Contents ~~~~/J,O~ Editorial . ........... om•,• ""M""'"" ot k. The Texas Society or Archllte1$ An Architect in Search of Dallas . 10 TSA ,s the omc,11 oraan,zatton of lhe Texas Rea,on 111 I-loll' doe.\ Dallas look cmd f<'el roan the American ln>111u1e of Arch11ec1s. t1rchitt'ct ll'ho Iii-es there. practices there. conrrih11te1 to its design? Jame.\ Prem finds Ocs Taylor . • . • . Edotor-in-Chtrl 10111e a111hig11irie\. Larry Paul Fuller •. • .•..••.•. .. Managlna Ed,tm Ray Reece . • Assoc,a1e Ed11m John Lash . Adven,slna D,rector One-Horse Town Grows Up . .. 18 James D POuger, AIA . Editorial Con,uh~n, Si11c1• I 968. Dallt1s lu1s made a 1't1lia111 effort w h/11111 if.\ problems ofgrowth rhr0t.11(h Edllorlal Policy Commllltt plt111ni11g w,d 11rhlm dt'sign. Succe.H mt1y or Peck Drennon, Chairman JU(k Mttk Jack Craycroft J"<k M11d1rll 11wy not ht• at lumd. Noel Dolce llr111y OolrJ• Bobb, Frn, J1111 l'll111•r1 Planning the Metroplex . ... .. .. 22 1 om Harrovcr S11n'IIII i111,•n·wll' 11·11h II illiam J f'it1ticl... I wc-llfi1·1• Oirt•c·t11r of II rt•marl..ahl<'. lifff,, f r1111 i\r, hurc t "('11hl"hrd It\ 11111t"\ ye ul) hy 1h~ In•• J.;111111111'\f)UIIIWII( Ill n•s:icmal 11/1111111111.[ So(lrl) ol Ardtolr,I\, llfKl l'r11y 11,,.,h llr11hl11tM, 1i1 I ,I\I Mth 'illttl, Au,1111, Ir,.. 7M7lll \11l•1111p11011 pll,c II />tlll'cl 1111 c·111Jf11't<1fl1111111111mi: I fl I fond i~ IKI 1~1 yr II lnr a,Mrrnr, "11h1111111 , ""'"" 111nl llnnr,l f.flll'1'111111c'11t 11i:1·11rn·1 111 th,• nallm I r JI III th \1-11c1, c\lr1•11n, ll,rw1111 •n,I Al" ~. Ill I'll I lli101111I 1.ontr1tM1111111\, lUfl~\poruk11,c, md ,1d\!t'rt1,1n1 111,11(11,11111v11r,l hy 1hc, r,h1or ll,ually, no r•yn~n, wrll 1'<" Scraping the Sky In Dallas ....... 26 111,11c '"' un1< Ir, l'llhh,hrr ll"t• prmll\\11111 fur rcpn'llu< 11011 ol all nr 1"'11 ,,1 rJrh>nal rrMerrul hereon, unJ n-quc\l\ I Ill' I 1r1t /11t1•rtwtw1wl Ut11ld1111:. Dt1IIU1' puhlr,~uon ucJot h.- ,.-en'""' i\rchttt< 1, und 1hc author tallt•\f, h1•cmm•11111<'11' lcmclmarl.. for tht• c1O•. ol lllJlcn.il when ondrcutcd P\Jhl1ca1,on, whrch normally pay for cdrtonul mutcrral ore rcque\lcd to grve con,rdcra TSA Honor Awards 1976 ....... 30 trnn to 1hc author of reproduced bylrnc feature matcnal l lw I ew.1 Society ofA rchirecr1 cif<•.1 .\ix Appearance, of name, and picture, of product, and ,cr­ vrce, rn erthered11or11I oradvcnl\rng doc, 001 con\tr1u1ean i11divid1wl\ a11d three orgcmiwriom for their endor,cment of ,amc by erlher 1he Texa~ Society of conrrihuriom ro wcit'fy and the q11t1liry of Arch11ec1, or 1he Amencan ln~111u1e of Archrtect~ I if<,. 1976 TSA O.'FICERS The Winners ...... ... ....... 36 Theodore S Marfi11, Jr , PaleM1ne Pre\ldent Pre~idenl Elect A picmrit1l previell' of the wi1111ing entril!I in Charles Stahl. Au11in Monon L. Levy, Jr , Hou11on .. Vrcc Pre\ldcnl I t'\lll A rchitt'Cfllrt' I 976, rlri1 )'<'t1r'.1 de.1i,:11 Edward Mok, FAlA, San Antonio Voce Pre,1den1 {/\\'(If{/\ ('Olllpt'titio11 fc,r f eMt\ architt'Cf\. Jame, D Ti11le. Abilene Vice Prc,ulcnt Norris D Fletcher, Harhngen Secretory Endangered Species ... .... 45 Daryle Hohertt, Btg Sprong ... Trowrcr Howard R Barr. FA IA, I hey mil rh,·111H•l1•1•1 tht• "Urha11 Pio11et'r1". : Au111n rt•1icfr11t\. of Mungt'r !'fact• in old ea\f Dallm Harold Bo~. FAlA, h(II'<' t'\Whli\lwd a rt•voll'in,: fund w 1a1•1• Arlong1on AIA Regmnal u,m 1,11 David R Braden, FAIA, mu/ n'\fOrt• rht'ir Jw111t'\ - hlazing tH'II' trails Dalla, . lmmedrote Pu.11 Prc,11kn1 all tht' 11·a.v Pim hrief, Des Taylor. Au~1,n Executive [)ore, 1111 In the News ... .. ........... 49 1976 TSA Board or Ofrtctors James H. Wheeler Abilene Cha111rr Letters ....... ................ 61 Wilham J Marcin . .. Aumn C'h•1•1rr Richard E Vrooman, FAIA • Bra,o, Ch•1•1rr Wrllram H Holland Corpu, Chmu C-h•plfr Jack c,aycroft Dalio, Ch•r~•r Wrllram F Thorpe, Jr El Pa,o <"h•(llfl On the cover: t1 ,frwif from th<' 1rai,wd Lee Roy Hahnfeld Fort Wor1h <h•pt 1 ,:la\\ rrw1\tm1 ahm't' tht' 1•11rrw1n• ro rlw Alan Taniguchi, 1-AIA . Hous1 on < h11 I Danrel C Ogden Lower R,o ! 11111 Dt1/la\ l'owt'r& Light ( m111x111)' l lw phmo Viillcy ( hafH 11 h\' Dt1llm plww,:rt1plwr Doug I m11limo11. Rob<"r1 Goye11e Lu bbo, l I h11 11111/ 1n11 fXlrt of" rt'et'nf 1•,hihir of John E Moore, Jr Nonhea\l Tu.