The American Dowser 9?ream&[e C)heAmerican cnowser FALL © 2007 Volume 47 ~ Issue NO.4 Cfo the cn~-~ws of the American Societ~ of CDowsers, qnc THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS, INC. Headquarters and Bookstore Contact Information: PO Box 24, Danville, VT 05828 www.dowsers.org Phone:802-684-3417 [email protected] Dowsing is a faculty employed with intent to expand Fax:802-684-2565 ASD Bookstore: 802-684-3826 the perceptive abilities of its practitioner beyond three-di• mensionallimitations. It is a most ancient, varied craft, as OFFICERS AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2007-2009 ancient and varied as humanity itself. Dowsing has roots, GEORGE WELLER BESS CUTTER among all manner of peoples, lands, and epochs. There President Executive Vice President seems to exist an ageless natural knowledge, that enables POB473 800 Dryden St. Derby Line, Vermont 05830 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 us to identify ourselves with an unknown source of being 819.876.2528 757.335.2100 cell and becoming; it is of primary significance, joining Earth, [email protected] [email protected] sea, and stars. BRUCE IRWIN ATALA DOROTHY TOY Explanation ofdowsing's whys and wherefores is still far Treasurer Executive Secretary from satisfactory, but to refuse to explore the unexplainable 223 Athol Rd. 418 Horne St. Athol, New York 12810 St. Charles,Illinois 60174 simply because it cannot presently be explained is unscien• 518.623.3772 630-443-9101 or 847.651.1758 cell tific and irresponsible. Dowsing is fact. Sheppyh2o@aoLcom [email protected] As awareness grows, the public mind should recognize BILL BONNELL TIPIHALSEY that, when based on ample training, experience, and talent, 481 Lonesome Pine Trail POB181 Lancaster; Virginia 22503 Thetford, Vermont 05074 802.785.4978 dowsing is a most useful skill, applicable to many fields of 804.462.5518 (home &fax after six rings) human activity. 804.435.0531 (work) [email protected] Spiritual pride is to be avoided by the dowser. Psychic [email protected] KEITH SCHAFFER powers, intellectual aptitudes, or physical skills are useless WILL CLARK 1490 Schoffers 26 South Main St #242 Birdsboro, Pennsylvania 19508 unless applied for the benefit of all, because they bring in• Concord, New Hampshire 03301 610.689.5164 603.225.6438 or 603.340.2%6 cell creased sensitivity. These may properly be expressed only SHEILA WILLIAMS [email protected] in an increasing awareness of the oneness of all life and in 44 Union St. MARNA EHRECH Keene, New Hampshire 03431 greater love for the whole of humanity. POB958 603.357.4875 home Any activity that investigates, perpetuates, and expands Shelburne, Vermont 05482-0958 603.352.0157 work 802.985.8378 Fax: 802 985 9385 Dowser77@hotmaiLcom humankind's lore, mysteries, beliefs, traditions, and useful [email protected] abilities should command at once loyalty and service. In the energizing of such activity, the power generated in and HEADQUARTERS STAFF by a group of interested persons is greater by far than the Operations Manager: Arvid Johnson [email protected] sum of its numbers. Assistant to the Operations Manager: Scot Foxx [email protected] Bookkeeper: Stephanie Gadapee [email protected] Upon these concepts THE AMERICAN S THE AMERICAN DOWSER OF DOWSERS, INC. is founded. Joya Pinkham Clark [email protected] Fall 2007 1 The American Dowser The American Dowser PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TIPITALES George K. Weller, Jr.page 4 Tipi Halsey page 31 NOTES FROM THE O.M. CRAZY HORSE Arvid Johnson page 5 Jim Kuebelbeck page 32 FINAL EDITS VISUAL FRE'QUEN'CIES© Dr. Joya Pinkham Clark page 6 Cover Story Will Clark page 36 USUAL DOWSING Penny Seator page 9 HEALING THE EARTH Stephanie Bolton page 40 IN MEMORIAM page 10 HOW I BEGAN ..• Atala Dorothy Toypage 42 SECRETARY'S NOTES Atala Dorothy Toypage 12 CLEARING THE WAY Bill Bonnell page 44 ADVERTISING DETAILS: HAUNTED MOVIE SET For more information see page 66-67 Katy Kessler page 14 NEW BOOKS All advertisments are subject to final approval from ASD by Scot Foxxpage 46 headquarters and must, in some way, pertain to dowsing. BODY-PENDULUM All ads are sent to ASD headquarters with payment made Barbara Dowdy- Trabke page 16 JOANNA FURNACE IRON PLANTA• payable to American Society of Dowsers TION DOWSING EXPERIENCE ... Keith Schaffer page 48 George K. Weller, Jr.,page 18 WALKER THE WELL DRILLER WATER FOR HUMANITY Bess Cutter page 49 Steven Herbert page 19 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR REMINISCING page 50 Bruce Irwin page 22 ...CONSCIOUSNESS, AND DOWSING A 700 YEAR OLD UNIVERSAL CONSTANTS BATTLE AXE Jeffrey S. Keen page 54 James Douglas Gamble page 24 DOWSING A SONG WHAT IS DOWSING? Sheila Williams page 59 Joe Smith page 