BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 42 Sunday, March 9, 1969 28 Pages New school plans hit SiS local group, CTA School Action board wants Florida Atlantic University student bares her emotions. more study The war in Vietnam? Campus dissent? Human rights? See story on page 2A of today's News. By JIMRIFENBRUG Expanded use plans for Palm Beach County schools were ser- iously questioned by Boca Ra- No plan to phase out ton' s School Action Association in an executive session Friday. The Classroom Teachers As- sociation reacted much more school - Robinson strongly and said teachers will leave 1,000 strong. No word, official or other- we have a total of 530 students The local Action Associa- wise, has been handed down in the school. ' tion's board raised a series of that Boca Raton Elementary "You could say we are def- 10 questions which it said were School will be phased out in initely overcrowded," he add- unanswered in last week's pre- the near future. ed. sentation by Dan Strout, the Principal Don Robinson said Sparling said the-investigat- county's director of school plant yesterday it is true a team of ing teams are made up of two Crude shelter and outdoor work areas are lot of migrant farm workers. planning. Hardest hit in the as- survey experts visited the elementary school principals, sociation's rebuttal was lack of school but he does not know . two teachers and one layman. Unknown, Ignored coordinated, advance planning what their report says. Commenting on two of three in drafting the proposal. "They were here this year, schools, his team investigated, "We feel," the board stated, just as they were about three Sparling said Osceola Elemen- "that the 61,000 school child- years ago," Robinson said. "It tary School on the outskirts of ren of Palm Beach County de- will probably be some time Belle Glade "should be aban- Who, what are the migrants? serve an educational program before I will receive a copy of doned," founded on more than one week that report." "This was an old wooden (First of a series} rants children to be bilingual. Health Dept, schedules "Clinic of study." However, George Sparling, frame building, where the prin- And, because of their mig- Days" twice a week to meet There are almost 5,000 child- who was on a survey team that cipal and her staff are doing a By MARLENE FREED MAN rant students Boca School the health needs of migrant fam- ren in Boca Raton's public investigated schools in the Lake courageous job under deplora- qualifies for the Florida State ilies. schools who would be affected Okeechobee area, said yester- ble conditions; rotten wooden Living among Boca Raton's Migratory Child Compensatory And South Florida Migrant by the proposal to switch to day Boca Raton Elementary has pilings, improper fire protec- generally well-heeled perman- program which finances field Legal Services provides free staggered scheduling, length- been given a "zero" rating. tion, amongst a long list we ent population is a select group trips throughout the school legal service and counsel to ening of the school year by "A ' similar survey team to compiled," he said. of part time residents known year. migrant workers. 40 days, and providing two, mine assigned '0' pupil sta- At Belle Glade Elementary to few and ignored by many. Florida Atlantic University Yes, "migrant" is no long- one-month vacations. tions to Boca Raton Elementary School, Sparling said the team They are "migrants." has become the site of the er a dirty word and the mig- President Joe Orr of the CTA- School," he said. was "influenced by walls that While the term itself conjures statewide Migrant Education rants are no longer forgot- said a normal school year of 180 Sparling explained that the bulged and buckled, ceilings up scenes of pathetic, destitute Center which provides con- ten people — at least, not around days is all teachers are willing zero rating "is another way shored up by 2x4's, lack of farmers from Steinbeck's sultants, audio-visual material here. to take. He said the School Board of saying the school should be doors for fire exits and another "Grape's of Wrath", the sit- and workshop sessions for The impact of migrant labor abandoned." . * . long list.}' . "• on Boca Rat,T-..and surround*., had better make a survey of. ; ; uation is not quite as desolate teachers of migras.