f)Z IN< TOPICS ON COSMIC RAYS ECNTOAA O* UNICAMP 60th aniversary of C.M.G.Lattes volume 1 TTOPIC *% S CM CCS MIC RAYS 60tk anivcrsarj of C.M.G.Littes VOLUME I EDITORA DA UNICAMP CAMPINAS BRASI L 1984 EDITORA DA DIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS Reitor: J ». -• Aristodemo Pinotti CONSELHO EDITORIAL Amilcar Oscar Herrera/ Antonio Muniz de Rezende/ Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues (Presidente) / Dicesar Lass Fernandes/ Humberto de Araújo Rangel/ Jaime Pinsky/ Luiz Sebastião Prigenzi/ Rubem A. Alves/ Ubi- ratan D'Ambrosio. Diretor Executivo: Jaime Pinsky Rua Cecllio Feltrin, 253 Cidade Universitária - Barão Geraldo fone (0192) 39.1301 (ramais 568, 585) 13.083 CAMPINAS - SP BRASIL This Festschrift volume is being published in homenage of Prof. Ceeare M.G. Lattee on his sixtieth birthday. Edited by José Bellandi Filho Ammiraju Pemmaraju Departamento de Raios Cósmicos,Cro nologia, Altas Energias e Leptons. Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" Universidade Estadual de Campinas CONTENTS Editorial note I Acknowledgements III Members of Department IV Gleb Wataghin V Louis Leprince-Ringuet VI Prefácio - VII My work in mesons physics with nuclear emulsions 1 C.M.G.LATTES Cesar Lattes: The Bristol Years 6 BEPPO OCCHIALINI Cesar Lattes: Reminiscenze 9 ANTONIO BAGNATO Cesar Lattes: Grande físico e personalidade extraordinária 11 MARIO SHENBERG Encounters with Giulio Lattes 14 H. MUIRHEAD Professor Lattes e a física do Janlo 21 MITUO TAKETANI Point-counterpoint in physics: Theoretical prediction and experimental discovery of elementary particles 27 J. LEITE LOPES The Chacaltaya cosmic ray laboratory and its ro] •> in the development of physics in Bolivia 42 CARLOS AGUIRRE B. Brasil-Japan Collaboration experiment at Chacaltaya 45 YOICHI FUJIMOTO High Energy Exotic Interactions observed by Chacaltaya emulsion chamber 63 BRASIL-JAPAN COLLABORATION OF CHACALTAYA EMULSION CHAMBER EXPERIMENT Preliminary results on observation of genetic relations among the exotic cosmic-ray phenomena 71 S.HASEGA1VA Short Chronology of prof. Cesar Lattes scientific life: The chronology 81 GIULIO BIGAZZI and JULIO CESAR HAULER NETO On exotic fireballs 90 TAKAO TATI Investigation of the fragmentation processes of projectile hadrons and jets production with high P at energy 10 TeV 99 S.A. SLAVATINSKY Particles with Heavy quarks and long-flying cascades in cosmic rays (tien-shan effect) 122 I.M. DREMIN and V.I. YAKOVLEV Aumento da seção de choque nucleon-nucleon de ar e difusão da componente nucleônica de raios cósmicos 151 F.M. DE OLIVEIRA CASTRO Soft gammas produced in hadronic interactions 159 Y. GOLDSCHMIDT-CLERMONT Increasing multiplicity, increasing Pt 171 T.K. GAISSER On a relativistic quark model 176 P. LEAL FERREIRA Phase transitions in field theory 18P CA. ARAGAO DE CARVALHO, CG. BOLL IN I and J.J. GIAMBIAGI Optical pumping and bistability 201 A. GOZZINI Causal anomalies and the case for a preferred referential frame 208 ROBERTO DF ANDRADE MARTINS Contributors 233 Editorial Note To pay tribute to Prof. C.M.G.Lattes on his sixtieth birthday in July 1984, the members of the Departamento de Raios Cósmicos,Crono- logia, Altas Energias e Leptons of the Instituto de Física Gleb Wata- ghin of Universidade Estadual de Campinas propose to present him this Festschrift volume of scientific articles which have a bearing on his work in Cosmic Rays, Chronology and Particle Physics. This book is divided into two parts. One part contains scien- tific contributions of research scientists from various areas of Phy- sics as well as personal accounts and life of Lattes. The other part includes reprints of some of the more important contributions of Cesar Lattes. Some of the contributions represent sincere testimony on the controversial personality of Cesar Lattes. They are memories of an era which are real testimonials of the vigour of a true scientist not only as a scientist but also as a generous and human personality. Lattes gave us his own testimony on his years at Bristol and his participation in the discovery of mesons in "My work in meson phy- sics with nuclear emulsions". On his participation in the search for artificially produced mesons, we reproduce a letter sent by Lattes to José Leite Lopes in 1948. On his years in Bristol, Prof. Beppo Occhialini, in his testi mony "The Bristol years", reveals us all the force and excitement of Lattes, then a young scientist, comparing him with the hero of univer- sal literature: Don Quixote. It is on the subtitle of his chronicle that Occhialini brought with extreme facility of the real personality of Lattes of yesterday and today as he saw him in science and life - "to see infinity in a grain of sand and eternity in an hour". Those of us who are working today with Lattes, 28 years after the "Cigarette Tower", can affirm that he has not changed a bit in re lation to his years at Bristol. Continuing to smoke horrible cigars, his presence still brings the stirring of sprintime, transmitting to