CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES 18 RAJASTHAN PARTS XA & XB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 24. BUNDI DISTRICT V. S. VERMA O' THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERv.ce Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan The motif on the cover is a montage presenting constructions typifying the rural and urban areas. set against a background formed by specimen Census notional maps of a urban and a rural block. The drawing has been specially made for us by Shri Paras Bhansali. FOREWORD The bringing out of the District Census Handbooks is one of the various ways in which the State Govern­ ment collaborates with the Government of India in the work of census-taking and the dissemination of the resulting information. While the various census publications give a lot of diverse and detailed information for the bigger units of administration i.e. state, district, tehsil and town, it is left to these District Census Handbooks to present some vital data for the still lower units i.e. wards and blocks in towns and villages in tehsils. Secondly, these handbooks present some non-census data also which is collected and processed in addition to the normal census operations. The present series of District Census Handbook volumes combine parts A and B of the handbooks for each district. Part C, consisting of some other census tables at tehsil and town level as well as some other dam, wlll apFe.lf in the form of a separate series. I am gratified to note that Shri V. S. Verma, Director Census Operations, Rajasthan and his colleagues have endeavoured to bring out these exhaustive and informative volumes with precision and promptitude. I am happy to learn that the maps being included in the various district volumes are also to be published later on in the form of a comprehensive Administrative Atlas of the state. I am sure, these publications will be found useful and interesting by scholars and administrators as well as the lay reader. Jaipur S. L. KHURANA 2nd, October, 1972 Chief Secretary to the Government of Raj(Whan PREFACE The District Census Handbooks are a special and important feature of the whole scheme of Census data collection and the analysis and presentation thereof. The regular Census publications do, of course, present a multitudinous information but they do not go upto the VilJage and Census Block levels, for the rural and urban areas respectively. Secondly, they have to depend on the data collected only as a part of the House­ listing and Enumeration Operations. The twofold purpose of the District Census Handbooks, like that of certain other special and ancillary studies that the Department undertakes, tberefore, is to go down to these lower units of presentation and to present some data which is collected in addition to that produced by the above mentioned operations. The District Handbook series were first introduced in the t951 Census. While the 1961 series were an improvement over their counterparts in 1951, the present series for the 1971 Census are more elaborate and have been so planned that tbey present all tbe essential Census data and important demographic details alongwhh such necessary orientation and background which is very relevant for the proper understanding of a district. 1971 Census envisages tbe publication of District Census Handbooks in three parts viz. A. Band C for all the districts of Rajasthan. The first two of these are being presented in tbis series of volumes, each volume dealing with one district of the State, because these two parts have much in common and tbey present infor­ mation which the reader might like to interlink at various stages in his study. Part C, containing both the data collected from the various dapartments of the State Government as wen as certain Census tables, districtwise and down to the level of tehsils, will appear as a separate series of volumes. again, one for each district. Parts A & B have been explained in detail in the respective introductions pertaining thereto. For the sake of convenience and better presentability this volume has been divided into three sections, viz. Town and Village Directories, Primary Census Abstract and certain common appendices and maps. A look at tbe Contents will further elucidate this arrangement. This Department has produced these District Census Handbooks for and on behalf of the Government of Rajasthan. We are grateful to the unfailing assistance and encouragement which we have received at each stage from the Chief Secretary, Shri S. L. Khnrana, and the Deputy Secretary in the General Administration Department Shri D. R. Mehta. The ex~Chief Secretary Shri Z. S. Jhala and the ex-Deputy Secretary Shri Yatindra Singh also gave us valuable advice and support during the earlier stages of this work. We are also grateful to Shri Khurana for having consented to write a Foreword for this series of volumes. As regards the whole scheme of these volumes and their contents, we owe a deep debt of