26 HIGH ACCURACY DOWSING WHY ARE THE NATIVES Ronald Blackburn, PhD. page 60 RESTLESS TONIGHT? Louis Matacia page 28 CHAPTER INFORMATION page 63 Fall 2007 Fall 2007 3 TheAmerican Dowser TheAmerican Dowser PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE NOTES FROM THE O.M. George K. Weller, Jr., President ASD Arvid Johnson As I men• In the meantime, I use it for the impor• ioned at the tant issues in my life. You can too. Join As I write this (September 17, Again, these nnual Mem• a local ASD Chapter and our National 2007), I can report a very busy Sum• savings will not be as dramatic ership Meet- ASD. Meet new friends. Question mer. The annual Convention is, of as these oth• .ng, my desire those who demonstrate talent, and ask course, a very busy time for us at ers, but should s President is them out how they do it. Headquarters and this year's was no o intercon- The fee for our National dues that exception. A new venue (Sugarbush result in an annual savings of about $2500. nect those help keep our office running are only Resort) brought with it many chal• interested in the dowsing phenom• $40. We are also working to make it lenges for all of us. We met many These savings on expenditures enon across North America. We easier and cheaper to join National if of these challenges successfully, but were not built into the 2007 budget have regional groups, but we are a you are connected to the Internet. Ask some were just not possible for us to (because they couldn't be realized until most of the FY was over) so national society. We are a group how at: [email protected]. It is our accomplish. At this time the Con• with interests that are varied from goal to have national ASD help the lo• vention finances are not final, but will help make up for the fact that we finding water as much as answers to cal chapters and then the chapters, in overall it appears that the bottom are running behind budget on mem• a multitude of questions related to turn, help ASD, as a whole. ASD can line will be quite close to what was bership dues income and bookstore our earth resources, our spiritually provide each chapter with their own budgeted. profits. The budget for 2008 will be and our physical well-being. web space and links, as well as contacts There's good news. A signifi• able to reflect these expenditure re• I would like to make contact with with new ASD members in their area, cant portion of our financial prob• ductions. other interested groups out there. in addition to possible speakers. ASD lems over the past four years stem Over the last year, we have had two As we communicate maybe some also provides an insurance umbrella to from certain contracts that were computers fail completely. No data were lost as the hard drives from the of their members will become in• their chapters for special events that made and that we were locked into. failed units were installed in other terested which will lead to them they hold. Bess Cutter, our Executive Thankfully, many of these contracts becoming ASD members. While VP,can fillyou in with the latest details. are now coming to an end, and this computers that were not being used most of these groups are investiga• Chapters can help ASD by submitting will have a significant impact on re• or were under-utilized. Application tive in nature, we as dowsers find verified dowsing stories along with ducing our expenditures. The lease data had also been backed up on answers. names of recommended dowsers in on a server computer we didn't use CD's, USB thumb drives or external USB hard drives. The server com• We ask questions and we find their area. Chapters can support ASD or need ($208 / month) has ended answers. Of course the quality of by showing their members the benefits and we have returned it and its pe• puter was pressed into service as a our answers depends on our dows• of joining ASD, including contacts, ripherals. The contract for internet workstation and now that it is gone, ing ability according to the stage discounts and of course, our quarterly and telephone services ends in Oc• we have purchased a computer to of development we are at when we digest, The American Dowser. tober and we are researching alter• use in its place. Along with other ap• dowse for specific questions and an• In closing I would like to recommend natives to our current expenditures plications, this is the computer that swers. When I attend a convention a book that I stumbled upon entitled, of about $700 / month. The lease we use for audio and video (CD and or chapter meeting, I am amazed at Extraordinary Knowing by Elizabeth for the Panasonic Telephone system DVD) duplication in conjunction the ability of some of our members! Lloyd Mayer, Ph.D.
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