the young the force of determination of seeing infinity in a grain of sand. His excitement and enthusiasm continues to affect "Sancho Panza". For younger physicists, Lattes is an attraction not for being Lattes but for his contagious atmosphere, his culture, his generosity and for his irreverence to the existing university structures. "The light of tower is available all nights even on Sundays because they have guidance". II Lattes belongs to a class of scientists in extinction. His in terests and intuition cover all fields of science. For Lattes,a scien- tist is made in the battle ground, da/ to day research but not in class rooms. Jose Bellandi Filho Anniraju Penmaraju Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The editors express their sincere thanks to Magnífico Reitor of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Prof. José Aristodemo Pinotti who put at our disposal all the human and material resources needed through the editor of Unicamp, Prof. Jaime Pinsky, to make possible the publication of the Festschrift volume. The editors also thank all scientists who sent in their origi- nal scientific contributions and participated in this festive occasion. Lastly, but for the support of the administrative personnel, in particular Miss Sandra Fonseca and Miss Marilena Aparecida Borelli who worked extensively on retyping the various contributed articles, this volume would not have been completed. To them, we owe our many thanks. IV Members of the Departamento de Raios CÕ£ micos,Cronologia,Altas Energias e Leptons Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" Universidade Estadual de Campinas Ammiraju Pemmaraju Armando Turtelli Jr. Carola Dobrigkeit Chinellato Edison Hiroyuki Shibuya José Augusto Chinellato José Bellandi Filho Julio Cesar Hadler Neto Kotaro Sawayanagi Mareio José Menon Reinaldo Camargo Rigitano Roberto de Andrade Martins Ana Maria 0. Araya Anderson Campos Fauth Antonio Braz de Padua Carlos Enrique Navia Ojeda Edmilson J.T. Manganote José Roberto Mahon José Tadeu de S. Paes Roberto José M. Covolan Sergio Fumio Munkai Tereza Christina W. Pessoa Analzira Oliva de Carvalho Cristina Bernardes José Vieira Paz Manoel Guilherme da S. Mello Maria Pivanilde D.O. Marques Marilena Aparecida Borelli Mario de Castro Sousa Jr. Rosângela de Oliveira Sandra Fonseca Zuleica Pereira da S. Bezerra Festeggiano in questo 1934 i 60 anni di Cesar Lattes e si compiono quest'anno anche cinquantanni da quando,nell1 ormai lontano 1934, giunsi a S.Paolo e iniziai la iiiia attività di docente alla F^c«i tà .ii Fisica. Queste due ricorrenze sono oer me associate da un significato che va al di là della coincidenza, poiché di tutti gli studenti -;he si sono lì succeduti Cesar Lattes è quello che più e me-lio di ogni altro ha risposto ai miei sforzi di insegnante, e non credo dicendo questo di fare torto ad alcuno dei tanti validissimi studiosi che sono stati miei allievi. I risultati scientifici raggiunti da Cesar Lattes con la scoperta e produzione artificiale del mesone D sono tali da collocarlo al primo posto nella Fisica bra siliana, ai primissimi nel mondo, e da rendermi orgoglioso di poterlo dire mio al^ lievo.ila oltre al rispetto e alla stima per il talento dello studioso, mi lega a Cesar Lattes una profonda amicizia, le cui basi sono state poste negli anni in cui il giovane Lattes affrontava pieno di entusiasmo le sue prime prove di scien- ziato e che si è poi sviluppata nel corso di una feconda collaborazione nello studio dei raggi cosmici ed in particolare della radiazione penetrante. Questa and cizia non si è interrotta dopo il mio ritorno in Italia ed è stata per me una gioia ravvivarla quando, proprio su iniziativa di Lattes, ho ritrovato, ormai in pensione dall'Università italiana, la strada del Brasile e, se cosi posso dire, un u rol un gamento di giovinezza alla Università di Campinas, ¡ii ò dunque particolarmente gradito associarmi a questa celebrazione, con i più calorosi rallegramenti all'amico Lattes ed i più fervidi auguri per lunghi e fecondi anni di lavoro scientifico. Prof. Oleb Wataghin vi Paris, le 19 aars 1984 Appréciation de Louis Leprince-Ringuet Giïty ^l*"**- -^**M J'ai bien connu CM.G. Lattes autour des années cinquante. Je l'ai renccntré souvent, soit à Bristol, avec Occhiaiini et C. Powell, et bien souvent aussi en France et ailleurs. C'était un jeune physiciexn plein de charme, aux yeux pétillant» d'intelligence, avec une très grande ouverture d'esprit. Nos conver- sations étaient toujours vivantes, animées, et nous pouvions aborder tous les sujets, parfois sérieusement, souvent de façon plus détendue. J'ai toujours été sensible a l'humour, et Lattes en possédait beau- coup. Son esprit chercheur, inventif était imprégné d'une grande fan- taisie, ce qui me plaisait particulièrement. Depuis plusieurs décennies, je n'ai pas eu la chance de le revoir longuement et je le regrette. J'étais de loin son aîné, puisque j'ai toujours vingt-trois ans de plus que lui.
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