Park Approves St. Ambrose Center Project

Park Approves St. Ambrose Center Project

I KiDDiNG AROUND ~ • Park approves WEEK AHEAD St. Ambrose Fndav, April 30 The nnal performances of center project the Grosse Pomte South pro- duction of "Guys and Dolls" By Jim Stickford regular church events begInS at 8 p m In the St. John Hospital Staff Wnter But because the pansh cen- Grosse Pointe Commurnty The Grosse POinte Park City ter would be used for weddtng Performing Arts Center on CEO WUllam Leaver was on hand Monday Council agreed to vacate receptlOns and other parish Grosse Pomte North High Waybum at Jefferson as part SOCialactIVItIes, It was pOSSible School's campus Another to help kick off the repair and repaving of of an agreement that will allow that more people would come performance begms on the St Ambrose pansh to butld to the area and that there Saturday, May 1, also at 8 Moross. between Mack and Morou. The pro- a new parish gathenng center might be a parkmg shortage p m TIckets may be pur- In February, the pansh offi- dunng such tImes chased at Posterity A Jec~ wiD take about 55 .... CIally submitted plans for the Safranek also asked that the Gallery, located on Kercheval working days to com- ....... ' gathenng center, which would council add a clause to any m the Village. plete and wiD necessi- ~,..u":UlitI~,~ tate the closing of sev- be underground The plans agreement WIth St Ambrose eral lanes of Morose. called for a portlOn of Waybum that would gIve the City veto Sunday, May 2 The portion of the by Jefferson to be vacated so power over any moves by the AAA Micmgan volunteers street that runs in that additIonal parkmg for the pansh to make the pansh cen- from the Grosse Pomte front of the hospital pansh could be prOVIded and ter mto a "commercial enter- Woods branch on Mack offer will be the first secUon the center could be built pnse" ThiS was one of the free chUd IdentificatIon fin- of Moross repaired. Whtle generally receptive, fears expressed by Goeloe, that gerpnntIng from 1-4 p rn at some area reSidents had con- somehow the church was creat- WindmIll Pointe Park In the cerns about traffic along mg a commercIal project m a Park It 15 part of the cIty's streets such as Maryland If reSIdentIal area Law Day celebratIon The Moross repaving project begins Wayburn were closed off, Safranek's suggestIOn dId where would that traffic go? not go over well With many of event IS free and open to all By Jim Stickford that," Pnebe said "ThiS project ThIs, Pnebe saId, marks the Others Just opposed the pro- the church's panshlOners In Pointers Staff Writer IS a mgh pnonty for the coun- first time m about two decades Ject the audience Ernest Ament • that DetrOit and Wayne The repaVIng of Moross, ty, so much so that the actual VVayburn reSIdent AJnbush said that St AJnbrose had been The Grosse POInte South between Mack and 1-94, IS work has begun before the County have combIned Instrumental musIc depart- Gooloe strongly VOiced OppOSI- In the Park for over 70 years begmmng a year late, but thts ground breakmg ceremony' resources for a road project hke tion to the proJect, stating a and had always been a good ment presents ItS 23rd annu- IS one situation where late IS Pn!lbe said at the Monday tlu.s. al Spnng Concert The event vanety of reasons, includIng neighbor much better thap never. morning ceremony, that 3.2 Because Moross IS the mam loss of property values on "You should go by our histo- IS held at Orchestra Hall In Wayne County director of mtles of Moross, from Mack to street that prOVIdes automobile Detroit and begins at 7 30 Waybum and mconvernence to ry," Ament said "The counCil pubhc serVIces Cameron 1-94 and beyond will be access to St John Hospital, the Waybum residents. shouldn't have veto power over p.rn portlOn of the street In front of Pnebe, along with county com- repaIred The asphalt WIll be So back In February, the how the church uses ItS faClh- Tt.ckets are $12, $7 50 for mISSIOner Chns Cavanagh and removed and the concrete the maIn campus IS the first students and sernors They counCIl ordered the city plan- ties" offiCIals from St John beneath WIll be repaIred Once being worked on, SaId comrnlS- mng commiSSIon to reVIew the may be purchased at Others pomted out that the Hospital, were on hand that's done, then about four SlOner Cavanagh At least two St. Ambrose plans and make Postenty A Gallery, located lanes of Moross will be open at pansh center had no commer- Monday to offiCIally kIck off the mches of new asphalt will be suggestIons to the council as to CIal kitchen and the Idea on Karcheval In the Village all tImes, so some kmd of mlnt- much-needed