PPAAGE 12 PRESS & DAKOTTAAN THURSDAHURSDAAYY, MARCH 5, 2015 15301530 Ro Roofingofing - SiSidingding 1650 1650 Ho Housesuses ForFor SaSalele 1850 1850 AgricultureAgriculture Governor Daugaard Yet To Take Side CorbyCorby JohnsonJohnson Roofingofing & WaWantnt to BuBuy:y: 2.2.55 acacresres of lalandnd in Yankton,Yankton, SD.SD. No sub-divi-sub-divi- Construction.Construction. FreeFree Esti-Esti- sision.on. CaCallll 605-212-8896.605-212-8896. mates,mates, woworkrk guaguaranteed,ranteed, in-in- In Youth Minimum Wage Debate sured.sured. AlAlso,so, spspecializingecializing in BY BOB MERCER SeamlessSeamless Gutters.Gutters. 605-661-605-661- 20102010 Le Legalgal anandd PuPublicblic considering it over the next several days,” 8097.8097. NoticesNotices State Capitol Bureau Tony Venhuizen said. During the fall election campaigns, Dau- PIERRE — Gov. Dennis Daugaard hasn’t gaard said he opposed the ballot measure 16051605 ApartmentApartment FoForr RentRent 3+3+55 11011101 CeCedardar NOTICNOTICEE OF APAPPLICATIONPLICATION NONO.. taken a position yet regarding the $7.50 that increased the state minimum wage to PRICEPRICE REDUCEDREDUCED 808073-373-3 to ApAppropriatepropriate WaWaterter youth minimum wage that received final $8.50 on Jan. 1 from $7.25 and added an an- 1-bedroom,1-bedroom, MeMeadowadow PaPark,rk, $128,900$128,900 legislative approval Wednesday, according nual inflation adjustment. 909909 MemoryMemory LaLane.ne. FoForr elelderlyderly WellWell keptkept 3-3-bedroom,bedroom, 2-bath,2-bath, NoticeNotice is givengiven thatthat LarryLarry Sko-Sko- or personspersons withwith disabilities.disabilities. to his chief of staff. Daugaard said then he didn’t believe in garage.garage. ManyMany updates,updates, Rick,Rick, rerepa,pa, 2992299222 435th435th Ave,Ave, UUticatica SD GroundGround lelevel,vel, rerentnt babasedsed on in-in- “He will be listening to the debates and a minimum wage. AndersonAnderson ReRealty.alty. 6605-760-05-760- 5706570677 hashas filedfiled an applicationapplication foforr come.come. ClCloseose to SeniorSenior Center.Center. 9976.9976. a watewaterr permitpermit to aapappropriateppropriate 1.1.7777 605-665-6135605-665-6135 or SkogenSkogen Com-Com- cubicubicc feetfeet of watewaterr peperr secsecondond panypany 6605-263-3941.05-263-3941. 2 NewNew specspec homeshomes andand sever-sever- (cfs)(cfs) frfromom ononee wewellll to be complet-complet- 1 & 2 BeBedroomdroom OrchardOrchard al lotslots foforr sasalele by KirbKirbyy HoferHofer ed intointo thethe LowerLower JameJamess MiMis-s- New Homeowners Must th souri:souri:ScotlandScotland AqAquiferuifer ((300300 ffefeeteet Wage SqSquareuare, 414188 W. 15 , foforr elder-elder- 6605-660-1422.05-660-1422. CaCallll today!today! ddeep)eep) locatedlocated in ththee SW 1/1/44 SW From Page 1 ly or personspersons withwith disabilities.disabilities. 1/1/44 SectionSection 8 foforr iirrigationrrigation of 120 File By March 14 To Get ReRentnt basedbased on incomeincome and in-in- 16601660 AcreageAcreage – LoLotsts For acracreses lolocatedcated in ththee SW 1/1/44 SeSec-c- clcludesudes ututilities.ilities. EqEqualual HoHousingusing SaleSale titionon 8 anandd N 1/1/22 NW 1/1/44 SSectionection OpOpportunity.portunity. 60605-665-61355-665-6135 or 1717;; allall in T9T95N-R56W.5N-R56W. TheThe ap-ap- Instead the $7.50 will be “an SkSkogenogen CoCompanympany 6605-263-05-263- plplicanticant is rerequestingquesting a didiversionversion entry level” for young workers, Owner-Occupied Property 33941.941. 13136.46.4 AcAcresres of fafarmlandrmland presentlypresently in grassgrass anandd alalfalfafalfa raratete grgreatereater ththanan ththee ststatutoryatutory limlim-- Rep. Justin Cronin, R-Gettys- 1 BedroomBedroom Apt.Apt. $375.$375. Free $1$1,650,650 perper acre.acre. 17.07517.075 w/15w/15 it of 1 cfscfs perper 70 acres.acres. WaterWater burg, said. Tax Reduction utilities!utilities! LocatedLocated in Scotland.Scotland. yeyearar ololdd hohouse,use, shshop,op, quonset,quonset, frofromm ththisis wewellll mamayy alalsoso be ususeded to “What this does is ensure NicelyNicely ReRemodeled.modeled. 60605-464-5-464- mamatureture treestrees andand graingrain bibins.ns. supplsupplyy dodomesticmestic useuse to thethe appli-appli- those kids are not going to be cancantsts fafarmstead.rmstead. PIERRE — Homeowners living in a different or new 08720872 or 60605-389-3389.5-389-3389. $$175,000.175,000. LocatedLocated 5 milesmiles treated as adults, because they home this year are advised that the deadline for filing the wewestst of Martin,Martin, SD alalongong HiHigh-gh- PuPursuantrsuant to SDSDCLCL 4646-2A-2,-222AAA-2, ththee shouldn’t be,” Cronin said. owner-occupied, single family dwelling certificate is Satur- 1, 2 bebedroomsdrooms in YYankton.ankton. DiDi-- wawayy 1818,, buybuy bothboth or separately.separately. Most of the Republicans versifiedversified PropertyProperty MaManage-nage- ChChiefief EnEngineergineer recommendsrecommends APAP-- day, March 14 (postmarked). The certificate allows home- 660505--686855--41419797.. PRPROVALOVAL of ApApplicationplication NoNo.. and one Democrat in the owners the eligibility for a property tax reduction. ment.ment. RentalRental assistanceassistance avavail-ail- House voted for its passage, able.able. RentRent basedbased on income.income. 