ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL xx NO. 42. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1894 WHOLE NO. lit; said that the greatest need of the .TIeKinley at Ann Arbor. A GREAT CONVENTION. hour in social lines was to bring in the The citizens of Ann Arbor were WHILE CALLING YOUR ATTENTION j laboring men and to make the Y. M. agreeably surprised to learn, on last TO OUR |C. A. congenial to them. Thursday afternoon, that Gov. McKin- CITY FULL OF Y. M. C A. D!;L,J> This was followed by a puper by F ley would pass through the city that G.VTES. A. DubridgH on "The Xeeds of the evening and that he would make a brief FALL AND WINTER STOCK Hour in Physical Culture." speech at the M. C. depot. It did not OF The Jubilee Convention oC tlie V. HI. C. K. Ober spoke of "The Needs of take long for everybody in the city to C. A. Met In Ann Arbor La«t Week. the Hour in the College Department.' hear about it. Fully 3000 people gath- A Loug Series of Splendid Itleetln Wade up the Program Tor Thursday, The afternoon's work was opened by ered at the station to hear the great RUG SALE Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All a song by Mr. Lee, of Detroit, and a dis- statesman deliver an address. Unfor- Pleased Willi tlie RCKUII <)1 tlie cussion by some of the leading Y. M tunately the train was late so that a 5UltS and fleeting «• C. A. members and was closed by Mr. stop of only about eight minutes could The annual state convention of the Patterson on 'The Xeeds of the Hour be made. The Governor was accom- Y.M. C. A. of Michigan, convened in in Spiritual Work." panied by Gov. Rich and Gen. Alger. SATURDAY, OCT. 20. the Pi*sbyt«vlan church last Thursday Sunday was spent in devotional After a brief greeting to the students night. The meeting that evening was meetings at the different churches and in which he highly complimented the Overcoats a Idressed by Rev. Alex. Patterson, of Newberry Hall. University, he took up the subject of We wish to impress upon your mind the fact that we carry a super- Chicago, and Mr. E. K. Ober, of New Monday was devoted to a convention protection, but had scarcely begun Hit and Miss Rugs, 18x36, 19c, ior quality of ready-to-wear Clothing. Every man in Washtenaw York. The session was well attended of the permanent secretaries of the dif- when the conductor shouted "All aboard Value 40c. County, no matter what his occupation, will find it to his interesi and the addresses listened to with ferent organizations in the state. —time's up." One thing he did say that to examine our immense stock of suits and overcoats for fall and uauch interest At the meeting Friday is worthy of the careful attention of The meeting was a very successful Bruss Rugs, 21x40, 29c, winter. forenoon ihe delegates were welcomed onp. There were 237 delegates in at- every young man. This was a country, Ases to the city by Mayor Darling and Chas. tendance. There can be no doubt that he said, of almost unlimited possibili- Value 50c. •5 W agDer, president of the Ann Arbor such meetings are a means of great help ties and the young men of this country IN CHILDREN'S SUITS, 1 WWee Carr, Y. il. C. A. This was followed by the to all who take part. It has not as should see to it that they were pro- Ingrain Rugs, 18x36, 29c, election of officers for the following yet been decided where the next state tected in their rights to these possibili- THE LITTLE JIANT, THE COLUMBUS and the B. 0. E. year as follows: convention will be held. ties. It was unfair to every man in Value 45c. (Best on Earth) Double-Breasted Coats. Pants made double seat President, Rev L. P. Rowland; Qrst this country to throw away such oppor- and knee. We call sjiecial attention to our all wool combination vice president, Henry Icteiua, of That Water Report. tunities by free trade. It is to be re- Ingram Rugs, 36x54, 6">c, Suits, Double-Breasted, two pairs of Pants and Hat to match at- Grand Rapids; second vice president, The special committee appointed to gretted that Mr. McKinley could not $3.75. J. T. Jenkins, of Detroit; third vice act with the water committee of the have had more time to speak to the Value $1.00. Our Men's $7.00 AH Wool Suits, Our Men's $8.00 All Wool Suits president, O. L. Partridge, of Alpena; common council made its report last splendid audience that had come out to and our Men's $10 All Wool Suits are world beaters. We believe