INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT F-P(I) POLITICAL PARTY (20/02) THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM 2020/01/01 2020/03/31 For Period ________ to ________ Amendment# ______ YYYY /MM/DD YYYY/MM/DD REGISTERED POLITICAL PARTY New Democratic Party of British Columbia FINANCIAL AGENT'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME(S) Matten Jaime FINANCIAL AGENT'S MAILING ADDRESS 320 34 West 7th Avenue CITY/TOWN POSTAL CODE PHONE NO. FAX NO. Vancouver V5Y 1L6 I (604) 430-8600 (778) 379-4842 1 EMAIL ADDRESS (OPTIONAL) I [email protected] This financial reportincludes the following forms: FORMS CHECKLIST X These forms must be included in all reports. Summary of Political Contributions Form Sm-C Political Contributions with a Total Value Greater than $250 Form S-A1 These forms only need to be filed Permitted Anonymous Contributions Accepted at Functions Form S-A2 if there is information to report. [g) Prohibited Contributions Form S-Ax □ Transfers Received and Given Form S-TRF LJ I, the Financial Agent, declare that: (a) I am authorized to act on behalf of the above-named organization; (b) this report and appropriate forms have been prepared in accordance with the Election Act; and (c) to the best of my k wledge, information and belief, all the information contained in this report is complete and accurate. ARNING: Signing a false statement is a serious offence and is subject to significant penalties. Please submit completed report to Elections BC: [email protected] All forms included in this report are This information is collected under the authority of the Election Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyAct. available for public Inspection. The information will be used to administer provisions under the ElectionAct. Questions can be directed to: Privacy Officer, PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Elections BC 1-800-661-8683, [email protected] or PO Box 9275 Sin Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9J6 SUMMARY OF POLITICAL Sm-C CONTRIBUTIONS (19/11) NAME OF FILING ENTITY New Democratic Party of British Columbia Contributions greater than $250 584 288,864.32 A Contributions of $250 or less 6,281 390,448.57 Anonymous contributions 440.00 (box ) Total value of political contributions from all sources 679,752.89 D (A + B + C) Total contributions of money 679,752.89 Total contributions of goods and services 0.00 F (box + box F must equal box D) Total dollar amount of income tax receipts issued 0.00 G (Leadership and nomination contestants cannot issue tax receipts) This form is available for public inspection. This information is collected under the authority of the Election Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used to administer provisions under the Election Act. Questions can be directed to: PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS 1-800-661-8683 [email protected] or PO Box 9275 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9J6 •� �ELECTIONS POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS WITH A S-A1 � A non-partisan Office of the legislature TOTAL VALUE GREATER THAN $250 THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM ( 18/01) IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED If form is for Nomination Contestant, please tick □ NAME OF FILING ENTITY