News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association October 28,1991, Volume 28 Number 38 FIVC NCAA md~v~dudl Lh<tm- tutlon5, and 5electlon5 nrr made by p1orls. mcludmg a world rccord- the NCAA Honor5 C’ommltteK holder. plus the capt,nn of thK rcgn- Hlogrqhlcal5kKtchKs 01 thK wm- mp Dlvlslon I ice hockey chdmplon5 tcr-spring finahct\ follow have heen named finah\ts m winter- Michael Ray Barrowman Fprlng sport\ for the Arsoclatmn’F Har I owman holds the 2OO~metcr Today’s Top SIX awardc brcdststt ohc wet Id I CCOI d and hrokc SIX f&sport studcntmathlctcs .11so the cxlstmg mnrk lour tlmcs m his will bK sclccted Lttrr this yK,rr, ,rnd la\t three se.ison\ The I99 I Sulhvan 51x honoreK\ will becho\Kn trom the Award fln,tll5t was a three-time I2 fmah\ts I hey and the SIX S~lvct NC AA 2O&y,u-d brcaststrokc cham Anmvclsary Award winners will bc plon ,md holds the Amcrlcan accord Michael Ray Gea Johnson ~Kcognlrcd at the honors dmncr 01 m the event D‘trrowm,m wds the Barrowman Sandra Bimh the 1992 NCAA ConvKntlon ‘1s thK 1990 NCAA swunmel of the year College Athlctlcs Top XII ‘tnd d thlcc-tlmc II S swunmcr of the year (IYKY. 1990 .md 1991) Hc Wintci-spi ing fmali\t\ arK swim- pldccd fourth in the 198X Olympic5 mcr Mlch~l Kay Barrowman, Um- XO~mctcr hrcast\trokc and 15 d vctslty of Mlchgan, tKnms pl,iyKr Iibc-time 11 S swimming national S,mdla Hlrch. Stanford LJnlverslty, chanlploll hcptathlctc (~ca John5on, Arlron,i An Lngl~sh mqor and an NC‘AA St&c I I~IVCI \lty, gymnast Joy SKllg, postprddudte sLholdiship rccipicnt, 01 egon St&c Umvcrslty, Ice hockKy B~I I owm,m gidduatcd m May 199 I pl,ryKr Brad Wcrenka, Northern with n 3 220 grade-point average Mlchlgan llmvcrslty, and cwlmmer (4 000 sidle) Bdrrowmrn .~lso IS 4 D,iv~d Whnrton, Umvcrslty of South- SpK~l,rl Olympic\ volunteer ,md cm C‘aliformd work\ at \w~m camps tor youngters SeleLtlon I\ based 50 pclccnt on Sandra Birch athletics ahlhty, 25 pcrccnt on ~a- A two-time NCAA singles chum- dermc dchlevement, and 25 percent p~on (I989 and 1991) and a 1990 on character, leadership and extra- NCAA douhlcs finalist, Birch IF a curricular dctivitiKs Nomindtion member 01 the NCAA women’s &a terms are sent to all member inrti- Joy Selig Brad Werenka David Wharion Brown’s career path colorful Bowl aU.iance meets By David D Smalc The NC‘AA News Staff to review options lnveatlgator and NCAA enforcement dcpartmrnt head B,ir owner Cattle rancher Admml\trator Oltlclal5 from four bowls, tivc The arrangement takes Klfect ThosK occupations have nothmg In common, except conferences and the University next scabon Proponents sdy it that Warren Brown hds held them in succesqlon smcc hc of Notre LXunc met October 21 will slmphly the process of dKter- began his professional career 25 years ago to discuss thKlr new alhancc and mlmng bowl matchups, delay While that career track IS not dvrrdgc, Brown rarely to levicw potcntidl postseason th,u proce55 until the Knd of the has been accused of bcmg avcrqe HK 15 d former sccnai 10s regular 5eason drid mcrease the NCAA assistant cxecutlve dlrector tar enforcement “WK’Ve prohahly done a good hkellhood that the two top- who now IS ,m nsslstant director for the Natmnal Job 01 makmg this sound d httle ranked tcdma will meet each Jan- Fedcratlon of State High School Aasoclatlons He 1s d more complex thnn it need5 to,” uary I former college haskctball pldyrr who now I> an avid Chuck Johnson, president of the A framework IS m place for golfer who rcccntly took a trip to Scotland to play at FlKstd Bowl told I hr Assocl.ited determining pVStsKaSnn lineups I hc Old Course at St Andrews Press “A lot of things that sic in the lour bowls, but some de- “Warren 15a fierce compctltol in cverythmg he doe\,” going to KVdVe are not going to talla remam to hc workKd out sold S David Rerst, curlcnt NCAA a,ql\tant executive bc d slgnlficant ClldllgK from One question 1s whether the director for enforccmcnt “Thnt’r one of the leasons I hkr whdt’5 happcncd in the past” guIdelInes will enhance the hnn Hut out of thK offiLK, he is very down to cdrlh and The alllance, lormed 111July, drama of the regular season or has a good scnsc of humor” also Includes thK Orange, (‘otton mcrcly contuse fans Ask Brown how he achieved the position 01 NCAA and Sug,u Bowls, ac well as the “I guess It’s hkc trymg to learn assistant executlvc dlrcctor for Knlorcement wlthout a Atldntlc Coast, thg L‘tst, Big how to rldc d bicycle,” said law degree or any Kxpcrlrnce m htlgatmn, and you WIII Elpht, Southcdstcrn ,rnd South- Harper Ddvldson, preqldcnt of get a straightforward answer “I was hired because I was weqt Athlctlc ConIKrencK\ OffI- the Or,mgK Bowl <‘ommlttKK “It young, smglr dnd could travel,” he said “My d‘td was a c1a1\ <trK optlrnlstlc that the can be vrry complex at first, but high-school coach m Kansas City and worked with Art Paclflc-IO ,md Western Athlctlc once you get going, It’s not that Bergstrom at the NAIA mdool track meet every yedr CollfClKllLKS ~111 participate by complex ” Art sdw my dad when I had Ju\t come b‘tck ‘tnd asked m,tkmg thKlr runners-up avalId- Under the agreement, the Big how I was When he found out I lust returned, he told Warren Brown hlc to the dlhance SW Ron I alhanc 0. page 2 my dad to ‘Have him come down and talk to mK’That IS how that happened ” Brown, however, did not work for the NCAA for I I year? strictly bccaubc he was dn easy fit Warren Brown “He was an extremely hard worker,” Bcrst said. “Wr Lives in: Lake Quwa, Kansas In the News wds very focused on the work hc had to do Whatever task he was given hc did until hK dropped He has a Occupation: AssIstant Director, tremendous ablhty to focus dnd lmd a solution.” Natlonal Federation of State Hugh Brown grdduated from Kansas State University in School Assoaatlons. 1962 with a degree In education He Karned a master’5 Formerly: NCAAAsslstant Executive degree m cducatlon from Indiana Unlverslty, Bloon- Director for Enforcement mgton, and then Jomed the Air Force, where hr ~a.5 rcsponsiblc for that service’s European athletics pro- Family: Wife, Sharon; daughters, gram When he returned from the Air Force In 1966, he Thetchen and Brynee See IJrown i currer, page IX 2 THE NCAA NEWS/October 28,199l Bowl alliance Legislative Assistance 1991 Column No. 38 Continued from page I tin is No. I and bound for the the University of Tennessee, Eight will continue to send its Cotton Bowl, the highest-ranked Knoxville, No. 2, it’s uncertain NCAA Bylaw 16.13.1- incidental-expense waiver team in the pool will be invited whether the Sugar Bowl will al- champion to the Orange Bowl. Member institutions should note that in accordance with Bylaw 16.13. I, to play in Dallas on January I. low Tennessee to play Oklahoma The SWC-Cotton Bowl and the NCAA Council, by a two-thirds majority of its members present and If the teams ranked No. I and in the Orange Bowl. SEC-Sugar Bowl afliliations also voting, or a committee designated by the Council, may approve a member No. 2 are both in the five-team will continue. @In other bowl news, a pro- institution’s request to provide additional expenses incidental to a student- pool, they will go to the Fiesta After the Big Eight, SWC and posed Alamo Bowl would be athlete’s participation in intercollegiate athletics when the information Bowl. SEC champions are determined, played in 1993 at the Alamo- presented persuades the Council that such a waiver is warranted because it: The Big TKn Conference may the other slots for the four bowl dome in San Antonio, Texas. (I) may he applied on the basis of defined, objective standards; (2) does not be the only major conference not games will be filled by a five- Officials with the Southwest create an unfair competitive advantage for the involved institution, and (3) involved in the alliance. Its cham- team pool, which will include Conference and the game are would not compromise the intent of the governing legislation. Member pion already is committed to the Notre Dame, the champions of trying to reach an agreement institutions seeking an incidental-expense waiver are reminded that Rose Bowl, and the league re- the Big East and ACC, and two contingent on thr bowl’s certifi- approval of thK waiver is necessary prior to paying such expcnscs. All other highly rankrd at-large cently announced an agreement cation, The Associated Press re- incidental-expense waiver requests, including those arising out of an teams. The at-large teams could to sent second- and third-place ported. emergency situation, should be directed to the legislative services depart- he independents or conference teams to the Citrus or Holiday ment. members. bowls. The bowl’s formal application “We have indications that the “The Big Ten has removed will be presented to the NCAA Student-Athlete Statement -correction - Pat-IO and the WAC are inter- itself,” said Holmrs. “That was a Postseason Football Subcom- Divisions I and II estcd in bKing involved in this,” decision it made.
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