Ulnety-nlne TJeu/s eJfe cAftHefrj-o\(me2 ^ A B-LINE from THE V. P. Spring has finally sprung here in “ service is the rent you pay on life’’ Michigan and I hope you are all en­ so we must all take our turn some­ joying the pleasant weather and the time for a healthy growing organiza­ 'w' coming of the green grass and flowers tion to survive. Let’s not JUST sur­ as much as we are. It’s a great time vive, let’s go forward with gusto. Let’s to come out of hibernation, shine up make waves. the ole airplane and put some finishing Perhaps the most ambitious of these touches to the state of our flying art. activities for me right now is the new MAY, 1969 While in Oklahoma City for the Ex­ Headquarters and Museum. I find ecutive Board Meeting I had a chance myself extremely excited about the THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. to see the APT pin worn proudly by project. It will be an impossibility to Will Rogers World Airport please you all individually but collec­ International Headquarters Carol Waddell and I can’t say how tively I’m sure you will be happy and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 impressed I was at the concept. A great idea. I hear there is a Ninety- proud of your new Headquarters. If Headquarters Secretary Nine APT pin in the offing and we all goes as planned the Museum will LORETTA GRAGG may hear more about it soon. be the responsibility of a highly selec­ tive Committee and will be a credit When I think of all the activities we Editor to all wcmen who fly. put on under the name of the Ninety- HAZEL McKENDRICK Nines, Inc., I suddenly think of the The arrivals of carpet, furniture and P.O. Box 38499 tremendous responsibility we accept fixtures continue and with each new Dallas, Texas 75238 individually. If you care enough at all piece the space takes on new dimen­ to be a Ninety-Nine then you know sion. A date for the opening will be THE NINETY-NINES NEWS how proudly we wear our Ninety-Nine announced soon. Vol. 14 No. 7 pin and respect the true meaning of So many things happened at the Ex. May, 1969 our organization. To know our early Brd. Mtg. that it would be hard to Published monthly, except bi-monthly members and their valuable contribu­ include them in any one report but July-August and November-December tions to the history of flight makes one many of the plans for the up-dating Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and very proud indeed to be a member of office procedures were discussed is included as a part of the annual membership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. of such a group. Each of us, as we and we are now investigating the possi­ THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. take our turn at the wheel of leader­ bility of data processing as a solution Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159 ship and service, must pause a mo­ for Mailing Tapes, Roster and Ninety- Return Form 3579 to above address ment to think about the effect our Nine News. 2nd Class Postage pd. at Chickasha, Okla. effort will have on the whole group. My plans at the moment call for a An activity mishandled or poorly run to Montreal for the Canadian Sec­ INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS planned might better not have hap­ tional and hopefully the Chartering of pened. If we feel the activity or service the new Maple Leaf Chapter. This President worthwhile then we should put our will be a real fun week-end I’m sure. DONNA MYERS shoulder to the task and do ourselves Always enjoy my Canadian friends. 11603 E. 6th PI. proud. Remember the old saying Beginning with the eighth of May and Aurora, Colorado 80010 for three days thereafter, Gene Nora Vice-President Jessen, Page Shamberger, Lois Feigen- BERNICE “BEA” STEADMAN baum and I will be having the time 12214 N. McKinley Rd. NOTICE Montrose, Michigan 48457 of our lives judging the NIFA, Ninety- All pilots participating in the Penny- Nine Achievement Award at Park Air Secretary A-Pound flights should make cer­ College in St. Louis. This can be quite LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN a job, selecting just one recipient for South 1907 Oneida Place tain that their aircraft insurance, Spokane, Washington 99203 including passenger liability, is valid the award from so many highly tal­ for flying activities. Aircraft policies ented girls that compete from the var­ Treasurer issued for Business and Pleasure ious college flight programs. It is a DORIS RENNINGER use will not allow passenger carry­ real pleasure to work