THE EVENING STAR. Washington. D. a CONTRACT MvraoAT. jem » »m B-11 TELEVISION-RADIO KERRY DRAKE _*y Alfred Andriole BRIDGE Television Todoy-fc*«»n. 2*. KERR.. THINK ON THE SO* By EABLCT BLACKWOOD s— CYRIL BONE? PRESIDENT "i K. ANDKANE I H ANO, AT THIS MOMENT, ~fM. (Q.. oTwtts <ca. s> wmal (d».7) wto> <o>0) OUR LEADING BANK.. LAKEPORTS BIBBEST JMR3. DRAKE U*BANESTATE OF BANKER Cf»L SON - wac ” ¦ \OF Thought for today: Pitted \ M MM fttotoiMtra UM WHO ARC 7He THREE ] MISS VERONICA MYLES, EMPLOYER/.. HE MAS ANP I WILL | ¦ II | ill mm » 1 " * • • agalnat players 1^ 1 11 HM who are better •UNLIKELYSUSPECTS* X. A SPINSTER LADY WHO THE K-K PUBLISHING- ) DROP IN |M lactrt riMkMM Nl IM*KI Pm M Raa»M MUMMM I than you are. don’t Just sit WL L 4.1» • >4t "M TMtr IMU MMMiOf I I there hopelessly following suit *“ M MrtM UMMM “* ¦ Ml * MM PM I and Innocently believing your • • • ¦ ill mmnCMi • ,* superior « " • * opponents are not ¦V CMIMMUM IM(arty U» , sill5M " " • • * • "TMHUMUS ' capable of making an error. * MMmcUiPmp MminM VMM PmmT’ • South dealer. lit; cmmim m»m imikimmu slit;5 MlnffMtMM • • MUM MIHMM Both sides vulnerable. • • i4l ** M ciMf NORTH - - MIMato'C IrMIV «I|*MP PMiM (Mias Brash) mmm Mi MMnMenMM MiPtun MlMi CniuiCarraa Ml CM Mny Mam *O4 Till•Ml MMm Mm • • 7«l * • » «M Crttby Mm «) Caittai dram Mb MiIM 0 104 S ill ’ * Ml MUM CbarttoSyiS ¦ * 4AKJITI * • i» ;MMI C«M» Mum T* MMr EAST Bill8 Mmm MMM • • WIBT _<¦!•¦ i _____ (Mr. Dale) (Mr. Meek) < ¦M NI|M MlMm Bm *M mi lumm ¦HI IACKIC HHH —Op., ¦>..,. Mum * * M " aj ! Mm Ml (torn AQoan 107 ¦ ¦* IBMM * " VKO3 <7410 06 WHY, \ • * MMM WHEN WE WASH ANPAIMAVVC WOW CO TOJ PV3WT THAT 9:11 ¦ * X <3O/ONCE ¦4l PUB | TIHM OAO2 OJBS WINCOWS THEY PIP OUR WHOLE HOUSE SORT OP THING ? MOW VO ) M laHm Mu MBMMM WUMIki ImMi *Q3 *IOO3 H_L \WE * “ • • TTVELYSWNOCLE/ ]IN A CWY/ VOLK BOAT NOJ GET RIP r < 4 Mil’ MUntra Imm Imu SOUTH lU* IMiplCittu IM UHmrn Irat Hut BET WEVE WASHED A/WINDOWS NEED IT TOO/ .OP 'EM? J YOLLSON, \ ja m m (Mr. Champion) V MM rICtMOTI THOUSAND WINDOWS/YOU SEE, WE'D START UP UAiACOOT \ ~ 5 • INart. InM "Iwnt "lara Hr Tmlli" 11» M Itparl AAK BETWEEN US/JILL \ p* U EjSL YOURSELP A 1 fnlim nil Pur" VUIUUU TM IM Mm «»AQT4. ¦r ! "IM trail impl Citlu Pm iMTtu "TM NMfto* OKQ7O u 8.-4.11 |U nill Rblbm* 111 M M fßfMt"'Bill IBM MBIVV VVIVIMNl Bra ~ ~ *O4 *'• “Ttic biiiim iimr Mm mibuiu i nun wmb« The bidding: pftfTMM IllHlll *tllf 11South West North Bast I<7 Pass 3 * Pass Rodio Today— Jbm 2®» ra* 3NT Pass 3NT AU Pass >.M.' WMAL—4F6 WtC—MO WTO»—HOP WSMS—37O~ Opening lead: Trey of spades. j| MnHm Nivti NiMi'kiaMH may "Vn«m *f Meelt* MUnNh Qranted they outma- « tMlufl" JUBilran Cunt neuver you on straight bidding ’ 1 ¦ 4:11 • ill IIIMrIMl Ml(Ml " and