30 New Positive Cases Reported , 364 Cases Recovered Till Date in JK

30 New Positive Cases Reported , 364 Cases Recovered Till Date in JK

K K M " ! ! M Y ! ! Y C C JAMMU, SATURDAY, MAY 9 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.128 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 30 new positive cases reported , 364 cases recovered till date in JK 0B5?;>EA>31?<1;<81:;@@;05?/>595:-@1?@539-@5F1#* <-@51:@? @5?1#* ?A>B5B;>?-? ?@539--221/@?@4119;@5;: (41 ;B1>:91:@ -8 -:0 91:@-8 41-8@4 ;2 >50-E 5:2;>910 @4-@ @4;?1?@539-@5F10(4;?1 :1C<;?5@5B1/-?1?;2:;B18 >1/;B1>102>;9#* ;>;:-B5>A? #* 0;:;@<;?1-:E>5?7@;@41 -882>;9-?495>05B5?5;: /;99A:5@E -? @41E 4-B1 4-B1.11:>1<;>@10@;0-E ?A//1??2A88E .11: @>1-@10 @4A?@-75:3@41@;@-8:A9 -:0 05?/4->310 2>;9 @41 .1> ;2 <;?5@5B1 /-?1? 5: 4;?<5@-8 'A<<;>@ -:0 -99A -:0 -?495> @; C18/;[email protected]/74;91 //;>05:3@;@410-58E ?-91-?A>12;>?;/5-8 !105- A881@5: ;: :;B18 05?@-:/5:35:<A.85/<8-/1? ;>;:-B5>A? ;B50 C;>7<8-/1? 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