. ~ 89-Year-Old Coed tIl May Game fo SiJl .', Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ., AUDRIY ROORDA ,., ~ ...,. .' 7 .. An 89-year-old coed may come to '. ~ , ~~ in 1" - Five Centt a Copy Member oC Associated Press - AP Leased Wire and PhoCD Serviro ]owa City, Iowa, Saturday, April 28, 1956 SUI next (all. At au .,e wben many women are read)' for rock­ " ing-chair remlnisclDJ and knitting. this woman js determined to get a college .~. Miss Julia MUler, who will be 10 in August, hoJ)H to come to SUI next lall Cor tbIl rlDai 15 residence­ hours abe needs for her B.A. de­ ·tiJast Ri.ps ~irQi~ia gree_ Miss Miller, who lives in Daven­ port. was f1J'St enrolled at SUI in 1904 In the auntmer session. She attended four other summer 8t'I­ sions and several Saturday ~ons before switching to correspond· A'partment; 1Q Die ence study in Jm. She has earned 46 hours o( coUerc eredlt by cor· respondence since then. Majoring in history, Miss Miller lacks three hours in that depart. ~·~!~U-...!..-j h----'·ce-· R-e~sig--:--n~s as SUI Dean of Studenti- 3 ChilHren , ment and seven In natural science to meet SUI requirements lor • B.A. degree. University relUlatlofts y I. ~.,. F ..,,, "",_ lrom hI. "'" .. SUl "'.. " "...... ' Among Dead; require that a I~udent take the He ·has been named vice-president in char,e 0( public and stu· Instrudor Gets 12 Cars final 15 hours of study In resI.ncc. servioel at Western Michigan College. Kalamazoo. ~ich. H .... s,...!ah ' ........... that "stronger student government and an im. 7 Are Hurt n proved student personnel pro­ The most d1Iflcuit subject whlcb gram" have been the main de­ Miss Miller took by correspondence velopments he has seen durin, his PULASKI, Va. IA'l-A tremendous was Spanish. BIle said. six years at SUI. eli;plosion and nre wrecked a 3- "To learn to read a langua;~. story brick apartment hou c here one should hayCJ the spoken word." In his new position. Faunce wiD Friday, killing JO person . includ· (Dally Iowa .. Pbo'o' she said. "U is the first ti,me that assist the Western Michigan Col· ing a woman and her three chil­ Miss Julia Miller I learned to read a language onl, .. lege president in overseeing 23 de­ dren. Seven others were inJured_ Nccd3 15 HOllTS for B.A. European historY was the most partments dealing with student and The 6 a.m. explosion was touched enjoyable "mall order" course that public services. About 6.000 stu· off when re taurant owner W. J. -------------------- she has studied. dl'nts attend Western Michigan }1 haffey. 75. struck 8 match to " It gave me a look into ~ndi­ College. light a gas waler heater. The blast lions In Europe that made it seem Flrlt fw J.a. wa Cell in an area oC three blocks as Ir every European would be House OKs Biggest happy to come to our eountry to aroUlld tho building. The vice·presidency is a newly Tbe apartment hou wa re· get a new start," she said. created position at the Michigan dUced to a heap of rubble and It Much as r.uss MUler enjoys college. Faunce wUl be the first wa ,not until late in the aft rnoon studying, she laid that her home person to hold Ole job. that workm~n with earth-moving Road. Bill in' History and the Carm on whlcb she and her "The new and different opportu· equipment, picks and shovels reo sister live bave .Iways been her .~ niUes offered by this new position covered the 10th body. W SHINGTON (ofI-The House pa ed the biggest roadbuilding bill first consideration . have presented myself and my The bla t lUted the roof and let in history Friday and approved almost $15 billion Ln higher taxes to " In summer. we ha v~ mlleh work family with a very difficult deci­ it crumple back into the building. h Ip pay ror It. on our three acre. with a cow and sion." Faunce e'fplained Friday. said Mrs. Glenn Eller, who was The vote was 388·19. Now th bill goes to the Senate. chickens and a bl, ve.etable gar· "Leaving Iowa is no easy matter I pbs!ing by on her way to work al Till' Hause legislation calls Cor a 13·year program of federal and state den." " or any of us, even to return to our ho lery mill. "Then it seemed spending totallng $5Hl billion. ,..na,...C)I~ P!,nl,t native state and to my undergradu- (Oall 10." P"'O) to Call apart." The House measure would put 0 ' F One of het favorite pastUmes is ate alma mal<lr," "ONE F EVIRY DAY ef the _le.nct five to s".re," ••ve Fr.nk Full of G•• new