Sixty -N inth Year Established 1540. THE outhern Planter A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO Practical and Progressive Agriculture, Horticulture* Trucking, Live Stock and the Fireside. OFFICE: 28 NORTH NINTH STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. THB SOUTHERN PLANTER PUBLISHING COMPANY. Proprietors. J. P. JACKSON, Btiitor. Vol. 69 APRIL , 1908. No. 4. CONTENTS FARM MANAGEMENT: THE POULTRY YARD: < Editorial—Work for the Month 315 Poultry Notes 335 A Seed-Corn Patch for Each Corn Grower. 319 Pure-Bred Notes 337 Alfalfa Experience 319 More Money from Our Poultry 337 Threshing Cow Peas 320 Notes on Co-Operative Poultry Selling 338 Mixing Commercial Fertilizers 322 Some Notes on the March Planter 323 THE HORSE: Increasing the Yield of Corn 325 Long Corn-Stalk Manure 326 Notes 339 How to Grow Corn 327 Heaves—A Remedy ; 340 Reply to Article Commenting on Mr. Sandy's The Farm Horse Needed in Virginia 340 Demonstration Farm Report 327 The Virginia State Fair, Richmond, Va 341 TRUCKING, GARDEN AND ORCHARD: Silo Experience 341 Editorial—Work for the Month " 329 Crop Pests 329 MISCELLANEOUS: Formulae for Spraying 330 1 Making a Hot-Bed for Striking Sweet The Cotton School in Georgia 342 Potatoes 330 Death of Mr. George M. Clark 344 Cultivation of Rhubarb : 330 Making the Most of Life on the Farm 344 Pushing the Crop LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY: 344 Professor Lyman Carrier 345 Some Considerations in Judging Swine.... 331 Farming in the Old Times in South Carolina 345 Dairy Education 333 Common Sense and Good Health 346 Dairying in Virginia 333 Profit in Breeding Draft Horses 346 Overton Hall Farm 334 Enquirers' Column (Detail Index p. 404) 382 in the South-Atlantic Live Stock Coast States 335 Advertisements ; 347 SUBSCRIPTION, 50c PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE Merchandise «« Sheriffs' and Receivers' Sale mmj 30 to 50 Per Cent Saved on Staple Merchandise ^b OUR WONDERFUL 1908 OFFER Wrecking prices are known goods in the regular way, bat as bargain prices. The most take advantage of various wonder fa] bargain offering ever advertised. Such an ealei to secure bargains. Our opportunity seldom occurs. mammoth plant is the lar- Tbe very best manufactured gest in the world devoted to articles are being offered at the sale of general stocks- lets than original cost of Chicago Wrecking Co. pro- House Over 35 acres literally duction. We do not buy our covered with merchandise. ' You Must Buy at These Astonishingly Low Prices. Don't Wait Until it is too Late. Send Us Your Order Today. JACK-SCREWS, 95c. °£r ft& Special Furniture new, best quality manufactured. Made with LUMBER ¥ LUMBER I cast iron itand and wrought iron screw having deep cut thread. Send Us Your Lumber BUI For Out* Estimate Catalog FREE. 10 Ton Jack Screw S .86 The Chicago House Wrecking Company offers the most wonderful oppor- "We are constantly purchasing at Sheriffs 12 1.2 1 tunity ever heard of to furnish you lumber and building supplies of every kind at prices and Receivers' Sales complete stocks o 16 ' 1.42 that will save yon big money. Such an opportunity aB this seldom occurs. We have high grade, brand new, up-to-date Furnl 20 1.90 lumber for your house, church, barn, meeting house, cribs, stores, factories and in fact ture, Carpets, Bugs and Linoleum. We cax 24 2.62 buildings of every kind. We can furnish absolutely everything required in construction save you from 30 to 60 percent. Good Lin House Raising Jacks, each, 1.66 material. Have yourcarpenter orbuilder make up a complete liBt of everything that olenm at 30c per b<j. yd. Kugs fr.m $1.51 Maple Boilers, each „ .20 yon may require, including Lumber, 8ash, Doors, Nails, Roofing, Siding, Ceiling and up. Bedroom Farnitore, Office Fixtures- Single Tackle Blocks .23 every single article. 8end it to us at once, tell us where you have seen this advertise- Store Fixtures, etc. Wecanfumish every ** Double '* .39 ment and we will make a proposition that will be a saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. thing needed for the home or the office. Triple " " Send os list I .63 This is not an idle statement. Thousands of satisfied customers have bought lumber of your requirements or u) All kinds House moving equipment from us in the past. We guarantee absolute satisfaction. We require your good will for our Special Furniture Catalog. Conductor Pipe, 3 1 -2c per ft. PORTABLE FORGE, $4.75. 