-* ifcMMrffa.' : L.iaci,3r feeling'* -'JOT* the Stout -RoSins9n doubted the survey "As a lay member of a team, here. Boca Raton's other institution ing area i s greater than is plan before approving 't. team results . carry much something new here/' he said, Yet migrant families do pre- of higher learning, Mary mount usually ijhagsnedc Elementary school principals weight. "I was afforded a unique op- sent their own unique brand of College;, is planning its fifth A few' figures to round out also expressed doubts the plan "When they came through portunity to see at close hand problems as they migrate into summer of education and voca- the picture: would work* • ; here three years ago," he said, what our school teachers and Boca Raton every fall to plant tional programs for migrant — P^lm Beach County leads "I have grave doubts the plan "they rated my school at 365 administrators see every day. and harvest produce in farm- children and migrant adults. all other counties in Florida would be practical at the ele- pupil s. Includ ing kind ergarten, "That we can live in so pros- lands west of the city. Once financed by the Office of with at least 10,000 migrant rnantary level," Don Robinson, perous a county, and so pros- Their numbers may not be Economic Opportunity, the an- workers at the peak of the pro- principal of the Boca Raton Ele- perous a state, with these overwhelming, Ibut, their prob- nual program now continues duce season. mentary School told the News. Last big push school conditions is beyond me. lems and needs, are — hous- through the support of private — More than 5,000 migrant The School Action Associa- That the parents of those chil- ing, employment, education, contributions. children attend schools in the tion also Wanted to know the dren in those schools would health, legal services. The Palm Beach County (Continued on Page 3A) cost to taxpayers of such a for UF drive tolerate these conditions is a Citizens and agencies in program, good indicator of public apathy. Boca Raton have teamed up to "As operation expenses (pri- United Fund workers expect- "That our teachers and ad- assess the problems and meet marily teacher salaries) far ed to put in a hard day Sun- ministrators continue to faith- the needs. Parking code ready outstrip those for capital out- day, the last day of official fully labor for our children un- The South County Neighbor- lay, will the addition of forty . fund-raising in their first cam- der these conditions is a won- hood Center, celebrating its extra days to the school year paign here. der to me," he said. first anniversary this week, make good fiscal sense?" the They had a long way to go Sparling commented that we provides recreation and edu- for public hearing directors queried. Saturday. Chairman Paul Ma- here in Boca Raton have been cation to migrant children and They also expressed doubts lone said a total of more than blessed by Palm Beach County transportation to medical clin- Off-street parking came up bedroom in off-campus stu- the plan would succeed during $26,000 had been turned in, but with wonderful "new facili- ics and job placement to their for its last informal discus- dent housing. the overlap hours around noon the goal is $55,000. ties to meet our spectacular parents. sion Thursday before the city In a related development, The total Saturday included growth." Among its staff of dedicated Rodgers read a letter from when pupil attendance will ex- "Can we sit back idly while Planning and Zoning Board (Continued on Page 3A) most major gifts and those volunteers are two VISTA work- holds a public hearing on a Polce Chief Hugh Brown stat- from business firms and in- more unfortunate areas of our ers, one from Brazil and one proposed revised ordinance ing that Boca Raton Post Of- dustries. Still uncounted were county suffer under conditions from Japan, who left their next week. fice records, as of Feb. 7, most residential door-to-door that are simply horrible" he homelands to aid anti-poverty Th e matter has been under numbered 10,940 families in returns and pledges from then asked. "How smug can we be programs in America. study by James Becker and the city. payroll deduction plan. when a similar survey team to Boca Raton School has un-Howard McCall, members of "It is a prudent estimate" Amusement Page 10A In addition, there were other mine assigned "0" pupil sta- dertaken as "English As A the Board, and Walter Young, chief Brown wrote, "that 60 Ann Landers 2B "loose ends" to be tied in var- tions to Boca Raton Elementary School Language'' program to city planning and zoning dir- per cent have two or more Calendar 2B ious divisions of the fund cam- Schopl?" teach Spanish-speaking mig- ector. It will be their recom- cars." Classifieds 9--10-11B paign, Malone added. He concluded by saying it is mendations that the entire The Board members pro- Editorials 4A "We'd like to remind givers time for "all of us in Boca Ra- Board will decide on next mised to take this into con- Public Notices 9B once more to remember they're ton to recognize a greater loy- Smoky Danciu Thursday after hearing views sideration when reviewing the Real Estate 5-6-7-8B giving to 15 agencies, not a alty to Palm Beach County and from private citizens.
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