i The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER, Raring every facility in Presses, Type and Material to which we are constantly making addition*, we are 2 I O Main Street. ptepared to execute with promptness and good style every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Law t j e n 2»I *-* • Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ K paid strictly In advance—per annum, $2.00. grammes, Circulars, Bill Hoads, If payment in delayed 6 months, 2.25. If not paid till the close of the year, 2.60. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ <j-Xew snbscribets are expected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills payment In advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ S}"X o paper will be discontinued until ALL AR­ dress and Wedding RE arces are paid, unless at the option of the publish Cards, Tags, Labels, 0 ^ - Single copies five cents—for sale at the office and V O L U M E 3 5 . ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, JULY 22,1880. & c., at the Bookstores. N O . 3 4 , PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z. TOPE VOSE. J. B. PORTER. will receive prompt attention. LIFE AND HEALTH. “ Yes. He wrote; but where was the use? me that my dear love, T>elia Rogerson, THE WAY TO BE HAPPY. FLEUSS, THE DIVER. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. It could never come to anything. It was loves and dreams of me still, is poor and AUGUST MAGAZINES. ABOUT ALKALIES. SAFE AND SURE. better for him to forget mo and marry. I alone, and needs me—me! And the letter A story is told of of two travelers in IIe Can stay Under VTater w ith o u t A ir Tubes. A pi’I.ktoxs’ J ournal for August is a good sum­ The Great Internal^ External Remedy was a mill-stone about his neck. I didn’t is signed by her aunt, Mrs. Clement, who For the Rockland Gazette. Lapland, which throws more light upon | ------ mer numlier. It gives complete an excellent nov­ These are substances which, when united answer his last letter.” ought to know. I packed my household the art of being happy, than a whole vol- SnJs Chamber’s Journal: We lately pre- elette by Julian Sturgis, bearing the title of with other substances, go to form many Man and Woman. “ But, supposing he should return some goods and came—” ume of precepts and aphorisms. Uj>on a 1 sented an account of Mr. Fleuss’ discovery “ Michael and I,” a seaside vacation storv, laid on compounds.. There are several of them, day, would you marry him?” “ I’m glad you did.” the southern coast of England. There is also the but those of more special imoortance in A man learns prudence from simple things very cold day in winter, they were driving of n method of diving and livin'. under first half of another novelette, entitled “ Edge- “ I dare say.” laughed Delia gently, as “ In order that I may congratulate SQuire along in a sledge, wrapped in furs from ' , • 7 agriculture are potash, soda nml ammonia. And heeds the voice of Wisdom’s call, head to foot. Even their faces were mostly water " ,thout recourse to air tubes. As Tools." the scene of which is laid at a Canadian “ Trust not too much on n single throw, if the idea was familiar, “ let neighbors Jones.” seaside “resort. Dr. Richardson continues his 4 lie two former are called fixed alkalies* Lest you chance to lose it all.” laugh ever so wisely. I’ve thought of it “ But I haven't accepted him—be­ covered; and you could see hardly any-' corroborating what wo stated regarding “ Health at Home” papers, in which there is an and the latter volatile. Of the various sometimes, sitting alone, when the world cause—” thing but their eyebrows, and these were this remarkable person and his discovery, abundance of wise, practical hints. Mr. Beaving- compounds which they help to form, the A woman looks at the empty hands was barren and commonplace. One must ‘ Because you will marry your own love, ton Atkinson, the well-known writer on art- alkalies are called the bases. United with LSAPANULE’ white and glistening with frost. At length 1 the following appears in the Times of themes, gives the first paper of a series, entitled Some passing beggar shows, have recreation of some kind, yon know. like the lass in the song, Delia? ” oils they form soaps; with carbonic acid And life and fortune and honor's self, they saw a poor man who had sunk down, < . " The Influence of Art in Daily Life,” which is Everybody reQuires a little romance, a lit­ In Croftsborough, people are not yet benumbed and frozen, in the snow. “ We i * ' full of admirable suggestions, and comes in verv they form the carbonates, with sulphuric In one eager gift bestows! tle poetry, to flavor overyday thinking and tired of telling how a woman made money appropriately in connection with Dr. Richard­ Jf. JL IL EixrcU. must stop nn«l help him,” said one of the Mr. Fleuss made his first appearance at acid, the sulphates, with nitric acid the ni­ doing. I’m afraid you’ll think me a silly by taking boarders.