PAGE� NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OF� CONTRIBUTOR'S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS INDIVIDUAL FOR TYPES 1-5, DATE RECEIVED TOTAL OF CONTRIBUTION DATE OF EVENT CONTRIBUTOR'S FULL NAME OF CONTRIBUTOR (YYYY/MMIDD) TYPE' AMOUNT (YYYYIMM/DD) CONTRIBUTIONS ADRIAN P DIX 100.00 2020-01-05 6 300.00 ADRIAN P DIX 100.00 2020-02-05 6 300.00 ADRIAN P DIX 100.00 2020-03-05 6 300.00 ADRIAN SCOVELL 310.00 2020-03-31 6 1,240.00 ADRIAN SCOVELL 310.00 2020-03-31 6 1,240.00 ADRIAN SCOVELL 310.00 2020-03-31 6 1,240.00 ADRIAN SCOVELL 310. 00 2020-03-31 6 1,240.00 ALEX MACDONALD 100.00 2020-01-16 6 300.00 ALEX MACDONALD 100.00 2020-02-16 6 300.00 ALEX MACDONALD 100.00 2020-03-16 6 300.00 ALEX T ATAMANENKO 50.00 2020-01-09 6 803.00 ALEX T ATAMANENKO 50.00 2020-02-09 6 803.00 ALEX T ATAMANENKO 50.00 2020-03-09 6 803.00 ALEX T ATAMANENKO 653.00 2020-01-24 6 803.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-01-15 6 300.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-01-27 6 300.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-02-15 6 300.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-02-27 6 300.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-03-15 6 300.00 ALIN SENECAL-HARKIN 50.00 2020-03-27 6 300.00 ALISSA BRANDT 100.00 2020-01-15 6 300.00 ALISSA BRANDT 100.00 2020-02-15 6 300.00 ALISSA BRANDT 100.00 2020-03-15 6 300.00 ALVIS TSUI 400.00 2020-03-12 6 400.00 ALY DEVJI 295.00 2020-02-18 1 2020-04-08 295.00 ALYSA HlJPPLER-POLI.AK 100.00 2020-01-16 6 1,253.15 ALYSA HOPPLER-POLIAK 100.00 2020-01-16 6 1,253.15 ALYSA HOPPLER-POLIAK 150.00 2020-02-22 6 1,253.15 ALYSA HOPPLER-POLIAK 203.15 2020-02-22 6 1,253.15 ALYSA HOPPLER-POLIAK 700.00 2020-02-01 6 1,253.15 AMANDA ROSE VAN BAARSEN 100.00 2020-02-26 6 600.00 AMANDA ROSE VAN BAARSEN 100.00 2020-02-26 6 600.00 AMANDA ROSE VAN BAARSEN 150.00 2020-02-26 6 600.00 AMANDA ROSE VAN BAARSEN 250.00 2020-02-25 6 600.00 AMANDEEP SINGH DHILLON 1,250.00 2020-03-20 6 1,250.00 AMARDEEP S PAWAR 1,253.00 2020-03-25 6 1,253.00 ANDREW GOW 100.00 2020-01-10 6 300.00 ANDREW GOW 100.00 2020-02-10 6 300.00 ANDREW GOW 100.00 2020-03-10 6 300.00 ANDREW JAMES MERCIER 1,200.00 2020-03-07 6 1,200.00 ANDREW TARVER 100.00 2020-01-21 6 300.00 ANDREW TARVER 100.00 2020-02-21 6 300.00 ANDREW TARVER 100.00 2020-03-21 6 300.00 ANGIE BURGESS 25.00 2020-01-05 6 625.00 ANGIE BURGESS 600.00 2020-01-06 6 625.00 ANN D ATAMANENKO 20.00 2020-01-09 6 1,073.00 ANN D ATAMANENKO 20.00 2020-02-09 6 1,073.00 ANN D ATAMANENKO 20.00 2020-03-09 6 1,073.00 ANN D ATAMANENKO 1,013.00 2020-01-24 6 1,073.00 ANNABELLE MACDONALD 1,200.00 2020-03-08 6 1,200.00 ANNE BOULTON 100.00 2020-01-09 6 300.00 ANNE BOULTON 100.00 2020-02-09 6 300.00 ANNE BOULTON 100.00 2020-03-09 6 300.00 ANNE KANG 25.00 2020-02-10 6 1,250.00 ANNE KANG 1,225.00 2020-01-09 6 1,250.00 ANNE MARIE JEANETTE BAILEY 100.00 2020-01-06 6 300.00 ANNE MARIE JEANETTE BAILEY 100.00 2020-02-06 6 300.00 ANNE MARIE JEANETTE BAILEY 100.00 2020-03-06 6 300.00 • TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION: 1 - Fundraising funcbon ticket soldfor more than $250, 2 - Property/services purchased for more than $250 TOTAL OF above market value at a fundraisingfunction, 3 - Propertylserv,ceswith avalue greater than $250 donated for sale al a Jundra,sing function, INDIVIDUAL A 4 - Fees to anend a convenlion (politicalparties o nly), 5 - Fees to attend a