January 14, 2013 www.knoxfocus.com PAGE A1 INSIDE B Business C Sports D Health & Home January 14, 2013 FREE- Take One! Massey appointed Chairman of Senate Calendar Committee FOCUS State Senator Becky Duncan in me to serve in this role.” Weekly Poll* Massey (R-Knoxville) has been “Senator Massey will make appointed Chairman of the an excellent Calendar Commit- In the recent past, Senate Calendar Committee. tee chairman,” said Lt. Gov. Ron drivers education The announcement was made Ramsey. “I also have great confi- was offered at by Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey as dence that she will serve well as all Knox County the 108th General Assembly con- a member of the other key com- high schools. Now cluded their organizational ses- mittees in which she has been drivers education is sion. The Calendar Committee appointed.” offered in only is responsible for scheduling bills Senator Massey was also about half of and resolutions for consideration appointed to the Transportation Knox County high by the full State Senate. Committee, the Health and Wel- schools. “I am very pleased to be appoint- fare Committee and the Govern- In your opinion, ed as Chairman of our Calendar ment Operations Committee. should drivers State Senator Becky Duncan Massey (R-Knoxville) took the oath of Committee,” said Sen. Massey. The Senate Transportation education be “I appreciate the confidence that office last Tuesday in Nashville as the 108th General Assembly was gaveled into session. The oath was administered by Supreme Court offered at all Lt. Governor Ramsey has placed Continue on page 4 Justice William Koch. Knox County high schools? YES 92.78% NO 7.22% Tennova Survey conducted January 10, 2012. Healthcare * Focus Weekly Polls are conducted by an independent, announces professional polling company. significant land acquisition MLK Celebration Officials with Tennova to open with Healthcare announced the option to purchase prop- interfaith erty on Middlebrook Pike near Old Weisgarber Road, prayer service one of the fastest growing areas of Knox County. Ten- As the major kick-off nova will form an explor- event for the annual Dr. atory team of key stake- Martin Luther King, Jr. holders, through Tenno- commemorative celebra- va’s Metro Knoxville Board tion, the public is invit- of Trustees, to provide ed to a special interfaith recommendations on the prayer service at noon best usage of the proper- on Wednesday, January ty, including the possibili- 16th at the First Chris- ty of utilizing this land for tian Church, 211 West a replacement hospital for Fifth Ave. in Knoxville. Physicians Regional Med- The purpose of the pro- ical Center. The property gram is to allow people resides on 110 acres of Happy Feet at of all faiths to join togeth- land, adjacent to existing er in prayer during their medical facilities and prac- lunch hour. The program tices. Austin-East will begin at noon and “The decision to pur- last abut 45 minutes fol- chase this land was not The Austin-East Magnet High School Dance Company students had the opportunity to learn from an elite lowed by a light lunch. reached overnight. We dance choreographer last week. Richard Smith (pictured above) is the Artistic Director of Inaside Chicago A variety of religious considered the changing Dance. Smith teaches classical, lyrical and contemporary jazz, classical ballet and modern to all ages, and finds leaders from the commu- needs of our patients, new a special connection with the pre-teen youth. He has also taught jazz at a number of universities. nity will offer prayers and Cont. on page 2 brief comments. Some of those leaders will include Monsignor Xavier Mankel of the Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Rabbi Matthew Emerald Youth, Austin-East Preparing Students for ACT Michaels of Temple Beth El, Brother Brandon Singh Twenty juniors at Aus- Christi Cardwell, Emer- limited,” said Ms. Campbell. Mark Seeger worked with options. Jackson McDowell of the Sihk Community, tin-East High School are ald Youth’s High School This course was developed students on reading, sci- hopes to turn his fascina- Ustadh Abdel Rahman gaining an edge for taking and Youth Adult Curricu- collaboratively based on ence and math. tion with supply and delivery Murphy of the Muslim the ACT college entrance lum Leader, developed researched practices and Campbell said the course into a career in logistics. Community of Knox- test through Knox County the course at the request strategies for improving ACT helps remove students’ Jarkeise Russell is prag- ville, as well as others. Schools on March 19 by of Austin-East in early fall scores. fear of taking the ACT as matic: “I just want to Special musical presen- participating in a pilot pro- 2012. Tammi Campbell, The six-month long a first time test taker, and improve my score on the tations will include solos gram