The Davie Record DAVIB COUNTY’S OLDEST NEW SPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPLE HEAD mHERE SHALL THE PRVSS; THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRJBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XLVI. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. MAY 2. 1945 NUMBER 40 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Throwing Gems Away Mother’s Day Memorial Services Son* Republicans Lookug To Seen Along Main Street Rev. Walter E. Isenhour. Hiddeoite. N. C. A. J. Crater. Albemarle, N. C. By The Street Rambler. 1 9 4 6 Wbat Wai Happening In Daeie I saw a man throw gems away Mother’s Day will soon be here day For Pvt. Stroud. Elections 0 0 0 0 0 0 Before Tbe New Deal Used Up And then go forth to gather stones And Father's Day is jnst around Regardless of whether or not the Gentleman riding across square war is entirely over—and it certainly Tbe Alphabet, Drowned The And heard him laugh and lightly the corner, so I want to bring them' on borse-drawn sled—Young man sa y : both together and write a short ar will be finised in Eurone before that sitting in moving auto between two time—the 1946 biennial election pro Hogs and Plowed Up Tbe ‘‘These gems belong to crowns and ticle about my dad and mother. girls wltb both arms out of place— raises to be a rough and tumble affair "Precious father, loving mother, Miss Carolyn Craven walking down Cotton and Corn. th ro n es, with the Republicans having a real Or those who have for higher aims Flv across the lonely years, street in the rain—Two industrious (Davie Record, April 3 0 , 1 9 2 4 ) hone that theyjnay control at least Than lie along my earthly beach. And old home scenes of my child­ citizens spending the morning play­ Cotton is 2 9 8 0 cents. one branch of Congress. Or who put In their earnest claims hood ing checkers -M iss Lettie Sheek Dr. H F. Baity, of Knoxville, Itis a political fact that on off For things beyond my mortal reach. In fond memory appears.’’ years the Congressional election usu­ looking ont of second-story win­ Tenn., was in town Friday. In my memory I now recall when ally swings against the party in dow—Wilburn Stonestreet and W. J. E. Ttaarpe, of Statesville, was The gems wele purposes sublime I was just a .small child, following power. This was true in 1938 and F. Dwiggins starting on bee hunt a business visitor here last week. And noble aims that all should around after my daddv and mother again in 1942 but the New Deal ma­ — Mrs. Raymond Siler hurrying Miss Mary Richards, of David­ prize, 011 a little 3 0 acre farm In old Yad jority in Congress-was so great that down Main street in the rain— son, is the guest of Miss Clara And plans by which we each may kin county near Hamptonville Our the Democratic maintained a paper Local preachers bolding caucus on Moore. c lim b majority though at times blocked in borne was just a poor little home as corner—Gossip Club standing in OfScers discovered a blockade The path that in our future lies, in the matter of the New Deal legis­ far as the buildings and the furni­ front of-department store discuss­ sfill outfit on the lands of T. M. To heights that make us useful lation. ture was concerned, but thanks be ing the meat and banana shortage Cain, in South Mocksville, m en , In 1944 although President Roose­ unto God. it was a rich one in the Jack Graham walking across the Miss Ossie Allison returned Fri- W hatever place in life we fill. velt won again, and took some doubt­ spirit of Christ. Dad and mother square with black bundle under bis day from a visit to Miss Kopelia W hether to wield the fluent pen, ful Congressional Seats along with were both Christians, and I mean him, the margin in Congress is still arm—Drug store cowboys entertain­ Hunt at Leaksville. Or work in busy mart or mill. fotlowers of the Lord. fairly aloae and the Republicuns feel ing yonng ladies—Henry Poplin Mr. and Mrs T. F. Meroney He cast aside the gems of prayer, They taught j s children the Bi­ they have an excellent chance to up­ gazing at empty meat counter— have returned from their bridal trip The gems of honesty and truth, ble, and the conteuts too, for I set the political applecart in the George Rowland bolding long con and will occupy a cottage on Salis­ Memorial services will be beld next And seemed for notuing great to have heard dad say many times Sunday afternoon. April Gtb. at 3 o’clock, House next vear. That is why, under versation with friend. bury street. ea re, "Spare the rod and ruin the child." at Society Baptist Church. 