DÚN LAOGHAIRE-RATHDOWN COUNTY COUNCIL Minutes of the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee (Housing, Economic Development, Community and Cultural Development, Planning & Infrastructure and Climate Change Business) Area Committee Meeting held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin on Monday, 2 December 2019 at 5.00 pm PRESENT Councillors: Councillors: Baker, Marie Hanafin, Mary Carroll MacNeill, Jennifer Kingston, Deirdre Clark, Michael Lewis, Hugh Devlin, Cormac O'Callaghan, Denis Fayne, Mary O'Connell, Juliet Feeney, Kate Quinn, Dave Gildea, Jim Smyth, Carrie Hall, Lorraine Smyth, Ossian Halpin, Melisa Ward, Barry Apologies were received from Ó Faoláin, Séafra and Power, Una OFFICIALS PRESENT Dearbhla Lawson (Director of Community and Cultural Development), Austin Baines (Senior Executive Officer, Infrastructure and Climate Change), Aidan Blighe (Senior Executive Officer, Housing Department), Bernie Gilligan (Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department), Helen Griffin (Senior Executive Officer, Housing Department), Mary Ruane (Senior Executive Officer, Community and Cultural Development), Liam Walsh (Senior Planner, Planning Department), Michelle Breslin (Senior Executive Planner), Cait Ryan (Senior Executive Planner), Pamela Graydon (Administrative Officer, Corporate, Human Resources and IT), Eoghan Carrigg (Assistant Staff Officer, Property Management) and Anna Jenkins (Clerical Officer, Corporate, Human Resources and IT) DLHEPI/300/19 Chairing of Meeting In the absence of Chairperson, Councillor Una Power it was AGREED that Councillor Ossian Smyth would chair the meeting. DLHEPI/301/19 Confirmation and Adoption of Minutes Minutes of Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee (HEPI) held on 4th November 2019. A discussion took place. In relation to minute no. DLHEPI/288/19 – Library Road Playground - it was AGREED to amend the minutes by noting in the table that Councillor D. Quinn voted Yes on the motion, the amended table is as follows: Councillor Yes No Abstain M. Baker x J. Carroll Mac Neill x M. Clark x C. Devlin x M. Fayne x K. Feeney x J. Gildea x L. Hall x M. Halpin x M. Hanafin x D. Kingston x H. Lewis D. O’Callaghan x J. O’Connell x S. O Faoláin x U. Power x D. Quinn x O. Smyth C. Smyth x B. Ward Total 14 0 3 The amendment was AGREED. Adoption of Minutes of Meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee (HEPI) held on 4th November 2019. It was proposed by Councillor C. Devlin, seconded by Councillor J. Gildea and RESOLVED: “That the minutes of the meeting of Dún Laoghaire Area Committee (Housing, Economic Community and Cultural Development, Planning and Organisational Innovation & Infrastructure and Climate Change Business) meeting held on the 4th November 2019, be CONFIRMED and ADOPTED as amended.” DLHEPI/302/19 Questions It was proposed be Councillor M. Hanafin and seconded by Councillor D. O’Callaghan and RESOLVED:- “That pursuant to Standing Order No. 13 (c) question’s number 2(a) to 2(i) be ADOPTED and APPROVED.” ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY & CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (a) Councillor C. Devlin- My Open Library (b) Councillor M. Halpin- Heading (c) Councillor D. O'Callaghan- Local Community Development Committee (d) Councillor C. Smyth- Estate Management Review INFRASTRUCTURE & CLIMATE CHANGE (e) Councillor M. Baker- Heading (f) Councillor M. Halpin- Carnegie Library HOUSING (g) Councillor M. Halpin- Part V Agreements (h) Councillor M. Halpin- Housing Acquisition Programme (i) Councillor M. Halpin- Roof Leak ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS DLHEPI/303/19 Report on Library Road Playground Ms. M. Ruane, Senior Executive Officer, Community and Cultural Development, presented the report to the Members. A discussion took place during which Ms. D. Lawson, Director of Community and Cultural Development, and Ms. M. Ruane, Senior Executive Officer responded to Members queries. The Chairperson, Councillor O. Smyth advised the Members that the following motion (1) was handed up from the floor: Motion (1) from the floor: It was proposed by Councillor M. Halpin and seconded by Councillor O. Smyth and Councillor H. Lewis: “That this Committee acknowledges 1. The executive’s assertion with regards to Library Road Playground that “the Council does not and will not” supervise the playground, 2. And that the motions on this issue passed in October and November were that the Council would find an alternative to Crosscare supervising the playground and never requested that the Council would, itself, supervise the playground. Therefore, considering the urgency of the issue, we now call on the executive to continue its efforts to ensure that the current supervised arrangement continues and to bring a report to the December Council Meeting on all these efforts, which should include, but not be limited to, discussions with Mounttown Community Facility and reengaging with Crosscare and Barnardos”. A further discussion took place during which Ms. D. Lawson, Director of