TUKDAY, 1AH. 24, 7950 SAM ANTONIO KHOtt Wfcib thit newspaper make* every effort to print accurate listings, it cannot be responsible for last minute changes made by rodio stations. Spotlighting the Dial Historical Assn. KITE—930 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1950 Popular Programs TTJISDAT Dorothy confiding in Wendy 4:0* r.Bt, Mem Hea* Dinah Shore, in the Jack Smith- that she is certain Peter is in KTSA—550 KABC—680 I WOAl—1200 linn and Ebony Ixter- Margaret Whiting-Dinah Shore To Mark KMAC—630 tede: 4&1, Tun Tbnt; love with her, but too shy to P.M. (CBS) (MUTUAL) (ABC) I (NBC) t:(5. Ten Time; 5:M, show, on KTSA at 6:15 p.m pop the question. offers "Teas' Torch Soag" and Tims Dance Time; S-M, Aunt Jenny, over KTSA at 1115 FOLLOWING KTSA PROGRAMS WILL BE BROADCAST ON Keyboard Holiday; £:M "Scarlet Ribbon." Smith sings a.m., presents what happens to Anniversary <lxn (ft. "Who" and "Dreamer's Holi- an American family when KTSA AM cjjoicc)and FM 001.5MCJ. ..from 3:00 P.M. to 10:30 P.M. WEDNESDAT day," and Joins Miss Shore in polio strikes. The San Antonio Historical 5:00 A.M.. Sin n> >>< a duet of "I Oughta Know Life with Luigi, starring J. Car Association will observe its 3:09 fairy Mo»r* Kewi: S:K, Ftnner't 630 Club The Carter Faraiiy Badtstaje Wif« Almanac; 8:de, Newi More About You." rol Naish, at 8 p.m. over KTSA, tenth anniversary Wednesday 2:15 Carry Mottrn 630 Club Ruts Morgan Stella Dallas HeadUou: E, Bull* Al- Curt Massey and Martha Tilton finds Luigi buying a television night with a Banquet at the 3:30 Gerry Mssro 630 Club Money far Music Lorenzo Jones manac; 6:45* Cart? Bird Newt; 1:00. Radio Alma- will present an "all-duet day" set to stir up business. Menger Hotel. Highlight of the 3:45 H.wi 630 dab Money for Muiie Young Widder Brown 4:00 nac; 7:45. Breattart Ta- over KTSA at 10:15 p.m., sing- This Is Nora Drake, KTSA, 1:30 program is the address by John Bluu Bounci Bo«flie 630 Club Money for Music When a Girl Marries ble Newt; 8:D», Kali* D. Wheeler, president. His 4:15 Blutt hunt* &»|j« 630 Club Market Reports Portia Faces Life Almanac; 9:00, Newi ing "Yes, Sir, That's My Baby," p.m., reveals Tom Morley hur 4:30 UtiilinM and SlltT 80- "I Wanna Go Home with You" ling accusations. topic is "San Patricio d* Hi -BUY YOU* Hill Country Hi* 630 Club Money for Music Just Plain Bill Ter Mlnnto; 10:M, Newi 4:45 Hilt Country Hit» 630 Club Money for Muiie Front Fage Ferret! Headlines and Mute Ap- and "All the Be«s Are Buzzin' Big Town, WOAI, 9 p.m., pre hernia," a history of the early preciation Hour; 11:15. 5:00 Uncl* ban Junior Jamboree Green Hornet Perry Mason Round My Honey." sents an expose of the fight Irish settlements in Texas. 5:15 T r a 11 i a Court j 11 :M, POLLUX Th« Store Sin9 Mustang Tim* Green Hornet Light of the World Xews Headlines and afm- Art Linkletter will have as his racket in "Death Is the Main Organized to perpetuate the HIKK tODAT 5:30 N»w»—Niirhomer t-lnr-t Rider* Jack Armstrong Guiding Light- cical Ball •( FanK; U guest on "House Party," over Event.'' memory and spirit of the build- 5:45 Low*)! Themat B-Bar-B Riden Jack Armstrong Newscast—Williams PJ*., Kew» He»dliii«» icii gaauaj Kare; U:li, KTSA at 2:30 p.m., CarolineI Love a Mystery, KMAC, 6:45 ers of Texas, particularly those Warn* Kinr; 1236i' Gwr Leonetti, expert on charm and p.m., concludes a journey to of San Antonio, the association TUESDAY EVENING Lombafdo; 12:(5* NOOM< has grown from a small group time Newi; 1:00, Fiilka head of the Hollywood charm Central America, where an ad- : Tlmr: 1:30, ttonnj school bearing her name. venturing trio found the "Tem- to a membership of over-150 per Bralah Fulton Lew's News Light Up Time Ttae: S:00, New» Keai- Bill Quinn and Mary Orr are new ple of V-Jnpires." sons who hold monthly meet- JackSmith-D.Shor* Emile Cote Glee Club Elmer Davis Your Serenade llnei and Tcxiir'. Kite; Club 15 2:00, ftewc HcadUset i additions to the cast of "Just Cavalcade of America, WOAI, 7 ings in the Cos House. Oabriel Heatter Counterspy News of the World tfdr Mariint S:U< Edward R. Murraw I Love a Mystery Counterspy Plain Bill," aired over WOAI p.m., stars Robert Taylor as An examination of the mem- Richard Harkness Eon Morgan; 3:30, Paji bership reveals a cross-cut sec- Myttiry Thtattr Count of Solo & Soliloquy Cavalcade of America to Beaieinber. at 4:30 p.m. Quinn will play Eli Whitney, inventor of the Myif»ry Th«at«r Monte Cristo Solo & Soliloquy Cavalcade of America Judson Burke, and Miss Orr is cotton gin. tion of San Antonio citizens, in- Mr.