play, but that makes It ' _ 1 I m lillltu Mali Muitw IMiIran Man PnailMl I all the more desirable for you MuitD laiaa Iran litPraaaiill * to add a little flash to your • ¦ ¦ M Mililit Praaaiill . | ~ • • * own play. Be alert for oppor- 5:11¦4l ¦ Iran (<ra litPranuu tunities to put your opponents IUZ SAWYER litany Naaa Mali lallu tartar Hub ¦« Mill . wrong ill laarla aail Naaa Hun MuM on the track. Remem- IMa players :M MUM Murtar Mwtti »«'*« Naaa, Hub I ber the best in the UQUIMTIm t? WHY DIO THEY PICK 6 * * aM(SMai Maa Iran Paarau Mam world cant see through the HUjWVtt&l Ml/ __ i Ml Satarlat liiaai Hfi »urtt; MMM ICC Malta 1 backs of the cards. H ill IMa Mnltar Sit N**l MullRub ’ * • 1• Mr. operated in the rec- :Jf SitarUt Pun Mt NigU Dale 7 * * ommended M MM |I Ctulrt Stria | . manner in today's _“ deal. He opened the ¦M Satartar Naan Multir Man Mr Naas. Cara 1 trey of SMa Maaitar Pint IMa HMM spades and his partner put up :Sf * * * IfPi"! Mat. Ipari the 10. Believing that heart 8:15 I • I a 111 SMa; Nun ¦ SMa Man Naua I switch _ I , might prove embarras- |« M«ttT Ma Skaa Naaa. Mailtar Mat; lap Oura Haata I sing. Mr. Champion won this 111 Multir Purl SMa Muaarsilp * * trick with the king and led si luuit inaa J* Purl "SmcMitip 9 • • ¦45 Prut Narlaa SMa Pik" a dub. _ ~ 4# Miflty Ml SMa Nun: Multir Naan: IU ICtaplatil Now It was clear to Mr. Dale * * 4 P|:|! Muitai Oaltaa SMa that the situation was grave. nautlllM trial Ola Mrp faiUlapt IU ‘ * A finesse of dummy's of ¦4l Frua Nanai la Mule" Jsck I ' clubs would undoubtedly give Taai|»l Naat; rn NI-PI Naas; Muitu Warn IN Mr. Champion six tricks In the tlaa Muitai Sputa, wutlu rut lan 4 4its' “ i llMatic \ Mailt TilDial [ Will suit. Even If the ace or king ¦45 Mute. Naaa 1 * I'Til I a.a.) lUfalcu were played from the board, lira SIIIOIIU tiM IIOItMMUIM Nau au Mult I« » the queen would drop harm- lessly on the second round. 80, without hesitation, Mr. Other AM Stations TODAY'S RADIO Dale played the queen at trick WINI-IBM «*.—« an M altollH HIGHLIGHTS two. Mr. Champion made a JULIE, DEAR—DIDN'T I OVERHEAR. 1 WITH POPS—OH, OF COURSE, HUH OH SURE Sualayi I a.a tl MMitll few choice remarks about his •Fia rn Ke.-Bayli|Bl aaly WWDC—Report queen Mii-m u-i n ¦ ¦ «• i:ti ml 7:08. to the luck. If the were a ¦TO •sby-ifm «c -oayttiit mi» People: Robert E. McLaugh- singleton, then Mr. Meek had WUST -11 M He -Oaylifßt aaly will be interviewed by the suit stopped with four to WFU-UMXc Daylifkl ally lin i Miriam pttenberg of The the ten. And with no entry WWDC-12M Ke -24-ken •firatlaa. eiciat dummy outside of Mr Still) aiHiilt It 1 a.a aifliy Evening Star and John to clubs. •FCB till Re —layllßtt a«l| L1 nda a y of Post-Times Champion decided to make