repair and placed over the repaIred con- what could be done to safe- behmd the project was not to There WIll be no box office mal access to the hospital will repaVIng of that street crete Once that's done, Moross guard the Interests of resI- create a commerCIal meetmg sales the day of the concert Pnebe SaId that county offi- shouldn't need major repaIrs be mamtaIned dents One of the thmgs done hall to make money for the For more mformatlon, call St. John CEO Wilham ClalS had promIsed that the for the next 15 to 20 years. was a traffic study Waybum pansh BeSIdes other churches Leaver was also at the dedica- (313) 884-8105 project would be completed In The total cost of the project, was blocked off at Jefferson In the Park held musIc concerts 1998, but because the engI- saId Pnebe, IS $2 2 million The tion and he thanked county and city employees measured where money was charged for neenng wasn't fimshed m county IS paYIng for 80 percent OffiCIalS for talong the needs of traffic flow on adJoinmg tIckets If St Ambrose wanted Monday, May 3 time, constructIOn could not of the project and the CIty of the hospital In conslderatJon The Grosse Pomte Woods streets to do that, would they have to begIn untJl 1999 DetrOIt IS paYIng for the City Council meets at 7 30 The study mdtcated a sl1ght- seek counCIl approval? "I want to say I'm sorry for remaIIDng 20 percent See MOROSS. page 2A p m m the Woods city hall, ly higher traffic flow, but even Safranek rephed by saying 20025 Mack Plaza WIth Way burn blocked off, traf- that panshes In DetrOit eXisted fic was less than what It was 10 for many years, but have been Tuesday, May 4 years ago, saId Park city man- closed down and become some- ager Dale Krajmak The 1"lrst ChristIan thmg different He thought it Reformed Church presents At Monday's meeting there only prudent that the counCil "The VOIce of the Spmtual • were concems expressed over protect the city against such an The performance features parkmg along Wayburn. eventuahty. Bennye Waldon, a soprano ReSIdents feared that WIth a CounCIlman Vernon new pansh center, parkmg on solOIst. Ausherman said that m the The concert begins at 7 30 Wayburn, which IS scarce to past, the church has been a p.m. and the church IS locat- begin with, would become good neIghbor WIth the city. In ed at 1444 Maryland In worse fact church land was donated Grosse Pomte Park For CounCIlman Steve Safranek to the city ThIS allowed for the more mformatIon, call (313) pomted out that the project expansIOn of CIty hall and the 824.3511 included the creatIon of 70 creatIOn of a parkmg lot that parkmg spots on pansh prop- reSIdents are able to use He erty for churchgoers He saId made the motion to approve thiS would help the parkmg Sit- - uation dunng Mass and other Opimon 6A ~'t Schools lOA ObItuaries I3A Seniors . 16A Autos. 1BA cI!. Home: Grosse Pomte Woods Business . 20A ,- Entertainment.. BB Age: 17 Sports. IC Law Day is here again Family: Father, Jack, Grosse Polnte Park t. holdiDg tu UlDual Law Day celebraUo1l OIl Sunday. May 2. Class~fied ads . 6C mother, Julie; brother, tn WlnclmW PoInte Park. The celebration beams at 1 p.m. aDd I'Ull8 untU 4 p.m. SCheduled even" lnclude a performaDce by the Blue PIg. BaDd of the Detroit PoUce John, 27, and Sister, Department ... weD as demonstratioD8 by the U.S. Coaat Guard and the Emeraency Jenmfer,20 Technical OperatioD8 Team. There wlll be refreahmenh at the celebration ""ed by GrosH Pointe Rotary. as Occupation: Owns a disk weD a. represeotatives from SOC. the Soclal gecurtty AdmlniatraU01l. the League Jockey bUSIness of Women Votera aDd the secretary of State'. oftlce. Alao at the event wlll be poUce honea from the Grone Pointe Farm. Auziliary and the llichilan State PoUce Quote: "A good DJ IS some- canine unit will be OIl haDd. .. weD. The event fa open to aU Polnten. one who can get people on Aa part of the celebration. atudenu tn the Park 'el to deetp their OWD NLaw Day the dance floor" T.8hirt8. N WlnDera of thW year'. contest include (front, l.r) AleDDder IIcM11laa of Trombly. Unclaey C::Orbettof Trombly. Gray Lucas of MaIre. (back. lor) Anna Pro,. .fA vao of MaIre. Jake CbnImka of Defer aDd McCaD Monte of TI'ombly. The older ,-- See story, page tleman .. Park mUDiclptalcourt judge carl Jarboe . .~ .~ ( April 29, 1999 2A News Gross,e Pointe News Moross From page 1 ed by the mIddle of July WIll have weekly updates on County offiCIals said that construction on Its webSIte, when puttmg the constructIon wlule some lanes of Morass WIll www waynecounty com 1wayne plans together always be opened, the street roads I.

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