10 miles west the energetic leadership of Congress­ Miss Mary Benceni and brother of Mocksville, on the Statesville highway Although he was a handsome youth And he didn’t spare it. When we for Pvt, James E. Stroud, son of Mr. and man Charles A. Halleck, of Indinia, Is This True? Hal, of High Point, were guests of Who could have filled a worth Mrs. S. E. Stroud, of R 4. James was they are not at all discouraged about needed a whipping we got it. No, not in North Carolina, will Mr and Mrs. J C Boger, on R. killed in action in Germany on Nov. 19th, 1946. while place They taught us to work, and 1944. American Legion, Davie County In the Senate the prospects are we ever get to vote on the liquor I, last week. Somewhere within his earthly realm they let us play. Mymothertaught Post 174, of Mocksviile. wlll be in charge of the service. The public is given an.in­ question until we send a majority H. A. Sanford is spending a few With beauty shining from his faee. not quite so rosy, yet the chances are me early about God, the great cre­ vitation to be present. that the State will be a lot closer po­ of dry men to the legislature. W e days in town. Mr. Sanford says Awaiting heaven's diadem. ator, also of Jesus, and that be died are told that members of the House there has been a notable growth of litically after the 1946 election than The stones he gathered . in their on the cross for me and for all. I it is now, due to political reason of the General Assembly played the town since he left here six stea d can now remember when not over A Shame given above. "polka,” a game that is not a game, months ago. W ere stones of idleness and sin, 3 or 4 years old, of my sweet moth­ We have read that a soldier, 1 8 , Tne Republicansnow have 40 mem­ unless you gamble. Played "polka" The pouring of concrete on the And mental food on which he fed er telling me one day, "Jay, if we wrote his mother, saying that all bers in the Senate. They have gain­ and drank liquor with women every Iasf link of the Mocksville-Winston That never helps a soul to win, will be good and love Jesus, and but a few officers and men get ed two since the election through the nigbt until very late. And these highway was begun Tuesday morn­ Nor blesses others on life’s road always live for Him, He will come drunk. Ernie Plye, a popular co­ death of two Democratic members men make laws to punish other ing. There is a little more than and the appointment of two Repub­ Who ought to have a lifting-hand. after us some day and carry us to lumnist in Europe, says that two men for gambling or getting drunk. %y2 miles of bard-surface road to lican to fill the vacancies, appoint­ That they may bravely bear their that great sweet home above, there things American soldiers will do, No wonder there is trouble in this buitd. ments made by Republicans gover­ lo a d we will have a real home, and ev- 'dtink liquor and gamble.’’ No fair land of ours.—W ilkes Hustler. Mr. and Mrs. O C. Austin and nors. In the 1946 Senatorial elec­ W hile passing through this pilgrim erything there is beautiful and good mother would content to al son Sam, and Mrs. Matlock, of tions. there will be contests for 1 2 lan d sweet, an-l we can all live together low her son to associate with drink­ Statesville, spent Sunday here the seats how held by Republicans and RetmnuDg Vets Be forever.’’ Praise God for a Chris­ ing and gambling men. One ot guests ot Misses Lilla and Cora He gathered stones of unbelie for 20 beld by Democrats. In order tian mother. the greatest harms this war will do to make the kind of showing they Given Assistance Austin. In God and His eternal Word, Time passed on and -daddy wonld is damage the moral fibre of Ameri hope for the Republicans must re­ Agricultural advisory committees Mrs. Harry Fyne. of Henderson, A n d seem ed to rea ch to r e v e r y s h e a f be at work everv day except Sun can youtb. Of all times of. human tain ati or nearly all of these twelve have been oiganized in each coun­ and Mrs.
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