THE MASS HYPNOTIST "A RED DRUM CALLED KHAT: A FISTORY" "THE DOLDRUMS" "BOBBY MILK" (Three interlinking stories about a lonely and confused guy, his Ubiquitous Orb, a four-finger bag of Qat, pussy juice shooters, Muslims bikers, h-words, a bunch of Boole ... and a really, really big fish!) "He offered no apologies, no excuses or compromise, and had no regrets. It is what it is. Deal with it." - HE Written by Steven G. Rhodes (nom de plume: C. L. Burke) Copyright Reg. # TXu 2-016-423 Date: July 26, 2016 Steven G. Rhodes 1830 NW 1st Ave., Apt D_______________ NOVEL (TENTH DRAFT) Gainesville, FL 32603____________________December 10, 2016 Cell: 305-766-5734 magicJack: 941-227-5997 (leave messages) E-mail: [email protected] FADE IN: WRITTEN ON SCREEN: “Vanity ! There are no countries left. All I see from pole to pole are tyrants and slaves.” - HE PROLOGUE (O.S.) NARRATOR: If they could just sit him down -- you know, talk to him in glib, nebulous, polysyllabic terms -- they just knew he could be convinced. BOOLE: After all, he watches his phone. THE ORB: And, reads your every conjured word. Too many bombs. Too much linking of so-called social networks. That equals unbridled libel, slander and spying. BOOLE: Commercials synchronized to ensure captivity. Commercial volumes increased without consent to near deafening levels. Commercials, after tasered teasers, after propaganda, after commercials, after more propaganda, after more commercials. THE ORB: Television networks that repeat the same propaganda every hour in a different format. NARRATOR: ESPN ex-machina. BOOLE: It didn’t work for Euripides or Menander. NARRATOR: Yes, the citizen-body, the folk, many feeling froggy. Most have no hope. For he and others like him: Old ways good, new ways bad. BOOLE: So, no matter what you say, no matter how many times, no matter the size of “ The Big Lie ” -- no matter the physical intimidation, microchip character assassination, double-speak, or legal interpretation -- he, and many people like him, just can’t be changed. 2. NARRATOR: The medium is the now the message in this global nonsense. Modern relics will rise in response. The likes of Keynes, Zinn, and Alinsky breed these minions of this Luddite principle. A national canard that is nothing more than the Luddite fallacy wrapped in the cloak of hysterical mass hypnotism, and oligarchic control. THE ORB: People lose all hope because of you, Boole. They become slaves to subsidize commercial centralism. Worse, you -- and they - - tell everyone exactly what they want to hear, or only what they want others to hear. Not what they absolutely need to know. 01011001011010110010111001111011 (THE CURTAIN RISES.) INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY (He enters stage left.) NARRATOR: A Crazy Milkman walked into an old, wooden, Amish schoolhouse in Bart Township in Lancaster, County, PA on 2-10 at 10:25 a.m. He was armed to the teeth and took the teacher and young students prisoner. Almost immediately, the Crazy Milkman released the teacher and many of the students, most of whom were young Amish males; leaving him with ten innocent Amish girls, ages 7-13, as hostages. THE ORB: Who was he ? BOOLE SU= (2-10) AND KW= (gunman): He was soon identified, as are such things, as a lone gunman, a lone nut. EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Outside, in the community that was hearing of the crisis, a neighboring adult, Amish, male, with his two dogs, had stealthily crept to the lone window in hopes of helping the 10 young girls from his vantage point. From there it was later reported that he could see the Crazy 3. Milkman and the 10 young girls; however, the Amish male had to vacate his strategic forward position in order to flag down the police car that appeared to be casually driving by. Almost as if not believing the 9-1-1 call. NARRATOR: Per there latest “please don’t offend those people” memo, the police began slowly setting up their cordon and hostage negotiating site outside, while inside the building, the Crazy Milkman -- apparently, and like most madmen -- hadn’t read that memo. BACK TO: INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY CRAZY MILKMAN (speaking calmly to the frightened little girls): All of you, shut-up, and stand against the blackboard. BOOLE: Over the next 30 minutes the brutally insane Crazy Milkman bound all 10 girls as he prepared to sexually assault, then execute them. Two of the girls, sisters much more worthy of the Presidential Medal of Freedom than Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison, asked to be shot first in order to bide time for the others so they could be rescued by the brave police. CRAZY MILKMAN (screaming madly to himself): Shut up ! EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Still outside, the police, having only