leadership convenlion (polilical parbes only), 6-AII other CONTRIBUTIONS contributions received This form is available for public inspection. This Informationis collected under the authority of theEJecUon Act and the Freedom of Information and Protectionof Privacy Act. The Informationwi ll be used to administer provisions under the ElectionAct . Questions can be directedto: PLEASE KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Privacy Officer, Elections BC t-800-661-6683 pnvacY@elections be orca PO Box 9275 Sin ProvGovt, Vicloria BC vsw 9J6 •� �ELECTIONS POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS WITH A S-A1 � A non-partisan Office of the legislature THIS IS AN AMENDED FORM ( 18/01) TOTAL VALUE GREATER THAN $250 IT HAS NOT BEEN AUDITED If form is for Nomination Contestant, please tick □ NAME OF FILING ENTITY PAGE� NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OF� CONTRIBUTOR'S RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS INDIVIDUAL FOR TYPES 1-5, TOTAL OF DATE RECEIVED FULL NAME OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTION (YYYY/MMIDD) TYPE' DATEOF EVENT CONTRIBUTOR'S AMOUNT (YYYYIMM/DD) CONTRIBUTIONS ANTHONY PAPPAJOHN 100.00 2020-02-20 6 1,253.00 ANTHONY PAPPAJOHN 1,153.00 2020-02-20 6 1,253.00 ARTHUR C TALBOT 150.00 2020-01-09 6 345.00 ARTHUR C TALBOT 195.00 2020-03-26 6 345.00 ARTHUR RIDGEWAY 600.00 2020-02-28 6 600.00 AUDREY MCDONELL 300.00 2020-02-25 6 700.00 AUDREY MCDONELL 400.00 2020-03-31 6 700.00 AVRIL OLIVER 50.00 2020-01-30 6 350.00 AVRIL OLIVER 100.00 2020-01-30 6 350.00 AVRIL OLIVER 200.00 2020-03-27 6 350.00 BARBARA BRANT 500.00 2020-01-27 6 500.00 BARBARA CHRISTINE REBECCA NEDERPEL 100.00 2020-01-01 6 300.00 BARBARA CHRISTINE REBECCA NEDERPEL 100.00 2020-02-01 6 300.00 BARBARA CHRISTINE REBECCA NEDERPEL 100.00 2020-03-01 6 300.00 BARRY STEPHEN GROWE 400.00 2020-03-25 6 400.00 BATH BALDEV 500.00 2020-02-18 6 500.00 BENT WILLIAMS 104.00 2020-02-27 6 317.00 BENT WILLIAMS 104.00 2020-03-27 6 317.00 BENT WILLIAMS 109.00 2020-02-02 6 317.00 BEN TADDEI 295.00 2020-02-24 1 2020-04-08 295.00 BETTY VALENZUELA 250.00 2020-01-27 6 500.00 BETTY VALENZUELA 250.00 2020-03-05 6 500.00 BEVERLEY JEAN HORSMAN 20.00 2020-01-09 6 285.00 BEVERLEY JEAN HORSMAN 20.00 2020-02-09 6 285.00 BEVERLEY JEAN HORSMAN 20.00 2020-03-09 6 285.00 BEVERLEY JEAN HORSMAN 225.00 2020-03-06 6 285.00 BEVERLY DRANCHUK 250.00 2020-01-27 6 500.00 BEVERLY DRANCHUK 250.00 2020-02-10 6 500.00 BEVERLY EILEEN BROOKMAN 65.00 2020-01-16 6 295.00 BEVERLY EILEEN BROOKMAN 65.00 2020-02-16 6 295.00 BEVERLY EILEEN BROOKMAN 65.00 2020-03-16 6 295.00 BEVERLY EILEEN BROOKMAN 100.00 2020-03-31 6 295.00 BEVERLY UNGER 500.00 2020-02-04 6 500.00 BILL H TIELEMAN 590.00 2020-02-16 1 2020-04-08 590.00 BILL SANDHU 1,253.00 2020-03-25 6 1,253.00 BLAIR QUALEY 100.00 2020-01-16 6 300.00 BLAIR QUALEY 100.00 2020-02-16 6 300.00 BLAIR QUALEY 100.00 2020-03-16 6 300.00 BLAIR REDLIN 100.00 2020-01-07 6 300.00 BLAIR REDLIN 100.00 2020-02-07 6 300.00 BLAIR REDLIN 100.00 2020-03-07 6 300.00 BO JIANG 1,200.00 2020-03-17 6 1,200.00 BOB J D'EITH 1,253.15 2020-01-09 6 1,253.15 BONNIE YOUNGMAN 100.00 2020-01-08 6 300.00 BONNIE YOUNGMAN 100.00 2020-02-08 6 300.00 BONNIE YOUNGMAN 100.00 2020-03-08 6 300.00 BOWINN MA 1,253.15 2020-01-16 6 1,253.15 BRADY YANO 100.00 2020-03-02 6 475.00 BRADY YANO
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