~ IOWA'S FOURTH The Weathe, Partly cloudy today with Ie.tt,red .-,rs in the Largest Morning Daily southust .nd ",t...me ,ast .arly in the d.y. G.n· 01 .rally f.lr tonight. Hlllh tecI.y 10 .. IS. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Established in 1868 Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Wednesday, July 25, 1962, Iowa City, Iowa • • i t any emonstratlon an , Police Chief Fears Disorders, Ben Khedda Bows to Rivals; Terrorism Seen King Returns to Negotiate ATLANTA, Ca. (AP) - The chief judge of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals set aside temporarily Tuesday an l Expect Quick earlier order of another federal judge which had banned dem­ onstrations by egroes seeking to end segregation prnctices at r Ben Bella * * * Albany, Ca. The action oC Judge Elbert P. ·f S d Tuttle in staying a temporary in· LI e pare junction granted city officials by Takeover Judge J. Robert Elliott brought an immediate and ominous statement ALG1ERS IA'I - Algerian otricials from the Albany police chief. nashed an alert Thursday against a In AI ab ama Laurie Pritchett, of possible dis· po sible new wave or European orders. terror while the tottering govern­ Pritchett said he expecls demon· menl or Premier Ben Youssef Ben strations to be renewed on a broad· Khedda warily bowed berore its Racial Issue ened scale. He announced that the more dynamic rivals. 200 policemen and state troopers MONTGOMERY, Ala. "" - Gov_ Ben Khedda and his ministers now on duty In the southwest Geor­ approved a proposed meeting of John Patterson has spared the \ire gia city o( 58.000 would be supple· the Algerian Revolutionary Parlia­ of a condemned white slayer whose mented by addillonal state patrol­ ment that would vole inlo power a lawyers Iuld argued that he was de­ men. seven·man pOlitical bureau of the prived o! his rights by the absence Killf to Return In an interview immediately alt· Front of National Liberation FLN. of Negroes on triol jlJries. This is a victory for dissident er Tuttle announced his deCision, deputy premier, Ahmed Ben Bella. Patterson commuted the death Negro integration leader Dr. Mar­ .. 5 a.m ..... 5:02 o.m .•.. 5:05 a.m. sentence Tuesday of Edward S. tin Lutller King Jr. said he planned The Ben Bella faction, entrenched to return to Albany immediately. in the wester\! city of Tlemcen, has Bosarge, 40. o! Mobile to life im- Picke's marched .round this glSoline lantern out. for 5 a.m_ (CST) Tuesday. At 5:02 a.m., the trap· King said he would advise the pu. hed for formation of the poli­ prisonment. Bosarge was scheduled side the State Penitentiary all night Monday until door was sPNnll. Brown was pronounced de.d at Negro leadership to seek to re-open tical bureau. Ben BeUa is one of to die in the electric choir Aug. 10. the seven men who would have un­ condemn.d slayer Charles B row n was h.nl/ed 5:05 '.m. The torch was snuffed out when pick.ts di puted power over the nation Tuesday morning. The ex.cution was scheduled learn.d that Brown was dead. The racial issue - unexpected in BULLETIN once in such a bureau. view of the Cact that Bosarge was ALBANY, Ga. III - Sever. I hundred slnglnll N'l/nItS start· The Ben Khedda government * * * * * * * * * convicted a! the hammer killing ad • m.rch tow.rd t"- down. leaked what amounted to virtual or a white waitress, Dorothy Cash town u.. of raci.lly troubled capitulation in informal statements, - was injected at his clemency Albany Tuesd.y night .nd about but never made a flat announce­ hearing before the Governor July 40 wer. hustltd off to 1.11. ment. Brown Dies on. Gallows, Asks 11. The Negroes w.r. urged on bv Algiers Police Prefect Amar His attorney. Ira Dement ot Dr. M.rtin Luther Ki/lf Jr.• t • Mohammedi warned that the Eu· Montgomery, pointed to a recent mISS rally whir. an Int,gratlen porean Secret Army Organization decision by the U.S. 5th Circuit letder disclosed court .dlen is reconstructing its network to in· Forgiveness of God, Society Court of Appeals reversing the con­ .Imed .t crumbling sag,....tt«t crease the new nation's difficulties viction of a Mobile Negro, Willie barriers in public facilities. by more terror and bloodshed. FORT MADISON (A'\ - Slayer from the room where he spent his outside the prison walls from '1 Seals, who was sentenced to death He said European terrorists Charles Noel Brown went to his last hours, to the gallows. He Monday night until Charles Brown for raping a white woman. The with city officials negotiations to staged a concentrated, organized death on the gallows at the State climbed the 16 steps unaided and was hanged at 5 