COUNTRY REPORT MALDIVES METEO RO LOG ICAL SERVICE INTRODUCTION Na tiona l Meteorologica l Centre Geographical location of the station is 04.19°N 073.53°E. In accordance with WMO practices that every national meteorological network should designate one station as its National Meteorological Centre, Government renamed the Meteorological Centre as the National Meteorological Centre on 1 August 1980. From this date, NMC has been functioning 24 hours. Daily weather forecasts, all kinds of aviation forecasts, weather warnings and marine forecasts are issued from National Meteorological Centre. Founded in the early 1940s it started with only maximum and minimum thermometers, a rain gauge and an anemometer. Maldives Meteorological Service is now among the most reputed and technologically advanced organization in the government sector. Maldives Weather Observation Network 5 Avia tion / synoptic met sta tions in five a irport 21 AWS ( Automa tic Wea ther Sta tions ) currently opera tiona l throughout the country. 1 Doppler weather radar 2 High resolution sa tellite ima ge receiving systems ( KALPANA,FY2C) Our Meteorologica l Network is esta blished with Regiona l Telecommunica tion Hub (RTH) New Delhi a nd RTH Melbourne to excha nge meteorologica l da ta a nd tsuna mi informa tion. Maldives Weather Observation Network The NMC has established redundant links for communicating with local, regional and international centers by using 256kbps VSAT, 10mbps Internet connection and satellite phones. Warnings are issued from the following media ; i.Hot lines ii.Telefax iii.Mass media (TV , Radio) iv.Public Alert (cell broadcast & fixed line phone) v.SMS to selected users vi.Email vii.Website Aviation/ synoptic met stations Da ily observa tions like tempera ture, humidity, ra in, wind speed a nd direction a nd visibilities a re recorded. Minimun and maximum temperatures are taken daily at UTC 0300 a n d UTC 1200 respectively. Sunshine records a re ta ken a t 1300hrs UTC. New cards for each day. Ma le’ ; NMC is the centra l met sta tion in Ma ldives. Avia tion a nd synoptic data from all stations are collected and distributed by NMC. Observations Automatic Weather Stations HA. Uliga m The sta ions use va isa la weather transmitter WXT520. It is a sma ll a nd lightweight tra nsmitter tha t offers six wea ther perimeters in one compa ct HDh.Ma kunudhoo Sh. Feevak package. W XT520 mea sures windspeed a nd direction,precipita tion, a tmospheric R.Vaadhoo pressure, tempera ture a nd rela tive humidity. B.Dha ra va ndhoo K. Kaa shidhoo K. Vabbinfaru K. Hulhule K. Ma le ’ Ad h. Rangali V.Fulidhoo F.Nilandhoo Dh.Hulhudheli Th.Vilufushi Th.Hirla ndhoo L. Is d h o o GA.Villingili GDh.Ga dhdhoo Gn.Fua hmula ku S.HHitha d hoo S.Hulhumeedhoo Doppler Weather Radar Intorduction The Ma ldives Meteorologica l Service is equipped with DWSR- 8501S ra da r which is the world’s most powerful S-Band Doppler wea ther surveilla nce ra da r. DW SR-8501S provides the best clutter suppression a nd S-band ra nge p e rfoma nce for observing multiple long ra nge wea ther pehnomena . The tansmitter provides 850 kW pea k RF power pulse with dura tion of 0.2,0.4,1.0 a nd 2.0 micro seconds. The ra da r is currently not opera tiona l due the problem with the cooling system of the hut & software. It needs to be calibrated. Satellite Image receiving system ES&S GEOSAT500 ground sta tion High performa nce system tha t receives a nd processes downlinks from Chinese Meteorologica l sa tellite ; Fengyun-2C sa tellite. The sa tellite provides regula r ima ges of the ea rth, a llowing foreca sters to ma ke wea ther predictions a nd to follow path of cyclones. The system components include pa ra bolic dish, sa tellite receiver , Acquisition , processing a nd displa y worksta tion, GEOSAT500 processing softwa re a nd METEOR ima ge displa y a nd a na lysis softwa re. Satellite Image receiving system Below is a n ima ge a cquired from GEOSAT500 system Global Telecommunication System Hd h. Hanimaadhoo K.Hulhule’ Gdh. Kaadedhdhoo Gdh. Kaadedhdhoo S.Ga n Our ma in hub is loca ted in Delhi, India . Globa l Telecommunica tion System We receive Meteorological and tsunami information via Global Telecommunica tion System (GTS) Below is a screen shot from two of our GTS terminals Th e M ESSI R-VISION Forecaster's Workstation integrates this vast amount of M ESSI R-AERO enables you to receive, store, display and print all information into a single system. MESSIR-VISION provides the Forecasters with the OPMET and charts needed by pilots, aeronautical briefing a comprehensive range of tools to display, manipulate and combine all the offices, and airline operators. available data and products, make decisions and produce outputs such as maps and forecasts. Seismic Network Earth Qua ke monitoring – Se isComp 3 •The Se iscomp 3 softwa re is used to loca te a nd ca lcula te the epicenter, ma gnitude a nd other pa ra meters . Immedia tely a fter the occurrence of a n ea rthqua ke over the India n ocea n, Geologica l observers will loca te epicenter a nd ca lcula te Ma gnitude by using SeisComp3. We also get the ea rthqua ke informa tion from U.S. Geologica l Survey & JMA. • The seiscomp 3 communica tes via dedicated 512kb/ s sa tellite link to Jakarta, Indonesia. • There are two broadband seismometers in the Ma ldives. Seismometers in Maldives Hd h. Hanimaadhoo Gdh. Kaadedhdhoo Seismic Network Earthquake monitoring by CISN ( California Integrated Seismic Network ) We a lso observe the California Integrated Seismic Network [CISN], to monitors earthquakes across the world Sea -level data network HD.Ha nima a d hoo Hawaii Hulhule The sea-level da ta network is esta blished in Ma ldives in ca llobra tion with Hawai sea level center S.Ga n There are 3 tide gauges situated at three different locations in the Ma ldives. W E N EED HELP-SO DO ES EVERYO NE ! We believe there is always room for improvement. The Ma ldives Meteorologica l Service is rea lly short of tra ined staffs in areas like ; - Syste m Softwares - Seismology - Fo r e ca sting - O b se rva tion - Ca libra tion Currently No sta ff tra ined in Doppler ra da r opera tions a s well a s it’s ma intena nce. THANK YOU… .
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