-Mn. Nertb Official Detective Gentlemen of the Press Baby Snooks cast as Ruth Tate. Discussion cluding university and college Mr.-Mrj, Nertfi Official Detective Gentlemen of the Press Baby Snooks KONO—1400 Fanny Brice gives Daddy a Cedric Foster, KMAC, 12 noon, professors, teachers, clergymen, Lif.WithLuigi John Steel, Advtr. Town Meeting Bob Hop* TCESDAI tough problem in discipline will broadcast from Sherman, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, —San Antonio Kxpreii Stjrff Photo Life With Luigi 3:00 P.M., SmlltT Witt- John Steel, Adrtr. Town Meeting Bob Hope ier: 3'JO. Oa the Ettotd; •when she learns she may be- Tex., prior to swinging north Army officers, and housewives. GOOD CITIZENS—Members of the City Federatioa erf Escape Mysterious Traveler Tommy Dorsey Fibber McGeefr Molly 5:45, Newt of tfce D»T; come an heiress, on the "Baby through the Mississippi Val- Many members are professional tttatx Mysterious Traveler Tommy Dorsey Fibber McC-ee & Molly 6:00, Twillthi Time; 6:55, Women's Clubs took tirna out from their meeting thl« we*k fteri; 7:00. TKUI Hill- Snooks Show" at 7:30 p,m. over ley, and amateur historians who Pursuit Meet the Band Time for Defense Big Town fcillleii 1:15. J«r» O'Dell WOAI. Television have v/ritten books and articles to purchase a poll tax. Qualifying themselvw to vote or* Pursuit Meet the Band Time for Defense Big Town Show; 7;30, Ltt P»«l Dramatic Program on Texas history. Fronkii Carl* Dance Band CiU«! 7:45, New§; 8:00. Trophy Room, WOAI-TV, 8:30 Mrs. W. W. Jackson, center, chairman of legislation for ABC Roundup People Are Funny Cowbor Jamborw; 10:00, The association is recognized Frankic Corlc Dance Band ASC Roundup People Are Fanny Mystery Theatre offers "The p.m., with Robert S. Tarleton, BUI Gejer Ordicitr*: Other Woman Murder Case," new presidnt of the San An- as one of the most active his- the federation, and Mrs. Clair L Jones, right, pr«fd«nt Niws—H. Vincent News—Mutual Newscast Newscast—Williams 11:00, Rhythm »nd B»- Deputy lax collector la Mrs. Eleanor Turner. Curt Money Dance Band Ted Malone Morton Downey mincf. 11:00, All Nile. starring Alfred Shirley as In- tonio Missions as guest torical societies in Texas. It Jet Rtichman Orch. Dance Parade Gems Thought St. Anthony Orch. WEDNESDAY spector Hearthstone, over Who? What? Where? WOAI-TV, has assisted in the organization Jo* Reichman Orch. Dance Parade 6:00 AM.. DijbrMli- of other societies in the state, ABC Danceband St. Anthony Orch. eri: 7:00, Gomel Muto KTSA at 7 p.m. 8 p.m., quiz show with Bill World's News Dance Parade News Summary Newscast—Williams Makeri; 1:15, Badlo Out- Mr. and Mrs. North, with Joseph Yancy's drawings. and its members frequently read Guy Lombards Orch. Dance Parade ABC Danceband Fairfield Four sell 7:30, Mode: 1:«5, Curtin and Alice Frost, KTSA Children's Program papers at the annual meeting of VISITING MUSICIAN SETS Henry Jtram* Orch. N»w«; 8:00, Mornlm Danes Parade ABC Danceband Music RenndBB; 10:00, For at 7:30 p.m., presents the case The Tree House, WOAI-TV, 6 the Texas State Historical As- Henry Jererno Orch. Until 1 A.M. ABC Danceband Music Members OaJT; 13*5 of- the death of an author's p.m., with Ventriloquist Bud sociation in Austin and contrib- P.M., New>! 12:30' For SERIES OF BAND CLINICS Mefflberj OiUrt 1:00, S»d- wife. Vinson and his dummy Johnny ute to The Southwestern His- A.M. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1950 dle Pftll. Wendy Warren and the News, Dugan and 15 children in an torical Quarterly, official publi- Band clinics will be conducted Friday, will b« spent at Alamo at 11 a.m. over KTSA, finds audience-participation show. cation of the state association. t a number of San Antonio high Heights High School and Harian- Seng Corral RFD Texas (5a.m.) Farmers' Facts Texas Farm & Home KCOR—1350 Several members from San An- chools for the next four days dale High School. Sawhill is tn- Sona Corral RRDTewu Big Bill Lister Form News — Shomctte tonio have sei"ved as state offi- Ntws Rev. Raymond Richey Blucridge Mtn. Boyi Fairfield Four TDESDlt cers. Dr. P. I. Nixon is a past y Clarence Sawhill, associate route to Corpus Christl whera on Dearborn Roundup 4:00 P.ZH-. M«lmU»« Friday and Saturday h« will di- Sam Morris Ronching Roundup Hired Hands ontlnontalu; 5:00.
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