Tuesday mornin¥. court set the jury verdict aside on end racial troubies which have attack against Algerian policemen Penitentiary here Tuesday, breath­ stood quietly on the platform while The pickets carried signs protc9l­ the ground of exclusion or Negroes brought the jailing of nearly 1,000 and soldiers in the heart of Algiers Ing the hope that "the people will Associate Warden Bernard Nelson ing capital punishment In genera Crom juries in Mobile. Negroes at various tlmes since Monday night. Four Europeans forgive me for what I've done." and his assistant James M. Rich­ and Brown's execution in particu­ last December ror violating city and three Moslems were killed and His last words, immediately be· ard, strapped his .arms and legs. iar. ordinances. ' seven Moslems were wounded. fore he dropped through the lrap­ He wore a black prison-made Local police dispersed any other King, who llimselC served two Mohammcdi told a news confer· door sprurtg by Sheriff Roy Wich· suit of the type given to men re­ groups that formed. Aboul 2 a.m., Judge Denies days in jail there recently (or ence his men seized immense ael or Pottawaltamie County, were leased from the prison. two Fort Madison youths. William leading a protest march, said that quantities of arms and ammuni· "God forgive me." The trap was sprung at 5:02 Koellner and Edward Ludden. both if the officials refuse to negotiate tion in European apartment build­ Brown was executed for the fatal '.m. and Brown was pronounced 21, were arrested afler they had difrerences in good faith, "We will ings. He said he has mobilized shooting Feb. 22, 1961, of Alvin dead by prison physicians Drs. heckled the pickets for about 20 Medicare have no alternative but to resume troops and au:xiliary police to ward Koehrsen, 54, of Walnut, in Coun­ Frank Poepsel and Rob.rt minutes. our peaceful demonstrations until of! a planned wave of terrOr. cil Bluffs. as he and Charles Ed­ Feightner at 5:05 a.m. CST. Each was fined $25 Tuesd.y victory is complete." ward Kelley, 21, tried 10 steal Fifty·nine persons witnessed for using wh.t Pollee Chief R. L. 'Victory for Justice' Mohammedi's statement was Koehrsen's car. P•• k called "abusiv ••nd sar· Iniunction viewed by many Europeans as an Iowa's first execution in 10 years. "We felt all along," he said, Kelley, also under the death Warden John Bennett 'said Brown castic langull/e," Th.y were "that Judge Elliott had rendered effort to find a scapegoat for the REGINA, Sask. (A'I - A federal s.ntence for the shooting, was In passed a quiet night. The Rev. charged with disturbing thl ptace Grim Vigil an unjust and unconstitutional de· country's internal chaos. and Intoxication. judge rejected Tuesday an applica. his death row cell only about 50 Lester Peter, prison Protestant tion Cor a temporary injunction cision. Our feeling that our rights European witnesses said Mos­ feet from the building where the Two of about 26 pick.ts - who maintained a vigil outside the w.lls have been denied is substantiated lem policemen started the shoot­ chaplain, spent the night with the Police had earlier broken up a against operation of Saskatche· execution took place, thoul/h h, prisoner. He said they discussed crowd of about 400 people. some of the Stat. Penitentiary Mond.y night - grimly await n.ws of by the remarks of Judge Tuttle. It ing. Charl.s Brown's de.th. Pickets marched until Brown w.s pro­ wan's compulsory medical insur­ could not see the proceedings. passages of Scripture among other of whom had been heckling and ance program. is a victory not for the Negro peo­ Takeover of power by the Ben The slaying of Koehrsen was nounced dead early Tuesday. The torch in the for.ground burned ple but for justice and democracy Bella group seemed only a ques­ things, but declined to give further throwing pennies at the pickets. near the end or a bloody crime details. Shortly after 5 Tuesday moming until the execution was completed. Justice D.C. Disbery of {he in America." tion of time. spree by the two men, both of Min· Brown's body was released to Court of Queen's Bench said in his Tuttle indicated no temporary in· Ben Khedda's information min­ - as wilnesses to the execution -Photos by P.t.r Donhow. neapolis, through three states. his widow, Mary Lou, mother of were leaving the prison - solemn . -----------,--------------­ ruling: junction should have been issued i~ler , Mohammed Yazid, told news­ They also have admitted slaying his six children. He will be buried picketers extinguished a gasoline "It is not lor the court to in by Elliott.
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