- c hit" loml111m11'\ worJ... " /)a/la\ J-rom tht' W,ll,am E. Parrish • . San Anlonro I h• SoutheUI Tro, I It (,m1111d ( p." at rht• /)a/la\ M1111•11m of I 1111• Millon Bell Jrm Doche A rt\. I hat ,•tluhir i1 now m1 dt\p/avm tht' John R Dudley I 1r1r /11tt'mt1flmwl JJ11ifcli11g ( rhmu,:h Kenneth Tollin Vm·,•mlwr}, t111d" hool.. of rho1,• a11cl mht'r James R Rucker A, I m11/111w11 phorm ll'ill won ht• p11h/11h('{/ hv Charle~ Guerin Student < h•t" D Maga11nc 2 Texas Archll Convention Time Again Direction 76, Tcxa\ Society of Architect\ 37th Annual Meeting, Dalla.\ Fairmont, November 3-S, 1976. For the architects of Texas, it's convention time once again. As this is written, most of the preparations have been made. Untold hours have been spent by our convention com­ mittees and the TSA staff, brainstorming, juggling budgets, scurrying about - getting things checked off a seemingly endless list. Professional program speakers have written and polished their presentations. Exhibi­ tors have assembled their displa)'S. And man) architects across the state have decided to forfeit three days of practicing architecture for whatever benefits may await them here in Dallas. I've had to ask myself, " Is it all worthwhile?" My first reaction is to think of all the looking back we've done this Bi­ centennial year; it's time we looked ahead. So exploring professional pro­ gram theme Direction 76 should serve the positive function of helping us to see where we are going- as a nation, as an organization, and as a pro­ fession. The market for architectural services not only expands and con­ tracts but continually changes in terms of needs the architect must meet. To be viable, we must orient ourselves toward the future. Just as needs and services continually change, so do construction in­ dustry products which the architect must be able to utilize effectively. Again this year. our product exhibition. featuring the products of some seventy-five or so manufacturers. 1s an opportunity for us to become ac­ quainted with some of the latest developments wtthin the mdustr). But perhaps the most significant convention benefit of all, and one we might be prone to overlook, is the fun of it. Of course it's always good to take a break, to get away from it all, to relax and have a good time. But that's not what I mean I'm referring to fun m the form of fellowship - camaraderie. For it is through this one-to-one interchange with our peers that we not only renew our spirits, but that we really begin to perceive ourselves as a profession. composed or real people who share a unity of purpose and commitment. So, on the eve of Direction 76, and in the wake of all the time and energy spent in its behalf, I've had to ask myself, " Is it all worthwhile'?" And, whether or not its real significance 1s perceived by the world at large, I've had to answer, .. Yes." Jim Meyer, Dallas 1976 TSA Convention Chairman November/December 1976 3 . Made by hand. When something is made by shapes, each far exceeds metal, finish wall. All put up in one hand, that doesn't mean it can't glass or precast concrete. operation, by hand. Without the be made by mass production. It Sounds expensive, but expense of exterior scaffolding. means the person making it knows isn't. For all its advantages, Texas Masonry Institute. when the work of hands 1s masonry construction is still very We're a group of people who preferable to the work of machines. economical. are convinced that the best way Hotbed of craftsmanship. With loadbearing masonry, to make a building both beautiful The people of the masonry you can save as much as 10% on and functional is to build it with construction industry appreciate construction costs. Thanks mainly masonry. Contributing cities are this distinction. So they put into to lower materials costs and a Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, their work a pnceless ingredient shortened construction period. So El Paso, Fort Worth, San Antonio called pride. you can stop paying interim and Waco. P.O. Box 9391, Fort What are creativity's interest, and start charging rent Worth, Texas 76107. (817) 732-0041. boundaries? The design of a sooner. Write or call collect. masonry bmlding is also a matter Double duty. of great pride. And great design A loadbearing masonry exterior potential. wall performs many extra The architect enjoys functions. At no extra cost. incredible design freedom. The It's a structural wall. An range of colors, the range of enclosure wall. A sound control textures, the endless variety of wall. A fire control wall.
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