with this calibre 10-01 162nd Street ing for which a charge is made; of College student. When this is com­ Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 however, if a donation is being pleted it’s off to Washington for the Executive Board made to a charitable promotion, Women’s Advisory meeting, then a and the insured does not profit from short breather to pack my golf clubs, ALICE ROBERTS and off to Kitty Hawk for the S.E. 9828 North 19 Avenue the proceeds, coverage should apply. Phoenix, Arizona 85021 If there is any question, have your Section Meeting, then home for the agent assist you. (Detailed pro­ Michigan Chapter’s Dawn Patrol at GENE NORA JESSEN cedures will be available at the Lapeer Airport the 25th of May. Hope 2814 Cassia Boise, Idaho 83705 New York Convention.) B'est wishes to see many of you in the next few for a big turn out! weeks. BETTY W. McNABB Susie Sewell Remember, activate and participate. 926 Third Avenue Albany, Georgia 31701 B. T. Steadman, V.P. Coming Events MAY 3, 1969 Dallas, Poker Party Air Rase Rain date May 10, 1969 MAY 3, 1969 Canadian Spring Sectional Ottawa-Montreal Chapter Grand Motor Hotel—Montreal, Can. MAY 9-11, 1969 Spirit of San Diego Air Race St. Louis to San Diego HEADLINES from Hazel MAY 11, 1969 Annual Poker Run Armed with all the letters of protest, BOCK, Chairman of the Long Is­ First Canadian Chapter I attended the Executive Board meet­ land Chapter on behalf of MRS. Rain Date May 25th ing in Oklahoma City on April 10. So, JEAN MORIARTY, DOTTIE JULICH’S hopefully, this will be the LAST short daughter. She is looking for recent MAY 16-19, 1969 issue. It will be discussed at conven­ pictures of her mother. If any of you Southcentral Spring Sectional tion in New York, so all you that are have taken pictures of DOTTIE, she Ft. Worth, Texas planning to attend the convention, get would appreciate having copies of MAY 17, 1969 ready to tell the Board how you feel them. So please, if any of you have New England Spring Sectional about it. With the letters I had on taken pictures, check and see if you Pease Air Force Base. hand, I think they got the message. have any and forward them to: * * * MAY 17-18, 1969 MRS. JEAN MORIARTY Dedication of Aviation Technology Please note the correction to the in­ 18 VILLAGE LANE Dept., Cochise College, Douglas, formation about the POWDER PUFF FREEHOLD, N.J. 07728 Ariz. DERBY PINS complete with picture. I would like to have a very technical * * * MAY 23-25, 1969 explanation as to why BEV FLEMING I received a letter from DOTTIE Southeast Sectional Meeting, of the Yuma Chapter had her picture in the Cape Girardeau section with a Kitty Hawk, North Carolina caption about NELL RICE receiving MAY 24-25, 1969 the Chapter “ Pilot of the Year” award Poker Party and what happened to NELL RICE’S Nina Hetman, picture receiving the award. I really 4 Lloyd Rd. don’t know how or why it happened Norwalk, Connecticut or what happened to the other picture. MAY 30, 1969 However, we are sorry about it and Last day for Entry in PPD if the Cape chapter will forward an­ JUNE 21, 1969 other picture, we will try again. It Arkansas Aero Club Air Race would seem that airplanes are not the and Fair Contact Committee only thing that have gremlins! 3225 John F. Kennedy, * * * North Little Rock, Ark. 72116 Included elsewhere in the News is JUNE 21, 1989 a copy of the Official Ballot for the Skylady Derby starting in St. Louis election of officers or 1969-1970. I am POWDER PUFF DERBY PINS JULY 4-9, 1969 told that only about 50% of our mem­ Last month's item on the POWDER bers vote during an election. This is Powder Puff Derby your organization and these will be San Diego to Washington D.C. PUFF DERBY pin omitted ‘with gold your officers. I urge each of you to SEE AWTAR plate’ after sterling ‘silver.’ We have only the 14K pin at $22.50, and the make a concerted effort to vote. Be JULY 9-13, 1969 sterling silver with gold plate at good 99 citizens and vote when you International Convention $13.50 . NO PINS are available receive your ballot in the mail. New York City, New York in sterling silver. Here is a picture * * * AUGUST 17, 1969 of these attractive pins—designed by Don’t forget the dedication of the All-Ohio Chapter Poker Party MARION ANDREWS. The actual size Aviation Technology Dept, of Cochise SEPTEMBER 11-14, 1969 is l'/8” in diameter. Everyone who College, Douglas, Ariz. on May 17-18. Northwest Fall Sectional has flown the POWDER PUFF DER­ Those of you in that area try to attend.
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