16901690 Comme Commercialrcial RealReal 80738073-3-3 becausebecause 1) ununappropriatedappropriated Any South Dakota homeowner who owned and occu- EqualEqual OpportunityOpportunity Housing.Housing. 1- watewaterr is available,available, 2) existingexisting while some Republicans voted against it. pied a home on Nov. 1, 2014, is eligible for this classifica- 888-368-3330.888-368-3330. EstateEstate rirightsghts wiwillll not be unlawfullyunlawfully imim-- tion and the property tax reduction. Taxpayers that have papaired,ired, 3) it is a beneficialbeneficial ususee off Rep. Lance Russell, R-Hot 17001700 Sq Ft ononee of a kindkind water, andand 4) it is in thethe publicpublic in-in- Springs, said he voted against received the reductions previously, and still own and oc- downtowndowntown loftloft forfor rent.rent. HugeHuge 1 teterest.rest. In accordanceaccoorrdance wiwithth SDSDCLCL the $8.50 on the ballot but cupy the same home, will continue to receive the property bedroombedroom withwith sunkensunken livingliving 4646-2A-23,-2A-23, ththee ChChiefief EnEngineergineer willwill warned it would be “a very tax reduction without having to filing a new certificate. room,room, cherrycherry wowoodod cabinets,cabinets, act on thisthis application,application, as recom-recom- dangerous precedent” to over- “As far as tax relief, owner occupied status is easy to bar,bar, lotslots of windows,windows, stainlessstainless mendmended,ed, ununlessless a petitionpetition is fifiledled turn the will of the voters. get,” Wendy Semmler, Property Tax Program manager at steelsteel apappliancespliances and oppoopposingsing thethe applicationapplication or ththee The Nov. 4 ballot measure S.D. Department of Revenue, said. “Simply call the county washer/dryer.washer/dryer. OfOfff ststreetreet parpark-k- appapplicantlicant filesfiles a pepetitiontition cocontest-ntest- passed with about 55 percent director of equalization and complete the required form.” inging andand yardyard included.included. AvAvail-ail- iningg ththee ChChiefief EnEngineer'sgineer's rrecom-ecom- mendmendation.ation. If a pepetitiontition oopposingpposing support. The 2015 valuation notices sent to taxpayers beginning ableable immediately.immediately. No “I’m not arrogant enough to March 1 will indicate if the property classification is owner- pets/smoking.pets/smoking. 60605-661-7035.5-661-7035. ththee apapplicationplication or ccontestingontesting ththee rrecommendationecommendation is filed,filed, ththenen a think I know better than the occupied. Homeowners are advised to check their notices 3-3-BedroomBedroom TowTownhouse.nhouse. hhearingearing will be schedulheduleded andand thethe people,” Russell said. and make sure their property is classified as owner-occu- MuMustst ququalifyalify by familyfamily sizesize anandd WaterWaatter MaManagementnagement BoardBoard willwill House Democratic leader pied. inincome.come. ReRentnt babasedsed on inin-- considerconsider ththisis aapplication.pplication. NoticeNotice Spencer Hawley of Brookings Taxpayers who have purchased a home, have built a cocome.me. EHEHOO 6605-661-890105-661-8901 or of thethe hearinghearing will be givengiven to ththee said employers already could new home prior to Nov. 1, 2014, or have previously not ap- SkSkogenogen CoCompanympany 6605-263-05-263- appapplicantlicant anandd ananyy pepersonrson fifilingling a use a training wage that ap- plied for the classification must apply to their county di- 33941.941. CommercialCommercial BuBuildingilding FoForr petition.petition. plies for 90 days. rector of equalization. SaleSale - 218 CapitalCapital StSt.. But Rep. Jim Bolin, R-Can- 2-bedroom2-bedroom AptsApts.. BeBetweentween 46004600 sq.sq. ft. DowntownDowntown AnyAny personperson ininterestedterested in opopposingposing To obtain a form or ask questions regarding the owner- thethe 50's,50's, 8th and Dakota.Dakota. RentRent ton, said the initiated process YanktonYankktton - StoreStore FrontFront and or supportingsupporting thisthis applicationaappplication orr occupied certificate, homeowners are encouraged to con- $545$545 to $590.$590. EqEqualual HoHousingusing doesn’t allow for amendments Warehousing.Warehousing. rrecommendationecommendation mumustst ffileile a writ- tact the county director of equalization in the home’s Opportunity.Opportunity.
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