—Independent. son’s instructions in regard to the hygiene of the trates, etc. In early times, the term alkali travelers. “ Stop and help him! ” replied the Royal AQuarium. Westminster, last house. “ The German Dialect-Poets," by \V. old maid. Mrs. Clement.” the other. “ You will never think of night, in the largo tank built for the vyhale \V. Crane, which contains numerous examples is was applied to the subsLanee obtained from “ No. The heart never grows old. •The stopping on such a day as this. -We are and used by the seals. His remarkable per- very interesting. An article on “ Landscape- the ashes of certain kinds of sea-weeds and Be of Good Cheer. skin shrivels, the color departs, the eyes 11EXRY BESSEMER. half frozen ourselves, and ought to be at formanceunder water was better seen than Painting," by Sir Robert P. Collier, will lx* wel­ from the ashes of wood, and the substances CURES fade, the features grow pinched: hut the our journey’s end as soon as-possible.” i it has been elsewhere during the few months comed, on account of its practical wisdom, by fprmod by the union of alkalies with acids Though tangled hard life’s knot my be, those who have been confounded by the strange NEURALGIA soul is heir of eternal youth—is as beauti­ Henry Bessemer is known to the world “ But I cannot leave this man to perish,” 1 of the exhibition of his apparatus at the were called salts. In making potash the ___ . Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Inflamma­ And wearily we rue It, ful at fourscore as at * sweet twenty.’ since Being then eighteen years of performances that certain painters have recently ashes were collected in pots and leached, tion of the Lung-, &c.. Lame Buck, lnfiammatio The silent touch of Father Time rejoined the humane traveler: “ I must go1 Polytechnic or at Brighton. He can stay been producing under the name of true art. “ The Time makes amends for the savages of the age. he came up to London from a country Cook’s Oracle,” an amusing essay on the famous and from this process it was given the name the Kidneys, Backache, Piles, Bunions or Sorcact Some day will undo it. to his relief;” and he stopped his sledge, hinder water for five hours without an air the Feet from whatever cause. Burns or Scalds, ami all of the body by developing the spirit. Yon village in Hertfordshire to seek his fortune, “ Come,” said he. “ come help me to rouse , tube or any other communication with the Dr. Kitehmer. lightens up the number verv hap­ of potash. Soda was then obtained only Inflammatory Diseases, Prickly Ileal, Humors and all Then, darling wait; not knowing one person in the metropolis. pily. There is a review of Swinburne’s new vol­ diseases of the skin. For all" female complaints and didn’t tell me your level’s name. Perhaps him.” “ Not I,” replied the other, “ I surface; and this absence of encumbrance from sea plants such as barilla. &c.. and in Nothing is late you’d rather not.” He was, as he has since said, “ a mere ume of poems; of Goldwin’s Smith’s “ Cowper"; weaknesses it has no eQual. Thousj ’ " In the light that shines forever. have too much regard for my own life, to gives him much greater freedom than other some “ Briefs on Recent Novels ” ; and the usual the old books the substance in an impure saved from an untimely death by it “ His name was Stephen Langdon. Some­ delay, but try it. cipher in that vast sea of human enter- expose myself to this freezing atmosphere divers possess. He can. for instance, lie discursive talk in the “ Editor’s Table." state was called barilla. Ammonia was It is a household neces We faint a t heart, a friend is gone; times Capt. Seymour runs against him in prise. He was a natural inventor, of anv more than is necessary. I will sit down and bend his body in any position found in combination with other substances Illuminated Cards and < We chafe at the world’s harsh drilling; Melbourne, and blings me word how he slu.li.His and observant habits, not un hko hpra anil kcpp mvsplf a3 warnl as t can near the temple of- Jupiter Ammon,, and without fear of being lifted or floated up.
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