Western Outdoor Times August 2016 >âLÜ°VÊUÊÜiÃÌiÀÕÌ`ÀÌiðV A Publication of BOAT I N G | CA M P I N G | F I S H I N G | RV I N G | S H O OT I N G S P O R T S | WAT E R S P O R T S | W I L D L I F E IT’S A GRAND EVENT NPS Celebrates 100 Years! Boating Tackle Pages 4-6 & Target Pages 7-9 Western Land Wildlife Cruising Page 10 Pages 11-14 August 2016 / Vol. 12, No. 3 Happy 100th Birthday, National Park Service! NPS PRESENCE IN JUST ONE STATE Arizona Has Them All — From Monuments To Memorials, From Parks To Trails, And More These memorable destinations are HQRXJKWRÀOO a lifetime of ON THE COVER ‘bucket lists.’ The Falls Are A FROM THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Treasure Within As we celebrate the centennial of the Na- The Grand Canyon tional Parks Service, many will be visiting Havasupai Falls Arizona is a ma- national sites throughout the country. A good place to start is here at home as Arizona has jor destination for hikers who want over two dozen of these spectacular destina- to visit the blue-green waterfalls. tions within the state. Hidden in the Grand Canyon, and GLI¿FXOW WR JHW UHVHUYDWLRQV IRU WKLV National Monuments In Arizona paradise is for those who can plan Canyon De Chelly ahead and enjoy hikes of eight miles Chinle, Ariz. or more. For nearly 5,000 years, people have lived The Havasupai people live near in these canyons - longer than anyone has lived uninterrupted anywhere on the Colo- the Havasupai Falls in the Supai rado Plateau. In the place called Tseyi, their V Chiricahua deserts and rugged mountains. They brought Village. The Havasupai people, or homes and images tell us their stories. To- Willcox, Ariz. rich traditions and new technology into the “Havasuw `Baaja”, the people of the A “Wonderland of Rocks” is waiting region, irrevocably changing the lives of na- day, Navajo families make their homes, raise blue-green waters, are the traditional for you to explore at Chiricahua National WLYHSHRSOHVDQGFRQWLQXLQJWRLQÀXHQFHWKH livestock, and farm the lands in these can- guardians of the Grand Canyon. Re- yons. The National Park Service and Navajo Monument. The 8-mile paved scenic drive area today. lated to the Yuman, the Havasupai Nation actively work together to manage and 17-miles of day-use hiking trails provide park resources. opportunities to discover the beauty, natural National Historic Site have, from the beginning, inhabited sounds, and inhabitants of this 11,985 acre Fort Bowie the Grand Canyon and its environs. Casa Grande Ruins site. Visit the Faraway Ranch Historic Dis- Willcox, Ariz. For information about visiting trict to discover more about the people who Coolidge, Ariz. Fort Bowie commemorates the bitter Havasupai on your own, it is neces- have called this area home. FRQÀLFW EHWZHHQ &KLULFDKXD $SDFKHV DQG Explore the mystery and complexity of sary to call (928) 448-2180 an extended network of communities and the U.S. military - a lasting monument to the irrigation canals. An Ancient Sonoran Des- National Memorial In Arizona bravery and endurance of U.S. soldiers in ert People’s farming community and “Great Coronado paving the way for settlement and the tam- Lake Mead House” are preserved at Casa Grande Ruins. Hereford, Ariz. ing of the western frontier. It provides in- Mojave Desert, Ariz., Nev. Whether the Casa Grande was a gathering ,WZDVDMRXUQH\RIFRQTXHVW¿OOHGZLWK sight into a “clash of cultures,” a young na- Lake Mead NRA offers year-round rec- place for the Desert People or simply a way- exploration, wonder - and cruelty. Inspired tion in pursuit of “manifest destiny,” and the UHDWLRQDO RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU ERDWLQJ ¿VKLQJ point marker in an extensive system of ca- by tales of vast cities of gold, 339 Euro- KXQWHUJDWKHUHUVRFLHW\¿JKWLQJWRSUHVHUYH hiking, photography, picnicking and sight- nals and trading partners is but part of the pean soldiers and over 1000 Aztec allies its existence. seeing. It is also home to thousands of desert mystique of the Ruins. V embarked on an epic journey through arid plants and animals, adapted to survive where National Recreation Areas rain is scarce and temperatures can soar. Glen Canyon Glen Canyon National National Parks Recreation Area, Ariz., Utah Grand Canyon Encompassing over 1.25 million acres, Grand Canyon, Ariz. Glen Canyon National Recreation Area of- Unique combinations of geologic col- fers unparalleled opportunities for water- or and erosional forms decorate a canyon based & backcountry recreation. The rec- that is 277 river miles (446km) long, up to reation area stretches for hundreds of miles 18 miles (29km) wide, and a mile (1.6km) from Lees Ferry in Arizona to the Orange deep. Grand Canyon overwhelms our sens- Cliffs of southern Utah, encompassing sce- es through its immense size At present, all nic vistas, geologic wonders, and a vast pan- South Rim roads are open, and the North orama of human history. V Rim is open for the season. 