BRUSSELS ECONOMIC FORUM Beyond the crisis: A changing economic landscape 14 -15 May 2009 | List of participants Last name First name Institution Country Abreu Orlando European Commission DG ECFIN Aguiar Alvaro Ministry of State and Finance PORTUGAL Ahmar Samy DTZ consulting UNITED KINGDOM Ahuja Asees European Commission DG EMPL Aiello Giovanna CERISDI BELGIUM Akin Burcu European Commission DG EMPL Albers Ronald European Commission DG ECFIN Albu Dorel-Cristian Ministry of Public Finance ROMANIA Aleksandrovich Alexander Embassy of Belarus BELARUS Alexakis Georges European Commission DG ECFIN Alhamad Amal GCC Delgation BELGIUM Alila Antti Ministry of Social Affairs and Health FINLAND Allende Alberto European Economic and Social Committee Assunta IHF – Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Alliata Fallica BELGIUM Natalia Communautaires Almaraz Carlos BUSINESSEUROPE BELGIUM Cabinet Economic and Almunia Joaquín European Commission Monetary Affairs Alonso Virginia Ministry of Finance SPAIN Alvarez Ciordia Berta Consejo General de la Abogacía Española SPAIN Anesti Nikoleta European Commission DG ELARG Angulo Juan Mission of Chile to the EU CHILE Antioch Gerry Treasury Department AUSTRALIA Antonovics Nick European Investment Bank Anzaldi Giuseppe Regione Siciliana ITALY Aprile Rocco Ministry of Treasury ITALY Arcas Juan Tipik Communication Agency BELGIUM Ardaillon-Poirier Elisabeth ECB Arinaga Paul Tipik Communication Agency BELGIUM Arlman Paul Transparency International Dutch Chapter NETHERLANDS Arnover Janis Latvijas Radio LATVIA Arroqui Maria Radio Intereconomia SPAIN Astberg Magnus European Commission DG ECFIN Atanasov Grzegorz Forbes POLAND Austers Aldis Permanent Representation of Latvia to the EU LATVIA Avogadro Jacopo CIPI Foundation BELGIUM Ay Judith ESBG BELGIUM Aydemir Melis EU Office City of Yalova TURKEY Azevedo Celia TSF / JN PORTUGAL Bacher Sabine Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG AUSTRIA Badr Bassem Farouk Embassy of Egypt EGYPT Badura Heinrich European Academy AUSTRIA Baecker Arno Deutsche Bundesbank GERMANY Baelus Benjamin Permanent Representatin of Belgium to the EU BELGIUM Baiges Emma Government of Catalonia SPAIN Baiges Planas Josep European Commission DG RELEX Beyond the crisis: a changing economic landscape 14-15 May 2009 Last name First name Institution Country Bakker - Osinga Alice Foundation Osinga Ages NETHERLANDS Catalan Consortium for Innovation and Balata Gavino SPAIN internationalization Ball Christopher DODS EU Monitoring BELGIUM Balli Giovanni AutoGlobal Business Network BELGIUM Balsamo Constance Kreab & Gavin Anderson BELGIUM Banks Martin Parliament Magazine BELGIUM Baras Johan European Commission DG ECFIN Barbier Cécile European Social Observatory Barros Castro Francisco Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU PORTUGAL Basch Peter European Commission DG ECFIN Bastaits Sebastien Federal Public Service Social Security DG Strategy and Research CIBP - La Confédération Internationale des Battella Raffaella BELGIUM Banques Populaires Baumann Béatrice Belgian Federal Ministry of Budget BELGIUM Baumgartner Hans J. Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU GERMANY Baumgartner Josef European Commission DG ECFIN Becherescu Radu Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU ROMANIA Bekx Peter European Commission Eurostat Bergel Clive Bergel International Consultants LLC UNITED STATES Berghen Eric Tipik Communication Agency BELGIUM Bergman Marten The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise SWEDEN Berié Hermann ESCU GERMANY Bernal Ledesma Carmen Embassy of Mexico MEXICO Mission du Royaume du Maroc auprès des Berrada Abdeljalil MOROCCO Communautés Européennes Beswick Richard University of Applied Sciences Zurich SWITZERLAND Beszteri Zsuzsanna Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU HUNGARY Bianchini Elisabetta UnionCamere Veneyo BELGIUM Biau Olivier European Commission DG ECFIN Biraschi Paolo Ministry of Economy and Finance ITALY Bishop Graham GrahamBishop.com UNITED KINGDOM Björklund Marianne Dagens Nyheter SWEDEN Blaffart Léon Jean European Federation of Engineers BELGIUM Blaho Hedvig Embassy of Hungary HUNGARY Blanco César Delcomval SPAIN Blanco Marion Embassy of Uruguay URUGAY Blanco Fernández Alejandro European Commission DG MARE Blat Mellado Concha Polish Confederation of Private Employers - Blocka Anna POLAND PKPP Lewiatan Blomme Jozef Ministry of Finance BELGIUM Beyond the crisis: a changing economic landscape 14-15 May 2009 Last name First name Institution Country Bogosian Elizabeth Mission of Uruguay to the EU URUGAY Böhnke Rosita TECHNOSOL Solar Technologie GERMANY Boiciuc Alina PricewaterhouseCoopers BELGIUM Bonislawski Piotr Polish POLAND Boon Bart Ministry of Finance NETHERLANDS Boone Laurence Barclays Capital FRANCE Borchmann Christina European Commission DG AGRI Borg Ryan Permanent Representation of Malta to the EU