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Herzing (with S. frontalis), L. Miller and M. Rasmussen (with L. albirostris), and segments in the same register as the engrailed gene, which defines J. Ford and K. Allman (with O. orca). This work was supported, in part, by the Office of Naval Research. the parasegment boundary (ref. 6 and data not shown). The segmental expression of Notch fades in more anterior segments. Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial The spider Delta-1 gene is expressed in a dynamic pattern in the interests. growth zone (Fig. 1c, d). Initially Delta-1 is expressed in a posterior Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to W.A. ([email protected]). .............................................................. Involvement of Notch and Delta genes in spider segmentation Angelika Stollewerk*, Michael Schoppmeier* & Wim G. M. Damen Institute for Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics, University of Cologne, Weyertal 121, D-50931 Ko¨ln, Germany * These authors contributed equally to this work ............................................................................................................................................................................. It is currently debated whether segmentation in different animal phylahasacommonoriginandsharesacommongenetic mechanism1,2. The apparent use of different genetic networks in arthropods and vertebrates has become a strong argument against a common origin of segmentation. Our knowledge of arthropod segmentation is based mainly on the insect Droso- phila, in which a hierarchical cascade of transcription factors controls segmentation3,4. The function of some of these genes seems to be conserved among arthropods, including spiders5,6, but not vertebrates1,6–8. The Notch pathway has a key role in vertebrate segmentation (somitogenesis) but is not involved in Drosophila body segmentation1,7,9. Here we show that Notch and Delta genes are involved in segmentation of another arthropod, the spider Cupiennius salei. Expression patterns of Notch and Delta, coupled with RNA interference experiments, identify Figure 1 Expression of Notch, Delta-1 and Delta-2 genes during segmentation in the many similarities between spider segmentation and vertebrate spider C. salei. a–d, In situ hybridization shows the expression of Notch (a), Delta-2 (b) somitogenesis. Our data indicate that formation of the segments and Delta-1 (c, d) in the posterior growth zone of embryos. The stripe corresponding to the in arthropods and vertebrates may have shared a genetic pro- just forming second opisthosomal segment is labelled O2. Arrowheads in c and d point to gramme in a common ancestor and that parts of this programme the posterior end of the embryo proper. e, f, Posterior end of slightly older embryos have been lost in particular descendant lineages. stained for Notch (e)orDelta-1 (f). The most recently formed segment, the fifth Segmented body plans are found in different animal groups, such opisthosomal, is labelled O5. In all embryos anterior is to the left. NATURE | VOL 423 | 19 JUNE 2003 | www.nature.com/nature © 2003 Nature Publishing Group 863 letters to nature domain (Fig. 1c), which resolves into a stripe while the posterior Table 1 Effect of Notch, Delta-1 and Delta-2 RNAi in spider embryos end becomes clear of Delta-1 transcripts (Fig. 1d). Delta-1 is then Total (n) Segmentation phenotype No effect Unspecific effects expressed again at the posterior end and a new stripe of Delta-1 ............................................................................................................................................................................. No injection 89 0 (0%) 76 (85%) 13 (15%) expression forms. In this way, the stripes of Delta-1 expression form GFP dsRNA 50 0 (0%) 44 (88%) 6 (12%) sequentially from the posterior end of the growth zone. This aspect Notch dsRNA 160 101 (63%) 38 (24%) 21 (13%) of Delta-1 expression resembles the expression pattern of the spider Delta-1 dsRNA 148 89 (60%) 37 (25%) 22 (15%) Delta-2 dsRNA 156 89 (57%) 48 (31%) 19 (12%) orthologues of the Drosophila pair rule genes hairy, even-skipped ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Shown are the number (and percentages) of embryos that show segmentation defects after the and runt . It remains to be determined whether the dynamic injection of dsRNA18. Control embryos were not injected (‘no injection’) or were injected with dsRNA expression of these genes is due to oscillation, as it is in vertebrates. targeted to the jellyfish GFP gene encoding green fluorescent protein. The more anterior Delta-1 stripes show a strong and sharp posterior border (Fig. 1f). Again, engrailed is expressed in the same register as the Delta-1 stripes (data not shown). The spider Delta-2 gene is dynamically expressed in stripes in the growth zone of the embryo expressed in the posterior growth zone and forms stripes towards (ref. 5 and Fig. 3a) in a pattern comparable to that of Delta-1 (Fig. 1c, anterior (Fig. 1b). But this expression is rather weak and the borders d). In a single-colour double in situ hybridization assay for both hairy of the stripes are fuzzy. and Delta-1, there is no more staining than in a single staining assay To analyse the functional role of Notch and Delta genes in spider for hairy, implying that the staining for Delta-1 expression must be segmentation, we used an approach based on RNA-mediated covered by the staining for hairy in this in situ assay (data not shown). interference (RNAi)18. Embryos injected with dsRNA targeted at Delta-1 is thus expressed in a subset of hairy-expressing cells during Notch, Delta-1 or Delta-2 genes showed severe defects in segment the dynamic phase in the growth zone. After the spider Notch or Delta patterning and formation of the segment borders (Fig. 2 and genes are silenced by RNAi, the hairy-expressing cells are no longer Table 1). The phenotypes for the three genes seem to be identical. organized in stripes but are scattered throughout the growth zone Patterning defects include malformation of segments: the size, (Fig. 3b, c). Thus, Notch signalling is required to organize the shape and width of the segments are affected and vary. In addition, expression of hairy in stripes in the growth zone of the spider.
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