Messiah University Mosaic English Student Scholarship English 2012 English Department Newsletters 2007-2012 Department of English Messiah College Follow this and additional works at: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/english_st Part of the Higher Education Commons Permanent URL: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/english_st/1 Recommended Citation Department of English, "English Department Newsletters 2007-2012" (2012). English Student Scholarship. 1. https://mosaic.messiah.edu/english_st/1 Sharpening Intellect | Deepening Christian Faith | Inspiring Action Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society. www.Messiah.edu One University Ave. | Mechanicsburg PA 17055 English News November 27, 2007, Volume 6, Issue 3 and funding to American public broad- Department News casting. While at EO, Larry and other Professor Samuel Smith and Rebecca professors, including Mark Fackler of Buckham ’05 (who is currently enrolled Calvin College, were consultants to a in the MA program in English at Villa- program director, offering suggestions nova University) both presented papers at the 2007 Conference on John Milton for development of a new documentary on October 26 and 27 at Murfreesboro, series. TN, a national bi-annual conference at- Professor Crystal Downing presented tended by more than one hundred schol- ars. Samuel's essay, "The Son's Solitude a paper on the film The Queen at the in Paradise Regained," and Rebecca's international meeting of the American essay, "Eve's Fall and the Rise of Tech- Academy of Religion, held this year in nopoly: Milton's Prophetic Cri- San Diego. Also, two of her essays on tique," were both well-received. film were published last month. Professor Peter Powers sang the lead "Deconstructing Herbert: The War of male role of Alfredo in Verdi's La the Worlds on Film" was published in in Traviata in a Capital City Opera of Har- Literature / Film Quarterly, and an es- risburg production at William Penn High say on Hollywoodland called "The Lost School, November 8, 9, 10, and 11. Action Hero," was published in The Professor David Dzaka gave a Presi- Cresset. dential Scholar’s Lecture on October 25. He presented a paper on his intellectual The Writing Center is looking for a hero, Ngugi wa Thiongo. few new tutors for the spring semes- ter. Interested students should contact Professor Larry Lake presented his David Dzaka ([email protected]) by paper "Teaching Faithful Observers: December 10 with an expository writing Literary Nonfiction and the Journal- sample of no less than 5 double-spaced ism Student" to an international confer- pages and the names of two professors who can attest to their excellent writing ence of journalism educators in the Neth- and interpersonal skills. Working at the erlands on October 2-6. His paper was Writing Center requires dedication and based largely on his teaching of literary ongoing training. Applicants may be nonfiction and memoir here at the col- short-listed for an interview. lege, and proposed training journalists in Mackenzie Martin ’08 received a ethnographic observation skills. The con- Murray Library Research Grant. She ference was sponsored by CHE will visit Vassar College to study the (Christelijke Hogeschool Ede) and at- poem manuscripts and travel journals of tracted delegates from numerous coun- Elizabeth Bishop, focusing on how pa- tries including South Africa, Russia, and tience is exemplified in Bishop’s revi- Hungary. Conference activities included sion practices and how Bishop trans- a field trip to the headquarters of Evan- lated her raw observances during travel gelische Omroep, a large Christian radio into poetry. and television network similar in quality Alumni News Detailed information about the confer- ence can be found at http:// Carmen McCain ’99 published "The www.allegheny.edu/warehouse/ Heroism of Ordinary People: An In- redirect.php?id=1&id2=166 . terview with Helon Habila" in the Any questions or inquiries can be sent Abuja-based newspaper Leadership to Eric Boynton on November 19, 2007. Carmen [email protected]). wrote her MA thesis on Helon Ha- bila’s novel Waiting for an Angel. Nominate undergraduate student writing for inclusion in The Norton Melissa Driver ’07 was recently ac- Pocket Book of Writing by Students. cepted to the University of Pittsburgh This volume will include a variety of Law School. genres, including but not necessarily limited to literacy narratives, textual and literary analyses, reports, argu- Opportunities ments, reading responses, poetry, The Cedarville Review is accepting memoir and other forms of personal submissions in fiction, nonfiction, essays, profiles, and mixed-genre poetry, and photography until Decem- pieces. Any excellent writing done for ber 5, 2007. Submit fiction and non- an English class will be considered. fiction of up to 4,000 words, up to The first round of submissions are due five poems, or 3-5 photographs. For