3HWUL¿HG)RUHVW 3HWUL¿HG)RUHVW1DWLRQDO3DUN$UL] 'LG \RX NQRZ WKDW 3HWUL¿HG )RUHVW LV more spectacular than ever? While the park has all the wonders known for a century, there are many new adventures and discov- eries to share. There are backcountry hikes Casa Grande Ruins See NPS, Page 15 In This Month’s Issue Land Cruising Boating Downstream ..........................2 Camp Out Sometimes A ‘Go’ Boating ...............................4-6 Escape the summer Requires A ‘No’ Tackle & Target ..................7-9 heat by getting out of the Western Wildlife ................. 10 Pokemon Go, with 21 RV/Land Cruising ..........11-14 house and into a cozy million users every day, Classifieds........................... 16 AZ State Parks camping receives some cautions Business Spotlight ............. 18 cabin/Page 11 from BoatUS/Page 4 Recipients of 2008 and 2013 THE CREW AZGFC Media of the Year and $= &$ www.azbw.com 2009 National Water Linus www.westernoutdoortimes.com Safety Congress Award of Merit All of us throughout the nation, the Southwest, and our Arizona home say thank you to the National Park Service for 100 years of caring for and preserving some of the most precious of our natural outdoor wonders. We also honor one of those who had the greatest love for the outdoors: Mike Brookes Publisher Special Features Editor AZBW News Service Don McDowell Mary Syrett The entire contents of WOT/AZBW are copyrighted © 2016 by Arizona Boating & Waters- Jim Allen John Koleszar AZ Tourist News Dwayne Cassidy Maxine Brookes SRUWV//&1RSDUWPD\EHUHSURGXFHGLQDQ\IDVKLRQZLWKRXWH[SUHVVZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQ BASS Ed Huntsman M.D.R. Proctor fom the publisher. Editor Galley Proof Editor Becky Thompson Mike Brookes Carol L. Allen Fur and Feather Henri Hurrier Bill Roecker Gloria Bryson Pyszka Mike Harris WOT/AZBW is published monthly. BoatU.S. Mike Rivkin Production Manager Henri Hurrier 32670$67(56HQGDGGUHVVFKDQJHVWR-LP$OOHQ(DVW%DVHOLQH5RDG Birding Editor Bruce Biddick National Park Service Angela Ogden The Late Margie Allen Jack Innis 7H PS H $ = Bureau of Reclamation Jackson Bridges NAU Athletics Marketing/Sales Capt. Ann Kinner Patrick Horning 68%6&5,37,2135,&(IRULVVXHVVLQJOHFRSLHVDUHSUHSDLG Distribution Jane Lemon Mott Subscriptions are transferable, non refundable. John Campbell Leslie Manes Caroline McWilliams Phoenix Power Squadron Catherine Miller Janet Bosley Rory Aikin, The Late Lisa Brookes-Haws LVGLVWULEXWHGIUHHLQ$UL]RQD6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD0H[LFR&DQGDWKH8.DQG Outdoors Editor Chelle Brookes Jay Williams Rose and Ron Werner WOT/AZBW Margie Anderson Jerry Tate other states and countries. Contributors Chris Cameron SAPC Christi Brookes John Campbell Superstition Search & Rescue Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any Shooting Sports Editor Arizona Game and Fish Kelsee Haws John Anderson Department Dan Pennell The Late Lisa Brookes-Haws advertisements produced for the advertiser by WOT/AZBW, using artwork and/or typography Darla Bardelli Kip Pollay The Late Tom Nunes furnished or arranged by WOT/AZBWVKDOOEHWKHSURSHUW\RI:27$=%:1RVXFKDGRUDQ\ ASU Bass Team part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher. Salt WaterFishing Arizona State Parks Daryl Horsman Lake Powell Magazine Tonto National Forrest Editor AWA Debbie Huntsman Lost Our Home USA Water Ski Stories and photos are welcome and, upon publication, will be purchased at Don McDowell AYC DJ Proctor LPSC Wayne Gustaveson our current rates. We do not assume responsibility for unsolicited material. The expressed views of our advertisers and contributors are presented for reader interest only. Publishing them neither constitutes endorsement by AZBW/WOT nor necessarily refl ects the opinions of those involved with this publication. DOWNSTREAMTM$XJXVW(YHQWV&DOHQGDU BOATING In Memory Of Edwin Michael (Mike) Brookes: Feb. 10, 1937-July 22, 2016 11-14 BULLHEAD CITY: 10th Annual Bullhead Help Me! City River Regatta - Pirates of the Colorado - kayak Saturdays through September 2016, meet at 6 pm mile run on paved multi-use trail in the City Park, UDFHVWXEHÀRDWHUVDQGWKHPHÀRDWVRQWKH&RORUDGR at the front of the Discovery Center and wear suit- USA Triathlon sanctioned event, Youth triathlon fea- The Friends River, Friday evening the “Ye Gotta Regatta” pre- DEOHFORWKLQJDQGVKRHVEULQJZDWHUDQGDÀDVKOLJKW tures 175 yard swim at the Family Aquatic Center, $6 per vehicle park entrance fee. Be sure to include PLOHELNHULGHRQFLW\VWUHHWVDQG¿QLVKHVZLWKD of the party, with live music, carnival games and food and Tonto then Saturday grab an inner tube and enjoy a lazy contact information and number of people in the mile run in City Park, 928-532-4140
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