Services, and Ms. M. Ruane, Senior Executive Officer, responded to Members queries. An electronic vote on the Motion (1) from the Floor was requested, the result of which was as follows: Votes: Yes 5 25% No 10 50% Abstain 2 10% Not Voted 3 15% Voting Breakdown: Fine Gael Marie Baker No Jennifer Carroll MacNeill No Mary Fayne Abstain Jim Gildea No Lorraine Hall Yes Barry Ward Not Voted Fianna Fáil Michael Clark No Cormac Devlin No Kate Feeney No Mary Hanafin No Labour Deirdre Kingston No Denis O'Callaghan No Juliet O'Connell Yes Carrie Smyth No Green Party Séafra Ó Faoláin Not Voted Una Power Not Voted Ossian Smyth Abstain People Before Profit Melisa Halpin Yes Hugh Lewis Yes Social Democrats Dave Quinn Yes The Chairperson, Councillor O. Smyth declared the Motion from the Floor DEFEATED. The report of the Chief Executive was NOTED. DLHEPI/304/19 Ministerial/Departmental/Other Correspondence It was NOTED that there was no business to discuss under this heading. DLHEPI/305/19 Library Road Playground The following motion was proposed by Councillor M. Halpin and seconded by Councillor H. Lewis. “That this Committee supports the petition handed in by the users of the Library Road Playground and the residents of the surrounding area, and calls on the Chief Executive to ensure that the supervision that has been provided in this playground for the last decades is not ceased at the end of the year.” The report of the Chief Executive was CONSIDERED and NOTED. An electronic vote on motion was requested, the result of which was as follows: Votes: Yes 6 30% No 10 50% Abstain 1 5% Not Voted 3 15% Voting Breakdown: Fine Gael Marie Baker No Jennifer Carroll MacNeill No Mary Fayne Abstain Jim Gildea No Lorraine Hall Yes Barry Ward Not Voted Fianna Fáil Michael Clark No Cormac Devlin No Kate Feeney No Mary Hanafin No Labour Deirdre Kingston No Denis O'Callaghan No Juliet O'Connell Yes Carrie Smyth No Green Party Séafra Ó Faoláin Not Voted Una Power Not Voted Ossian Smyth Yes People Before Profit Melisa Halpin Yes Hugh Lewis Yes Social Democrats Dave Quinn Yes The Chairperson, Councillor O. Smyth declared Motion 5 DEFEATED. DLHEPI/306/19 Change in Order of Agenda It was AGREED to take Item 8 at this time. INFRASTRUCTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE BUSINESS DLHEPI/307/19 Proposed disposal of the Council's Freehold Interest in a plot of land at Beech Park, Bray Road, Dublin 18 to O'Flynn Construction (Cabinteely) Limited The report of the Chief Executive was CONSIDERED and NOTED. PLANNING BUSINESS DLHEPI/308/19 Strategic Housing Developments (a) Woodbrook In accordance with the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 Section 8 (4) & (5), Ms. C. Ryan, Senior Executive Planner, provided a presentation of an SHD application at Woodbrook, Shankill, Co. Dublin, giving an opportunity to members to get clarity on the detail of the application, outlined details of the consultations that have taken place in relation to the proposed development under sections 5 (2) and 6 (5), and outlined details of the notice issued by the Board under section 6 (7). A discussion took place during which Mr. L. Walsh, Senior Planner, and Ms. C. Ryan, Senior Executive Planner, Planning Department, responded to Members queries. A Summary of the Members views on the proposed development was AGREED and will be forwarded to An Bord Pleanála. DLHEPI/309/19 Extension of Meeting It was AGREED to EXTEND the meeting to the conclusion of Item No. 6: Strategic Housing Developments. DLHEPI/310/19 Strategic Housing Development (b) Brennanstown Road In accordance with the Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 Section 8 (4) & (5), Mr. L. Walsh, Senior Planner, provided a presentation of an SHD application at Brennanstown Road, Cabinteely, Dublin 18, giving an opportunity to members to get clarity on the detail of the application, outlined details of the consultations that have taken place in relation to the proposed development under sections 5 (2) and 6 (5), and outlined details of the notice issued by the Board under section 6 (7). A discussion took place during which Mr. L. Walsh and Ms. M. Breslin, Senior Executive Planner, responded to Members queries. DLHEPI/311/19 Adjournment of Meeting It was AGREED to ADJOURN the meeting for 10 minutes at 8.30 p.m. DLHEPI/312/19 Reconvening of Meeting The meeting reconvened at 8.40 p.m. DLHEPI/313/19 Strategic Housing Development (b) Brennanstown Road A discussion took place during which Mr. L. Walsh and Ms. M. Breslin, Senior Executive Planner, responded to Members queries. A Summary of the Members views on the proposed development was AGREED and will be forwarded to An Bord Pleanála DLHEPI/314/19 Re-entering of Items It was AGREED to RE-ENTER Item Nos. 9 to 14 to the February meeting of the Dún Laoghaire Area Committee (Housing, Economic Community and Cultural Development, Planning and Organisational Innovation & Infrastructure and Climate Change Business). DLHEPI/315/19 Conclusion of Minutes The Meeting concluded at 21.30 pm.
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