MARY CHENI t . / // FlUDAT, OCTOBBS % 190 '* FAGC FOtJBTEBU Tha Wi iiattfl|gater CuPtiing fpralb Avtrata Dafljr Not ProM R » I of V. a. 1 Haiinfrt at Fsr the Meoth ef SiitsmbnY 1B4* r r The ItaMan-Amarlcan Club La­ ahips waa mafla. Out a ( tha aavaa Mambera o f tha Daoalitara o f eaadM Krt. OraiU^ m mipr«m« dles' AuxllUry is requested to recalvad’ one of them came to Italy will meet at t)ie Hofloran Local Woman Connoctlcut this year for the first president. Mri. William ReevM rt 9 , 4 7 4 About Tow n Funeral Home at eight o'clock this meet at fi o'clock tonight at tha the Rockville Club waa appointed T, P. Holloran Funeral Home on time, a young girl from New Ha­ :*^r evening, to pay their respacU to ven being the recipient. After District Deputy for Connecticut • M h o AodH lirnirfeafTr iEwnittg Bpralb Mn. Agatha M. Garibaldi who died Center street to pay last respects Headed Parley Mtiur C»oak, ■upm toor of to a departed member, Mrs. Aga­ the banquet a ooatnma ball waa East. yesterday and who was an honor­ held end many beautiful and gro­ Mias Adeline Pott, o f New M w m , M W B« at tte A «b » Ufa Iraur- tha Garibaldi. Maneheater^A City of Vittana Charm CwaMBT** feaUdtn(B on ary member of tha society. tesque costumea were wom^wlth w u th# chRlnvuui o f the Vteaalitgte A vhmw, Hartford, will Mrs. George Grtmiadio many prises awarded. Convention committee. American L«glon unit members The repaving of the section Others attending from thla town (TWELVE PAGES) PENS rout ORffE IM (Boat apaaker at tba neat* Blast Center street from East Tuesday morning a moat im- Adverttalng oa Fngo IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1948 are reminded of the first sewing in addition to Mrs. Orexiadio, Mrs. VOL. LVXIL, NO. 816 lug at tha Ifanoh^rtar Garden cemetery to the Green is about Presides at 3ill Sessions presalve memorial service wee meeUng of the eeason this eve­ Dannaher and Mrs. Reeves, were dub’f m atlnc Monday avanlng In finished. Manholes are now being held revering the memory of all ning at 7:80 at the home o f Mrs. O f Emblem Q u b Supreme Corresponding Secretary O ia la i dhOMh houaa. Mr- Crook raised to the new level. members who had passed on since ^aOl Hiow kodachroma picture David Thomae. 4« CourUand the laat convention, after which and P is t Supreme Preetdent, Mrs. George H. Winiame; Mre. Albert Truman Talks in Rain aMaa of (ardana and flower ahowi street. All members of Santa Lucia so­ Mra. George L. Ormxladto of Hen­ the buslneas waa continued. It Knofia, Mrs. York StrangfeM and News Tidbits and o f Uw abow In Hartford laat ciety are requested to meet this ry atreet presided at all saastona was voted to return to the New ‘Neutral’ Nations A son, Robert, was bom last Mrs. John Murphy. From Rock­ Churchill Says War H a rd L A dtacuaalon period w d evening at 7:30 at the Holloran of the Supreme Emblem Club of Ocean House at Swampacott, CalM Fron (/P) Wires night in St. Francis hospital to Maas, again next year. ville. Mrs. George J. pifMaidBanta win be other fea- funeral home in tribute to Mrs. the United States at its 22nd an­ Mr. and Mrs. William Martens of nual convention Just concluded at Tuesday evening the newly- president of the RockvlUo Ktublem tnraa, 9 Stephen street. A ^ th a Garibaldi who was an hon­ Club; Mrs. J. Stanley McCray, the N ew Ocean Hotiae, Swamp- elected olBcera were installed In First general rainstorm in New orary member. scott. Mass. a beautiful exemplification of the Mre. Harry Dowdlng and Mre. Bidding for England in two months eases seri­ Tba mantage of Mlea Jnf * H The M ary Cushman group o f The convention opened on Sun­ ceremony. Mra. Frederick A. Max Kabrick. ous fire hazards and ends droagM Hawoomb, daughter of Mr*. Mabel the Second COngregaUonal Wom­ Likely at Any Time; day afternoon with a ritualistic J. Newcomb o f 30 North School en's League will meet this evening that causes damage estimated at List Vacancies contest and drill in convention hall. more than mtlUon dollars... .Oeo- atreet and John W . Finlay of Wa- at the home of Mrs. E. V. Cough­ The former contest was won by To Settle Crisis esal Electric Compsay, convicted Urbury, will Uke place tomorrow lin, 390 Woodland street. the Winthrop, Maas., Club mem­ afternoon at 2:30 at the Second In YW Classes with five other defendants of vio­ bers and the latter by Concord, lating anti-trust laws by conspir­ Oongragatlonal church. Group C o f Center church wom­ N. H. ing to monopolise trade in hard en will hold a food sale tomorrow Peril Seen in Crisis Thera la atlU