1-INCH PIPE, Per Foot 3 1-2c. FIELD FENCING, 20c per rod. Lever motion; with extra Galvanized graduated diamond mesh fielc heay pipe legs; stands 30 in- fencing, 22 in. high, per rod 20« high; 8 in, fan. Larger forges 36 in., per rod „ 35c Brand new galvanized. 2 in. per ft. 31 like illustration from $6.35 to Square mesh fencing at the same pi ices -2c Overhauled pipe, complete 3 in. per ft. 4c. Other Bizes in proportion. $14.50. We guarantee our with screwed Heavy 2-in. mesh, hexagon galvanize*. ends and threaded couplings: fencing, suitable Eave Trough, per ft. 3c and up. Elbows, forges equal or superior to for every purpose, made 1 inch, per foot Eave Trough Corners, Hangers, Hooks and anything on the market. 3Vjc of No 16 wire, 150 lineal feet 24 in. inch everything in Down-spouting, Eave Troughs Write for our full list. lH 4*2C IH inch ......6^!C wide, per bale S2#tc and Fittings. Brand new galvanized Ridge Blacksmiths' sledges, Overhauled well casing, with couplings Galvanized poultry netting, 2-in. mesh complete, Boll, per ft. and up. unhandled, per lb., 5c. good as new: 150 lineal feet to tbe bale; 12 in. 4c Eoofer'i Snips. 3 3 28c each. Roofing tools of all Borrs. Hot and Cold Chisels, 9c per lb l * inch 8c 2 4 inch... 10e wide, per bale 60c HORSESHOES, $3.75 Per Keg Guaranteed Paint 85c Ca l Enameled Kitchen Sinks, $ 1 .00 ENAMELED TUBS, $6.00 is a paint. Not thef We offer 2,000 kegs of brand new, A paint that New bine enameled, 16x24 Brand eteel ^ materi new flret-class, celebrated *'Eagle" cheap kind. Made of best with nickel-plated strain- tubs, with enamel als. Ground in pure linseed oil er, enameled 1 ^horseshoes at £3.75 inside and baked on, 5 ft. long. backed by our five] er keg when ordered in lots Every gallon outsi&e, price 9 1 .00 Handsome white guarantee. You run lof 5 kegs at onetime; in year binding Cast-iron fiat rim white enameled, seamless risk in using our "Premier" porcelain | smaller quantities, no enameled kitchen links, size 18x30 cast-iron, roll rim Band Paints. 1 gal. cans, 08c gal. with nickel-plated strainer 1 Price S4.00 91.76 bath-tubs..* 16.25 95c gal. We can furnish sizes from 5 gal. Bucket, Half bbl. Handsome high back, one-piece, white Low-down water (25 gal.) 88c gal. Bbls. (50 (No. to No. 7, either mixed gal.) enameled cast-iron seamless kitchen closet outfits 85c kind to a keg. gal. Send for free color card and estimate. inks 91 1.00 Beautiful Marble Wa6hstaod Rubberized - Gab Roofing, MANILA ROPE BARGAINS WIND MILL LIFT PUMPS GALV. STEEL TANKS, $2.00 61.25 persq. Easytoputon. Re- Rope, slight Double acting, 3-way pumps. .86. Weigh less and twice quires no Good Manila 20 previous experience. Can 5 in., as practical as wooden ly used, all sizes, e Hand-force pumps 3.06 i be put on over shingles without re- | per 100 ft., $3.25. New tanks; best manufac- moving them. Syphon spout-lift pumps 3.66 Weather-proof and Manila Rope slightly tured. 32 gal. tank, $2; fire-proof. We furnish Kitchen force pumps 3.26 J. with each shop worn, per lb., 10c 47 gal., $2.50; 73 gal., p order, sufficient Pitcher epout pumps cement to make the Wrapping Twine, per lb.. 1.65 $2.75; 6bbl.,$5.50;larg-! laps and large nails. J head Price is 5c. Galvanized Guy Wire Perfection spray pumps, best er sizes in proportion. sr sq. 108 sq. ft. 1 ply, $1.25. of 100ft., $1.60. Wire Eope and manufactured 2.25 Feed Cookers, $9.20; ply, $1.40. 3 ply, $1.75. Cable at waydown prices. Tackle Blocks, etc. § Pumps of all kinds. Steel Wagon Tanks $7.00. Galv. 1 roughs 60c. 1 00 Lbs. FENCING WIRE $1.25 DOORS, 60c and up. jT(IBULARLANTERNS,45c. Wrought Iron Bolts, lb. No. 14 Painted Wire 10,000 doors per 4c Steel Shovels, strongly and win- made, shorts $1 .25 dows, 30c; Steel single bit axes, 45c; which we will close Nos. 9,10, 11 and 12 Gal Double bit axes, 4Jc; out at a saving of 40«6. At Large vanized shorts, SI.80 60 cents we can furnish size steel hammers, 25c; Nos. 14 and 15 $1.90 Manure forks, 45c; Hay Galvanized Wirecontin you an ordinary door, Bought at manufacturers forks, 30c; Axe handles, uous lengths, No. 9 pel good enough for general sale, 10 car load, of high grade carriage 100 lbs S2.00 purposes. and machine bolts, 5c ; , Hack saws with frame,] mixed all kinds together, No. 7 SI.80 We have a complete excellent assort- 15c; Hand saws, 2jc; Com-j ment, strictly first Phone wire No. 12 class, in lots of 100 lbs.,, pass saws, 12c; Files, 5c; BB list of these doors and per 100 lbs $2.86 No. 14 S3. 10 per lb., 4c. Also carriage and machine] Hatchets, 30c. windows, which we will Telephone equipment,Fence wire all kinds mail on application.
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