offered in cooperation Austin-East Assistant Prin- course meets twice weekly also strengthens academic ACT so I can get into a better by Minister Tomma Battle with Emerald Youth Foun- cipal, identified 20 students and provides students with skills they use in everyday college,” he said. of the Tabernacle Bap- dation. who would likely benefit one-on-one tutoring, a Princ- coursework. Cardwell said that in tist Church. Rev. Tyler The Emerald Youth Aus- from the course, and invit- eton Review workbook, and For students like Devon- addition to shoring up stu- Thompson and mem- tin-East ACT Prep Program ed them to commit to it. data to track progress for te Mack, who wants to be a dents’ academic skills such bers of the First Christian provides 20 selected juniors “On March 19, the them and their parents. Stu- lawyer, and Lannette Harris, as math and reading, the Church are hosting the with a range of skills to both State of Tennessee pays dents meet for an hour and who is interested in pediat- course also teaches them event that is open to the succeed at this threshold for high school juniors to 15 minutes after school for ric nursing, the course and the skills specific to excel- public without charge. exam and bolster Austin- take the ACT, but a strate- group and individual tutor- an increased score could lence on standardized For information about East’s academic stand- gic framework for prepara- ing time. On one recent be a stepping stone to their tests. These skills include other special celebra- ing within the Knox County tion or focused tutorial for afternoon, tutors Megan career choice and broad- scanning instead of reading tion events, go to www. School System. high schools to utilize is Gentry, Candace Cates and er college and scholarship Continue on page 4 MLKKnoxville.org. We fix, buy, and sell old or antique clocks! PAGE A2 The Knoxville FOCUS January 14, 2013 FOCUS Weekly Poll In the recent past, drivers education was offered at all Knox County high schools. Now drivers education is offered in only about half of Knox County high schools. In your opinion, should drivers education be offered at all Knox County high schools? Yes 92.78% No 7.22% By Age Support Oppose Total 18-29 100.00% [None] 2 30-49 94.74% 5.26% 76 50-65 90.63% 9.38% 192 65+ 93.70% 6.30% 270 Total 92.78% (501) 7.22% (39) 540 Tennova Healthcare has acquired an option to purchase approximately 110 acres of land on Middlebrook Pike near Old Weisgarber Road. By District 1 97.06% 2.94% 34 2 94.92% 5.08% 59 Tennova Healthcare announces 3 96.49% 3.51% 57 4 94.81% 5.19% 77 5 83.02% 16.98% 53 6 89.83% 10.17% 59 significant land acquisition 7 91.18% 8.82% 68 the replacement of the cur- for expansion and the cost for Physicians Regional Cont. from page 1 8 96.10% 3.90% 77 rent Physicians Regional of upgrading infrastruc- Medical Center, should a methods of reimburse- Medical Center, formerly ture – make it economi- replacement hospital be 9 91.07% 8.93% 56 ment, and healthcare St. Mary’s Medical Center, cally infeasible to reno- built, and will evaluate ser- Total 92.78% (501) 7.22% (39) 540 reform,” said Michael Gar- located off Broadway in vate as such that it would vices that would be appro- By Gender field, Market CEO of Ten- North Knoxville. The facil- be as efficient and patient- priate for the area, which Unknown 96.15% 3.85% 26 nova Healthcare. “Pur- ity saw more than 53,000 friendly as a newer facility,” may also include an Emer- chasing an option on this patient interactions in its said Karen Metz, CEO of gency Room/Urgent Care Female 97.10% 2.90% 241 land is the beginning of the first year as Tennova and Physicians Regional Med- Center and post-acute Male 88.64% 11.36% 273 process to ensure we are remains a vibrant medical ical Center. “ “Physicians services. The team will Total 92.78% (501) 7.22% (39) 540 positioned to most effec- campus. However, the hos- Regional Medical Center also review how the new tively fulfill our mission pital was built in 1933 and has proudly served the development will comple- Survey conducted January 10, 2012. and advance our vision was previously built to sup- Knoxville community for ment Tennova’s existing for strong local health care port a former definition of more than 83 years, and facilities, including North and economic growth for acute care. In considering we will continue to honor Knoxville Medical Center our community.” the future of medicine, Ten- the legacy of the Sisters and Turkey Creek Medi- ‘Silent Night’ This new site also pro- nova evaluated Physicians of Mercy by fulfilling our cal Center, who have both vides Tennova an oppor- Regional’s existing site to mission to provide care seen significant growth as the world watched tunity to invest resources see how it could best meet for people in need in the over the past year.
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