by January 15, 2008. You can send more detailed submission guidelines submissions as a Word attachment to or to submit electronically, visit http:// [email protected] with "Student Writing Submission" in the subject www.cedarvillereview.com. line of your email. Please also include the following information in the body of your email: name of student writer Allegheny College is pleased to host and contact information (email ad- a two-day conference on whiteness dress, home address, and phone num- and racism titled "Examining White- ber); title of the submission; name of ness: An Academic Conference on the school the student attends; the White Privilege and Racism in Amer- class for which the piece was written; ica" on April 4-5, 2008. Keynote instructor's name and contact informa- speakers will be Lucius Outlaw tion (email address, school address, (Vanderbilt University), Shannon Sul- and phone number); the assignment; livan (Pennsylvania State University), and any other information about why Charles Mills (Northwestern Univer- you believe this submission is exem- sity), and Linda Martin Alcoff plary. (Syracuse University). Undergradu- ate students are invited to present their own work either in the form of Shiny Media's U.S. fashion and complete papers or as a part of panel discussions. beauty blogs www.shinystyle.tv and www.shinygloss.tv are looking for interns. Student bloggers would not E-mail newsletter items to Mackenzie Martin: [email protected] receive a stipend, however, students Submit your papers to the 23rd An- Careers for Bookworms and Other could blog on their own hours from nual National Undergraduate Lit- Literary Types, Careers for Writ- home or campus. As added incentive, erature Conference, which will be ers and Others Who Have a Way with Words, Make Money Reading there would also be a chance of free held at Weber State University, April Books, and The Creative Writing beauty products to review. If students 3-5, 2008. Geoffrey Wolff, Eleanor MFA Handbook. Feel free to curl living in New York or Philadelphia are Wilner, and Bret Anthony Johnston up on a resource room couch, interested in the position, invitations to will be featured speakers at the confer- browse through these titles at your fashion events are also a possibility. If ence. Submission categories include leisure, and take some time to interested, contact Andrea Thatcher papers on American, British, and world think about your future. ([email protected]). literature, as well as creative essays, fiction, poetry, and creative works in Spanish. Submit your paper or crea- The Ralph Flamminio Memorial tive work at weber.edu/nulc by January Scholarship, presented by The Penn- 18, 2008. sylvania Associated Press Managing Editors, offers $3,000 for undergradu- The deadline to submit papers for ates interested in a career in print jour- the conference “C.S. Lewis, the Ink- nalism. Applicants must be Pennsyl- lings, and the Call to Christian Com- munity” has been extended. The vania residents and currently enrolled conference will take place February 7- full-time at a four-year institution as 9, 2008 at Azusa Pacific University. well as have some journalistic experi- Dr. Tom Shippey and Dr. Diana Glyer ence (on-campus newspapers or pro- will speak. Papers are invited on top- fessionally). To apply, send a cover ics relating to Lewis’ life and work as letter describing your experience in well as the Inklings and their influence, print journalism, your interest in the the nature of Christian friendship or love, and the companionship and inter- field and what you might contribute to action between members of the Ink- our craft as a journalist; something lings. Abstracts of no more than 500 about yourself and your interests; a words should be e-mailed to Craig college transcript; up to five of your Boyd ([email protected]) by December favorite (non-returnable) clips; and a 15, 2007. letter of recommendation from a fac- ulty member or professional to Larry Holeva, PAPME Scholarship Commit- In addition to visiting Messiah’s Ca- tee: reer Center for Vocation and Devel- C/O The Citizens' Voice opment, take a look at the new books 75 N. Washington St. located on the shelves in Boyer 201 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 (the resource room). The new books The application deadline is April 15, include: Careers in Journalism, I’m an English Major – Now What?, An In- 2008. sider’s Guide to Creative Writing Pro- grams, Great Jobs for English Majors, Samuel Smith and and spent the summer English Rebecca Buckham ’05 assistant directing at the presented papers at the Utah Shakespeare News Ninth International Milton festival. His wife Janel Symposium in London, (Miley) ‘00 England (July 7-11). More (Theatre major) is a than 250 Milton scholars company member at two from all over the world professional theatres in were in attendance to Los Angeles/Hollywood.
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