MOOR 1)41 Be -14-leat ataratiu ( Herald. sure of five tricks In the suit. •CAM—IIMRe -J4-»aai latratiK eacegt After Stilly ailailtt ta I I a Maalay 8:35, WWDC—Around the all. he had several MIL-14M Re -4 a.a ta aitalfM Town: Top Tunes of the; other chances for nine tricks, WOON—IS4I Re —lajrtl|lt aaly. week. including a simple finesse of •ISC- 15M Re -Dayllflt aaly. the heart queen. He elected WIRW-14M Re—Baytlaa aaly. 9:30. WRC—Monitor. Ella; Fitzgerald. ito let the queen of clubs win. A spade was returned and 11:05, Sammy WRC—Monitor: he let the jack win on his right. FM Stations Kaye from the Roosevelt He was forced to win the next Hotel. WRC FM-BM Mc.-I:M a.a ta 1 a.a. spade and he proceeded to noiFM-M ) Me—24-kear ayeratiaa run the clubs. On the third, •4SH-FM -BTI Ms.-) a.a ta IMI a.a «i Msalay tin Sstarlty tiM ta tl 1:11 and fourth rounds of the suit Maalay Saalay Snliy Mr. Dale signaled •Bt FM- M.7 Me.—B:M a.a ta alMIftL Wl lITIII Ma—l la II |.a . | vigorously! •FAN FM- IN) Me -14 keei ayiratlaa Tfcirsliy with the nine and deuce of Wolf Di.n.y WWBC-FM- ill 1 Me.—l a.a ta 1 a.a. «M*l FM-117 I M1.—11:45 la ta alfr diamonds. On the last two •SMS FM- IIS.) Me -WaaMayi •:)) a a ta i mat rounds he casually dropped the r Saaiayi It | JUST ONE MORE REASON ailaißlt. MS a.a ta aiiattlt WMC-rM-H 5 Ml -I M u I ta deuce, then the eight of hearts. nr' i i"i ir~ —i 1 ) . por liking •an FM- IN i Me.—7:M a.a. ta a.a. WIHT-rM-W.l Ma.—7:M ML to Isa /> .fj . not With everybody down to —-erTTiT f I cats/ four cards. Mr. Champion had A-Q of hearts and K-Q of diamonds. Mr. Dale had the ace of diamonds, the lone king PRESENTS .a a of hearts and two good spades. iGittnfl Mr. Meek held two hearts and fj A M ¦ J-8 of diamonds. Mr. Champion is good but /playhousejl UNINTERRUPTED here he had no way of know-: SHOWING lng the right play. He finessed IH the queen of hearts and Mr.] Jy.' Dale took the last four tricks. .p^ (Distributed by McNauiht Syndicate j| j Channel Chuckles — ** *'****'"**a,*l,> 11 SATURDAY, 10:30 CHANNEL Brought to You by "The Giant Food Family " ’' ¦*¦ wnun nut ¦... ¦¦ ¦¦ - “The winner the — 1 HERMAN es tisnt ~ L- 1 J (V HERITAN f1 j .WWTIKI' SCR PREDCY 1 THAT ONNA ¦¦ . ." HA! THERE'S DUMB OL? .J SITTIN' FENCE... TO TEACH -SENSE jackpot is Find 36 or more words In ' HIfTSoOD---! I'LL JUS LET - aaaaaaaaaaaaaa«aaaaaa| i TOWN AND COUNTRY t DAY CAMP Approved member ' imericaa Camvlne Auoclattae CO-ED 3»I S a tlon aa are N Cf \ / I ! not usfrt. .1 Only one form of a word -J- 1 f |j> mgL- 1— June M Aug. 22 Proper . , 16 Is used. 4. names are not used | | MU' M ? It It'a ran at Caaialaa Jj 11 0 Wa Hava It J 9211 Georgia Ava., 0 > faint, fain.
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