we secretary, I. K. Swindt, of Olivet Col- Monday night. This was the only mat- hear him. A thirty-minute speech by Smyrnia Rugs, 15x30, 49c, stand head and shoulders above all competition both in variety and lege; assistant secretary, E. E. Gieen, ter of importance that came up at the such a man on such an occasion would value. We invite the comparison. Why not make it '< of Kalamazoo meeting. The committee consisted of have made lots of votes for the cause Value 75c. Rev. Thos. E Barr, of Kalamazoo, Aids. Brown, Martin and Kitson, of the of right this fall. read a paper on "The association as a council, and Messrs. H. S. Dean. Geo1 Smyrnia Rugs, 18x36, 89c, channel through which institutional W. Bullis, D. A. MucLachlan, D. Zim- A White Horme-Red Hair. Value $1.35. WADHAMS, RYAN & REULE work can be done." merman and J. E. Beal, constituting Rev. Mr. Tatlock, the highly respect- At the evening session the treasun r the committee of citizens. The com-ed rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal 28 S. MAIN STREET. reported that the expenses for the past mittee in its report first gives in dotaij church drives a white horse. Recently, Persian Rugs Oriental designs, year were $3,413,82 while the receipts how dependent the citizens of Ann Ar- he was in a neighboring city and had 27x45, $2.00, had been $4,552.82. IT. G. Van Tuyl, of bor are upon the water company for its his horse, which is a small one, put out Value $3.00. Detroit, read a paper entiled "The supply of water, both for domestic pur- at the hotel barn. Later on he A*l Goods Young Men's Christian Associaton, poses and for fire protection. It next went out to hitch up to drive home. Fur Rugs, Prime Quality, $2.15, what has been done." This was :in ex- takes up the terms of the contract made After a long struggle he gave it up. haustive showing of a great work with the company in 188.5. It claims His reverence was nonplussed. The Value $3.00. WASHINGTON BLOCK. The first American association was es- that in the contract the interests of the collar was too small, as was also the city were not sufficiently protected, and bridle, the whole harness in fact was tablished at Montreal, Canada, in 185] # Japanese Rugs, 36x72, $5.35, Etchings—Remnant Frames. A new and elegant The entire membership is nearly 500,000. that many features favorable to the wa- so diminished in size that it could not ter company were allowed to be intro. be made to ht, even when every buckle The first association in Michigan and Value $6.60. line of Frames just received at Blake's, 13 E. WASHINGTON ST. duced into this contract. Not with was let out to the last hole. Finally the first college association was that of standing this the company had frequent- assistance came. Of course the har- the U. of M. in 1858. The first building Japanese Rugs, 9x12 feet. $14.35, ly failed to comply with the few re- ness would not tit a heavy draft horse was that of the Detroit railway branch, quirements which were made in the simply because it was white like the Value $18.00. and was erected in 1875, and this has 1 contract. The main" objections made rector'.- . Now when you say "white also the distinction of being the first Sanitarium Foods! by the committee are that the pressure horse" to the reverend gentleman you building erectad for railway men in Axminster. Byzantine Ispa- has not been kept up sufficient to at all don't necessarly see a girl with red hair the world. The first state convention times guarantee the city sufficient fire but the rector's face more than mskeJhau Smyrnia Rugs all redu cted This line of health foods, consisting of grain preparations of was held at Saginaw at which Rev. J. protection. Also that very frequently all descriptions, also crackers prepared according to the best M. Gelston was a delegate. The first the supply has been largely drawn up the deficiency in the look of things secretary was L. P. Rowland, in 1878,from the Huron river, and that at red. for one day, known hygienic laws, is by far the best preperation for all classes and who is now president. There are times, too, when the river was low, and A Big Increase. of people. They are also cheaper than any other goods. now 34 associations in this state with the water totally unfit for domestic pur- The enrollment in the University up an enrollment of nearly 8,000.
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