Development and Regulation Committee Committee Room 1, Friday, 27 January 10:30 County Hall, 2017 Chelmsford, Essex Quorum: 3 Membership: Councillor R Boyce Chairman Councillor J Abbott Councillor K Bobbin Councillor M Ellis Councillor A Erskine Councillor C Guglielmi Councillor J Jowers Councillor S Lissimore Councillor J Lodge Councillor M Mackrory Councillor Lady P Newton Councillor J Reeves For information about the meeting please ask for: Matthew Waldie, Committee Officer Telephone: 033301 34583 Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 176 Essex County Council and Committees Information All Council and Committee Meetings are held in public unless the business is exempt in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972. Most meetings are held at County Hall, Chelmsford, CM1 1LX. A map and directions to County Hall can be found at the following address on the Council’s website: Hall.aspx There is ramped access to the building for wheelchair users and people with mobility disabilities. The Council Chamber and Committee Rooms are accessible by lift and are located on the first and second floors of County Hall. If you have a need for documents in the following formats, large print, Braille, on disk or in alternative languages and easy read please contact the Committee Officer before the meeting takes place. If you have specific access requirements such as access to induction loops, a signer, level access or information in Braille please inform the Committee Officer before the meeting takes place. For any further information contact the Committee Officer. Induction loop facilities are available in most Meeting Rooms. Specialist head sets are available from Duke Street and E Block Receptions. The agenda is also available on the Essex County Council website, From the Home Page, click on ‘Your Council’, then on ‘Meetings and Agendas’. Finally, select the relevant committee from the calendar of meetings. Please note that in the interests of improving access to the Council’s meetings, a sound recording is made of the public parts of many meetings of the Council’s Committees. The Chairman will make an announcement at the start of the meeting if it is being recorded. The recording/webcast service is not guaranteed to be available. If you are unable to attend and wish to see if the recording/webcast is available you can visit this link any time after the meeting starts. Any audio available can be accessed via the ‘On air now!’ box in the centre of the page, or the links immediately below it. Page 2 of 176 Part 1 (During consideration of these items the meeting is likely to be open to the press and public) Pages 1 Apologies for Absence The Committee Officer to report receipt (if any). 2 Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest to be made by Members in accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct 3 Minutes 7 - 16 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2016. 4 Identification of Items Involving Public Speak ing To note where members of the public are speaking on an agenda item. These items may be brought forward on the agenda. 5 Minerals and Waste 5.1 Sandon North Void 17 - 104 To consider report DR/01/17, relating to the restoration of the northern quarry void, the installation and operation of an inert waste recycling facility in the plant site for the production of secondary aggregate, followed by the restoration and the creation of an area of biodiversity compensation habitat. Land at Sandon Quarry, Molrams Lane, Sandon. Reference: ESS/08/16/CHL 5.2 Highwood Quarry, Little Canfield 105 - 118 To consider report DR/02/17, relating to 1, an application to vary the condition of the mineral permission which restricts operating hours of an existing operation originally permitted by ESS/65/06/UTT as amended by planning permission ref. ESS/52/13/UTT; and 2, a similar application, in respect of the planning permission ref. ESS/45/14/UTT, to vary the hours of waste importation/soil washing plant permission, in order to allow HGVs to leave the site from 6am. At Highwood Quarry, Old Ipswich Road, Little Canfield, Dunmow CM6 1SL. References: ESS/34/16/UTT and ESS/35/16/UTT. 6 County Council Development Page 3 of 176 6.1 West Wood, East Thundersley 119 - 148 To consider report DR/03/17, relating to the construction of a flood alleviation scheme consisting of an attenuation bund with culvert and temporary attenuation area in the event of flooding, with construction and maintenance access via an existing track off Rayleigh Road. At West Wood (Ancient Woodland), East Thundersley, Essex. Reference: CC/CPT/42/16 7 Information Items 7.1 Little Warley Hall Farm - Appeal 149 - 166 To update members on the decision of the Planning Inspectorate following the re-hearing and re-determination of this case. Report DR/04/17. 7.2 Enforcement of Planning Control 167 - 172 To update members of enforcement matters for the period 1 October to 31 December 2016 (Quarterly Period 4). Report DR/05/17. 7.3 Applications, Enforcement and Appeals Statistics 173 - 174 To update Members with relevant information on planning applications, appeals and enforcements, as at the end of the previous month, plus other background information as may be requested by Committee. Report DR/06/17. 8 Dates of Future Meetings 175 - 176 To note Committee meeting dates, up to April 2018. Report DR/07/17. 9 Date of Next Meeting To note that the next committee meeting is scheduled for Friday 24 February 2017 at 10.30am. 10 Urgent Business To consider any matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered in public by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency. Exempt Items (During consideration of these items the meeting is not likely to be open to the press and public) Page 4 of 176 To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of an agenda item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as specified in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 or it being confidential for the purposes of Section 100A(2) of that Act. In each case, Members are asked to decide whether, in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption (and discussing the matter in private) outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. 11 Urgent Exempt Business To consider in private any other matter which in the opinion of the Chairman should be considered by reason of special circumstances (to be specified) as a matter of urgency. __________________ All letters of representation referred to in the reports attached to this agenda are available for inspection. Anyone wishing to see these documents should contact the Officer identified on the front page of the report prior to the date of the meeting. Page 5 of 176 Page 6 of 176 Friday, 16 December 2016 Minute 1 ______________________________________________________________________ Minutes of the meeting of the Development and Regulation Committee, held in Committee Room 1 County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex on Friday, 16 December 2016 Present : Cllr R Boyce (Chairman) Cllr J Abbott Cllr S Barker Cllr K Bobbin Cllr M Ellis Cllr A Erskine Cllr I Grundy Cllr J Lodge Cllr S Lissimore Cllr M Mackrory Cllr C Seagers 1 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllr C Guglielmi, Cllr J Jowers (substituted by Cllr C Seagers), Cllr Lady Newton (substituted by Cllr S Barker) and Cllr J Reeves (substituted by Cllr I Grundy). 2 Declarations of Interest Cllr Lissimore declared a personal interest in agenda items 6.1 and 6.2, in respect of Hogarth Primary School and Roding Valley High School respectively, as Deputy Cabinet Member for Education. (Items 6 and 7 below refer.) 3 Mi nutes The minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4 Identification of Items Involving Public Speaking Persons to speak in accordance with the procedure were identified for the following items: 1) To consider report DR/44/16, relating to the erection of a single storey building together with the extension of existing hard surface play area and car park, additional bicycle and scooter parking and additional landscaping/tree planting. At Hogarth County Junior School, Riseway, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 8BG. Reference: CC/ BRW/44/16. Applicant: Essex County Council Public Speaker: Nick Davey speaking for. 2) To consider report DR/45/16, relating to the proposed construction of a new two storey detached educational block to accommodate six classrooms, a library and ancillary facilities on the site of the existing school. At Roding Valley High School, Alderton Hill, Loughton, IG10 3JA. Reference: CC/EPF/51/16. Applicant: Essex County Council Public Speaker: Michael Benbow speaking against. Minerals and Waste Page 7 of 176 Friday, 16 December 2016 Minute 2 ______________________________________________________________________ 5 Hastingwood, North Weald The Committee considered report DR/43/16 by the Director of Operations, Environment and Economy. Members noted the Addendum to the agenda, particularly with reference to a response from the Local Member. It was noted that, as the application was to establish the lawful planning status of the land, no planning policies were applicable. Details of consultation and representations received were set out in the report. The Committee noted the key issue, which was whether the use of the land as described in the application had taken place continuously on the application site for the 10 year period.
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