arrived en masse at 10:42 a.m., and then after slowly setting up a perimeter, never attempted a stealth advance on the building again despite the fact that the Amish male could have taken a sniper to the window on the hidden side of the building. NARRATOR: The police decided instead to negotiate, to take their good time, to find out the Crazy Milkman’s mens rea. You know, to appease the madman, they wanted to know his motive. HE: Guess they were afraid of the shakedown sharp tones of the political charlatans. Right out of the “we won’t offend you people” Mass Hypnotist manual. Maybe, just maybe, all he needed was more hugs, SNAP and a government job. 4. INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Despite all this -- and even as the Crazy Milkman finalized his insane, nefarious plan and put a shotgun to the back of the head of the youngest girl -- the police did nothing. EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Still outside, the police, after much talking amongst themselves about how to talk to the Crazy Milkman, were finally ready to negotiate. They were sure it would work. This was a criminal case, after all. INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Only he wasn’t ready to negotiate and pressed the cold blue- steel of the shotgun barrel firmly into the innocent, scared, crying little girl’s skull. CRAZY MILKMAN (coldly, with hollow, not hallowed eyes): I’ll start with you. EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Once again, and now even upon hearing one of the children’s loud screaming at around 11 a.m, the still ready for passive negotiating officers weren’t allowed to even approach the building where the Amish male had been earlier and had clearly seen the lone gunman and the young girls. Again, in a position where any good shooter, let alone a skilled sniper, could easily have killed the Crazy Milkman and saved the lives of the ten innocent. HE: You mean the police still didn’t do anything ? BOOLE: They hesitated, another by-product of the Mass Hypnotist manual. THE ORB: So, the point is ? BOOLE (ignoring the Orb): One hopes he will see that his limited 5. window of opportunity to attack, and Anabasis of a seemingly suicidal escape, won’t work unless carefully planned. HARD CUT TO: INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY Bang !! you’re dead. BOOLE: At 11:07 a.m. on 2-10 at a schoolhouse in Bart Township in Lancaster County, PA, the Crazy Milkman began shooting the 10 bound girls 17-18 times in the head at close range with a 12 gauge shotgun and a 9mm handgun. EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Still outside, and only after the firing began did the officers immediately approach the window; and upon arriving the shooting suddenly stopped. HE: The Mass Hypnotist manual. They still just sat there. BOOLE: Even from the entrance, it took them almost three minutes to break in. When finally entering the building they found that the Crazy Milkman had used the last round heard to kill himself. THE ORB: Lord Jesus, no. HE: Jesus had nothing to do with this, the Mass Hypnotist did. INT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: According to police and coroner reports there was not a desk or chair in the whole classroom that was not splattered in blood, covered in glass, or both. Even though they had done nothing prior to the massacre, the police officers -- much like the FBI at the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres -- were given medals for heroism. HE: Gosh, maybe the Mass Hypnotist can reward them too. 6. EXT. SCHOOLHOUSE - DAY BOOLE: Of the 10 shooting victims, three died on scene and two the next day. Miraculously, of the remaining five, one is in a semicomatose state after begin taken off life support and is now fed by a tube, and four others have returned to school in spite of such serious trauma. HE (having an epiphany): One would bet that even today, the Mass Hypnotists want her feeding tubes removed. BOOLE: And as if that weren’t tragedy enough -- even before the peaceful Amish could bury their beloved lost -- the Mass Hypnotist , and their always lurking lackey, bottom-feeding, remora, one-and-all, came out to exploit and prostitute yet another tragedy for their nefarious, social engineering agenda. HE: So it is true, they are all evil, all talking the same words. BOOLE (rhetorically in an uplifting, crescendo voice): Correct ! And what points do they make ? They talk only the points their media masters tell them to. And only what they want you to believe. Now, finally, he sees why this must be done, and to whom and what he must do. THE ORB (shouts out over Boole): No ! And don’t use them as an excuse. He is not a parasite. This will not serve us, or the innocent, well.
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