MALTA Borggreen Christian AmCham EU BELGIUM Bornelli Sergio CERISDI BELGIUM Bossen Niels Ministry of Finance DENMARK Botero Maria Isabel Trade Office of Colombia COLOMBIA Bourdillon Christophe Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations BELGIUM Bouteiller Didier European Commission DG ECFIN Boutens Karel Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU BELGIUM Bouton Carola European Commission DG EMPL Böwer Uwe European Commission DG ECFIN Bowles Edward Standard Chartered Bank UNITED KINGDOM Bozic Vladimir Brussels Centre for Integration and Development BELGIUM Bricola Valeria IULM University ITALY Brink Asbjørn Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU DENMARK Brunsden Jim European Voice Bruyninckx Daniel European Commission DG ECFIN Brzeski Carsten ING BELGIUM Buceatchi Ala HUBrussel BELGIUM IHF – Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Buffa Michele BELGIUM Communautaires Bungartz Kurt European Court of Auditors LUXEMBOURG Busch Berthold IW Koeln GERMANY Busse Jan European Commission Cabinet of the President Buysse Kristel National Bank of Belgium BELGIUM Cacciotti Marco Ministero Economia e Finanze ITALY Cahen Didier EUROFI FRANCE Callens Isabelle Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique BELGIUM Caltagirone Ugo ANSA Calviño Nadia European Commission DG COMP Caminiti Antonino European Commission DG ENTR Candela Milagros Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU SPAIN Capdevila Penalva Josefina European Commission DG EMPL Carchon Philippe ex-Forum 187 BELGIUM Carnier Gaelle European Commission Secretariat General Carone Giuseppe European Commission DG ECFIN Carrilho Susana Grenoble Graduate School of Business BELGIUM Casadei Pierluigi Italian Confederation of Craft and SMEs ITALY Beyond the crisis: a changing economic landscape 14-15 May 2009 Last name First name Institution Country Castek Michal Ministry of Finance CZECH REPUBLIC Castellano Yolanda IDEPA SPAIN Catherine Saget International Labour Office SWITZERLAND Cendrowicz Leo Tipik Communication Agency BELGIUM Cesluk-Grajewski Marcin Reuters BELGIUM Chane Kune Bernard Committee of the Regions Chang Michele College of Europe BELGIUM Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región Chanza Ignacio SPAIN Europea Charlier Thierry Associated Press BELGIUM Chiappini Barbara Ministry for Enviroment Land and Sea ITALY Chobanova Yordanka Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU BULGARIA Chorus Rogier CHORUSCONSULT sprl BELGIUM Mohammad Chowdhury Embassy of Bangladesh BANGLADESH Masud Rana Christiansen Anne Berit Norges Bank NORWAY Christodoulea Alexandra European Commission DG RELEX Ciavarini Azzi Michele Union of European Federalists Clavera Joan Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona SPAIN Coerten Serge Tipik/Visual News BELGIUM Cohen Adam Dow Jones BELGIUM Colinet Mariette European Commission DG ELARG Collins Sarah Europolitics BELGIUM Collova Claudio European Commission Internal Market and Services Colombier Carsten European Commission DG ECFIN Colot Charles Trade Office of Colombia COLOMBIA Coni Regina European Commission DG ECFIN Contesso Francesco European Commission DG ECFIN Coosemans Luc Ministry of Finance BELGIUM Cope Naim Mission of the Republic of Albania to the EU ALBANIA Corcuera Anna European Commission DG ECFIN Cornago Elisabetta ULB BELGIUM Cosme Cyril Permanent Representation of France to the EU Costantino Lorenzo IDP EUROPEAN CONSULTANTS BELGIUM Coste Olivier European Commission DG RELEX Costea Mihai MIXCOACH NETWORX BELGIUM Costers Steven Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU BELGIUM Coulinet Gilles European Commission DG BUDG Bureau de représantation à de Bruxelles de la Crotta Edoardo ITALY Région Autonome Vallée d'Aoste Croughan David Irish Business & Employers Confederation IRELAND Cruz Miguel IAPMEI PORTUGAL Csabai Karoli HVG HUNGARY Cunha Vanda Ministry of Finance and Public Administration PORTUGAL Beyond the crisis: a changing economic landscape 14-15 May 2009 Last name First name Institution Country Cupina Jelena Belgrade Chamber of Commerce SERBIA Curiel Beatriz Ministry of Economy and Finance SPAIN Cydejko Tonis Baltic News Service (BNS) ESTONIA Czajkowski Tomasz European Economic and Social Committee Da Graca Santos Joao European Commission DG EAC Dajian Lin Mission of China to the EU CHINA d'Alcantara Gonzales University of Antwerp BELGIUM d'Antonio Simone Anci Ideali BELGIUM Davidsson Maria TT-The Swedish News Agency SWEDEN de Bassa Carlo European Commission DG TREN Scheresberg De Block- Marie-Jo European Commission DG TRADE Stojanovich Confprofessioni - Italian Confederation of Liberal De Bonis Marco ITALY Professions de Callatay Etienne Bank Degroof BELGIUM YES - European Confederation of Young De Caro Chiara BELGIUM Entrepreneurs De Cock Stijn PETERCAM BELGIUM de Haan Jurre APG -
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