stop such sales. for example, contains some $50 million more sponsor of the pending amendment. That is what this vote is about. It is than the administration sought to pay com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without about our kids and protecting them missions and otherwise subsidize crop insur- from the ravages of tobacco. With the ance; the House bill contains $30 million objection, it is so ordered. more. Critics tried to use some of this money Mr. HARKIN. Before I return to the death toll of over 400,000 a year, smok- for programs to feed the poor instead. No substance of our amendment, I want to ing is killing more Americans than way, but the issue may still be live in con- address a couple of points raised yes- AIDS, alcohol, motor vehicles, fires, ference. terday. homicide, illicit drugs, and suicide There are likely to be similar struggles The distinguished chairman of the combined. And I might add, with the when the Senate takes up the Interior appro- agriculture appropriations sub- addition of the Byrd language, States priations bill, possibly next week. Sub- committee suggested that my amend- will be encouraged to crack down on committee Chairman Slade Gorton included ment should not be adopted because it the illegal sales of alcohol along with in the bill two provisions that would make the illegal sales of tobacco. Teenage major changes in Indian law harmful to the skirts the rules. Well, the rules gov- interests of the tribes. They ought to be erning this body clearly permit this smoking rates are climbing—a 17-year excised. An effort will be made to limit fur- Senator or any other Senator to offer high among high school seniors. ther logging in the national forests by cut- an amendment to the House Agri- Why do we need these FDA rules? Be- ting construction funds for the roads on culture appropriations bill once it cause without the ID checks and a which such logging depends. That one failed comes over to us. strong rule against underage sales, in the House by only two votes when the ad- There was a quotation in AP today of kids will continue to fall prey to to- ministration wobbled in support. It ought to Senator COCHRAN saying, ‘‘This is an bacco. pass. unfortunate effort to go around the This picture says more than a thou- Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I rules and procedures.’’ sand words about why the FDA rules yield 3 minutes to the distinguished How, I ask, can this Senator, be are needed. Here is Melissa on the left, Senator from Rhode Island [Mr.
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