THE'SYRACUSE HERALD SUNDAY MORNING,'FEBRUARY11, 1917. ; mllo-Bcarred , pathflhdor.i:;.twplvo-oylln(loi! bill which omand* th« present Auto- GOOD TRUCK OUTLOOK .= MEEKER ON ROAD : Schooiiermobliu : for Washington,', whero moibUo law. •lie'holies to. see;, the/passuge'by .Congress It la tho opinion of Mr. Bender that ; rA EXPECT 450 AT AUTO Veteran Traveler Goes to Washing- of tlio national -highways "Pioneer • Ore-, the constantly Increasing number of H. G. Barlow of Acme Finds Good : ; • < ' • son Trail" bill. ;. : > ,. -.'--..•'.. '...;. •• : fatalities uaa mounted BO high that in . Moeltor will make the trip'tack .to tho tha opinion of tho members of tho Now Field in Central New York. ton to Boom.Oregon Trail.. Atlantic seaboard.via tho Santa. Fo trull York State Automobilo association CLUB BANQUET TUESDAY Dispatches from IMS Aneolos announced and southern- highway to New Orleonij that tho timo has arrived to place in Prospects arc bright for .truck sales (lie departure .of JSzra ; Meeker, me and Jacksonville, and • thence •• north ovpl tho hands of some Stats official the during tho coming moriihs In thio sec- famuuB transcontinental traveler. In his a portion of the Olxlb highway. authority to revoke licenses to drive tion of the Stale, accordlns to Harry G. Fred Wagner. Dario Resta Barlow of New York, factory repre- cars. Fred Wagner sentative for Acmo trucks. Mr. Barlow "Under tho present law." says Mr. has hoen travelling- Central and North- State Auto Association Re- Bender, "there are so many occasions and G. M. Graham ern New York for tlio last 1'o.w weolcs which have amply demonstrated to the and has closed up several good orders. verses Attitude. •satisfaction of the State authorities to Speak. The Star Auto Delivers- company, No. that certain individuals ar» grossly 2110 South Salina street, has ordered uaflt to operate an automobile, and It several special jobs to be shown In the is plainly 'evident that they arc cn- city during auto show weok. By FREDERIC T. CARDOZE. danserlng tho lives and property of uMoro than 460 persons will sit down tho g-eneral public, and yet there Is no to the sixteenth annual banquet of the Pel). 10.—That there has been power vested in a State official to re- Automobile Club of Syracuse next a. complete reversal on the part of the voke or suspend the licenses-of these Tuesday night In the Onondaga If the 1 83 Overland .Roadster New Tort Automobile association, as reckless persons. salo of tickets up to last night may 11915 Studebaker Six Touring regards Its policy, Is tho statement of "Tho ilrst automobile law was an 11915 Dodge Bros. 5-pusseuger identification measure, the idoa being be taJcen aa an accurate estimate. MoMn T. Bender, general counsel for that if someone was guilty of reck- For the last week Assistant Secre- 11916 Dodge Bros. 5-passcnger that organisation. For tho past ten less driving- there should ba some tary Harry E. Lavler has been doing,' 1 1915 Cadillac 7-pnssenger years tho Stato association has op- little but take care of the m;iss of' L method of apprehending that person. pOECd all amendments to the auto- The second step in the way of auto- reservations th.it hayo been asked for. I 1 1910 Cadillac 7-pussenger mobile lair, fcat to-day it has come mobile legislation was tahen attar the It la expected by Mr. Lavier, who' 1 1915 Cadillac 5-pnssenge.r Salou Touring out In favor of the uniform Traffic lapse of a few years; this step was aiclajms ,,e luum.t n mlimte to spare to' 1.1916 Packard Twin Six 5-passcnger bill, Introduced by Assemblyman Clnr- . much, exact information, that ailj .1. 1916 Packard Twin Six 7-passeuger once Welsh, as •well as for the 'Welsh nearly ten years It is thought that the I the remaining reservations will be Business 1 1915 Dodge Roadster time has arrived to tako the third step j taken up. It may -be that extra accom- 11915 Saxon Six 5-passenger of advance and irfve some State offi- rnodr-tlons will have to bo provided. With long lease, lias been cial tho power of revoking licenses for Walter B. Cherry, chairman of the The cars 'above tested have been carefully , cause. banquet committee andi toastmastcr, left -with private party to dis- examined by us and put in first class mechanical MIDWINTER ! "Of what use is it to have an iden- announced yesterday that regardless of; pose of, as owner has bad to j tlflcation measure If there Is no power anything: dinner -drill be served promptly j condition. or State authority to revoke the leave city to attend to other licenses of chauffeurs and offenders? at 7 o'clock. I business. This will stand The upholstery, tops and finish have been care- SPECIALS