gratitude to the guidance we have received from Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, Registrar General of India, Dr.B.K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General of India, Social Studies, and Dr. B.K. Roy, Map Officer. Shri Jagat Pal Singh, Deputy Director. Social Studies, and a team of dedicated workers including Shri Shamsher Singh, Tabulation Officer, and Shri WaH Haider, Statistical Assistant, have laboured really hard to give shape to the Town and Village Directories with the help of heaps of data collected from various sources. For the Primary Ce~sus Abstract the credit goes to Dr. U. B. Mathur, Deputy Director Headquarters, Shri S.R. Luhadia, Assistant Director, Shri R.C. Bhargava, Senior Investigator and Shr; S. P. Kasbyap, Senior Technical Assistant, and the persons working in Technical Section. Shri Kashyap will soon be retiring and I will like to place on record here my gratitude and admiration for bis bard and consistent work. The Art Section had to carry a tremendous load in preparing the maps going into these volumes. I am happy to say that the band of old and experienced hands as well as the )Jew recruits have risen to the occasion in an admirable manner under the supervison of Dr. R.K. Tyagi, Geographer. Shri M.M. Goyal, Tabulation Officer, has been instrumental in seeing the volumes through the press and has spared no pains in the process. For the fine quality of printing, we are indebted to Sbri P.C. Patni of the Jubilee Block and Printing Works. He made special arrangements for the job and personally supervised all processes. It is hoped that this volume as well as its companion volume namely Part C of the District Census Handbook will be found useful by the readers. Rambagh Palace Annexe, v. S. VERMA JAIPUR Director Dated the 2nd Oct., 1972. Census operations, Rajasthan. CONTENTS PAGES FOREWORD PREFACE SECTION I - DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART-A TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORIES INTRODUCTION (i)-(xii) ANALYTfCAL NOTES (xiii).{xx) A. Town Directory (xiii) B. VilJage Directory (xv) TOWN DIRECTORY 1-4 Statement I Status, Growth History and Functional Category 2 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location 2 Statement III Municipal Finance 0968-69) 3 Statemer.t IV Civic and other Amenities ... 3 Statement V Medical, Educational. Recreational and Cultural Facilities 4 Statement VI Trade. C()mmerce, Industry and Banking 4 VILLAGE DIRECTORY 5-39 1. Hindoli Tehsil 6 2. Nainwa Tehsil 12 3. Bundi T ehsil 20 4. Kesboraipatan Tebsil 32 APPENDICES 41·46 Appendix I Particulars regarding outgrowths (Part villages-Urban) 42 Appendix II Particulars regarding part-villages (Rural) 43 Appendix III-A Abstract of Amenities 44 Appenoix III-B Land Utilisation 46 SECTION U- DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION (i) . (ii) ANALYTICAL NOTE (iii)-(vii) PRLMAR Y CENSUS ABSTRACT 1-51 District Primary Census Abstract 2-5 Rural Primary Census Abstract 6-39 t. Hindoli Tehsil 6 2. Nainwa Tehsil 12 3. Bundi Tehsil 20 4. Keshoraipatan Tehsil 30 Urban Primary Census Abstract 40-51 I Nainwa Town 40 II Bundi Town 40 III Lakheri Town 46 IV Keshoraipatan Town 48 APPENDICES 53-56 Appendix I List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 54 Appendix II Primary Census Abstract for Special Charges 56 SECTION III : COMMON APPENDICES AND MAPS APPENDICES 1-13 Appendix I Alphabetical list of Towns and Villages 1 Appendh: II Distribution of Population by Religion 10 Appendix III rnter~censal Territorial Changes 12 MAPS District Map, Tehsil Maps & Town Maps SECTION I DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART A TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORIES INTRODUCTION The District Census Hand Book, Part A, consists of 5,000 to 9,999 and Class VI below 5,000. During the two components viz., Town Directory and Village censuses anterior to that of 1961, existence of a self­ Directory. As the very names indicate, these governing local body, such as a Municipality, was Directories present data at the town and village level res· generally the main criterion for classifying a place as pectively. While information in respect of the Town a town. If there was no municipality and the popu· Directory is presented in the form of six Statements, lation was also less than 5,000, a place could be regar· supplemented by information given in four Tables built ded as town if in the opinion of tbe Census autho· into the Analytical Note, information in respect of the rities it had certain urban characteristics. There ViJlage Directory is presented in a proforma containing were, of course, a host of such urban attributes­ 16 columns, supplemented by thirteen Tables, similarly cultural, economic and social-which helped the Census incorporated with the Analytical Note. Town Directory authorities to distinguish the urban areas from the data is further supplemented by Appendix 1.
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