and increased taxes totaling U r 0 r c e s playing the piano. Faunce received a bachelor of Frlull, "n Instr~ In the SUI Spanl.h Dep.rtment, .fter IMin. pre. $14.8 billlbn on the people who use " I love music. especlally ehur~h science degree from Western MIlled with 12 (toy) un. Friuli leld hi. stucienh he wu ' ..rni", to A tatc pollc trooper said th .ne roads d~ring the next J6 years, or sacred music_ The ooIy piece Michigan, He also bas a master of drl.,.."" .",g.. ted th.t they buy him. ur. Nut ~'u. period Friull building mu t have been full oC gas. This includes a raise of one cent SI,·pp,·ng Says that I sUlI keep up Is •' The Guard· isc!'s Helser arts degree from the University WII pre.... ttd the 12 cln by member. of hil c:lul. becaus it went off almost like 3 on the prescnt two Cents a gallon , Ian Angel" by Flotow. M onc of Michigan and a . doctor of edu- ----~-----------­ bomb. federal gasoline tax. 1t also in· time she was a plano teacher. , cation degree in personnel admin· The dead: cludes higher taxes on tires. trucks. USA· Ch· I She tau,ht in a country seboot istration from Michigan State Col­ Mrs. Eugene Welch ; her dough· buses and truck trailcrs. .." r Ie (or one year, b~t ,avc It Up wben t r Elizabeth, 22; and her sons. It Is e timated that present high- &~~ii~"66' ,Pt~~~ :-. ,. lege. Russia Would Welcome her father Deeded her at home. Victor. J2 and Garland, 16. way usc taxeS. plus the inerea es WASHINGTON (.1'1 _ Gen. Curtis ' ~1!iIi II! '..:-' M. D. ·Helser. 66. dI­ Clme H.,.. In 1.50 Her sister Helen, 85. taught In. .the Mrs. Helen Denton. 5J, and her approved Friday, will yield $381,9 E, LeMay, head o{ the Strategic Davenport schools for 50 years. ~ -of 'madent affairs at Iowa grandson, Clarke Mabe. 9. billion over 16 years. The SUI dean came to this cam· She retired in ~~Il~ge, died in the College pus in 1950 from a position as Arnls Ban, B&K Say Mrs. George Morris. 51. The major provision. sets up a Air Command, said Friday the op- 1940. • I •.". to N.... • - '.:~~rsdIlY ~ight of cancer. counselor for men at Mich,ican LONDON ~ussia 's leaders sailed for bome Friday after voicing Mrs, Minnie Akers. 74, 40.000-mlle national system of In· eratlng efficiency o( the U.S. Air Miss Miller went to Europe in been in. the hospital sev· State College. a belief their talks with Prime Minister Sir Anthony F;dcn bave served Mrs. Rose Math rly. 73_ state and de fen highways con· Force has been "slipping" for the 1892. and llved in PariS for eight Ifi "I am personally pleuc.d that J , : lDoe Jast fall but had the tau" ol ~ce. And Eden said Friday night "it may be that the Georgc H. Goad, 79, n cling 42 state capitals and l!O put four years while the Russians ~, . shall still have some opportunjty - iii l hi, o'dea up to last immecllale dangers of war have receded." Most seriously hurt was Mrs, per cent oT all ettIcs over 50,000 arc "probably improving" In thllt "I learned Fmneh tJ\cre and , I to continue to work with students "The London discussions could Nora Davis. 59. She wall reported population, f~" . * * * just loved the elty of Paris, OJ ,be " . l' j ~ in my new situation," Faunce com· t .· . } , - be! important, ' Eden told the Brit. in serious condition wIth burns and The federal government would respect. said. mented. "but I am certalb that I .iDe • ., »el~r came to Iowa State Ish I I bri C t I . i F' dI F II multiple fracturt!s , pay some $25 biUion and lhe states LeMay told a Senate Armed If she could begin aU ovCt on ber shall never work with a better. peop e n Bee ~ IS on ap· rlen y arewe s Other ho pltall~d were McllaC· almost ,,~ billion on this interstate Services subcommllcc the Red air ~ 014'. fa lI\e anllnal hUsbandry pc~ce . Clc8f~ferrlJl' to the . .., edueatJon, Miss MlUer not be· more mature and generally re­ "'tl f Id he fey, extensive bums; Nora Jean superhighway system. The federal force is a "more professional" doee ent .~" when the conege pr • on 0 peace. LONDON !.fI-As the 12.800-ton lieve that she equid make,mati), , , alaed . • meats laboratory in sponsible student body than I have dded .. ""'.... uld be the be in Mabe. 12. fraclured pelvis when government also would step up Its body than this eoun try's in terms known at the State UniverSity of a : ....." co g - warship carrying Russian Pre- blown throunl.
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