NEWYDDION TREUDDYN NEWS Chwefror /February 2013 & Mawrth /March 2013 ISSUE 262 Diary of Events February and March Mondays Yoga Village Hall 6.30 pm £4.00 TCA to 8.00 pm Mondays gentle exercise Hafan Deg 7.30 pm £2.50 TCA Tuesdays Circuit training Village Hall 6.30 pm £3.50 TCA Wed nesday Slimming World Village Hal l 7.00 pm Thursdays Terrig Art Club Village Hall 1.00 pm Thursdays Street dance Village Hall 6.00 pm £3.00 TCA Thursdays Zumba Village Hall 7.00 pm £3.00 TCA 03.02.13 Family Service St Mary’s Church 9.30 am from Cooking on a Village Hall 10.00 am Weekly for 6 19.02.13 budget work shop weeks £2 TCA from Photoshop Village Hall 7.00 pm to Weekly for 6 21.02.13 workshop 9.30 pm weeks TCA 26.02.13 Lunch Hafan Deg 12.00 noon Tickets from the Church 02.03.13 Afternoon tea Hafan Deg 2.00 pm Capel y Rhos 03.03.13 Family Service St Mary’s Church 9.30 am 03.03.13 Women’s Day of Capel Ebeneser 6.00 pm Rev Eirlys Prayer, United Gruffydd Service 09.03.13 Bicycle Marking Treuddyn Village 10.00 am to Community event Hall 1.00 pm Safety partnership 10.03 .13 Mothering Sunday St Mary’s Church 9.30 am Holy Eucharist 13.03.13 Fundraising Leeswood 7.00 pm for Cancer Research Bingo Community 7.30 pm start UK Centre bus leaves Ffordd y Rhos at 6.45 pm 14.03.13 Easter Prize bingo Hafan Deg 700 pm for Treuddyn Under 7.30 pm 5’s playgroup 15.03.13 Duck Race Loggerheads 4.00 pm Cylch Meithrin Country Park 50 p per duck 16.03.13 Attic Sale & Treuddyn Village 2.00 pm to St Mary’s Church Cake Stall Hall 4.00 pm 1 20.03.13 Talk on Country Hafan D eg 7.00 pm Hafan Deg Walks and Wildlife Association 26.03.13 St Mary’s Hafan Deg 12.00 noon Tickets from Church Lunch church members £4 29.03.13 Good Friday St Mary’s Church 10.00 am Service 29.03.13 Good Friday Capel Ebeneser 10.30 am Parch Eirlys Communion Gruf fydd Service 31.03.13 Easter Sunday St Mary’s Church 9.30 am 01.04.13 Easter flower St Mary’s Church 2.30 pm to St Mary’s Church display 5.00 pm refreshments & music 06.04.13 Treuddyn Urdd Village Hall 2.00 pm to refreshments event 5.00 pm served 20.04.13 Lu nch Hafan Deg 12 noon Cancer Research UK 28.04.13 Billingual Service Capel Ebeneser 6.00 pm Mrs Siân English Address Williams --- 0000 -- Don’t forget Post Office services are available in the Lifestyle Express shop along Ffordd y Llan by the school campus from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm as they run alongside the retail business. 2 CYNGOR CYMUNED TREUDDYN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Abstract of the Minutes - M eeting held Wednesday 12 December , 2012 at the Meeting Room, Village Hall, Queen St. Treuddyn 7pm 1. PUBL IC SESSION 6.50 pm to 7.00pm Two members of the public. Traffic Calming was discussed. The two roads that give cause for concern a) Ffordd y Llan and b) FFordd y Rhos Ffordd y Rhos has been a concern for a number of years, it is a busy fast road and motor ists tend to enter the village faster than the set speed limit of 30mph, causing a risk to all who use this road. As you enter the village you immediately come into the built up area of private dwellings and sheltered accommodation where many elderly resid ents live. The new development ‘Bro Brwynog’ will also add to the volume of traffic using Ffordd y Rhos. The affect of ‘Boy Racers’ using these roads has also increased, causing distress to the residents. The following was put forward to members for consid eration: - • To focus on prevention before any major effort is put into Traffic Calming . • To work more on speed enforcement and request the presence of the speed camera on a regular basis on Ffordd y Rhos and Ffordd y Llan. • To report the highest risk times, w here Police could monitor the roads. The Chair thanked the residents for attending and assured that TCC will not go ahead with the proposal of Traffic Calming measures until a consultation period has been held. 2. POLICE REPORT PCSO Lisa Hughes reported the following: - • November has been a quiet month in the village, but activity in the vicinity of the Corner Garage on the A5104 has been reported. • Bicycle thefts are on the increase generally, but not in the village. • There have only been a few antisocial re ports received. • If people have anything to report, they should use the 101 number, as the phones of PC Gary Aldous and PCSO Lisa Hughes can sometimes lose signal or the Officers may be on leave. The Chair thanked PCSO Lisa Hughes for attending this evening 3. TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES With reference to information requested from Mr Ian Jones – FCC Senior Engineer (Traffic) a pdf detailing the Report and Policy that the Authority has adopted had been forwarded to TCC. The Traffic Services Manager has confirm ed that all traffic calming requests would have to be considered in accordance with the policy and meet the qualification criteria. Additionally if Town or Community Councils were minded to 3 introduce their own self -funded traffic calming schemes, these too would have to comply with the policy. Mr Jones checked the collision database held by the Authority and can confirm there are no recorded injury accidents within the affected built up area of the village and 4 recorded on the rural length of Ffordd y Rhos from the junction with the A5104 (2 collisions) and the junction with Ffordd Nercwys (1 collision), the other collision was near Ffordd yr Odyn. The Chair stated a petition had been started a number of years ago with reference to the speed of the traffi c but had not progressed. The following suggestions were put forward by members; 1. Look at different options 2. To engage with North Wales Police, and to monitor the speed of the traffic during different times of the day and days of the week. 3. Monitorin g strips – To follow up the request made to FCC from last months meeting. 4. Look into the cost of hiring a speed gun working with North Wales Police 5. The possibility of moving the flashing 30mph sign, as it was agreed is positioned in the wrong place. It was also stated drivers attitudes towards speed limits plays a major factor on roads. The above suggestions and costs will be followed up, it was agreed traffic calming is not a cheap solution if not effective. 4. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Treuddyn Youth Club – The youth club will only be open on a Monday evening with effect from week beginning 26 November, 2012, as there has been problems recruiting a Leader for the Wednesday session. Members requested the attendance figures for Monday’s and Wednesday’s. The Wednesday session is funded by TCC. 2. Town/Community Council Precepts 2013/14. The enclosed form to be submitted to the Head of Finance by Friday 1 st February 2013. 5. PLANNING KYT/049924 Proposal: Construction of 60 x 20m outdoor menage, access drivewa y to existing stable block with alterations to existing access for private use (Part Retrospective) Site Location: Twmpath, Ffordd Top y Rhos, Treuddyn, Mold. Decision Type: Approved 6. STREETSCENE - update 1. Terrig Hill – The tree that is causing safety issues on this stretch of road, talks are still on going and financial restraints on FCC are also a factor to its removal. 2. FFordd y Bont, Pontybodkin. – Flooding Issues – The road will be closed with a diversion p roposed for the 19 December to carry out drainage works by Railway Terrace and the small bridge. Work should take no more than one day. 7. STREET LIGHTING • Street lights out on the A5104 and Ffordd y Rhos 4 8. CHRISTMAS TREE Members thanked Cllr. Mr Clive S wan for erecting the tree and lights. 9. QUEEN STREET PLAY AREA & BIKE TRACK • Drinking Fountain is now fully working. 10 . COMMUNITY COUNCILLOR’S REPORTS 1. To request the gulley’s are emptied from the dip on Ffordd Mynydd Du and towards Tyn y Pystell, and also the road passing Cae Hic just off Ffordd y Blaenau. 2. To report the concern of running water down Terrig Hill and the affect it will have on the newly laid tarmac, to request the gully’s are cleaned along this stretch of road. 3. Streetscene have be en requested to clear out the ditches along Queen Street. 4. Flytipping off the railway bridge along Ffordd y Bont. Our Streetsene supervisor will ask the Environmental Officers to look into it. 5. Molehills in the cemetery – The Cemeteries Department will carry out the necessary procedures to eradicate the problem, work may be on hold due to frozen ground. 6. Post Box – A5104 - No reply has been received to date. Absract of the Minutes – Meeting held 9 th January, 2013 at the Meeting Room, Village Hall, Qu een St. Treuddyn 7pm. 1. POLICE REPORT PCSO Lisa Hughes reported the following: - • Go Safe – A traffic survey will take place on FFordd -y-Rhos towards the end of March • Bike marking event – To be held at Castell Alun Sports Centre, Hope on 26 January, 2013 from 1pm to 4pm.
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