time, for tboaa In the evening beautiful tableaus Move to Postpone Coun­ metal compositions, says court's rooming at nine o'clock in Hale's depicted the'p^U ngs of different Special Groups who have not already signed up, decision would retard "develop­ store. Madonnas. All the participants cil Meeting TenUllve- ment of new business___ Oermaay to register in a few of the Y.W.C. were members o f the various clubs Asserts Only Possession, ly Set for Monday ninst export manpfactured goods Washington L. O. L. No. 117, A. C raft clasaes. Because o f tha and Mrs. William Reevea of the liU jJtd Hit by Truman "or die with the rest of western will hold its monthly meeting this Rockville Club posed aa one of the Truman and Marshall Of Atom Bombs by; HILDITCH large demand, an extra hooked To Give Mediation Europe,” in the opinion of Henry evening at eight o'clock in Orange Saints. Those taking part were Parkman, Jr., form at advlaor to United States Stopw rug claas la being formed for the draped and made up by profeaalon- han. evening, and re^stratton may Plans Abont Berlin A ccusm Republicans of Gen. Lucius D. Clay In B e rlin .... als from Boston an^ although Communist Jogger-! MARKET atlU be made fo r that course. Boaton’s lawyer's suit for $25,000,- To Talk Over Policies they had no time for rebaarsal, all l h > . More Time to Jell Taking Course That 000 against Massaohusetta honp Other cUbaes in which there are did a magnificent Job o f posing. ' naut from Engulf> 99 Snmmer Street vacanciea are the evening Jewelry and dog racing tracks la referred lay, the busl- Led to Depression to state Supreme court. Cars Wanted! clean, m omlRg booked rug class neaa aeaaion waa called to order. Paris, Oct. 9.—<flV-The ing All Western Eu­ afternoon textile painting, evening Argentina and Bolivia are lead­ • —— —te* A *J # Reds^ Strike OPEN Reports show the Supreme Club “neutral” nations of the Se­ Aboard Truman Campaign rope; Strength Seen W s buy all makes and oil painting, and afternoon stencil­ has a membership of IS.OOO, 22 curity Council today were re­ ing quiet, six-nation move to re­ lomattc Aid to Lon- -~r~- models—'1986 to 1949. ing. Train, O ct 9— iJP)— President Tru­ lax U.N. boycott of FVaaoo Spate new clubs were added during the ports bidding for more time man last night attacked what he aider Critical Inter- ] HuTtS FrailCC Only Peace Surety SUNDAYS Futher information may be ob­ past year with three new statea -----Dutch-Indonesian round-table tained by calling Mrs. Samuel to press their efforts to patch called Republican party “special conference in The Hague to thresh Instant Cash among them, Vermont, Missiaslppi >rlvUags groups" and accused the national Situation] ------ Pond, Telephone 8429. .and New Mexico. From only 90 up the east-west Berlin crisis. <kit final detaila for eatsbilahing LUndudno. Wales. "Oct. 9 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. O. P. of taking the "same fatal an Interim federal govenuneot In Bu3ring Service clubs reportlqg on their Commu­ The “Little Six“— Argentina, course” that led to the last depres­ Nation's Recovery Seri­ — (/P) — Winston Charchill nity Service work the sums Indonesia .. .. Protestant church Washington. Oct. 8.— {PPl j WeekdaTfl 8 to 6 sion. warned today World War HI pended amounted to $90,000. Colombia, Sjrria, Belgium. leaders in Ohio meet draft plans — President Truman and Sec- ously Impaired; Rail Itrti Canada and China—was un­ The president- cut short a three- for 36 regional conferences design­ may burst upon humahjty at BARLOW Monday evening the annual ban­ lmthrW» day eastern campaign tour and retar)' of State Marshall got FnO Line Of Meats, quet was held and Mrs. Thomas J. f n «r IrM derstood to have moved to post­ ed to start actual work of putting Lines Now Threatened any time because of the Ber­ MOTOR SALES pone a Council meeting tentaUve- left after his speech in Buffalo, across new world-wide missionary together here today to talk Groceries Fruits and Atlantic Dannaher of this town acted as N. Y. for Waahlngton to confer lin crisis. Only the Unit^ toastmlstress. There were; 749 ly set for Monday to give media- program... .New York department over the critical internation­ 595 Main Street \ r today with Secretary of State Bulletin! States’ possession of atom Veiretablcs guests In attendance and at this atlon plana more time to Jell. store unljn has until, today to al situation. The secretary of Tel 5464 Or M709 . trim and ameit'ia tUl ex- George Marshal.
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