E1750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 14, 2009 and a section of the Intracoastal Waterway in young children and with the thought that per- MR. GEORGE F. ‘‘BUTCH’’ Pinellas County just north of the Tampa Bay haps one day one of those children may also BUCCELLA port shipping channel. Previous funding total- stand on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, I ing $1,400,000 was included in FY 2004 and submit a poem penned by U.S. Capitol Guide HON. TIM RYAN– FY 2005 for the design, engineering, and per- Albert Carey Caswell. Mr. Caswell was able to OF OHIO mitting for this project and $1,215,000 was in- spend some time with them on that day and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluded in FY 2008 and $2,076,000 in FY 2009 wrote the following tribute. Tuesday, July 14, 2009 for the initial dredging of this waterway. CAN YOU HEAR ME? Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I sub- f mit the following: EARMARK DECLARATION (By Mr. Albert Caswell) GEORGE F. ‘‘BUTCH’’ BUCCELLA, 68 Can you hear me? MINERAL RIDGE.—George F. ‘‘Butch’’ I can hear you! Buccella, 68, of 812 Carson Salt Springs Road, HON. CANDICE S. MILLER Not with my ears! died at 9:32 p.m. Tuesday, June 9, 2009, at OF MICHIGAN But, with something far much more greater, Forum Health Trumbull Memorial Hospital IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES so true! in Warren. For it’s with my heart . He was born Jan. 31, 1941, in Youngstown, Tuesday, July 14, 2009 the son of Frank and Betty Cutright That, I can hear you too . Buccella. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Madam Speaker, Look at me! pursuant to the Republican Leadership stand- He was a 1958 graduate of Niles McKinley I’m just the same as you! High School. ards on earmarks, I am submitting the fol- For what I’ve lost . Butch owned and operated Buccella and lowing information regarding earmarks I re- For inside, I’ve gained so much more so too! Sons RV Sales for nine years, was a ceived as part of H.R. 2892 the Department of For I can feel you . Weathersfield Township trustee for 16 years, Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2010 And, I can read you . where he served as chairman and vice-chair- Requesting Member: Congresswoman I’m just a kid like you! man, co-owned A’Lenzio’s Pizza in Mineral Ridge with his wife Judy for 14 years, and CANDICE S. MILLER And, I want to grow up to be happy . and was a staff representative to Congressman Bill Number: H.R. 3183 Energy and Water so healthy, oh so much so too! Just, because I can’t understand you! James Traficant for 17 years until his retire- Development and Related Agencies and Ap- ment. propriations Act of 2010 I can read you! After his retirement, George worked for Account: Construction Like a book! Western Reserve Limousines and at the Jo- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Army For our Lord God, has given me other gifts seph Rossi and Sons Funeral Home in Niles that I can use.... Corps of Engineers as a hearse and limo driver. For your coming through to me, loud and He was a member of the Trinity Lutheran Address of Requesting Entity: 477 Michigan clear . Church in Niles and served on its parish Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 For I’ve developed my senses, so much great- council, was a member and past King Lion of Description of Request: This request, in the er so here.... the Niles Lions Club, and involved with the amount of $100,000.00, would be used to im- We’re all the same! Niles Democratic Club, the Trumbull County plement one or more priority projects that are Some of us even, have the same names . Fair Board, and the Jolly Boys Monday consistent with the St. Clair River and Lake St. So hear me! Night Gang. He was also a member of the Niles Area Clair Management Plan. These projects were Do not fear me! Chamber of Commerce, where he served as developed in a broad based and consensus Be near me, be my friend . so tried and president, vice president, and secretary and driven process involving multiple counties, true . received its Outstanding Citizen of The Year local governments, state governments, federal There’s, so much more we can learn about Award and its Small Business Advocate of agencies and regional planners. each other . me and you The Year Award. Requesting Member: Congressman CANDICE For, I can hear you! He was on the Fairhaven Workshop Board In our world, there is such a special of Trustees, Niles Churches for Housing, and S. MILLER the Jefferson Democratic Club. Bill Number: H.R. 3183 the Energy and bond.... That, in the quiet world is so formed . He enjoyed NASCAR as he was an avid Jeff Water Development and Related Agencies At first, you may not understand . but Gordon fan. He built and raced stock cars at and Appropriations Act of 2010 it’s in our heart where it is born . the Canfield, Expo, and Sharon Speedways Account: EERE for 28 years, and also enjoyed bowling. I can teach you! Butch, who was always known for saying Legal Name of Requesting Entity: United I can reach you! Way of Southeastern Michigan ‘‘one day at a time’’ will be deeply missed by In all I do! his wife, Judy Sheldon Buccella, whom he Address of Requesting Entity: 1212 Gris- Life lesson’s so very true . married Dec. 8, 1962; a son, Jeff Buccella wold St. Detroit, MI 48226 For, I will not give up! (Dawn) of Austintown; a daughter, Tracie Description of Request: This request, in the Nor give in! Fynes (Dan) of Garretsville; a sister, Su- amount of $400,000.00, would be used by the On this Inauguration Day, I see how far zanne Miller of Florida; and five grand- United Way of Southeastern Michigan to as- dreams can take you to! children, Eddie, Kyle, Miamee, Jordyn and sist two community non-profits to make energy And yet I ask, ‘‘Why, must children have so Lillie. much courage then so too?’’ He was preceded in death by his parents. efficiency and insulation upgrades at their fa- Friends may call from 5 to 8 p.m. on Mon- cilities. The two organizations are Turning For some things, are so hard to understand ... day at the Joseph Rossi & Sons Funeral Point of Mt. Clemens, Michigan, a domestic vi- Home and Cremation Service in Niles where As where faith must begin and end . olence shelter, as well as the Macomb County the Niles Lions Club will conduct prayers at Reach out, and take my hand . 7:30 p.m. Rotating Shelter Team, a coalition of churches Let’s be friends, me and you . that provide overnight shelter to homeless per- Friends may also call from 10 until the 11 There’s so much more together we can learn a.m. funeral service on Tuesday at the Trin- sons and families. and do! ity Lutheran Church in Niles with Pastor f Little children as Heroes should not have to Beth Ferne Johnson officiating. be . but are put on this earth for all Burial will be at Kerr Cemetery. ILLINOIS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF to teach! Arrangements are being handled by the Jo- Can you hear me? seph Rossi & Sons Funeral Home and Crema- HON. AARON SCHOCK I can hear you! tion Service Inc. in Niles. OF ILLINOIS And one day up in Heaven . I know, my f Lord I will view . IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EARMARK DECLARATION And, I will begin to cry . Tuesday, July 14, 2009 When, I look into his eyes . and I hear for Mr. SCHOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise today the first time . HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART OF FLORIDA to honor the Illinois School for the Deaf and My very first words! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Albert Caswell. On January 20, 2009, the ‘‘I love you’’! Illinois School for the Deaf traveled to Wash- Tuesday, July 14, 2009 ington, DC, to witness the inauguration of Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. President Barack Obama. Inspired by these Madam Speaker, I submit the following. VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:54 Sep 28, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E14JY9.REC E14JY9 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE July 14, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1751 Requesting Member: Representative MARIO Institute will address comprehensive solutions Since leading the 1984 Olympic Games, DIAZ-BALART (FL–25) for all modes of transportation, combining aca- Peter Ueberroth has continued to make con- Bill Number: H.R. 3170 demic and ‘‘real world’’ experience. By cre- tributions to the United States and the world of Account: Salaries and Expenses ating the educational resources for transpor- sports, serving as Commissioner of Major Name of Requesting Entity: Miami Dade tation, the proposed Intermodal transportation League Baseball, where he led efforts to insti- College training center would attract new opportunities tute an effective anti-drug campaign. Address of Requesting Entity: 300 NE 2nd for the City and County and help meet future Following the 2004 reorganization of the Avenue, Suite 1402, Miami, FL 33132 shortages in transportation employment oppor- United States Olympic Committee, Peter Description of Request: I have secured tunities. Ueberroth was selected to serve as Chairman $300,000 for the Miami Dade College Institute of the United States Olympic Committee, revi- for Intermodal Transportation (IIT). This fund- f talizing the United States Olympic Committee ing will be used for the Miami Dade College A TRIBUTE TO PETER V.
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