Jlcrely to know who IB guilty is use- Many Prominent Guests. less unless that knowledge can Ibe used The club will have as guests a largo thorough investigation. Com- fully looked after and everything done to make the Adjustable Wrenches— so as to prevent tho offender from number of State, county and city of- pletely filled with storage. cars right.in every way. 6-inch 23c committing further acts which en- ficials including Secretary of State Having an established trade. danger the. public." Francis II. Hiifro, Lieutenant Governor 8-inch „ - 32c The proposed changes outlined and Edward Schoeneck, Commissioner of Can show that this business 10-inch ,36c provided for in the Welsh bill em- Highways Edwin Duffy, Division high- has averaged over $3,000.00 12-inch 40c power the secretary of- State, after a way Engineer William 31. Acheson. per month for the past year. hearing, to revoke a license or certifi- County Superintendent of Highways 422 West Onondaga Street Ford Cut-Outs, complete. 50c cate of an operator or chauffeur, be- Frank E. Bogradus. Mayor Walter R. Dry Cells, high test. ea..25c cause of a violation of Section Stone, Corporal iori Counsel D. Ray- Address A-48 which forbids reckless driving and mond Gobi), Commissioner of TPublic 1 Electric Trouble Lights.600 provides for stopping on signal and Safely Walter W. Nicholson. Chliief of The Herald Auto Creepers Si.90 | tho rules of the road. licenses may Police ilartin L. Cndiu, W. B. Foster, Ford Fan Belts 21c bo revoked also for operating in an president of the Utica Automobile club, I Intoxicated condition: for going away and John M. Ross, chairman of the ex- j Brass Oil Guns 37c I n-ithoiit stopping- after an accident to ecutive. committee of the New York Ford Yalve Grinders 14o person or to property and also for oer- | State Motor federation, tain violations of the uniform traffic —Fre d- Wag-tier. Dario Resta and Tire Tape, half pound 14c \ act, and also on tho complaint of mo- George M. Graham, who will speak, Sponges, special, eacli...3Sc tor vehicle commissioners in other fonn a trio of automobile experts in Confession. Ford Brass Racing Type States, where the facts show viola- as many fields such as have not often .Tones—What-What, drinking so soon after tions of the above sections, or what been gotten together at any such af- man-luge? Where is your will power? Radiator Caps 30c would be equivalent to such viola- fair. Nc-tvlywed—Gone on a visit to her ' 1-Ton Jacks" 95c tions. Mr. "Wagner i? rarely seen, when '"Other! Ten new points are mentioned in away from tho race track, except, at Ford Socket Wrench connection with the Welsh and other his farm. 11 is there he seeks rest at Sots $2.10 automobile bills; requiring pedestrians diversion between trips to tho races Valve Grinding to act In a uniform manner when where he acts .as starter. meeting a vehicle; giving pedestrians Times Racers in Secret Trials. Compound 18c the risrlit of way on crossings in cities to When not acting in his oflicial ca- S C N WEED CHAINS a i nacity, however. Mr. Wagner is seen GASOLINE "As Necessary as Gasoline" 'almost any time, watch in hami. O O Y Always in stock IT some 01 tin; country s greaiesi Brown-Brown Co., Inc. 438 South Warren Street „,men„t „clause ^.,s s,^ s& S!=4n,±!^S- ItegretfeS These are the most Important. close friends. Those uvo men a re! information probably the most noted in tho coun- j R la with extreme regret i try connotced with speed events on; that it behooves us to un- counce an advance in price 'motor tracks. Harry C. Goodwin, j of Rra^ollne. Nevertheless, I humorist of Rochester, will givr? | we shall cling to our estab- j sketches. j lished policy of charging but Large, roomy tonneau, with ample capacity for three people and plenty of leg room for driver .1 cent profit per gallon •whether the price Is higher and passenger in front seat and plenty of power to level all hills on high speed. Equipped with PACKARpTlJNIVERSARY j or lower. Dyneto two unit starter (made in Syracuse); 35 H. P.; full floating rear axle, etc. It has all the features found in cars selling for three times the price. Y.ou owe it to yourself to investigate President Maeauley Reaffirms "Amer- 'A thoroughly established automobile company this quality car before buying. ica First" Employment Policy. "Fill Up at Blssell's" LIVE DEALERS—GET OUR AGENTS' PROPOSITION. I handling motor cars that are.conceded to be among the The first anniversary of the Pack- | best in their respective classes wishes to obtain two more ard Motor Car company's policy of "Americans First" was marked Jan- salesmen.
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